6 minute read

Shaping a Brave New World

by Karina Donkers

When I was really little I use to have this feeling that I didn’t fully belong to the time I grew up in. It was like a sense of discomfort I had in my body that I didn’t quite fit into this world. So being little and having these feelings I use to idolise and romanticize 1960s, believing it to be the time of radical change and activism, feeling like my soul was more suited for those times than the one I was born into. I remember when I was younger saying to my mum that I wanted to be part of a movement of change in my lifetime. Being so passionate about social justice and human rights I felt called to be a part of something significant that would shape the world for the better. When speaking to my mum I used this as example of why I would have been better suited for 1960s and the ‘hippy’ era. My mum smiled to herself about my complete stereotype of those times and turned to me and said, ‘don’t worry my love you will be part of a movement, one much greater than the ones that have come before as your future is being shaped by climate change. This issue is going to be your greatest challenge that you will face in your lifetime, you belong right where you are’. Not knowing a whole lot about climate change at this young age, I just stared at her and thought to myself- she doesn’t understand, I really feel like I don’t belong in these times. I then forgot about this conversation and yearning and went on with my day-to-day life. It wasn’t until I was in my early teens when I properly learnt about climate change that I realised she was right, climate change is the greatest challenge of our times. It is a profoundly complex problem that is providing the human race with challenges we have never faced before. It wasn’t until I was in my mid 20s, when I was ten or so years into being active in the climate movement that I realised that this time in history is exactly where I was supposed to be. This time in history is exactly where EVERY single person on this planet who is here now were supposed to be born into. I believe that everyone is needed in some way or another to address this challenge we are facing. Everyone is needed because I believe we are a unique piece of the puzzle for this time and for this movement that is literally SHAPING the story of the human race.


Now more than ever the actions and decisions of the individual and the collective matter on a whole other level. I acknowledge and honour that climate change is complex issue that holds extreme consequences but I also acknowledge the opportunity that lies within the rubble. For me that opportunity is about creating a different future, one that is honouring of all life. I have designed my life around this movement and of being in service to the collective and the Earth. I am here to tell you that you are not too young to make an impact, nor too old either. Wherever you are at in your journey I am here to tell you that your actions are powerful. I started my journey in the climate movement by the simple will to make an impact. When I first began I couldn’t believe what was happening in the world around me and I was shocked that there were so few young people, at the time, who were a part of the discussion and movement around climate change. My journey started with the willingness to engage and be involved. I could see a gap that needed to be filled: bringing and engaging more young people in climate action. It was about providing a platform and space for young people to feel empowered to make a difference in shaping their future. This was the invitation from the wider world, to do something about this, to act! And even though so many different parts of me did not want to lead or stand up and be seen, I did! Because that’s what standing for something bigger than yourself does, it gives you the courage to step outside of your comfort zone. That is where my journey began, by being willing and responding to the invitation to act.

Looking back, I couldn’t be any more grateful for responding to this invitation. It has opened so many doors in my life and provided me with profound opportunities and experiences that I would never have had if I wasn’t willing and if I didn’t take the first step to act. I have since run climate conferences for young people; I have lobbied politicians in parliament house; I have worked internationally and locally on climate campaigns and projects; I have worked with vulnerable species including the magical humpback whale (one of my favourite animals); I have stood on the frontlines and I have had a range of other experiences through working to address climate change, reconnect people to Earth and create a better future. I didn’t do this to receive these amazing experiences, they just happened. This is often the case when we take a lead and make a big step towards something that matters, along the way we get these transformative moments that shape us so we are ready to respond to the next invitation to act. When I first started did I know what I was doing or how to do it? No way! Did I have all the necessary skills and knowledge to pull off the things I wanted to do? I surely didn’t. Was I confident and comfortable in being a leader? Defiantly not! But that’s ok! Not many people do when they begin, you learn and grow along the way. I think the problem is that we often look at the people who have already done the stuff and be like: ‘there is no way I can do what they did.’ But what we are witnessing is their final product, we are not witnessing all the steps that it took for them to get there or how they felt along the way. They just began wherever they were at and learnt and developed along the way. Life has a way of providing us with the experiences to prepare us for our next step, it’s just about saying yes and making the action. I now train climate leaders from all over the world! I also get to work with people to integrate earth-centred frameworks into their business and lifestyles. I continue my work in campaigning, change making and in the climate movement. It all started with me being willing, and beginning with one action at a time to work towards addressing climate change. So this is your invitation to begin on your own journey, to take that first step. Start that environment group at your school, have that conversation, attend that rally, join that group, install those solar panels, learn more about climate solutions, run that event, create that resource - whatever it is, do it! I believe that we are being invited to create a world that is something more than what we currently have, one that is the mixture of the old ancient wisdom with the new gifts and knowledge of this time. So if you are like me and for whatever reason you also feel or have felt that discomfort in your body of not feeling like this is the society you belong to, maybe it is because you are here to shape a new one. Maybe that feeling is not a negative thing but a divine indication that you are here to carve out a future that is sustaining of all life. A future that is more connected, equitable, and honouring of all life and of nature.

So I guess the moral of the story is that mums do always know best….

Want to know more about my story, my journey and my work then connect through www.karinadonkers.com and follow me on Instagram @karinadonkers

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