6 minute read

The Wolves of Lenteme

by Mirakye Barnes aged 12 years

Chapter 1


Spark opened her eyes. It had been two weeks since her mother had disappeared. Spark didn’t remember her mother, Blazing Spirit, but she knew that she had been born just before her mother had gone missing. Most of Fire Pack believed that Blazing Spirit had died while the Grass Healer had gone to fetch water, but Spark still believed she was out there… somewhere.

Although one of her brothers had died at birth, she still had three brothers and one sister, Lava, Ash, Burning Branch and Fire Flower. Being only fourteen days old they were not allowed out of the nursing den as it was perched on the edge on Fire Mountain. The she-wolf, Cinder, cared for her and her littermates. Even though Cinder was protective of them, she still didn’t feel like their true mother. Cinder’s own litter had all died so Spark knew why she enjoyed having cubs to care for again. “Come on! Let’s play fire floor.” Her sister’s happy yelp jerked Spark from her thoughts. “Fine,” Spark yelped back. “But I’m going to beat you!” Spark’s brother Ash started to play but Lava and Burning Branch hung back. “Come on scaredy tail,” Spark called. “You think I’m going to beat you?” Spark loved all her littermates, but her and her sister, Fire Flower, had a special bond. Spark crouched, narrowing her eyes playfully. “I am Dark Pack’s Alpha. You must do as I say.” As she said that, she jumped on Ash’s back and started pummelling him with her strong hind legs. “That’s not fair,” whined Ash. “She hurt me.”

“Play nicely,” said Cinder sternly. “Okay,” Spark replied. “Now I think of it you lot should be having a nap by now,” Cinder added. “All right,” groaned the cubs, as they slowly made their way to their nest and started to settle down.

“I want to have the pigeon feathers to sleep on,” yelped Burning Branch. “No, I want them. It’s my turn,” Lava shot back. “Well, what about me. I haven’t had them for days,” whined Ash.

Suddenly a grey-brown flash crossed her vision as Fire Flower shot between her arguing brothers. “How about I have it and you shut-up and go to sleep.” And with that Fire Flower flopped down on the feathers and refused to move. “Fine,” they grumbled as they climbed in. Spark jumped in and snuggled up next to her sister. As she closed her eyes, she thought of how lucky she was to have such great siblings. Spark was woken suddenly by a loud howl. She recognised it as the voice of Forest Fire, the Alpha. Her movement disturbed her littermates.

“Everyone, wake up. Quickly,” she whispered. “I think something’s happening outside. Let’s check it out.” Cinder had not yet woken and Spark could see her sides rise and fall steadily, so she knew it was a good time to sneak out from the nursing den. Fire Flower groaned. Hauling herself to her paws, she yawned. “Is it morning already?”

“No, not yet. But something must be happening,” Spark replied urgently. “Everyone, follow me. Quietly.” As Spark reached the entrance of the den, Spitfire, a large male wolf, suddenly appeared. “What are you four doing out of bed?” he asked gruffly. “We just wanted to know what was going on,” Ash whimpered. “Well, this does not concern you.” “Is Dark Pack attacking?” Spark asked. “Be quiet, Spark!” Fire Flower said. “You shouldn’t be asking questions. We’re not supposed to know.” “It’s going to be all right little ones,” Spitfire reassured them.

“But what is really happening?” Spark could not contain her curiosity. Spitfire growled softly and Spark knew he was annoyed. “You were right, little one,” he confessed. “Dark Pack is attacking but we will hold them off… You are safe. Now put your tails where your mouth is and get back to bed.” As he turned he whisked his tail and sat down to guard the entrance to the nursing den. When the cubs got back to the nest, Cinder had woken up. “What have you five been up to?” she asked. “Nothing,” Spark answered, widening her eyes innocently. But Lava could not contain himself. “We nearly escaped the den and… and… and Dark Pack’s attacking and… and… and Spitfire’s here to guard us and… and we nearly escaped the den!” Spark shot him an annoyed glance. He always says too much, she thought. Cinder growled. “You shouldn’t have been anywhere near the entrance.”

“We’re sorry,” the cubs chorused, casting their eyes down. “And right you should be,” Cinder’s voice was stern but Spark could see a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. Cinder stood and shook out her pelt. “Stay here. I’m going to go see what’s happening.” The cubs got into the nest but couldn’t go back to sleep. Not now. They could hear the battle raging outside and curiosity crawled over them. Spark got up and wandered over to Spitfire. “Could we look out of the den?” Spark asked. “As long as you don’t even put a paw outside,” Spitfire replied. “Okay Spitfire. Hey guys, come over here. We can look outside now.”

“Yay,” Ash called back. “Finally,” said Burning Branch. As they looked out upon the battle they could see blood and fur strewn all over the ground. Wolves were panting, with gashes down their sides. Although there were many wolves there, Spark didn’t recognise any black pelts. I wonder where Dark Pack has gone, Spark thought. They heard paw steps coming from the left. Spark whirled around and saw Forest Fire making her way up the winding path towards the nursing den. “We won,” she said grimly, “But we have lost brave old Ash Leaf.” Sorrow twisted her gaze as she informed Spitfire of the tragedy. “Blaze, Flame and Fire Tree are badly wounded,” she added. “We were lucky this time in being able to defend ourselves against Dark Pack.” She shook her head. “But I’m not sure if we’ll be so lucky next time.” Her faint whimper scared Spark. When Forest Fire was scared, it was definitely bad. Forest Fire looked at the cubs. “Come,” she said, “It is time for you to meet the rest of the pack.” The path was so windy that at some points they could hardly walk due to boulders sticking out of the ground. When they finally got there Spark looked around, but what she saw was not what she had imagined. Like the battlefield, blood and fur was clumped everywhere, and the dens didn’t look much better.

Spark looked upon Ash Leaf who was lying in the middle of the camp, and could smell the rank scent of death. She could see Flame lying in the clearing next to Bright Spark, his mate, and she wondered how much longer he would live. Even from where she stood she could see deep gashes along his side and his right ear was shredded. Fire Blaze and Flame Ear were collecting water for the injured wolves.

“Hello,” Spark called. “Hi.” Fire Blaze called back gravely. “ It was a horrible battle, little one.”

“I know,” Spark replied. She watched the exhausted shewolves walk away then scampered to catch up to Cinder and her littermates. As she fell into step with Fire Flower, she thought that if she had been in the battle she would have shredded that Dark Pack…

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