Otway Life Almanac 2018

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$5 Ar ts • Culture • Ecology • Spir it

Otway Life Almanac 2018


A word from us The natural world has long inspired humans to express themselves through art. Art and ecology is a timeless paring. From cave art by Australian Aborigines 60,000 + years ago (and who really knows?) to this century, the Australian landscape has ignited people’s imagination and sense of awe.

Our thanks goes out to the many contributors and supporters who have helped us get this inaugural Otway Life Almanac happening in 2018. Please enjoy our offerings of art, ecology, culture and spirit in the Otway Ranges in this, the Chinese Year of the Dog.

In this wide, brown land on the southern edge of the world, the Otway Ranges is like a green island providing sanctuary for many forms of life and a stroll through any pocket will delight all your senses. We know we are part of something very special, and very precious. With her remnant temperate rainforest and acres of new growth bush now protected as the Great Otway National Park, whether residents or visitors, we are fortunate to be able to experience the rejuvenating and restorative effect of the bush.

Woof! Woof!

In this, our first Otway Life Almanac 2018, we have pleasure in sharing people’s stories, of how they come to be in this part of the world and the effect the landscape has on their lives, beliefs, work and art. These pages celebrate our connection with the natural world and the knowledge that not only are we a part of nature, we are nature. What we do to the environment, we do to ourselves and our destinies are entwined. The traditional owners of the land knew this and lived it. We have so much to learn from them.

The Team Publisher, editor & co-founder: Nettie Hulme Art Director & co-founder: Gillian Brew Advertising enquiries: Nettie Hulme E otwaylifemagazine@gmail.com F www.facebook.com/otwaylifemagazine B otwaylifemagazine.wordpress.com T twitter.com/otwaylifemag View Online issuu.com/otwaylife.magazine Cover: Dark Emu, Cape Otway Light Station by Tim Lucas. Next issue 2019 Almanac, December 2018 Disclaimer: The views expressed in Otway Life Magazine are those of its individual authors.

Printed by: Adcell Group on 100% recycled stock


First Nations 4-6 Do You Remember - Francesca Cairns 7 History Note 8 Walking in the Bush 7 Celestial Calendar 10-11 Caring for Country 12-16 Radio Waves 17 Music Notes 18-19 Wathourong Glass and Art 22 Arts - How Many Trees Make a Grove? 23 - Art & Ecology 26 27 - VeronxArt in Winchelsea - Salt & Pepper Gallery 28-29 - Seashells Photography 30-31 - Gellibrand River Gallery 32-33 - Stephanie Hocking - Ginkoh Jewellery 34-35 - Studio 66, Creative Metalwork 36-37 - Still Point Studio 38-39 - Colac Otway Arts Trail 42-43 Artistic Intent - Tim Lucas 46 Surfcoast - Boxing Day 2015 - John Bartlett 47 Cinema Scope 48-49 Otway Sleepovers 50-51 It's a Dogs Life 52-53 Sustainable Table 54-59 60-61 The Good Life Boutique Boozeries 62-63 Finding Felicity 64-65 Matters of the Heart and Spirit 66-69 Eco-tourism 70-71 Experience & Enjoy - activities and events 72-75

4 First Nations

Uluru Statement from the Heart

We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart: Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign Nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs. This our ancestors did, according to the reckoning of our culture, from the Creation, according to the common law from ‘time immemorial’, and according to science more than 60,000 years ago.

at unprecedented rates. This cannot be because we have no love for them. And our youth languish in detention in obscene numbers. They should be our hope for the future.

This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land, or ‘mother nature’, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors. This link is the basis of the ownership of the soil, or better, of sovereignty. It has never been ceded or extinguished, and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown.

We seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country. When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country.

These dimensions of our crisis tell plainly the structural nature of our problem. This is the torment of our powerlessness.

We call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.

How could it be otherwise? That peoples possessed a land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in merely the last two hundred years?

Makarrata is the culmination of our agenda: the coming together after a struggle. It captures our aspirations for a fair and truthful relationship with the people of Australia and a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination.

With substantive constitutional change and structural reform, we believe this ancient sovereignty can shine through as a fuller expression of Australia’s nationhood.

We seek a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history.

Proportionally, we are the most incarcerated people on the planet. We are not an innately criminal people. Our children are aliened from their families Otway Life Almanac 2018

In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard. We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.

Eastern Maar Recognised The Victorian Government and the Eastern Maar Traditional Owner group have agreed to commence negotiations to formally recognise Eastern Maar Traditional Owner rights over Crown land in southwest Victoria. The negotiation area stretches from Port Fairy to the Great Ocean Road and up to Beaufort and Ararat, taking in Warrnambool, the Shipwreck Coast and the Otways. The Labor Government and the Eastern Maar will now work towards reaching a settlement under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010. The negotiations will include recognition of the Eastern Maar people’s right to access, own and manage public land as well as take and participate in the management of natural resources. Victoria’s Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 was introduced as an alternative to pursuing costly and drawnout litigation under the Commonwealth Native Title Act. These negotiations represent a commitment to acknowledging Traditional Owners and their enduring relationships to country.

Otway Life Magazine acknowledges the Aboriginal Traditional Owners of Victoria - including its parks and reserves. Through their cultural traditions, Aboriginal People maintain their connection to their ancestral lands and waters.

First Nations 55

Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation CEO Jamie Lowe: “The fight for recognition for Eastern Maar citizens has been a long journey and I would like to acknowledge the tireless work put in by our Elders and community to date. The State’s decision to negotiate with us is an acknowledgement that we are the Traditional Owners for our Country. We are committed to a quick resolution to these talks and will continue to build strong and respectful relationships with all stakeholders on Eastern Maar Country.” The Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation The Eastern Maar are Traditional Owners of south-western Victoria. Our land extends as far north as Ararat and encompasses the Warrnambool, Port Fairy and Great Ocean Road areas. It also stretches 100m out to sea from low tide and therefore includes the iconic Twelve Apostles. “Eastern Maar” is a name adopted by the people who identify as Maar, Eastern Gunditjmara, Tjap Wurrung, Peek Whurrong, Kirrae Whurrung, Kuurn Kopan Noot and/or Yarro waetch (Tooram Tribe) amongst others, who are Aboriginal people and who are: • descendants, including by adoption, of the identified ancestors; • who are members of families who have an association with the former Framlingham Aboriginal Mission Station; and • who are recognised by other members of the Eastern Maar People as members of the group.


Ebony Hickey Gulidjan Woman: Colac Region Hey, my name is Ebony Hickey and I’m a proud Gulidjan Woman, Mother and Sister. My connection to Gulidjan Country comes on behalf of my mother’s family line. This glorious country in South West Victoria of Colac and surrounds has been that of my families for as long as western history (Caracaramigen –mother of the Co Co Coine and Sharpe family early 1800’s) has been documented and for what I believe to be thousands of years before that. This country is women’s country and I believe my role to protect and advocate on and for Gulidjan Country was established long before my existence and my family’s morals and values ingrained deep into the way I practice both culturally and professionally. The role I’m working in currently is a dual role, both with the Aboriginal Community Development space and full time on development roles on Wathaurong Country in Geelong and Gulidjan Country in Colac. Over the years I have been supported to follow my heart within my position and the voice of the grass roots worker is just as valuable as that of an executive. I work for Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative and have had the opportunity to work on many exciting projects over the last few years spanning from the arts, advocacy, justice, family violence, parenting programs and the establishment of the Colac Aboriginal Gathering Place has been the project that’s really lit a fire in my heart. I’ve always known that Aboriginal people the world over have been the keepers of the community development practice but I didn’t know how to articulate that – through Otway Life Almanac 2018

my role I’ve learnt the way I do it is just fine. Aboriginal people, my people have always known how to support one another and care for the spirit of this land and its longevity. We don’t need to be sold an antidote or to be put into boxes the government and past policies have thrust upon us, we just need to fight for and be given the opportunity to demonstrate this and find the right platforms and way forward for our people. The Colac Aboriginal Gathering Space is a place that will begin to address the needs of the Aboriginal population of Colac, it has been identified that Aboriginal people living in Colac didn’t have an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation or culturally safe space. The lack of advocacy and cultural safety in health, community, family education and a range of other services has lead to a series of issues historically. The local Aboriginal Action Group along with Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative have conducted a 12 month needs analysis and found that not only do the community feel they need access to vital services, it was found that mainstream service providers also need support to navigate the need and best ways to support the community. The Colac Aboriginal Gathering Place opened its doors on the 3rd of November 2017 and aims to be open a couple of days a week until we can obtain further funding. The aim of the space is to increase the advocacy, service delivery and open the door to new opportunities for our Aboriginal Community and broaden community knowledge on Aboriginal issues within the Colac region. One of the most devastating things that has happened to this country has been the destruction of knowledge and history related to this country, the family connections and collective story of this country’s song. I see the way forward a way of healing, a way of rebuilding and gathering these stories. It’s easy for some to say get over it, move on... but for Aboriginal people this isn’t the case. Our traditions are not simply a show and dance, not a tokenistic part of meetings of your planning. It’s not just my job role, it’s the role I hold within my family and to fulfil my cultural obligations for future generations. There was work in the past that has been done to get where we are now and I’ve got so much work to do for my brothers, for my son, my niece and nephews. It’s the work of reconstructing the traditions lost which must continue and is absolutely vital to be continued in the present. My hopes for the future are that we set up the frameworks and add the cultural aspects we need into the community, health and education systems and the social fabrics of the Colac region. We managed to become an ‘identifier’ on the Colac Otway Shire Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan for 2017-2021 however we still have a lot of work to do here in Colac. I hope that moving forward I’ll be able to challenge the thinking of a few people to be more inclusive and to weave into the Colac community, the histories, oral stories and importance of wellbeing of Aboriginal people and this beautiful country. It’s my role as a Gulidjan woman to work as hard as I can for change or we run the risk of future generations missing out completely. Be it for my children and your own – this Cultural knowledge and way we practice is so important to this country’s story.


Do You Remember Do you remember a time when you ran fearless and fleet of foot, down pathways unknown, instinct guiding your feet between hard rocks and slippery moss. Surer than not, that should you stumble or trip on errant sticks or sudden hurdles, you would be cradled as you fell by something grander and more embracing than the risk of a scraped knee or broken bone. That hidden in the shadows of folds you passed were portals to mysteries unexplained, to realms unexplored, into which you may inadvertently plunge. That on the other side of that tumble would be a reality you always knew was there but couldn’t quite see, or touch. And yet, there was a remembering… That somehow, should the path disappear, you would fly rather than fall. And that as your feet pounded a rhythm as ancient as the first footfall, you were connected… Lately I have felt again that crease, have reached for that tiny rent in the fabric with the probing fingers of a child’s wonderment to know just that little bit more of what may lay within. To let the light of today into the shades of yesterday, or perhaps, the imaginings of tomorrow. Who ever did know how we ought really hold time? Or be held?

Francesca Cairns shares her time between the Otways and Newfoundland, has one published novel and one on the way.

8 History Note

James Stephen Hogan

The First World War saw many school teachers enlist from Colac and surrounding districts. Some paid the supreme sacrifice. Although several of these teachers were only in local schools a short time before they joined up, they were embraced by the communities they taught and are memorialised on school and public honour boards. During his one year stay as Head Teacher at Carlisle River State School, James Stephen Hogan was described as being ‘an earnest student and a vigorous, enthusiastic teacher.’ He also enjoyed the friendship and respect of the local townsfolk, who ensured that his name would always be remembered on the Carlisle River Honour Board and Colac War Memorial. Born in Bendigo in 1895, James was the son, grandson and great grandson of coachbuilders and wheelwrights, with origins in Ireland. His father, Rody Hogan, was keenly involved in the prominent family business of J. Hogan & Son in McCrae Street, Bendigo, yet his early death in 1906 at the age of 39 robbed James and his three siblings of his financial support and love. James was educated at Marist Brothers College and then Bendigo High School, from where, aged 17, he was appointed junior teacher for one year at Eaglehawk State School in 1913. He subsequently gained a University Training College studentship, which he passed with distinction. In 1915, and still only 19 years old, James received his trained teacher’s certificate and was appointed to take charge of the school at Carlisle River. As a member of the local Rifle Club, James took part in sporting competitions and social events and was praised by the community and his friends ‘for his many amiable qualities.’ The school committee, colleagues and district Otway Life Almanac 2018

folk of Carlisle River gathered in March 1916 when he enlisted for active service. Gifts of a gold watch and fountain pen were presented in recognition of the esteem in which James was held and they all wished him a safe return from the Front. He was initially attached to the Australian Medical Corps, yet wanting to be part of the infantry, James transferred to the 22nd Battalion and sailed with the unit in October that year aboard the HMAT Nestor. He arrived in England six weeks later and, after further training, proceeded to France and the Western Front in February 1917. There, he survived the Battle at Bullecourt, was assigned as a signaller in his unit and, despite twice being offered positions in the Postal Corps, preferred to ‘see it through with his mates.’ During the fateful Battle of Broodseinde at Passchendaele on 4 October 1917, James and a pal were bunkered in a trench when a shell struck. James caught the full force of the blast and was killed instantly. In a tragic twist, Sergeant John Commons, an early schoolmate of James’ who sailed with him on the Nestor, was also killed the same day. With no known grave, James is remembered on the VillersBretonneux Memorial in France. Aged only 22, James Stephen Hogan’s life was short, yet his memory lives on. His family treasure his war time letters, diaries and medals and, in a touching tribute, in 2017 they placed a plaque on the family grave in the White Hills Cemetery in Bendigo. Stephen Brooks & Merrill O’Donnell, authors of ‘Pioneers & Suffragists’ are researching Colac districts soldiers who died in the First World War. Titled ‘Lost Sons’, it will be published in 2018.


Walking in the bush by Salvina Conti

A walk in the bush; sometimes I walk along the roads and tracks and sometimes on the narrow and faint meandering lines created by kangaroos and wallabies as they thread their way through the forest to their favourite paddock (cafÊ), creek or meeting spot. All tracks are created for and by movement and reflect the relationships and desires of people, animals, insects and plants, water and air and the structure of the terrain. A walk in the bush, and I add to the registry of the many diverse feet that have travelled over time along these tracks. The footprints of people, deer, wallabies, kangaroos and dogs; crisscrossing, overlapping, coming and going, sometimes vanishing from the changing surface of the road, time and the weather. No deer this week, only two or three people have walked up this track in the last few days, quite a few kangaroos, the shape of water that fell and flowed along the ground a while ago, two thin bike tracks creating circular and serpentine lines; a large contingent of equestrians last weekend, at least six horses chopping up the soft sand of the road leaving big round disc like prints. I heard them laughing in the distance and the thud of the horses hooves as they went down the track to the creek and the first bridge. Sections of road further along are deeply gouged and eroding due to the passage of the weekend four-wheel drivers. The terrain is so diverse and changing, the road begins as hard gravel, becomes a mixture of clay and sand changing to soft sand and back to clay‌ A walk in the bush; I throw on an old cardigan and some comfortable shoes and walk out into a ravishment of greens. The bush is so changeable that within a one to two hour walk I can pass through a forest that seems to

be predominantly made of grass trees to an area, nearer to the creek, that resembles rainforest, with tree ferns, blackwood, swamp gum and mountain ash; closer to the ridges the trees are shorter, sometimes peppermints and messmates, prickly tea trees, acacias and banksias. The bush at this time of year is breaking out into small white and yellow flowers with reddish tinges. In spring the birds are busy, flitting and bobbing, finding materials for a nest, chattering and playing. The rosellas like to bounce on the new long blades of grass. A currawong gives me a beady eye as I walk past a tree he is interested in. Something whisks across the track so fast that all I’m left with is the impression of something small and ginger coloured and a flick of a soft tail, maybe a fox cub? The unusual sight of a koala being chased along the branch of a tree by two sulphur crested cockatoos. They leave him hanging precariously clutching two twigs. Meeting wallabies or kangaroos on the walk usually leads to a long stare only broken when I look or move away and then they disappear with the sound of thumping and breaking twigs. A walk in the bush; I smell the pungent eucalypt, peppermint perfume of the trees, the distinctive scent of a large nest of ants to avoid and sometimes on the ridge the very occasional faint tang of the sea travels by. The air moves through the foliage creating an ever-changing music, we all breathe it in and the forest exhales. Salvina Conti is a visual artist and walker and lives with her partner in Barwon Downs.

10 Celestial Calendar

Aboriginal Astronomy When the British first occupied Australia in 1788, many of the Aboriginal people that they drove from their land probably knew the Southern sky better than the most accomplished British navigators. But nobody thought to ask. The southern sky is striking compared to that of the Northern hemisphere, often dominated by the magnificent river of the Milky Way weaving across the zenith, crossed by numerous dust lanes. For those living in Australia before the advent of streetlights, the night sky would be an important and integral part of their understanding of the world. Naturally, they would notice that particular stars or patterns are seen only at certain times of the year. Furthermore, since many chose to travel in the cool of the night, they would quickly find that stars are useful for navigation. Across Australia are many different rich and vibrant Aboriginal cultures, each with its own astronomy. But there are common threads. Many have stories of a female Sun who warmed the land, and a male Moon who was once a young slim man (the waxing crescent Moon), but grew fat and lazy (the full Moon). But then he broke the law, and was attacked by his people, resulting in his death (the new Moon). After remaining dead for 3 days, he rose again to repeat the cycle, and continues doing so till this day. The Kuwema people in the Northern Territory say that he grows fat at each full moon by devouring the spirits of those who disobey the tribal laws. Some Aboriginal people use the sky as a calendar to tell them when it's time to move to a new place and a new food supply. The Boorong people in Victoria know that when the "Mallee-fowl" constellation (Lyra) disappears in October, to "sit with the Sun", it's time to start gathering her eggs on Earth. Other groups know that when Orion first appears in the sky, the Dingo puppies are about to be born. The stars are also law-books, telling people how to live on Earth. The Yolngu people of Arnhem Land say that the constellation of Orion, which they call Julpan, is a canoe. They tell the story of two brothers who went fishing, and caught and ate a fish that was forbidden under their law. Seeing this, the Sun sent a waterspout that carried the two brothers and Otway Life Almanac 2018

their canoe up into the sky where you can still see them. When Yolngu people die, they are taken by a mystical canoe, Larrpan, to the spirit-land (Baralku) in the sky, where you can see their camp-fires burning along the edge of the great river of the Milky Way. The canoe is sent back to earth as a shooting star, letting their family on Earth know that they have arrived safely in the spirit-land. At a beautiful and important ceremony, the Yolngu people gather after sunset to await the rising of Barnumbirr, or Morning Star, which Europeans call Venus. As she approaches, in the early hours before dawn, she draws behind her a rope of light attached to Earth, and along this rope, with the aid of a richly decorated "Morning Star Pole", the people are able to communicate with their dead loved ones, showing that they still love and remember them. But you don't have to travel to the North of Australia to learn about Aboriginal Astronomy. On a autumn evening, anywhere in Australia, find a dark location, well away from street-lights, and look in the South-East for a great dark shape in the sky, with a black head (the Coalsack, next to the Southern Cross), and dark legs trailing out along the Milky Way to Scorpius. This is the great emu in the sky, the subject of songs and stories in many parts of Australia. Just North of Sydney, in the Ku-ring-gai National Park, are extensive rock engravings of the Guringai people who used to live there, including representations of the creatorhero Daramulan and his emu-wife. On autumn evenings, the emu in the sky stands directly over her portrait, just at the time when it's time to gather emu eggs. Is that why the Guringai people carved her picture just there, in just that direction? Sadly, the people who could have told us have long since disappeared. Emu Dreaming is written by Prof. Ray Norris (an astrophysicist with CSIRO, and an Adjunct Professor at the Dept. of Indigenous Studies, Macquarie University), and his wife Cilla. They have spent the last five years studying Aboriginal Astronomy. Their research has included: • uncovering little-known academic manuscripts, • visiting Aboriginal sites throughout Australia, including the Sydney rock-art, • pending time with the Yolngu communities in Arnhem Land. NEW: Listen to Ray and his friends talking about Aboriginal Astronomy on the ABC TV's "Message Stick" program on www.abc.net.au/ tv/messagestick/stories/s2730570.htm Sourced from www.emudreaming.com



Image by Tim Lucas

for the People

Astronomy for the People is an ASV service providing telescopes for schools and public demonstrations. Astronomy for the People has the objective of presenting astronomy to the wider community. This is achieved by: • Viewing sessions through telescopes provided by members of the Astronomical Society of Victoria • Public presentation and lectures. • Public viewing events can be provided in many formats: • For schools and small community groups (ie Scouts etc): these are typically run by the organising group and ASV attends, for a nominal fee. • Events run by ASV on behalf of a client: these are run under a corporate sponsorship scheme. • Events run by ASV as a fund-raising venture. Unless otherwise requested, the evening runs as follows: • Sky maps are distributed to the organiser (school etc) who is then responsible for distribution to all participants • Introduction to the sky for the month with identification of major stars, star groups, constellations, planets and other noteworthy features. • Viewing session of approximately 2 hours of astronomical objects through telescopes provided by ASV members, under their supervision. Further information on the Astronomy for the People program can be obtained by contacting the coordinator - Ian Somerville. For any future events or information on the Astronomical Society of Victoria, please contact ASV Public Relations Linda Mockridge on (03) 9888 7130.

2018 Earth Dog Year

The new Moon in Aquarius on 16 February 2018, begins the year of the Earth Dog. Dog year is a time of fairness and equality. Controversial issues are given their due, revolutions are successful, politics are liberal, and political oppression is opposed. Integrity and honesty are the values that lead to success under Dog’s watchful and just influence. Dog Personality In Chinese society, Dogs are the favored domestic animal because they are so loyal to their owners. And like a Dog, those born in the year of the Dog possess the admirable canine qualities of loyalty and integrity. Honest and trustworthy, Dog makes an excellent friend and will always take your side. Only Dog will loyally stand by when others have abandoned a cause. Dog won’t hesitate to make sacrifices for people and ideas they believe in. Dog has a strong sense of fair play, and honors commitments. Direct and frank, Dog does not pay much attention to superficial details and has little patience for frivolity. Yet Dog likes to be spontaneous. Dog can be hot-blooded and emotional, and prefers to react to rather than plan for a situation. Dog prefers to live an impeccable life, a life filled with principles and dignity, always willing to be a crusader for a noble ideology. Earth Dog Stable, honest, practical, industrious, prudent, reliable, kind, and loyal are Earth qualities. The element Earth enriches Dog’s character and adds needed stability. The Earth Dog is endowed with some of the finest qualities of all the 12 astrology animals. can succeed in their endeavors, and possess nobility of character. They have strong opinions and are loyal to their values. Sourced from susanlevitt.com/astrology/dog-year-2018/


Caring for Country The Conservation Ecology Centre was founded to create an Otways once more vibrant with native wildlife. Our mission is to work directly on the land and strategically with people to repair and rebalance the Otway ecosystem. Here are some of our current projects. We believe that caring for the environment is not an overwhelming task, it is second nature. By actioning this vital aspect of humanity we can achieve a world where respect for the environment is part of our everyday lives, integrated into every decision we make. Working with partner organisations, including the Country Fire Authority, the Conservation Ecology Centre has led a 5-year program to re-establish a fire regime on Cape Otway. The woodlands on the private properties of Cape Otway have undergone catastrophic decline in the past 6 years due to intense browsing by an overabundant koala population. Changes to land management and interruption to the area’s fire regime broke the cycle of seedling recruitment and led to an intensification of the shrubby mid-storey. The program has now treated a large swathe of woodland and we are seeing improvements to both species diversity and beneficial changes to habitat structure.

The Problem Koalas face a number of conservation challenges which vary dramatically across their range. In this region, koalas are threatened by habitat declines, particularly in manna gum woodlands and there are very real fears for the welfare of koalas as their food trees die. The Great Ocean Road’s coastal woodlands are in crisis and urgent action is needed to protect them. Koala over-browsing has caused drastic decline of woodland health and extent. In some areas the dieback is so severe that it has caused entire canopy death and koalas too are suffering. Habitats are changing beyond recognition, as woodland is replaced by invasive species. The ecosystem is further threatened by the absence of low intensity fires, which is a vital component of many Australian woodlands. The combined result is that more than 70% of the Manna Gum community has been lost over the past 20 years. The decline of the Manna Gums has been accelerating and without intervention we will lose this unique and rare habitat type, along with the koalas and the many other plants and animals that rely on it.

Otway Life Almanac 2018

The Solution With no time to waste, we have embarked on creating the woodlands of the future by planting over 100,000 tree seedlings over the last few years, across 100Ha of affected woodland areas at Cape Otway. It is vital to protect young or ailing trees from over-browsing and to shield mature seed trees for future revegetation efforts. We are trialling large-scale methods to minimise koala browsing on selected trees. Through wider application of these techniques, woodland areas can be effectively managed, allowing koalas access to healthy trees, while ensuring protection where necessary. We have shown that these techniques are successful – they enable canopy recovery. Now we need to apply them across wider areas. Careful research of this woodland ecosystem will be vital as low intensity prescribed burns are reintroduced into the landscape, allowing the CEC to identify an optimal fire regime. Critical canopy species, fire dependant germinators and floral and faunal diversity will be enhanced, while invasive species will be reduced. We have pioneered mosaic burning with the CFA over the last two years, have measured the diversity of herbs and native grasses and noted natural germination of Manna Gums. This is a positive start for an ambitious research program which will be critical for managing our remnant vegetation and the newly planted woodland to achieve a critical mass of protected habitat. We can’t do this without your help though. We desperately require funding in order to develop this program and save koalas.

How you can get involved You can assist our Conservation & Research Team in annual surveys to monitor the koala population and the habitat condition, join in with habitat restoration efforts like the Big Otway Tree Plant and learn more about volunteering. When possible, land is purchased and kept in trust to secure long term habitat security for koalas. We welcome you to join us in creating this legacy – please contact us for more details on larger projects. Lizzie Corke Enquiries relating to the organisation, donations, grants, communications etc lizzie@conservationecologycentre.org Jack Pascoe or Mark Le Pla Enquiries relating to conservation, research, volunteering, internships and programs jack@conservationecologycentre.org  mark@conservationecologycentre.org Shayne Neal Enquiries relating to CEC land and infrastructure shayne@conservationecologycentre.org Steve Ras or Karjin Sas Enquiries relating to the Great Ocean Ecolodge info@greatoceanecolodge.com By phone: +61 3 5237 9297 By post: The Conservation Ecology Centre PO Box 296, Apollo Bay, Victoria 3233, Australia

Caring for Country 13


The Southern Otway Landcare Network is a grassroots community organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring our environment so we can live, work and find joy in a healthy, productive and balanced environment. Located between the iconic Great Ocean Road and the beautiful cool temperate rainforests of the Otway Ranges in Victoria, Australia, SOLN plays a central role in the protection of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable land managemnt across our Network.  SOLN is an umbrella organisation that unifies 5 Landcare groups between Johanna in the west and Wye River in the east. One of our groups, Otway Coast Regenerative Farmers, is organised around agricultural practices. We are transparently governed by a voluntary Committee of Management who provide strategic and operation direction to our skilled staff.  The Southern Otway Landcare Network works with private landholders, volunteers and public land managers to undertake diverse projects. These include weed and pest animal control, revegetation, biodiversity enhancement, threatened species conservation, education and soil health. We do this by working with our memebers and partners to match projects to funding sources. onnecting with SOLN is good for the environment, good for your property and good for you! When you connect with Landcare, you connect with knowledgeable people in your neighbourhood, learn new sills and open the door to the potential to receive financial and practical assistance for a range of projects on your property. Find us on Facebook or give us a call - 5237 6904.


Native Hemp Bush Mike Robinson-Koss, Otway Greening Many customers have shown a keen interest in one particular plant over the years. This is the Gynatrix pulchella (Native Hemp Bush). Of course I get the usual sniggers about the common name but it is quite an apt name. Aborigines used the fibre of the Hemp Bush to help bind the rough canoes that were made from the bark of the Paperbark trees (mostly Swamp Paperbark or Melaleuca ericifolia or Scented Paperbark or M. squarrosa). The Hemp Bush is a quick growing but relatively short lived species. It grows along watercourses and can withstand quite long periods of flooding. Unlike many species in our region it appears in both the high rainfall Otway streams as well as the rain shadow country of the basalt plains where it clings to the banks of the Barwon, Leigh and Moorabool Rivers amongst others. In the Otways it is seen growing with other high rainfall loving understorey plants including Austral Mulberry, White Elderberry, Musk Daisy, Satinbox, Mountain Correa and a myriad of ferns all growing in the shade of Messmate, Mountain Ash, Mountain Grey Gum, Blackwood and Myrtle Beech, etc. Associated plant species out on the plains are the River Red Gum, Woolly Tea Tree, Tree Violet, Swamp Gum, Yarra Gum, River Bottlebrush and Poa tussocks. It is a member of the Malvaceae family of which the commercial Cotton and the garden Hibiscus and are well known representatives. Australian plants of the same family include the Flinders Range Hibiscus (Alyogne) and the Australian Hollyhock (Lavatera). Apart from its use as a fibre, the other connection Gynatrix has to Indian Hemp is they are both dioecious. In other words, they have male and female flowers growing on separate plants (she oaks, mountain pepper, native hop bush as well). Thus when collecting seed (ripens in mid summer) one plant will be laden with seed (the female) and another will be lounging around with nothing to do (the male...sorry guys!). They both flower in mid spring. The flowers are very pretty small clusters of creamy coloured, scented drooping bells. Some customers comment on how "non Australian" it looks. In fact because of its leaf shape it may even resemble a birch or alder leaf. If you plan on revegetating a creek or watercourse, the Native Hemp should certainly be considered as well as the more common species. Once grazing animals are removed and the plants are established they should begin to self sow downstream. Don't fear, though, it's not invasive and will not become a pest weed. It grows to about 4-5 metres Otway Life Almanac 2018

tall and can be coppiced. In fact cutting of the branches will stimulate new growth. It is a pretty plant for the garden as well and the kids will love having a go at tying their shoes with the native hemp string. I reckon parents might too! Collecting seed is easy if you can find enough female plants. The seed is brown, about the size of a mustard seed and is encased in a rough "pod". This pod is about 3-4 mm diameter and should be removed before sowing the seed. While wearing a breathing mask, rub the seed pods between the hands to remove the seeds then sow the seed slightly buried without any further preparation. Viable seed will germinate within 2-3 weeks. Then watch out, they grow very quickly. We usually sow the fresh (or properly stored) seed in January where it will be ready for planting that winter or spring. It is a tough plant and doesn't mind full sun, but like all newly planted seedlings weed control around the plant is VITAL for survival.

Caring for Country 15

Since 1995 Mike and Wendy at Otway Greening Nursery have been growing healthy and hardy Australian native plants for revegetation, Landcare, agroforestry, landscaping and gardens in the Otway Ranges, Otway Coast and the Western Plains, specialising in indigenous species. Based near Deans Marsh in Victoria, we pride ourselves on providing friendly, knowledgeable and quality service and advice to our wide range of customers. We grow over 150 species of grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees for projects of all sizes, from small gardens to large farms and everything in between. All our plants are grown outdoors from seed sowing to selling - they're tough plants. We collect seed from all over the region, ensuring a high standard of genetically diverse plants and have a successful track record of growing many difficult species from seed. We have a vast understanding of our region's EVC's, soils, climate, and growing conditions, so can advise you of the right plants for your location or specific project.

Mike & Wendy Robinson-Koss Mobile: 0448 605 919 Email: trees@otwaygreening.com.au

80 Pennyroyal Station Rd, Deans Marsh OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY


16 Caring for Country

Wildlife Monitoring Cameras

Forest Fire Management Victoria has released a series of photos of native animals, captured by wildlife monitoring cameras between Anglesea and Lorne in recent months. The work is part of a Forest Fire Management Victoria project, which is monitoring the Eastern Otways landscape to better understand the impact of planned burning, and ultimately inform future bushfire strategies. These photos are a sample of over 60,000 images that have been taken by 90 motion-sensing cameras, deployed in the Eastern Otways by Forest Fire Management Victoria crews during Autumn and Winter. Some of the animals were photographed at Big Hill, where a 380 hectare planned burn was undertaken by Forest Fire Management Victoria in April this year. This monitoring is a continuation of the Otway Hawkeye Project which has been looking at the impact of planned burning on ecosystem values since 2011. During planned burns, Forest Fire Management Victoria has measures in place to enable the rescue, treatment and rehabilitation of affected wildlife. “This work measures the impact of planning burning, by identifying the change over time in habitat elements and species populations before and after planned burns.” “The data collected will develop our understanding about how species respond to different types of fire, and this will help guide strategies for future planned burning.” Otway Life Almanac 2018

“The animals that project staff have observed on the cameras in the Otways include wedge-tailed eagles, wallabies, kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, possums, a range of small mammals and birds, as well as a range of feral animals such as foxes, cats and deer.” “Motion-sensing cameras are a valuable tool for monitoring animals, and require much less labour than the traditional method of trapping. “We are still working through the images to identify species and produce the data which will then inform our planning.” "This monitoring contributes to the Victorian Bushfire Monitoring Program, which will increase our understanding of the impact and effectiveness of bushfire management on risk reduction and ecosystem resilience." Hamish Martin Forest Fire Management Victoria, Barwon-South West, Landscape Evaluator

Radio Waves 17

Radio Waves

Live Broadcasts

Apollo Bay Radio is a community based, notfor-profit association dedicated to providing quality radio. Everyone involved in bringing content to listeners is a volunteer – from our presenters to our technicians to our administrators – and does so with the belief that strong community media is the key to a strong community voice and crucial to community cohesion. Apollo Bay Radio recognises the importance of open & transparent governance with the need for locally based decision making. As such, Apollo Bay Radio is dedicated to

transparently representing its work and relationship – this is done by publishing any organisational information as soon as possible, having its committee members available for feedback and holding regular meetings open to anyone who’s interested. Membership fees, fundraising events and sponsorship is how Apollo Bay Radio pays its rent & power bills. Being a not-for-profit organisation, Apollo Bay Radio will use any and all income to operate and maintain infrastructure necessary to bring radio to Apollo Bay residents (and the world).

18 Musical Notes

Songs of Freedom

Introducing OMM Rock Choir and the Songs of Freedom Concert by Louise Brown Ray Charles once said that “music is about the only thing left that people don’t fight over” In March 2012, Louise Brown and a small team including Lisa Jarvis and Jane Gorman, put together a community music concert featuring the many talents of local residents…OMM Rock Choir was born! This first ever performance occurred at the Deans Marsh Festival on a tiered stage set up on a bare playing field in the Marsh. It involved a 130-strong choir of novice participants as well as an orchestra made up of 40 (closet) musicians and percussionists. It was enjoyed by a delighted audience of more than 1,000 seated on straw bales in the open air. This is all in a rural hamlet of South Western Victoria, population a little over 400…

which aims to bring greater awareness of the plight of newly arrived migrants and people seeking asylum. Aptly titled the ‘Songs of Freedom Concert’, it will involve 200 local participants culminating in a large-scale music and drumming performance at the Deans Marsh Festival on 25th Mar 2018 (Cultural Diversity Week). This project is a local initiative where the community will have the opportunity to use their voice to promote harmony, acceptance and support for those in need. It will also provide a platform for our community and newly arrived refugees to the region to establish connections and come together and sing for a cause.

Six years later, OMM Rock Choir is still with us, continuing to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together to sing and make music. Performing artists include children from the Deans Marsh, Birregurra, Forrest and Beeac Primary Schools, as well as talented residents from 9 regional towns across Colac Otway and Surf Coast Shire. OMM’s focus has not only been to sing but also to give a voice to minority groups from within the region and integrate them into the broader community through a series of workshops and live performance. Music has finally become an accepted part of culture in this part of the world (just like football and cricket) and with the everevolving OMM Choir, its participants have realized that they have an opportunity to come together and use their combined voices for the greater good.

‘Songs of Freedom’ is not just a community choir performance but a concert which will deliver a strong message about what we think as a community and how we feel about issues which concern all of us. Currently sponsorship and involvement is being sought to help bring this idea to its full fruition… an idea in which music will be used to do what words have not: to bring about change which will hopefully one day make us proud.

OMM Rock Choir and the local community has been busy over the last two years raising funds to stage an event Otway Life Almanac 2018

Musical Note 19

“Be dreamers who believe in a new humanity, one that rejects hatred between peoples, one that refuses to see borders as barriers.” Pope Francis

Mountain Grey Purveyors of fine contemporary rural Australian roots music. I can think of no better way to spend an evening immersing yourself in the heart of the Blues brought to you by the truly amazing Mountain Grey! With the fire roaring sit back and enjoy the lyrical poetry of front man Mike Robinson Koss (lead vocals/harmonicas/ lyrics), often bringing a profound appreciation for all things nature (even in its bleakest and "wintery" forms), capturing an honest and genuine soul of real blues. Complimented perfectly by one of the most amazingly creative and tight musician contingents I've seen in quite a while! Steve James (guitar/vocals) brings some incredible vintage guitar tones and in my opinion owns a suave "New Orleans-esque" bluegrass/ragtime style of playing, which is accompanied seamlessly by the dexterous, sharp and precise bass-work of Luke Hynes (upright and electric bass). All backed by a man who resonates soul, Kev Foster (drums/percussion/vocals) from behind the drums bringing an equally creative yet tight

complexity tying together the whole overall mix! Great truly fun band to see perform live, packed with heaps of character! -Richard Holland at MusicMinded Published 19 August 2016 “And Mountain Grey...I didn’t see Mountain Grey coming.  I knew they were a good band, I did my research, but honestly they were absolutely beautiful...beautiful musicians.  And they’re gonna get something pretty special on this recording.” -Dean Krueger, organiser of One For The Otways, (3 gig fundraiser for Wye River bushfires), speaking about the live recording from the shows-released early in 2017. Three videos for your perusal Blanket Bay: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUK8HZpKSTg Thelma and Cliff: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7gZlyTTz8U One foot in front of the other: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X3aGMxSX2k mountaingrey

Principal Partner


Wathaurong Glass & Arts The staff of Wathaurong Glass & Arts takes pleasure in presenting our company, products and a brief insight into our heritage. In 1998 the company was formed to express Aboriginal art in glass. The techniques used to produce our products include the use of kiln forming (slumping glass), sandblasting or any other technique we feel is suitable to achieve the desired result. Great pride is taken in producing unique artwork with a net result of high quality glass products. Current products including slumped windows & doors glass to Australian standards, kitchen & bathroom splashbacks, artistic platters, bowls and corporate gift, awards, trophies etc. We have completed commercial commissions that don’t have cultural connotations such as producing glass light lenses, corporate logos & kiln formed textured glass and welcome enquiries. Located in Geelong, Australia we supply and arrange delivery of all our products like kitchen & bathroom splashbacks, custom made shower screen, kiln formed window and door glass and other glass art pieces Australia wide. The name “WATHAURONG” (wathawurrung or wadda wurrung) is a recognised tribe, it consisted of 25 groups (clans). The boundaries of Wathaurong are from Geelong (Victoria), North to Werribee River, North West to Bacchus Marsh, South West to Cressy, South East to Colac, East to Lorne & North back to Geelong encompassing the Bellarine Peninsula. All our staff are Aboriginal and the company is a not-for-profit business owned by Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative LTD which is an Aboriginal community control organisation. Wathaurong Glass LTD is structured so that the community of Wathaurong and the broader community will be the beneficiaries of any profit. Where possible we purchase from the local community as we believe it is better for Geelong and the environment (less transport emissions). Otway Life Almanac 2018

Geelong Showroom 16 Rodney Road North Geelong Victoria, 3215 Call (03) 5272 2881 wathaurongglass.com.au

Trading Hours Monday 9am – 5pm Tuesday 9am – 5pm Wednesday 9am – 5pm Thursday 9am – 5pm Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday by appointment.

Arts 23

How many trees

make a Grove? by Neil Drinnan

Carl Leonard Groves is a unique character but his journey to the Otways and back to the bush and brush, is not an unusual one in this part of the world. Interestingly he is the great nephew of Rupert Tom Woodman, famous for the Tooheys' pub art from the 1930s and 40s. There is no resemblance in their styles. Woodman's was graphic art and Carl's is much more naĂŻve-folk art. I wouldn't curate them together though as I was showing him my new exhibition space in Cow Lick Bookshop, he noticed I had one of his uncle's WWII propaganda posters hanging already. 'It's nice in the surf but what about our boys in the trenches?' the poster shouts accusingly. The vibrancy of Carl's work has come out from under the shadows of his recent past. It was his shrink who suggested he pick up the brush and it had been twenty years since he'd painted anything. Between 2014 and 2016 Carl found himself embroiled in a series of civil and criminal proceedings that still make his blood boil and which gained him plenty of unwanted publicity in the Geelong Advertiser and other local news outlets. Suffice to say that a combination of work place bullying, police negligence and misdirected public ire resulted in a mental breakdown that needed therapy and therapeutic outlets. The earliest of his paintings from this period were very dark landscapes and the angrier works; tragi-comic graffiti almost, but his recent tree series seem to be coming from a place of fruitfulness and abundance. They have a feel-good glow that emanates something fresh and positive into the spaces where they are displayed. 'My current collection is trees; fruit trees, gum trees and flowering trees.' And that is just what they are: The most obvious symbol of growth and transformation. Carl's previous creative achievements were within the film industry where he worked on scripts for movies such as Black Water, Ned Kelly and Two Hands and worked with people like Heath Ledger and Bryan Browne. Both his children are heading into the world of film so any wonder he's looking for something with roots in the ground to tether his future to. Carl Leonard Groves' paintings will be on display at Cow Lick Bookshop, 90 Murray St Colac through January and February 2018.







T 03 5232 1072 E sales@cowlick.com.au A 86 Murray Street, Colac www.cowlick.com.au

Hey Diddle Diddle


Dignified Masked Owl, Victoria Howlett

Art & Ecology

Sisca Verwoert

ART & ECOLOGY met at exhibition in the Otways in September 2017. Whilst ecologists are out in the field searching for the elusive threatened species of the Otways, some of them have appeared in art galleries in Apollo Bay and Cape Otway. The work of 20 artists depicting a range of local flora and fauna, including the Long-nosed Potoroo, the Eastern Quoll and the Dignified Masked Owl were displayed at the Arts Inc Gallery, the gallery wall at Hello Coffee and the Nature Gallery at Cape Otway. Whilst art and ecology might seem like strange bedfellows, artistic illustration has been used as a tool for ecological research from the very beginnings of science. Ecology, like many fields of science, deals with complex systems. The topics that ecologists devote themselves to are highly specified and it is often hard to communicate to the broader public because of it. “In this exhibit, we hope to offer insight into the field of ecology through art,” said exhibition curator Karlijn Sas “Through the work of these artists we would like to connect the viewer to the work done to protect the natural world around us.” Abstract artist Victoria Howlett contributed a series of paintings of the masked owl (Tyto novaehollandiae) for the exhibition. “This is the first time I’ve painted an animal, and I was amazed at the connection I developed with this creature whilst I was painting it, says Victoria. “I was only meant to do one painting, but I ended up doing seven.” "The Dignified Masked Owl is under threat as its listed as endangered in Victoria and I really hope this work will help Otway Life Almanac 2018

Eastern Quoll by Adrian Brierley

people connect to it in the way I did, and think about what we can do to protect it” she said. A portion of the proceeds of artworks sold were donated to the Conservation Ecology Centre, a research organisation working to protect the Otways and the species that rely on this landscape. The featured artists included in the exhibition: Adrian Brierley, Cathy Donovan, Caroline Hawkins, Victoria Howlett, Rachel Hollis, Stefan Gevers, Doug Gimesy, Nattie Murray, Nicola Philp, John Riches, Christine Rockley, Katie Sandison, Gayle Seach, Fingle Sin, Andrew Strang, Shelley Thompson, Angela Robertson-Buchanan, Sisca Verwoert, and Lyndi Whalen. For more information contact: Karlijn Sas 0497 483 387 or email karlijn@conservationecologycentre.org www.artecology.info www.facebook.com/artandecology

VronxArt in


an interview with Veronica McDonald by Cinnamon Stephens I spent the earliest years of my life at Yuulong and the beauty of that place has stayed with me forever. The bush, the ocean, the creeks and other ferny mysterious places have been the source of inspiration for my painting. When I visit favourite places like Yuulong I feel my skin tingle and the smell of the earth is like no other. My husband Brian and I owned a business in Anglesea for 25 years, during which time we raised our four sons and enjoyed the lifestyle that a coastal town can bring. When he retired we moved to a small farm in Bambra, then on to look after a son’s property in Winchelsea South. Finally we realized that Winchelsea offered just what we needed, and it was here we settled. Sad as I was to move from the coast I knew that the Otways were not too far away. It can be a challenge being an artist in a rural area as the outlet for your work is limited, but one has to make the most of every opportunity to display your work. I am part of the Riverlee Painting group, and it is here that we encourage and assist each other to prepare for exhibitions, organise painting workshops and run classes on the Riverlee property. The Riverlee Art Group is opening an exhibition on March 16th 2018, at the delightful, Run Rabbit Run, cafe and plant nursery in Winchelsea. We are excited to have such a great place to show the visiting public our work. The Art Space in Anglesea is another community space that has been terrific for rural artists to exhibit, giving access to more people and publicity for the artists of the hinterland. I rarely paint people into my pieces as it is the solitude and beauty that captures my imagination. At this point of time I am influenced by the magnificent ancient trees on the Barwon River which flows through the town at the end of my street. There is a deep history there. If trees could speak, what would they tell us? My career as a midwife has also had an influence on my painting. Both represent our creativity and appreciation of all things beautiful. A commissioned series of mine which represents birth; Water...Life Force, hangs in the entrance of the Birthing suite University Hospital Geelong and also the post natal ward My VronxArt Home/Studio is open each August for the Surf Coast Arts Trail and by appointment any other time. I also have a small gallery in Halls Gap Lakeside Tourist Park in the Grampians, where my work is inspired by the mountains and stony creeks. I see those mountains as strong and masculine and the Otways as soft, fluffy and feminine. By switching between the two I have a constant source of inspiration.

Arts 27


The Woman behind

Salt and Pepper Gallery Originally from Cairns, Catherine was shifted about constantly in her youth due to her father’s work. Constantly changing schools, she became quick to judge a person’s character, a skill that became very valuable in the world of art, retail and completing commissions. Her nomadic life took her from assisting a Melbourne bank with their valuable art collection to the remote mountains of Papua New Guinea as a young adult. It was here she worked with the indigenous communities in building cottage industries around weaving and painting. This was also the time she met husband Brian. Ongoing dangerous and at times fatal flying conditions put an end to the young couple’s adventures in this country, so Catherine returned to Australia to work with indigenous communities in Darwin. Eventually the couple married and settled in Bendigo to raise their three children. Inspired by her early Fine Art studies at the Lance McNeil Academy of Realism and Berice Ireland Academy of Realism, Catherine returned to her art studies as a mature age student to major in sculpture and photography. Catherine then arrived at the marketable medium of hand painted scarves. This was a way she could self fund her desire to continue creating art. She now sources the materials and transforms them into her original beautiful designs. These scarves are a consistent seller still to this day. Salt and Pepper Gallery began in Bendigo. While supplying her scarves to the Bendigo Pottery Precinct, Catherine noticed a cluster of un-utilised buildings surrounding the pottery. After some investigation and negotiation her first working studio/gallery was born. She then encouraged other like minded creatives to rent the other small buildings to create a mini Monstalvat. A creative community that became very successful over the years with tourists and locals.

Image: Rebecca Hosking

Next time you drive past the Bellbrae Art and Garden sign on the Great Ocean road between Anglesea and the Bellbrae roundabout, pop in and say hi to the lovely Catherine M. Brennan. Softly spoken, full of vibrant creative energy and always busy, Catherine is the heart and soul behind this inviting and eye-catching working studio/gallery. Otway Life Almanac 2018

But the call of the ocean was too strong for this beach girl at heart, so she moved to Torquay and in March 2015 she re-opened Salt and Pepper here in Bellbrae. It was the similar co-operative of businesses layout, (the Bellbrae Art + Garden precinct also hosts a café, nursery and home wares space) that attracted Catherine to this spot, and she has made a success of this tiny work space. Predominantly stocking her incredibly diverse range of underwater inspired paintings, jewellery, photography, handmade scarves and found object sculpture, Catherine does also support selected local artists. She runs monthly workshops around weaving a sculptural fish or basket, macramé and hebel carving. She also runs private mixed media painting classes and takes painting and portrait commissions.

Arts 29

After much travelling and creative experiences, Catherine M. Brennan is a treasure on our coastline and to the creative community. Pop in and say hi! Salt and Pepper Gallery is open 7 days a week at 557 Great Ocean Road, Bellbrae. You can also find her on social media under saltandpeppergallery.

Salt and Pepper GALLERY

OPEN 7 days 10am-4pm 557 Great Ocean Road, Bellbrae P: 0417 760 365

30 Arts

Seashells Photography

Otway Life Almanac 2018

Arts 31

Offering affordable quality packages to suit all budgets or by personal design. Servicing all areas of the Bellarine, Otways and Geelong. Large weddings to intimate elopements Quality images and high end product. All wedding clients receive 6x4 image proofs No hidden costs Phone: 0401 816 278 AIPP member www.seashellsweddingphotography.com.au

32 Arts

Gellibrand River Gallery Gallery, Gift Shop & Accommodation

Gallery & Gift Shop Just two hours from Melbourne & only 20 minutes from Colac, the Gellibrand River Gallery is nestled in the heart of the Otway Ranges in the charming village atmosphere of Gellibrand River. Supporting artists located within the Colac Otway Shire, the Gallery sells for Consignee Artists whose locally handmade works range from glassware, jewellery & cards to photography, textiles & woodwork. Individually hand crafted artworks includes items such as glass plates, pottery jugs & woollen scarves to paintings, sculptures & cushions. The Gallery also provides a stimulating & encouraging Exhibition Space for its Consignee Artists to exhibit. Exhibited works may vary from traditional, sculptural & contemporary to fine art, experimental & installation. Exhibitions & installations in the Gallery’s Exhibition Space change each month & mix Feature Artists & Themes throughout the year. Be sure to visit the Gellibrand River Gallery during your travels, & take home your own unique piece of affordable locally handcrafted artwork.

Accommodation Gellibrand River Gallery Accommodation adjoins the Gellibrand River Gallery. Situated close to the Old Beechy Rail Trail for walkers and cyclists connecting Colac and Beech Forest via the old Otway Life Almanac 2018

railway route, the house is in the centre of town next to the General Store and Cafe, and is a comfortable (and recently renovated) space for groups, couples and families to relax and refresh, and explore the stunning Great Otway National Park. Gellibrand River is 20 minutes south of Colac with its beautiful Botanic Gardens overlooking Lake Colac, and with the villages and cafes of Lavers Hill, Ferguson and Birregurra each within ~30mins drive, and is about an hour’s drive from the Great Ocean Road, providing access to both the seaside town of Apollo Bay and the Twelve Apostles. The property is well located for accessing much of the Otways natural beauty including waterfalls, Lake Elizabeth, California redwoods, Turton's Track, the Otway Fly, Forrest's world class mountain bike trails, and the Otways Harvest Trail of wineries, berry farms, and a range of fine cafes/ restaurants offering local produce. Our two bedroom house can accommodate up to four people in one queen size bed and two singles. Children are welcome in beds already provided. Guests have full, independent access to the house with open plan living containing a fully equipped kitchen, dining and living, a sunroom, one bathroom and laundry facilities. Guests also have full, independent access to a garden with sheltered seating and BBQ facilities. Free parking is available on-site and consists of private driveway access and single carport.

33 The Gellibrand River Gallery is open from 10am to 4pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, most Public Holidays and by Appointment. I am available, if needed, in the Gallery during these times. I can also be available by phone or email/messaging outside of these hours, if needed. Please note that the Gallery closes for July each year. Take time out at the Gellibrand River Gallery's Accommodation for a weekend or longer, to recharge and explore this remarkable part of Victoria. gellibrandrivergallery.com.au gellibrandrivergallery

34 Arts

Stephanie Hocking ginkoh jewellery

What brought you to this part of the world ? Anglesea and the surf coast has a beautiful energy about it and draws to it interesting, unique and soulful people. Although there are many perfect places to be in Australia and around the world I’ve found myself here since 2011. This area has a lot to offer a visual artist, with its magnificent scenery, good vibes and those who share it with you. Who and what inspires your art ? I’ve studied artists and their artwork and it’s all inspiring in different ways, people are inspiring through what motivates them to create, what messages they want to share and the process they choose to deliver it. When I’m designing a piece I’m thinking of either myself or the person I’m making for and allow all the amazing memories of artists, techniques and influences to guide me creatively. My parents are also an inspiration, my Dad Timothy Hocking a Master Potter and tertiary arts teacher taught me to draw among many other skills, I channel him to solve visual and technical construction problems, my Mum Roslyn Hocking studied graphic design teaching me style and impact, she brings me interesting bugs, bones and whatever else she finds, all which help keep my creative mind sharp in developing new designs and unique pieces. Once I have a plan I channel my Jewellery mentor and friend Jan Donaldson, PHD Fine Arts, she has taught me all the skills necessary to develop pieces with soul and quality, she guides me to understand how metal likes to be treated, manipulated, decorated and fixed, her research into artifact and identity helps me to understand why we do what we do. The patience and dedication required to make art is itself inspiring, the stories and sensitivities that become visual interpretations through individual characters is an endless investigation from the past to the present. Otway Life Almanac 2018

From studies in sculpture I love Auguste Rodin, Henry Moore, René Jules Lalique, painters I love Vincent Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Salvador Dali, Leonardo Da Vinci, Amedeo Modigliani, Michelangelo. From drawing and figurative studies I love Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, David Palladini, Rick Amore, Arthur Racham and then there’s the ladies Giorgia O’Keefe and Frida Kahlo. Every new project leads me to research and development in discovering new inspirations and ultimately my love of nature, antiques, recycling, clever design, travel, music and movies are the aids I use to deliver my feelings through my artwork. What are some of the challenges and joys of being an artist in a rural area ? I love rural areas I was raised just out of Shepparton in Bunbartha near the Goulburn river. I’ve lived in big cities Melbourne, London, Hong Kong and as awesome as that is I prefer being around nature and a small community. It can be challenging to get yourself out there and at times a little isolating when you dive into your work though on the flip side the joys are worth any challenges. I have a little garden I look out on and find interesting shapes and textures to include in my jewellery, Point Road Knight Beach is a stones throw away and irresistible to wonder about to clear the mind walking in paradise. I may even bump into someone who’s wearing my jewellery which is a killer buzz! Local support is hugely appreciated and i can’t thank the community and galleries enough for connecting and getting involved, its does more than just keep me in business, it keeps me local and helps spread the love, appreciation and need for something handmade in Australia. What are your hopes and dreams for the future? I am fortunate to have a job that I love and able to live everyday in a beautiful place doing it. I hope handmade jewellery keeps increasing in popularity. I believe once you have something made for you it’s a no brainer to continue to support the artists that make things to last and personally guarantee you quality and value.

Stephanie Hocking - ginkoh jewellery 35 Purchasing something made locally feels pretty amazing anyway so combined with the magic of meeting the maker who resonates with you is truly unbeatable. My mind drifts off thinking about meeting new and amazing people with fantastic ideas they want to see made and myself tinkering away in my studio designing pieces that bring happiness to whomever wonders across my work. I hope I can keep sharing my love of handmade and dream of all the tools and techniques I’m yet to try and all the pieces I hope to create. Making jewellery for a living is rewarding in many ways, it teaches me to observe and over deliver, not every piece is made to sell, so much knowledge is gained in the exploration of craft. I’m always totally chuffed being able to create for a living. What do you love to make? I’m currently working on a wedding ring that features a kangaroo toenail, nothing is off limits in the Ginkoh studio. I love challenges that promote learning something new and appreciating the weird, quirky materials and concepts. Meeting the people who buy my work or commission a piece gives me a lot joy. I welcome everyone to my

studio and home display to see how Ginkoh Jewellery is meticulously crafted. The devil is in the details and I’m mad about up-cycling found objects such as coins, cutlery, horn, opals etc. I’m obsessed with utilizing lost wax casting to carve and cast interesting forms into Gold, Silver, Bronze etc, etching free hand surface patterns and symbols also evolve to marry with my work. The pleasure is in the process and I’m organically driven to pair all my influences together to make, redesign or repair rings, earrings, lockets, bracelets, necklaces, buckles, cuff links and more, all one of a kind pieces for both men and women.

www.ginkohjewellery.com ginkoh@hotmail.com

36 Arts

Iluka Designs Nathan Patterson is a proud Wagiman Man living who is now residing in Torquay on the south coast of Victoria. His people are from Pine Creek, near the Daly River Region in the Northern Territory, where the Wagiman clan are the traditional landowners. Nathan was born 1981, in Preston Victoria his passion for painting first emerged during his teenage years which led to engaging in the study of Fine Arts in 2002 at RMIT, Melbourne. Nathan now works as a full time artist. Nathan’s art is a mixture of contemporary designs using traditional techniques that incorporate the dreamtime stories of his people and of the land he was born on. He continues to tell these stories through his art. Nathan strives to push the boundaries of contemporary Aboriginal art through the use of vibrant colours and traditional design. Nathan is passionate about sharing Aboriginal culture through art. www.ilukadesigns.com.au

Moongate Gallery Set in bushland a birdsong from Bells Beach, Moongate Studios is the owner-built mudbrick home, studios and gallery of Geo & Jan Francis. Though self-taught, both achieved Signatories - Victorian Artists Society Melbourne, an Honorary Arts Degree Accademia Delle Belle Arti di Cuneo Italy and founded - Geelong Sculptors Inc. Much applauded for art excellence and international cultural exchange initiatives, both received a Medaglia Mauriziana per le Arti in Italy 2017 for life-time achievement in the Arts. Jan’s Gold Medal - Expo Milano Italy 2015 and subsequent exhibitions in South Korea and China 2016 were also enriching experiences. Jan has held 50+ solo exhibitions on 4 continents. Colour, design and narrative are key to her arts practice, expressed in oil on canvas and pen on paper. Geo sculpts in many mediums. Giacometti-inspired figures and birds are favoured. Bronze, timber and limestone evolve when not sculpting stone walls at Moongate. Commissions welcome.

Open by appointment Phone 0414 876 383

Otway Life Almanac 2018

Arts 37

Anglesea Art Studios Artists with contemporary vision... Our studios are open all year around by appointment, plus we hold two open studio events a year: Surf Coast Arts Trail – second weekend in August Open Studios Weekend Sat – Mon of the Melbourne Cup Weekend in November Moongate Studios Jan + Geo Francis, painting + sculpture Phone: 0414 876 383 Caroline Hawkins – sculptural weaving + workshops Phone: 0413 609 085 Muddy’s She-Shed – Maggi Jean + friends, ceramics, printmaking, painting, drawing 0487 842 135 Solly/Giles – Fragility Studio – Melinda + Matthew Solly, Jill + Geoff Giles, ceramics, painting, printmaking + woodwork Phone: 0439 358 526 Studio 66 – Cinnamonsart – Cinnamon + Rowan Stephens, creative metalwork Phone: 0400 436 308 Ginkoh – Stephanie Hocking, contemporary jewellery Phone: 0447 379 496 Get up close to the process... come and visit a local artist’s home/studio/garden/gallery. www.facebook.com/angleseaartstudios

38 Arts

Studio 66 Creative Metalwork by Cinnamon and Rowan Stephens

I have lived in and around Geelong and the Surf Coast my whole life. My parents owner/built a mud brick home/ studios and gallery, Moongate Studios, in the bush out the back of Bellbrae, so I used to spend most weekends and school holidays down the coast. When I moved to Anglesea 12 years ago, it really felt like I had come full circle and this was going to be where I would settle. I have always been inspired by my natural environment. Even in my first home/studio/gallery in Geelong West I was creating ocean inspired sculptures. Now I live by the bush and beach, it’s our local abundance of birdlife that really captures my imagination. Along with our local flora and ocean living. I was inspired by an artist in France during my travel scholarship. I won the inaugural overseas travel award at Ballarat University from my final year sculpture folio and a written piece describing all the sculpture parks and galleries I wished to visit. I lived up to my promise by visiting over 70 creative spaces all over England, parts of Europe and New York in about 3 months. In Nice, France; I met a lady who lived, created and exhibited all from the same tiny space. I loved this concept and still do it to this day. It was perfect for living off my creativity while raising my two children who are now 18 and 12. Living and creating alongside my husband, Rowan is a blessed existence. We are able to live off the amount of private commissions I receive, plus group and solo exhibitions dotted throughout the year. I have created quite a broad range of metalwork over the years. We make gates, security doors and windows, sculptural pieces for indoors and gardens plus my new direction of sculptural jewellery. My best sellers over the years have been my custom designed mirror frames plus my whimsical sea dragon. I always feel a great sense of joy and satisfaction when a client sees their commissioned piece for the first time. I love the process of bringing their idea into reality through design and metal fabrication. Living on the Surf Coast in Anglesea is a wonderful experience. We are blessed with beaches and bush walks to ourselves most of the year, and a ready made audience in peak holiday months. The Surf Coast Art Space has been a welcomed addition to town thanks to the Surf Coast Shire’s arts officer. It has been a bonus to be able to exhibit art alongside the many other talented local artists. Otway Life Almanac 2018


Phone: 0400 436 308

Photography: Rebecca Hosking

For more images of our creative metalwork see www.cinnamonsart.com or find us on facebook and instagram. Commissions are always most welcome.

40 Arts

Still Point Studio an interview with Wayne Reid by Cinnamon Stephens I initially came to live in Winchelsea after closing my Record Shop in Northcote. I had already moved to Point Lonsdale, seeking a quieter life than Melbourne offered, after a major heart attack slowed me down. I found the coastal lifestyle made up for the inconvenience of commuting.  My background in Nursing secured me a position as Coordinator of Programs at a day centre for the elderly in Winchelsea. Fortunately I was offered an old farmhouse to rent just outside Winchelsea and eventually we built here. So, I guess you would say that it was circumstantial that I came to be living in Winchelsea, but the location has always proved convenient. I love being close to both the Otway Ranges with the wonderful parks and reserves, walks and waterfalls, and many other natural attractions that drew me into taking up photography again. I purchased a new camera and was deeply engaged once more. Living in Winchelsea meant that I was close to so much natural beauty for inspiration. My studio is named Still Point, referring to a calm place. My work often falls into the quite abstract category, rather than the usual grand landscape category, and even though you might say “That could have been taken anywhere”, the inspiration came from where I was at the time, and most of the time that has been a calm place on the Surf Coast and in the hinterland of the Otways.  My main interests are abstractions, creations and derelictions, which incidentally was the title to an exhibition I had in Melbourne several years ago. I love nature and the world around us, but I love to look closely at small parts of creation rather than the big picture. Sometimes I choose to abstract the subject matter because this seems to tell the Otway Life Almanac 2018

story better; sometimes I do this by design and sometimes it just happens unconsciously…and sometimes it works! When you remove some of the reference points in a composition, the viewer has to work to understand it in the light of their own experience, and as someone once said: “The image too easily understood is the image too easily forgotten”.  I am also drawn to what happens when the passage of time and the processes of nature work their transforming magic on the creations of human hands. In this process there is often a subtle and strange beauty that results…this is what Japanese culture knows as “wabi sabi”, and it intrigues and draws me in. I love rusting and decaying objects, the changes in texture and colour intrigue, amaze and inspire me. You can see my work by appointment at my small home/ studio/gallery in Winchelsea called Still Point Studio, open to the public during the Surf Coast Arts Trail on the second weekend of August. You can also find my work at Aireys Inlet Market, second Sunday each month from October to June (and every Sunday in January), and Barwon Heads Market, last Saturday of every month, and every Saturday through December and January. I have had a book published by the American boutique bookmaker, Blurb, and you can view or purchase it at: http://www.blurb.com/books/3243284abstractions-creations-derelictions Feel free to contact me or come and say hi at the next market or art trail: Mobile: 0487 111 949 Email:  waynereidstillpoint@bigpond.com Website:  waynereid.zenfolio.com Facebook: facebook.com/waynereidphotography

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Julie Dyer

Surf Coast Shire Arts Development Officer What brought you to this part of the world? Moved to Torquay when the council amalgamations were happening and my husband works in local government. I was home on Education department leave with young children. You have been arts officer for many years - what changes have you noticed in the arts community over that time? 22 years – It has always had a rich varied talent of artists – all genres; visual, performance, music, dance, composition, film, animation, writers and so on. My title is Arts Development Officer and the developmental aspect is very important as it is what enables the arts community to grow, develop more skills - whether it be in their chosen field or learning to be more business capable and savvy! Over the years there have been more arts practices develop, more professional artists move in and create locally, theatre and circus companies have emerged – often evolving. The broader community has had wonderful experiences to participate and be an audience at extraordinary events and exhibitions. I extremely proud to see young adults develop their professional arts roles after seeing them. Do you pursue your own art expression, if so what medium and inspiration ? I am definitely an Arts administrator – who loves dabbling in the arts. I am NOT an artist but over the years have dipped my toe in theatre, wearable art, bookart – art inspired and created from books, textiles and props and set creations. I have a couple of other things I do quietly…….that may pop up in the community every now and then! What are your hopes for the future of the arts community in the surf coast/otways region? I love to see the region bloom with the talent of the broad arts community and the bountiful opportunities for those taking their first steps into classes and exhibitions. The music and theatre in the area is fabulous and I hope that we continue to be challenged when making a decision about what to attend! Currently the Surf Coast Shire has increased the support of the arts not only through the Surf Coast Arts Trail held in August but also with the rental of a shop front in Anglesea. The Surf Coast Arts Space has had ongoing exhibitions and events in it since it was initially rented in October 2016. The space is definitely continuing through to the end of June 2018. The Arts Trail and the Surf Coast Art Space can be followed up on Facebook.


Colac Otway Arts Trail 17 & 18 MARCH 2018

The inspiration for the Colac Otway Arts Trail comes from a project developed in 2003 called Art Start, where it was identified that there wasn’t enough promotion and support for local artists and arts groups. A weekend exhibition was created at Balnagowan and a mini arts trail ran from there down through the Otways to Lavers Hill using buses as a demonstration of the possibilities of developing and arts space and arts tourism. The limited budget of about $1000, which covered the cost of the buses and the hire of the venue, meant there was no room for advertising. The project was organised and promoted by the volunteers involved. It was hoped at the time that we could find a partner who might see the potential of such an idea and employ someone to organise this and make it an annual event. Fourteen years later the same gap still applies in our shire while neighbouring shires are enjoying great success with their arts trail... bringing many people to visit their wonderful galleries and studios So our volunteers are going to try again. Hopefully with the increase in use of social media we will be able to reach more artists to take part and open their studios and galleries for the weekend and be able to publicise the event far more widely to the community who will be able to participate We chose the weekend of the Kana as a way of celebrating its 60th Anniversary. The idea developed from an invitation from the Kana committee to run an exhibition as part of the celebrations and grew from there. We believe the adding of an Arts Trail to the weekend can spread the celebration over two days and add a new dimension to a community event that has taken place for the last 60 years and hope that it might bring another element to their celebration and bring a new vitality and interest to the event. We have several galleries involved at this stage... COPACC will hold a curated exhibition called Adamas- From Ancient Greek άδάμας (adámas, "unconquerable, invincible"), as a tribute to the volunteers who have worked so hard to keep Kana alive. Plan B Gallery, Studio 92, Red Rock Regional Gallery and Gellibrand River Gallery have all expressed interest in their involvement. We also have potters, felt makers, printmakers, painters, jewellers, glass artists and photographers expressing interest. Tim Lucas is hoping his new photographic book about the Otways will be ready to launch. We welcome art forms of any medium to be involved and also invite community or educational groups who might wish to showcase what they do to the community. We hope anyone reading this who may be interested will register their interest by emailing colacotwayartstrail@gmail.com. For those artists who don’t have studio space we are also hoping to find a space for a popup studio & gallery where they may bring their work to showcase it and promote themselves, so we are looking for a venue for that at present. Otway Life Almanac Magazine2018 Autumn 2017

"Like mother like daughter" by Irene Pagram

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We are unfunded, and are looking for sponsorship to help with printing the maps and signage to give directions to the galleries and studios and also for publicity. Creative Otways is our auspice so any donations to support the event can be tax deductible.

and culture contribute directly to the sense of place which attract both residents and investors. Many regional Victorian cities are investing in cultural infrastructure and activities to create vibrant and diverse local cultural offerings to attract new residents and investors.

The big dream for the future is two-fold:

The second dream is to have a Community Art and Studio Space Lava glazed vessel by Elaine Limbrick in Colac, A space where people That we can make this Arts Trail can hire space to create either as successful so that it becomes an annual event and highlights the Colac Otway Shire as a place individual artist or as groups. A space that has equipment available for use, that has space for artists to work or run to travel to not only for its physical beauty, its fabulous food, workshops for the community. For people who support the and wine and but also for its amazing art. idea of community art space in Colac you can send an email The Australian Council for the Arts reports that a modest registering your interest to colacotwayartiststudio@gmail.com investment in the arts can deliver significant return on Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far including Emma Clark for the Colac-Otway Shire and Julie Dyer, Arts Officer for the Surfcoast Shire. We look to the future with hope and determination to make these dreams a reality.

by Lynne Richardson

Colac Otway Arts Trail

investment for government agencies and private sectors It also has statistics that Australians take 9.5 million day trips and 9.3 million overnight tips which involve cultural and heritage activities we would like to see the Colac-Otway shire as a cultural destination that can tap into that and increase our creative economy. In looking at the liveability of a region, arts

17 & 18 MARCH 2018

colacotwayartstrail@gmail.com Artwork Maude Berry


Image: Sandy Batten

Colac Otway Artist Studio Is there a need for Artists' Studios in Colac? We are a volunteer advocacy group looking for support to develop a community run, permanent base for artists of all mediums in the Colac and surrounding areas. A space people can hire to create either as an individual artist or as groups. A space that has equipment available for use, that has room for artists to work or run workshops for the community. Many communities have such places and we believe there is a need in Colac Ashmore Arts- Torquay F Project:-Warrnambool Fire station-Melbourne Angelsea art studio Camperdown has The Courthouse, space at the showgrounds and other venues for a population of 3000.

Artwork: Maude Berry

Creative Otways An incorporated group supporting the arts in the Otways region. We create connections and opportunities for people who love the arts. Contact us to find out what is happening in 2018 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 586 Colac, Vic, 3250 EMAIL: creativeotways@gmail.com Otway Life Almanac 2018

Most towns have some kind of shared community gallery and studio space that is often supported by local council or set up in "empty spaces or unused buildings". A space such as this in Colac could create links to all the arts activities in the Otways as well as providing space for people right across the shire as Colac is central geographically. For people who support the idea of community art spaces in Colac you can send a email registering your interest to colacotwayartiststudio@gmail.com If you are interested in joining in and helping make this dream a reality...we'd love to hear from you! EMAIL: Colacotwayartiststudio@gmail.com Colac-Otway-Artist-Studio

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"See The Light" by Ants Pantz Arts Ants Pantz Arts are presently working on their next exciting, original, multimedia production called ‘SEE THE LIGHT’. Eight colourful scenes explore ‘light’ from multiple perspectives including; historical aspects, (meet Isaac Newton!), the science of colour, spectrums and rainbows, we explore how colours effect our whole lives; physically and emotionally, with original songs and live music, funky dance moves and awesome projected visuals. (Excerpt from The Rainbow Song finale) All the colours in our play, come from our star, the sun

Colac Landscape Supplies

It keeps us warm, it lights our days,

At Colac Landscape Supplies we love to help people create the garden and outdoor spaces of their dreams. We believe that outdoor areas can be made beautiful and practical at the same time. We also want to expand our range to include local art decorated pots and sculptures for the garden. If you need something for your outdoor entertaining area, driveway or around the pool – no matter how small or big the job, we have the right stuff for you including: Soil, Mulch, Pebbles, Gravel, Pavers, Firewood, Potting Mix, Garden Supplies, Stone Dust, Sands, Sandpit Sand. If there is something missing from this list, please talk to us, we’re here to help you realise your project and bring it to completion in the best and most affordable way possible! Same Day, Home Delivery 3m & 10m loads Quick Reliable Service PH: (03) 5232 298

Colours are like magic, we see, we feel, we grow

We are looking for locally made Garden art and pots to sell! Artists, please bring in a sample booklet or send jpegs of your artwork and we will set up a video slide show to be displayed in our showroom. A 20% commission will apply to sales Contact Lynne Richardson (03) 5232 2980 EMAIL Colaclandscapesupplies@gmail.com colaclandscapesupplies

Without it, life would be bleak and glum Healing, growth and fun, we plant new seeds to sow Ants Pantz Arts are a self-funded, Colac based allabilities drama troupe who have been creating together for 15 years! Our annual productions are always original and often deal with controversial issues through narrative, song, dance and comedy. Our committed team meet weekly to rehearse and brainstorm and share creative fun while learning new skills and knowledge. We perform our work locally at RRRTAG the Red Rock Regional Theatre and Gallery, local schools and community groups plus showcase our work at the annual national “Having a Say”disability conference in Geelong. Previous productions with diverse themes have included: ‘Bully Busters’, ‘Star Crazy’, ‘Seeking Asylum’, ‘Feral’, ‘4 x Road Trips’, ‘H2O oh No’, ‘Con-artists Faking it in the Gallery’, ‘ Animal Complaints’, ‘Bowled Over’, ‘Its OK to Complain’, ‘Round the Bend and Back’, ‘The Dream machine’..... and there are more! ...... Creative director Cherise Jettner is passionate about the creative arts as a magical means to transform our lives and connect meaningfully, while exposing important social and environmental issues. Volunteers and new members are always welcome! antspantz.arts


Artistic Intention by Tim Lucas

Living in the Colac Otway Shire offers a unique array of natural landscapes, perhaps more than many other locations. To the North and East of the shire is the large rural flatlands, to the West the salt lakes and volcanic plains, to the South the magical Otway Ranges and Great Ocean Road. With such an array of landscapes within a short drive (usually under an hour) it’s hard not to find something that peaks my interest. By far it’s the Otway Ranges and hinterland regions that keep dragging me back at every opportunity. As a photographer, I find myself traversing this region looking for the unique, the unusual, the thought provoking, whilst not ignoring the obvious. I often visit a location many times, it helps me to get a feel for it. This is important to me as I try and capture, in two dimensions, the sight, sound and smells that are the essence of the location. Lately this has driven a significant change in the way I present my work. It’s like a trigger has been pulled. That trigger has changed my post shoot processing and it seems I spend as much time writing about the location, the technical details, the emotion and thoughts from the shoot as I do working on my edits. It’s hard to say what this trigger was, but increasingly, either in the field or whilst working on my images I have my young daughter with me. Born with Down Syndrome, and living an idyllic rural life style, she seems to have a natural attraction to the beautiful environment that we live in, and is showing increasing interest in my work. So perhaps this was the trigger that has led to my deeper focus. In this era of social media, I take an approach of complete openness – sharing all the technical details, the how and the why. Perhaps this is the educator in me coming out into this artistic space – but I am always happy to provide advice and assistance to budding photographers. And in return I am often privy to locations that may well have otherwise be off-limits to me. This mentoring role, whilst time consuming, is very rewarding. This shift in focus, and feedback and support from others has opened up another direction, this being my first photographic book. This book will be focused on the Otways, and be a combination of images and text. The second shift has been moving one step closer to photographic tours of this amazing area. I am really looking forward to the future, more exploring, more capturing & more time spent enjoying this magic of our natural world. Whether it be the wonders of our local environment, or other equally amazing places across the globe.

Otway Life Almanac 2018

Books & Writing 47

Exhibition History 2012: 100% Natural (COPACC) 2012: Foreshore, Foothills and Fills (Arts Inc. Apollo Bay) 2013: Triptych: Three Artists, Three Media (RRRTAG) 2013: Ballarat International Foto Biennale 2013: Cold Comfort : Life in a Frozen Land (COPACC) 2014: 5 Photos, Curator of group exhibition (COPACC) 2015: Ballarat International Foto Biennale 2016: Intimately Remote : Exploring Small Parts of a Big World (RRRTAG) Numerous entries in Group exhibitions since 2013 (RRRTAG, Arts Inc.)

Art Show History 2017: Birregurra Art Show 2017: International Spyder Black & White Awards (1 nominated entry) 2016: Birregurra Art Show (Sales, no awards) 2016: International Color Awards (4 nominated entries) 2016: International Spyder Black & White Awards (5 nominated entries) 2016: Finalist in Corangamarah Art Prize (RRRTAG) 2015: Birregurra Art Show (Sales, 1st place) 2014: Birregurra Art Show (Sales, 2nd place) 2014: Winchelsea Art Show (No Sales, Best in show, several category winners) 2013: Winchelsea Art Show (No Sales, several category winners)

Social Media Webpage: http://www.timlucasphotography.com.au/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ timlucasphotographyau/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ timlucas.photography/ ViewBug: https://www.viewbug.com/member/timlucas Email: tim@digitalnature.com.au Ph: 0429 646111

Services Available • • • •

Large Format Printing on 60” wide format printer Custom printing and framing Canvas Stretching Scanning and Editing

John Bartlett  is an author of two novels and a collection of short stories. Two of his novels are currently under consideration as TV mini-series. Later this year his non-fiction, already published in magazines and newspapers since 2000, will be released as an e-book, ‘A tiny brilliant light’. He regularly blogs at: beyondtheestuary.com/

Surf Coast -  Boxing Day 2015  Sketched upon the Cartridge Of this morning’s beach Wavering charcoal lines Searching for a story Scribbled by retreating tides.   Leaves, bark chips, small pieces of blackened timber Not quite destroyed Just baked in one explosive curse Of fire and angry flames.   Charred too at the edges Are memories Of long summer afternoons Of tinkling glasses on shaded verandas  Of laughter and of children’s voices Echoing in the dunes Of watching kookaburras, Voyeurs on tall branches.   These private moments too Sucked into the furnace Reduced to ash Wind-blown now Across the sand.   ‘You only live once’ Laughed the man with the blue surfboard As he strode across the ash-strewn beach To where the patient sea Still waited.


We really needed to inject some breathing space into both our personal and work lives so in 2017 we moved from Melbourne to the outskirts of the Otways to the farm where I was born and raised. Our business, Farmwalker Films, is a video production company that does pretty much everything and anything film related. We work with businesses large or small, agencies, artists, and musicians. It could be just Dan and his camera, the two of us working with a small business to create an online video, or a larger crew for the short film or commercial shoots. Our creative approach a lot of the time is to see what makes us laugh or feel inspired then work out a way to capture that and share it. We like rough edges, experimentation and a handmade feel. Dan loves to experiment with new techniques he stumbles across in films or from the many wonders on the Internet. He brings the directing experience, creative flare and weird and wonderful ideas. I bring the order, planning and ‘what if’s’. Essentially though, we feed off each other, and balance each other out. We need each other for advice in all parts of our business. We’ve renovated the second story of the cottage we live in into a studio space with an amazing view of the hills and are currently renovating a shop and creative space in Melbourne.

Moving to the area has been both a challenge and an absolute delight. We miss the ease of ducking to the shops, restaurants and bars in Footscray, however love growing our own vegetables, discovering local breweries and markets and giving our daughter Elvie space to explore. We think the recipe for a successful shoot is similar to the way we like to look at life; be prepared, be ready for the challenges but it’s really all about how you face the challenges on the day; how well you can problem solve in the moment. And as our family grows to soon be four, we need to keep reminding ourselves of this! As we build our client base in the area we recognize how blessed we are to live so close to the ocean and forest as well as being surrounded by amazing local produce and people. The nature of our work means we can have a blend of both the city and country life and I think that’s the way it will always be with us. Dan and Amelia Farmer Farmwalker Films www.farmwalker.com Ph: 0403 322 217 instagram.com/farmwalker_films

Otway Life Almanac 2018

Cinema Scope 49

Being a Woman

- a short film by Debra Chant

Only a woman knows what it is to be a woman, but not every woman thinks they are special. My video 'Being a Woman – the short version' is an 8 minute edit of a 36 minute documentary of conversations I had with 7 women in December 2015 and January 2016. The project involved one woman in their 20s, 30s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s who speak directly and honestly about what it means to them to be a woman, what they hope for women in the future, and a woman who has influenced them and/or who they respect. The result being a comprehensive snapshot of what it means to be a woman and I am very grateful to all my wonderful women for their participation. 'Being a Woman – the short version' can be viewed on my youtube channel www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0pBAsHj3GM&t=10s or my website www.debrachant.com Enjoy! Debra Chant is a visual artist who tells stories about people and place, and lives in Birregurra Victoria

Otways Accommodation

The Otways There simply is no better place on earth ...and simply no better way to find where to stay, what to do and how to get there


otway businesses - contact us to be part of the buzz



Otway Sleepovers

Whether you’ve spent the day in the Otways beach combing, touring through the lush hinterland, visiting family and friends, or joining in a special celebration…you will need to rest your weary head at the end of the day. And you are spoilt for options from camping, glamping & self-contained holiday homes through to luxury B & B’s. You can sleep under the stars of the Milky Way, by a camp fire or snuggle into a cosy cabin. Whatever your desire or budget, Otway Sleepovers are the stuff of dreams. So come...lose your clock...and find the time...


Stay a few nights in our beautiful cabin overlooking the Otways, explore the hinterland, the Great Ocean Road (GOR) and relax in your peaceful, quiet, romantic self contained cabin style accommodation for two. Included is a breakfast basket each morning featuring fresh farm free range eggs, a loaf of freshly baked bread and a selection of farm preserves. Local bacon is also provided. Depending on the season, you’ll find a few extras in your basket such as freshly picked berries or fruit. Your cabin comprises of a comfortable queen size bed, beautiful ensuite with full shower and a seating area with couch, table and chairs and a small kitchenette. There is an abundance of birdlife around the area and photography enthusiasts will love the photo opportunities. If you are enjoying a meal at Brae Restaurant, or Bespoke Harvest, we can provide transport to and from the restaurant, please check on booking. 85 Meadowell Rd, Gerangamete VIC 3249



www.otwayfields.com Tel 0418 757 028 Otway Life Almanac 2018

Otway Escapes For couples seeking romance, OTWAY ESCAPES offers 4 uniquely designed properties. OTWAYS NUMBER 105: Architecturally designed “Pole House” with mezzanine on 4ha with 180 degree views of The Otways. OTWAY VALLEY VIEWS: Artistically “retro” renovated 1940’s Farmers Cottage on 40ha. OTWAY ESCAPES LOVE SHACK: Apartment accommodation with 360 degree rural and Otway views. LOVE IS IN THE AIRSTREAM: Glamping in style! A 1966 renovated Airstream Caravan including outdoor Star gazing Bath with spectacular rural and bush views. Re-awaken your senses with the romance of wood fires, spa’s, saunas, artwork and Japanese plunge baths. Experience and embrace beautiful gardens and outdoor sculptures with an abundance of birdlife and animals. Indulge with packages prepared with local produce. Enjoy spectacular views over rolling hills and the Otways, all within close proximity of the Great Ocean Road, Lorne and Birregurra. Return transfers available to local restaurants.

Otway Sleepovers 51 COTTAGES & EVENT CENTRE

King Parrot Cottages & Event Centre consists five cottages, a Lodge with Hall attached and campground in Pennyroyal on the northern slopes of the Otway Ranges. King Parrot is a popular destination for romantic getaways, family holidays or large family celebrations. The architecturally designed accommodation is fully self-contained, ranging in size from single to four bedrooms, accommodating between two and fourteen people. Each offers comfort, character and privacy in a rustic bush land setting, including stunning valley views. Activities include the salt-water swimming pool, games room with table tennis, fuse ball, air hockey, darts, board games plus mini golf course, suitable for all ages. Bush-walking tracks and waterfalls abound in the immediate vicinity and within close reach are the beautiful beaches along the Great Ocean Road, the wonders of the Otway National Park and the gourmet trail of berry farms, fine foods and farm produce. King Parrot is very popular wedding venue. Please give us a call to discuss options and obtain rates. Most pets are welcome by prior arrangement only. 195 Dunse Track, Pennyroyal VIC 3235


At K rainf Phone: 03 5236 3372 Email: contact@kingparrot.com.au www.kingparrot.com.au

Our the s


Your Pho 195 Ema

t: 0411 721 163 e: info@otwayescapes.com.au w: www.otwayescapes.com.au


It’s a dogs life Photo: Ragamuffin Pet Photography

by Di Schulze, Countrywide Cottages They say a dog is a mans best friend. We all know that’s only part of the story though, right? What about all the women and children equally besotted with their canine buddies. You’ll never convince the naysayers of course, but anyone who has felt the connection with a dog will never forget it and will always yearn to find it again when it’s gone. There’s the loyalty. Just somehow knowing she loves you, above all else. The sense of protection that having a dog in your life confers. The unreserved delight you are met with when you come home after a long tiring day. I’m sure it wasn’t only because this meant her dinner was about to be served! Turning around to find her plopped on the grass nearby as you hang out the endless washing, providing you with her abundant moral support. Following your progress around the garden to keep you in her sights from her various favourite possies under the bushes. Her tempered excitement as she comes along with you to feed the chooks – sniffing out all the interesting left overs and snaffling the best for herself. Taking her to the beach for the first time in her long farm girl life and watching her amazement – and deep suspicion – of that huge expanse of moving water. Keen to examine every piece of seaweed in sight. Part of the Countrywide Cottages team. Otway Life Almanac 2018

Many were the guests’ BBQs she visited, it would seem. Just in case there might be a snippet or two to help them with. Then that tail. Beating out her love for you, as it gently pounds the bed in which she sits, purveying her patch. Waiting for your hand to reach down to her ears, too old now to rise in greeting, eyes already half closed in anticipation of a comforting scratch. And I would swear, the embarrassment and shame in her eyes when something goes wrong and you find her collapsed on the ground, waking from a seizure, before whisking her off to the Vets. OK – so now I can’t see the keyboard as I write remembering the magnificent Lottie, now long gone. Forever in my heart. I find myself still astonished, thinking of the impact that dog had on my life, those few short but fabulous years. She made so many things seem worthy, not as bad as they might have seemed without her on my side. She was company; my best mate. Yes – there’s something about a dog. Photo: Di with Lottie


Countrywide Cottages offer dog friendly self-contained four star holiday cottages on the edge of the Otways, 25 minutes inland from Lorne. We were delighted to be rated in the top ten of the Gold List of Australian Accommodation by Star Ratings Australia in 2017 and are consistently rated 5 stars on Trip Advisor. Just 90 minutes drive from the Westgate Bridge in Melbourne, the journey to your amazing dog friendly holiday is an easy one after a long week at work! Where your dog is as welcome as you are.

Cosy log fires Pillowtop beds Electric blankets Dogs welcome inside Home made treats Free range eggs Huge fenced yards Off leash areas Wild birds Bushwalks from your door

holidays for humans and hounds

03 5288 7399 0419 114 786 stay@countrywidecottages.com.au www.countrywidecottages.com.au



Sustainable Table The temperate climate and typography of the Otway Ranges provide an ideal setting for the sustainable production of food and other products for the local community. A ‘sustainable table’ is one that uses local food grown using ecological and ethical practices that: Contribute to a thriving local economy and sustainable livelihoods; Protect the diversity of both plants and animals and the welfare of farmed and wild species; Avoid damaging or wasting natural resources or contributing to climate change; Provide social benefits, such as good quality food, safe and healthy products, and educational opportunities. Please support these local industries and be healthy at the same time!

The Calvert family has deep roots in Irrewarra. A Western District farming area near Colac, Calverts first farmed here in the 1840s. The bakery is in the restored stables of Irrewarra House – once filled with the aroma of horses and straw, it now exhales the heavenly aromas of freshly baked bread. Irrewarra is an Aboriginal word meaning “long spear throw”. Traditional home of the Kolak clan, Irrewarra is now famous for sourdough bread and Irrewarra biodynamic ice-cream. This is artisan bread at its finest. Rustic and pure, our bread is not tainted with commercial yeast or preservatives and is created in a time honoured tradition. Shaped by hand and baked on the stone floor of the oven, every loaf is the individual expression of our bakers’ hands. Never heavy or sour, our bread is the culmination of a 30-hour fermentation and proofing process. But the real proof is in the tasting. www.irrewarra.com.au

Irrewarra Sourdough Bakery T. (03) 5233 6219 www.irrewarra.com.au

Otway Life Almanac 2018

During the summer season, we have a full range of raspberries, cultivated blackberries and many other varieties available for “pick-your-own”, and the teahouse offers seasonally inspired lunches and snacks which you can complement with a glass of our award winning cider or gin. Home of Crucible Apple Cider “Real Cider”, hand made from our 28 cider apple varieties grown in our orchard. No added preservatives. Royal Penny Berry Gins Made with five varieties of berries picked at their peak, steeped in the finest gin from McHenry’s of Tasmania Our emphasis is simple – local, fresh and all natural. Open for public picking from Nov through Jan. Self contained accommodation available all year. www.pennyroyalraspberry.com


Pennyroyal Raspberry Farm is the oldest working berry farm in the south west of Victoria, within easy access of the famous Great Ocean Road.

Oldest, organic berry farm in the south-west, operating since 1985. HOME OF -

Crucible Apple Cider Royal Penny Berry Gins Self contained accommodation available all year.

115 Division Road, Murroon 3243 Phone (03) 5236 3238 www.pennyroyalraspberry.com

Southern Otways

Southern Otways Food Cooperative Southern Otways

Food Co-op

AT Apollo Bay Youth Club Hall, 19-21 Moore Street, Apollo Bay Southern Otways

1st Tuesday 3.30-5.30 or 3rd Sunday 10am-1pm @ the Apollo Bay Farmers Market email: otwaysorganicfood@gmail.com Check our Facebook page for specials and activities. Southern Otways Thankyou for supporting this not-for-profit community project!

E AT | D R I N K | S TAY

I N T H E H E A R T O F T H E O T WAY S At Forrest Guesthouse you can stop and relax. Enjoy the abundant nature and waterfall walks close by or if you like to move at a faster pace, ride the renowned mountain bike trails that wind through the Otways. Onsite restaurant Bespoke Harvest uses fresh produce from our garden & surrounding farms that capture the taste & flavour of the Otways. Featuring 80% local ingredients for lunch & dinner. Friday & Saturday dinner is a set menu where you relax and enjoy the local harvest. Our menu is continually changing as the produce provides.

| 1 6 G R A N T S T R E E T F O R R E S T 3 2 3 6 | T H E O T WAY R A N G E S V I C T O R I A | B O O K I N G S & E N Q U I R I E S T 0 3 5 2 3 6 6 4 4 6

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26/11/2015 3:53 pm


Sharing the passion Cheeselinks is an Australian business that is both familyowned and operated. The company was established in 1986 as Home Cheesemaking Supplies, specifically to provide quality cheesemaking ingredients and education to people who wanted to learn to make cheese in their own homes. Over time we have expanded and we now supply many of Australia's cheese factories with cultures, baskets, and other equipment. The name was changed to Cheeselinks in 1999, to reflect the increasing service provided to commercial manufacturers.

Cheese-making is more than an art... It’s a passion. There are few past-times more fulfilling than creating your own produce. At Cheeselinks, we help you explore the world of cheese-making to discover just how easy it is to produce delicious cheeses and dairy products in your own home. You’ll never forget the moment you first taste a slice of cheese you’ve created with your own hands that you can share with your family and friends. We stock a wide selection of cheese-making tools, equipment and ingredients to help you prepare delectable cheese products. If you’re not ready to try yourself, we also host a range of workshops to provide expert advice and guidance on how to make an assortment of cheese styles. Otway Life Magazine Autumn 2017

Come share our passion. Cheese and yoghurt making kits, cheese and yoghurt making cultures, rennet, recipes, hoops and baskets, wraps, cheesemaking workshops, basically everything you need to make sensational dairy products in your own kitchen. Cheeselinks is a family-owned business supplying everything you need to make delicious cheese and yoghurt in your own home! It's cheap and easy to start –check out www.cheeselinks.com.au for more information about workshops coming up in 2018.

I attended a Cheeselinks workshop run through the Forrest Neighbourhood House here in the Otways. It was a fabulous day and we went home proudly bearing our very own delicious cheese and bubbling with enthusiasm to have a go at home. The instructors were knowledgable, friendly and more than ready to answer questions and share all those handy hints you wont get on a YouTube video. There's something special about sharing the excitement of learning a new skill with a group of like-minded people, it was so good I signed up for another course! Gillian Brew, Forrest resident

Sustainable Table 57

Share the passion... at a Private Workshop If you have a group of people that want to make cheese, private workshops can be arranged to cater to your needs. As well as our standard workshops, there are a number of other workshops in our repertoire available on special

request, including Cheddar, Gouda, Swiss Cheese, Triple Cream Brie, Goat Cheese, Caerphilly and more! A corporate or private workshop is the perfect opportunity to customise your workshop and learn to make the cheeses that you most want to learn!


Jo's Pantry I moved to Colac in 1979 to start employment at the Shire of Colac as a draftsman. I met my husband Frank in Memorial Square having lunch on a park bench, we married a couple of years later, before having four beautiful children. I supported and worked alongside Frank in our shoe shop Franjo Footwear. In 2001 I started Yoyos by Jo, a business manufacturing biscuits in our converted commercial kitchen, which used to be our garage. After nine wonderful years making yummy biscuits, wholesaling up to 5,000 biscuits a week around Victoria, I sold the business. After a four year break, I started Jo's Pantry. The inspiration for Jo's Pantry came from fond memories of shopping at The Country Food Store in Colac. I would bring my basket of jars to be filled with fresh, wholefood ingredients. As the health food store had since closed down, I wanted to provide the same business again in Colac. I have created a shop providing quality organic bulk flours, spices, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, food for special dietary needs, as well as organic and sustainable cleaning products and toiletries. We aim to showcase as much locally made goods as possible, we now offer fantastic coffee and healthy smoothies, so you can enjoy a refreshing drink whilst perusing our shelves !!!!!! Some challenges of running a small business in Colac are trying to be unique and provide an interesting range of products that have been unavailable in our town. Otway Life Almanac 2018

There are challenges in sourcing products from the small businesses around Victoria with logistics sometimes being an issue. Whilst we advertise in local press as well as social media, it is hard to get the message out to people that we are here in Murray street. Local people still come in and say they had no idea our shop is here, even after three years of operation. One of the biggest challenges is to have a work and life balance as with everybody working in a small business, it is a commitment 24/7. Our daughter Abbey joined me at the Pantry when she returned from living overseas. She has already implemented new strategies for us going forward. Firstly Abbey introduced a coffee bar that includes all variety of coffee as well as turmeric lattes, chai latte's and our new beetroot latte. She is passionately trying to create a more sustainable way of shopping, encouraging people to bring in their own containers to be filled and reusing containers, bottles and bags, and not allowing plastic bags. We have a range of reusable coffee cups and products that help keep the use of plastic to a minimum, bamboo toothbrushes, hairbrushes etc. trying to use products that are bio-degradable. Our future includes the continuing growth of Jo's Pantry, eventually having all products available in bulk so that we cut out on packaging. Continuing to create awareness in our community of sustainability, seasonal produce and the good value of organics as well as striving to be the best one stop shop a small town could have.

Sustainable Table 59


5232 1111


The Good Life by Ami Hillege

Our small farm “Otway Fields” in Gerangamete brings us much joy and many challenges. The best part of living in the Otways is that we have four very distinct seasons. A typical year looks something like this.

Summer It’s all about water! Keep the water up to your garden. By the time it’s started warming up, your garden should be well mulched. We purchase our mulch in large bales. It covers most of our kitchen vegetable garden and the few ornamental beds where we grow flowers and shrubs that attract the bees and birds. • Sow salad & rocket seeds every two or three weeks to have a constant supply of leafy greens • Pick your berries every day. Sling a long handled canvas bag around your neck and pop a bowl into it. That way you collect your berries with two hands and the job is done much quicker! • Dead head spent roses and remove spring annuals past their prime • Keep weeds in check by pulling them when you spot them • Mow your lawn a little longer

Autumn This is harvest season! • Freeze excess produce in zip lock bags. Weigh them and date them • Make apple cider, pickles and relish. Pinterest is your friend for recipe ideas • Save seeds, clear then prepare garden beds, enrich with organic compost and sow winter vegetable seeds such as silverbeet, kale, carrots, beetroot and pak choy • Plant spring flowering bulbs and garlic • Take hardwood cuttings such as lavender to fill up spaces in your garden

Otway Life Almanac 2018

The Good Life 61

Winter This is the rainy season in the Otways. Getting outside can be a challenge. Still, there are jobs to be done. • • • • •

Prune fruit trees and roses. Remove spent berry canes Plant winter seedlings: cabbage, kale and onions Split strawberry plants and mulch them Plant broad beans and set up stakes for them at the same time Enjoy root vegetables planted in spring in soups and stews

Spring The grass starts growing again. Make sure your mower is up to the task! • Mulch. You’ll have fewer weeds and will need less time at the end of a hose! • Don’t be tempted to plant your tomatoes and zucchinis too early. Wait till the end of October • Pick broad beans, artichokes, rhubarb and asparagus • Enrich your garden with organic nutrients. Start a worm farm or build a compost station • Plant seeds in trays and into garden beds that will see you through summer. Herbs like basil and dill should be planted now, along with beans, sweet corn and zucchinis •

Grow your food. Get your hands dirty. Eat seasonally. Barter with friends and neighbours. Share excess produce with those in need. Enjoy your garden. This is the good life!


Boutique Boozeries

The Beechy Hotel, exemplifying the expression “Cold Beer, Warm Welcome�, is located on the main road through Beech Forest, 45 kms south of Colac and approximately 6 kms from the popular Otway Fly. A favourite haunt of locals from as far afield as Gellibrand, Lavers Hill and Johanna, it also welcomes tourists and day trippers with its focus on good old fashioned country hospitality. Under the management of Myles and Gwynneth Cowley since December 2013, the enthusiasm and attention to detail they bring to the running of the newly refurbished pub will ensure that your visit is a memorable one. A central wood burning heater roars throughout the winter months providing ambiance and warmth, whilst the views to the south from the expanse of windows are simply spectacular. The hotel accommodation comprises 4 rooms, each including a comfortable queen size bed and a set of single bunk beds. www.thebeechyhotel.com.au

35 Main Street Beech Forest 3237 VIC Phone: 03 52359220 www.thebeechyhotel.com.au

Otway Life Almanac 2018

Boutique Boozeries 63

Welcome to the Terminus Hotel in Station Street Forrest. We’re just off the main drag where you can enjoy a peaceful cold one from the deck overlooking bush and parkland. The Terminus is a real country pub where there are no pokies and you can still get an affordable, delicious home cooked meal. Lunch and dinner is available seven days a week. And you can have lunch anytime on Saturday and Sunday. You’ll never go hungry at the Terminus.

2-4 Station Street Forrest, Victoria 12pm - 11pm everyday (03) 5204 9704

We are family friendly, and that includes the fur-kids as well with hitching posts and fresh drinking bowls outside. It’s a perfect place to refresh after a walk around the historic township of Forrest, Lake Elizabeth or after riding the famous mountain bike trails. We’re an easy stroll from the caravan park and other accommodation. So drop in and enjoy your favourite tipple or cold beer on tap including locally brewed Forrest Pale Ale and Geelong’s Little Creatures Furphy. The view and the Wifi is on us.


Gosling Creek O T W AY H I N T E R L A N D

Cool climate wines made from estate grown grapes

Cellar Door open 11am-5pm weekends

Free Live Music on Sunday afternoons. Please check Facebook for performer details

Family friendly environment Dogs on leads welcome

495 Murroon Road,STEWART Murroon P 5236 3229 E retail@goslingcreek.com.au www.goslingcreek.com.au DAVID 495 Murroon Road, Murroon P: 5236 3229 M: 0402 474 925 retail@goslingcreek.com.au www.goslingcreek.com.au


Finding Felicity Felicity n. /fI’lIsIti A state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy… Renewing your relationship with the natural world, eating well, exercising and having healthy relationships are all pathways to felicity… In the Otway Ranges and surrounding area there are many innovative programs, services and events to aid your journey.

Here are just some we have found…

Otway Life Almanac 2018

earth to soul M AV E N O F N AT U R E E N E R G I E S . . .

The nature shop holds a gallery, nature supply store and sacred space for spiritual workshops. You will find locally made, handcrafted Spirit sticks, smudge fans, Talismans, Dream Catchers, Spirit Wall Hangings and Nature Jewelry. Earth to Soul specialises in custom orders, intuitely created as a unique gift for self or loved ones. You will also find an extensive collection of crystals, feathers, shells, fossils, and many other natural curios to add to your collection or become part of your own magickal creation. All are ethically sourced and handpicked. Spirit Art is also available. Call in and have a chat about intuited pastel drawings. Nature Craft commissions, private sessions and group workshops available. Nature speaks Truth, and connecting with Nature Energies helps uncover our true essence. Earth to Soul. The Nature Shop is located at Deans Marsh, in the beautiful Otway Hinterland. Open by appointment. Phone Sharen 0405 697 370

Big Room YOGA

At Big Room Yoga and Meditation we have classes for all levels. Yoga and Meditation is thousands of years old and yet it is even more relevant to incorporate in your life than ever .... when we unplug from the busyness and stresses of daily life by getting on the mat or finding inner peace through meditation without distractions (phone/email and to do lists) we reconnect with the gift of our Sacred Self. One of the myths of yoga is that you have to be super bendy to do it the truth is any age any level of fitness can be catered for and at Big Room Yoga and Meditation we are all about empowering bodies and minds. Big Room Yoga offers yoga and meditation in a beautiful nurturing studio, all equipment is provided. Lynne believes... Yoga not only builds strong and flexible bodies for all ages, yoga assists in creating wellness‌ the practice of Hatha Yoga and meditation can provide the tools for people to be adaptable and empowered to deal with the potential of daily stresses. Lynne Cole and Hope Carmody are fully qualified teachers, fully insured, members of IICT and have working with children and first Aid.

whether you like to...

Relax with Meditation Workout with Yoga or Grow with Soul Psychotherapy




Chris Storm from Storm Insight is a professional Art Therapist (AThR) and Counsellor who believes that people can and do change their behavior to create an environment that is happier, healthier and safer for themselves and those around them. Trained in various modalities, Chris is an experienced practitioner who works from an informed perspective and tailors sessions depending in individual needs of the client. Drawing from Clayfield Therapy, Sensorimotor Art Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Play Therapy, and various counselling techniques, a client will be encouraged to explore their own journey to utilise and develop supports for settling their nervous systems and expanding their horizons. The body can hold the key to a more relaxed and settled life and Sensorimotor Art Therapy can support you unlocking your own potential for a more integrated way of being in the world. Sessions by appointment only. Telephone 0418 432 362 to book yours.


Big Room Yoga, your place for wellbeing

For further information on any of my services or to book a session, Call Chris at Storm Insight on

For more information contact

Lynne Cole 0438 312 611 Hope Carmody 0408 585 692

0418 432 362 eligible Medibank Private members may be entitled to a benefit and Storm Insight is a registered provider of Therapeutic Supports with NDIS

Storm Insight, 47 Barrabool Road, Highton. 3216



Drol Kar

Article by Karen Mayer. Photos by Sue Baensch and Linda Diggins Drol Kar Buddhist Centre is a picturesque seven-acre garden in Paraparap within the Surfcoast Shire. Nestled in between farming land and natural bush it is conveniently located between Torquay and Anglesea and offers a tranquil haven to unwind, relax and settle your mind. Visitors at the centre appreciate the feeling of space, silence and solitude, they remark that they feel at peace within the grounds and leave with a feeling of wellbeing after being in the environment. The gardens team with Australian and European flowers, trees and shrubs which provides shelter and food to abundant birdlife, their varying songs and colours are a delight for the senses. Within the garden trails holy statues of various Buddhas as well as a large Stupa which was personally blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2007 generate positive blessings and virtue on the mind. The centre’s temple known as a Gompa looks out into the gardens and it is here we conduct Buddhist teachings in the Tibetan Mahayana tradition. The renowned Geshe Doga from Tara Institute in Melbourne teaches monthly. The regular program is conducted by our resident nun, Venerable Jampa Drolma. The lineage of these teachings can be traced back to Shakyamuni Buddha himself and continue today worldwide by the tireless efforts of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Our regular meditation classes offer secular instruction on mindfulness with a view to managing anxiety and stress, with a focus on increasing wellbeing. We have a variety of experienced clinicians from health and psychology disciplines conducting these classes. The combination of meditation to ease the mind and the beautiful environment which relaxes the body and pleases the senses offers a powerful and positive experience.

Otway Life Almanac 2018

In August 2017 the Centre joined with the local community for the annual Surfcoast Shire’s Arts Trail. Eight artists created their own works using various natural materials which were inspired by environment and the organic setting. Over 500 people attended and enjoyed walking the DrolKar garden trail, the pieces adding complimentary harmony and affinity to the tranquil spaces. Due to the positive feedback from artists and the community we will be hoping to make this an annual event. Geshe Sonam Thargye the Spiritual Director of DrolKar Buddhist Centre is pleased to announce a visit by the Dalai Lama to Melbourne in 2018. Geshe Sonam along with the DrolKar Community and support from The Geelong Council has orchestrated two previous visits to Geelong by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 2002 saw a large gathering for teachings at Skilled Stadium and again in 2007 whereby His Holiness spoke and blessed the DrolKar Centre before holding teaches at the Arena in North Geelong. Details of the upcoming visit in June 2018 with a history of the previous tours can be viewed on the website www.vajrasutra2018.org

Matters of the Heart & Spirit 67

What is Deep Ecology? By Sally Mathrick

“Deep ecology” dissolves the central delusion of separation between humans and Earth. It is an experiential philosophy. That is, it’s something you can experience, not merely philosophically understand or cognitively “get”. Deep ecology is a perspective wherein you become immersed in the awareness of how the environment is integral to your existence. It continually shows us the interconnection of all things and that humans are just one strand in a profoundly complex and beautiful web of existence. It has been called “a biological experience of religion”. Arne Næss, a professor from Oslo University in Norway, is credited with coining the term “deep ecology”. He was deeply motivated by Rachel Carson’s 1962 book A Silent Spring, a title that alluded to a springtime when no birds were chirping because the effects of pesticide pollution rendered them unable to reproduce. Næss was also influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s earlier success in triggering Indian independence through non-violent direct action.

thinking of systems theory, Buddhist philosophy, subatomic physics, Gaia, complexity and chaos theories, which accesses a new paradigm of thinking. It removes the human-centred biases we are entrenched in and frees us to live in acknowledgement of our utter interconnectedness. It brings us into experiencing life in this way.

“Deep ecology is asking the deeper questions.” ~ Professor Arne Næss

Næss articulated how our environmental crises are the sum result of an error in philosophy. A collection of unspoken assumptions and attitudes that condone, and often encourage, the use of Earth and all its resources for the primary benefit of the human species. This erring ideology disassociates humans as being independent from the rest of the Earth and its ecosystem. Or, as biologist Professor Paul Ehrlich put it, we’re a part of the tree of life and “we’re sawing off the branch we’re sitting on”. This way of thinking has paved the way for massive destruction, pollution and the annihilation of species and habitats worldwide. It has created an army of what John Croft, an Australian eco-activist and consultant in the field of ecologically sustainable community economic development, has called “ecopaths”, hell-bent on attaining human gain regardless of ecological destruction.

We’re all interconnected Deep ecology helps to clarify awareness of our total dependence on water, air, bees, microbes, trees and indeed all Earth beings, as well as the entire ecosystem and cosmos. In many ways it is a combination of the

Deep ecology includes ideas that are held sacred by indigenous people around the world, most notably, that the Earth is our mother — the source of our physical selves and the provider of all nourishment and life. Globally, indigenous cultures celebrate the Earth on a regular basis with rituals to acknowledge and honour the sacredness and value of the Earth. Regularly returning to this honouring, they simultaneously live harmoniously within it.

Traditional indigenous cultures have ingrained sustainable processes that acknowledge the importance of all beings (not just humans) and enabled them to exist in harmony with the planet for untold thousands of years. Western civilisation, and in particular the market-capitalist system, has managed to significantly damage Earth systems within a few short centuries. Market growth is the aim, in which waste has been encouraged and a disposable culture has grown. Deep ecology’s thinking is starkly contrasted with the mainstream thinking that propels the market-capitalist system. Deep ecology is not about competition, but collaboration and co-operation. It is not about gaining power over, but being empowered. It is not about survival of the fittest, but about survival through our interconnection and acknowledgement of support. Editor’s note: This article is an extract of longer article published by Wellbeing Magazine and you can read the complete article here:www.wellbeing.com.au/at-home/ planet/What-is-deep-ecology.html Sally Mathrick is a practising naturopath and workplace wellness facilitator. W: soundmedicine.com.au, sparklewell.com.au. Sally has been one of many co-facilitators of deep ecology retreats with John Seed. Find out more at rainforestinfo.org.au.


Shambala By Shelley Carman

SHAMBALA ~ a meeting place of animals and birds, a myth and a narrative fable. A story of love, grief and a new beginning. This is my story, my life, my passion and my love. It started in 1963, the year I was born. The evolving of many experiences over the years came to a point of eruption on all levels after the death of my husband in 1998. Two years of walking through the emotional roller coaster of this period led me to create art in order to express and resolve all of my life experiences, internal conflict and griefs. The beginning of this healing process started with a series of hand drawings which I would then write from. These words evolved into a myth and I then had an experience which I find hard to put into words. At the time I called it a “spiritual psychosis.� Events that unfolded during a camping trip led me to write the backbone of the book. Ten years later we started to photograph the story in image form. OL Almanac: Why did you choose the Otways to stage your beautiful and powerful images? Due to the experience taking place at Cumberland River I could not go anywhere else, something very magical there. OL Almanac: What do you hope people will see/get/learn from your art? I hope that people will be able to relate and work on their own inner healing and create their own story. For some I hope it will inspire and encourage them to explore through narrative therapy. I hope to one day have the book published and hold an exhibition. Otway Life Almanac 2018

Book Credits: Shambala project: www.facebook.com/shambalaproject/ Project design and making of costumes and writer of the book: Shelley Carman Models: Jodie Thomas and Luke Carman Main photographer: Emma Carman www.facebook.com/LouLouPictures/ Second photographer: Shelley Carman www.facebook.com/ Seashellsweddingphotographygeelong1963/ Behind the Scenes: Mark Walton Make-up artist: Kellie Mackay www.facebook.com/kellie.mackay.image.makeup.artistry/ Location: Cumberland River caravan park www.facebook.com/cumberlandriver01/

Matters of the Heart & Spirit 69

Healing in nature by Kit-e Kline

Albert Einstein once stated, ‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better’. I truly believe this to be true. My fondest childhood memories were ones of me playing in and with the natural world. I was blessed to have a forest literally at my back door where I grew up in Vancouver, Canada. There was a gate to our back fence that led out into the wilderness. I remember ice skating on ponds, making igloos with snow, picking blackberries, making mud cakes, building and playing in tree houses and pretty much just wandering in the forest. I had built a deep connection to the natural world. Listening, observing and interacting. As life went on I always maintained that connection even in the darkest and most challenging times in my life. I believe that this is the reason I have always maintained good mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and have never turned to negative ways to deal with my trauma. My connection, experience and passion has led me to establish a modality called Nature Based Therapy which is accredited and recognised by the International Institute of Complimentary Therapists (IICT). Nature Based Therapy is a gentle healing modality that reconnects the person to the natural world through

Qii House, Lorne

different processes so that they can find the answers they need to empower self-healing. It works with the sensory system to encourage ‘feeling’ rather than ‘thinking’. Evidence based research in the area of nature therapy has identified a reduction in stress and depression. I believe that we have the ability to heal ourselves we just need to be shown how and where to look. Nature is an amazing teacher and healer. I feel very blessed to live so close to the ocean and forest. I believe the healing energy that exist in the Otways is why so many people are drawn to come and visit the region. I will be offering workshops, retreats and a Diploma course in Nature Based Therapy in 2018. I will be working closely with local people and services and have recently connected with Heather Kolb of Qii House Lorne as a host retreat where we will be offering ‘Nature Therapy’ and ‘Forest Bathing’ retreats with catering being organised with AHA Lorne using local produce. If you would like any information on workshops, retreats or on becoming a Nature Based Therapist and completing the Diploma course please contact me on 0415926334 or email kit-e.kline711@hotmail.com. sacredmedicineinstitute.com.au


Eco-tourism by Nathan Swain

The term Eco-Tourism is thrown about quite a lot these days, As travellers, visitors, tourists and residents we all love natural environments, we form relationships with physical places based on the memories that were made there and it’s those memories that create connection to country and a sense of ownership. These connections are vital to the continued health, defence and prosperity of our natural environments, people connected to country tend to tread lightly and make conscious decisions to reduce the impact of their time enjoyed visiting their special places.

operators are not only reducing their businesses impact but are striving to create positive impacts, by taking the lead both physically i.e. good ‘ole fashioned hard work and financially through sponsorships and funding for environmental actions and research.

Genuine Eco-Tourism operators value our natural environments and wilderness as their greatest asset, these

Eco-Tourism – employs our children and nurtures our natural environments it’s a big Win, Win!

Eco-Tourism operators exist to help our visitors to create those marvellous memories that result in connection to country, understanding and people who connect become regional custodians, promoting protecting and creating awareness of both the natural environments and the business that operate within them.

Winner's are grinners with a shiny new award for Excellence in Tourism at the 2017 Colac Otway Business awards... ...and no limo required.

Otway Life Almanac 2018

Eco-tourism 71

all the joy of cycling without the huff and puff... • Easy to ride Electric Power Assisted bicycles • Great family fun, childrens bikes & toddler trailers available • E-bike tours under the koalas with coast views • No licence required • Bookings essential • 1 hour guided Eco-tours • Great value for money

Contact Nathan Swain at

0413 971 736

E nath@otwayebikes.com.au W www.otwayebikes.com.au

72 72

Experience & enjoy...

Kana Festival turns 60! The annual Colac Kana Festival is a weekend of fun and festivities for the whole family, held in the third weekend of March around Colac’s Memorial Square.

Originally the ‘Kanyana’ Festival, which means ‘meeting of the people’, was a ten day event that took over the entire city of Colac and encompassed a variety of events including a Kanyana dinner, music recital, rodeo, bowling tournament, photographic exhibition, cabaret ball, cricket match, flower show, speedboat carnival, highland gathering, car rally and street procession with street dancing. Over the years there have been many additions to the Kana traditions, plus the inevitable change due to new occupational health and safety regulations. The event has always been overseen by a group of likeminded community volunteers, with highlights such as the Fair in the Square and the street parade remaining a constant throughout the festivals history. As time passed the length of the festival changed to a 3 day weekend event, with an official opening and art show on the Friday night launching the theme of the festival, followed by the street parade and Fair in the Square on the Saturday, and then each year a different event would be held on the Sunday. Over the past decade there has been an increase in the amount of family entertainment in the Fair in the Square, including interactive science displays, traditional indigenous art and dance, billy cart races, rock climbing and abseiling towers and lots of local musicians and performers on the main stage. Local schools, community groups, businesses and sporting clubs enjoy taking part in the annual Street Parade down Murray Street, decorating floats to match that years theme. There have been many different themes over the past 60 years that have celebrated our local landscape

Otway Life Almanac 2018

and culture, encouraging the community to think about ‘Our Place in Space’, ‘How Does Your Garden Grow?’ and celebrate ‘Dreamtime to Our Time’. Each year the Kana banner leads the parade carried by members of the community. In 2018 the Colac Lions Club will be carrying the banner as they celebrated their 60th birthday in June. The volunteer Kana committee welcome ideas and feedback from participants, and are looking forward to the 60th anniversary Kana Festival celebrating ‘Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow’ on March 17th – as some of the original events and ideas will be revisited and explored! People can find more information by visiting the Colac Kana Festival Facebook page or by emailing colackanafestival@hotmail.com.

Colac West Primary in an early Kana parade

Young farmers on their float in 2017

the great times the Otways has on offer Come and enjoy our


FRI 23 - SUN 25 FEB 2018

Blues and Blueberry Festival The Gellibrand River Blues and Blueberry Festival is a unique annual event held during the last weekend of February to celebrate Blues Music, local blueberries and other produce and artistic talents. Take a drive down to Gellibrand on the weekend of the 23rd - 25th of February 2018, you can relax and listen to some of the best Australian Blues Bands and enjoy local beer and wines and great country hospitality at Otways Tourist Park on the Saturday from 12 noon to 8pm. This sixth festival will host Lloyd Spiegel, Dreamboogie, Geoff Achison and the Justin Yap Band.

including the finale at Otways Estate on Sunday 25th February with the John Luke Shelley Band from 1-4pm.

Music, meals and drinks can also be enjoyed at other venues in the Gellibrand area throughout the weekend,

For more info: www.bluesandblueberryfestival.com.au

Photos: Romney Tate

Stay at a range of accommodation available in the Gellibrand area and wake on Sunday morning to enjoy the Community Market with some of the best locally produced crafts, art, plants and blueberry products. Relax and feast in the village green, the Rex Norman Park, and feel the welcome and hospitality that a small community like Gellibrand River can provide. It’s a weekend to remember! Phone: 03/5235 8357 or 03/5235 8348

Experience & enjoy...


Apollo Bay Surf & Kayak operates in the beautiful environment of Apollo Bay on the Great Ocean Road. On our doorstep we have the Otway National Park and the Marengo Marine Sanctuary, which hosts a Seal Colony.

Learn to Surf, Seal Kayaking, & Walk Apollo Bay Surf & Kayak / Walk 91 can provide you with surf lessons and surf hire, kayaking to the seals and kayak hire, SUP (stand up paddle board) lessons and hire, snorkeling hire, body board hire. Alternatively explore the Great Ocean Walk ™ with Walk91. We provide transport on the Great Ocean Walk, rental and transfers of camping gear & food and water drops, , B&B accommodation and Inn to Inn walking. PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT RUN DAILY. Call for availability

BLUE SKY ARE YOUR LOCAL OUTDOOR EXPERTS Blue Sky is a network of independently owned and managed Australian outdoor retail stores each offering knowledge only a local could have. We have developed close relationships with trusted, premium brands and continually strive to bring you innovative, quality equipment that offers exceptional value for money. Blue Sky are dedicated to satisfying your outdoor equipment needs at the right price with free expert advice! The next time you're heading out you'll need Blue Sky for all your camping, fishing and outdoor needs!



at the Marengo Seal Sanctuary


we have all your outdoor, leisure and camping needs covered

76 Murray St Colac Phone: 5231 2347 Email: colac@blueskyoutdoor.com.au Contact Mark 0405 495 909 www.apollobaysurfkayak.com.au Otway Life Almanac 2018

...and keep the kids entertained with an extensive range of games and toys instore.

the great times the Otways has on offer

2018 Victoria School Holidays Dates Period Term 1 - 9 weeks School Holidays Term 2 - 11 weeks School Holidays Term 3 - 10 weeks School Holidays Term 4* - 11 week 2018/2019 Summer School Holidays

Start Tues Jan 30 Fri 30 Mar Mon 16 April Sat, 30 June Mon 16 July Sat 22 Sept Mon 8 Oct Sat 22 Dec

2018 Victorian Public Holidays

Finish Thur 29 March Sun15 April Fri 29 June Sun 15 July Fri 21 Sept Sun 7 Oct Fri 21 Dec Tue 29 Jan 2019

Date 01 January 26 January 12 March 30 March 31 March 01 April 02 April 25 April 11 June 28 September 06 November 25 December 26 December

*Senior Years may have different finishing dates in term 4 The information above is relevant to Victoria government state schools. Independent and Catholic schools term dates can vary from school to school. Check directly with the relevant school to find out the correct term date information. Otway Health is your local health and community services provider, located in Apollo Bay. We offer expert quality care in the following capacity:

• urgent care unit • in-home support • community health and wellbeing programs • residential care • allied health

COLAC OTWAY SHIRE Calendar FRI 1 DECEMBER FReeZA Dance Party COPACC 6.45pm – 10.00pm www.copacc.com.au FRI 15 DECEMBER Colac City Band Carols by Candlelight Memorial Square, Colac 7.30pm – 10.30pm THU 21 DECEMBER Twilight Christmas Market Lake Colac Foreshore 5pm – 9pm twilightmarket@ colacbotanicgdnsfriends.org.au FRI 29 DEC – WED 3 JAN Apollo Bay Art Show Senior Citizen Centre & Mech Hall 11am – 4pm apollobayartshow@gmail.com

THURS 25 JANUARY Otway Harvest Trail Twilight Festa Birregurra Park 6pm onwards www.otwayharvesttrail.org.au FRI 26 JANUARY Pang-ngooteekeeya weeng malangeepa-ngeeye Red Rock Reserve, Alvie 11:30 am to 2:30 pm FRI 26 JANUARY COS Australia Day Celebrations Memorial Square Colac 11am – 3pm www.colacotway.vic.gov.au THUR 1 FEBRUARY Jayco Herald Sun Tour Memorial Square, Colac 10.30am

Day Monday Friday Monday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday Monday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday

Holiday New Year’s Day Australia Day Labour Day Good Friday Day after Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Anzac Day Queen’s Birthday AFL Grand Final Friday Melbourne Cup Day * Christmas Day Boxing Day

The urgent care unit operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. For more information go to otwayhealth.org.au or contact our Reception Team on (03) 5237 8500. 75 McLachlan Street, Apollo Bay, 3233


Events SUMMER 2017-18

SAT 3 & SUN 4 FEB Colac P & A Society Heritage Festival Colac Show Grounds 9am – 4pm www.colacshow.com.au/heritagefestival FRI 16 TO SUN 18 FEB 2018 Apollo Bay Seafood Festival Multiple Venues - Apollo Bay www.apollobayseafoodfestival.com SAT 24 & SUN 25 FEB Gellibrand Blues and Blueberry Festival Otways Tourist Park and Rex Norman Park, Gellibrand www.bluesandblueberryfestival.com.au SAT 24 & SUN 25 FEB Otway Odyssey & Great Otway Gravel Grind Forrest, 7am start www.rapidascent.com.au

MARKETS Apollo Bay Community Market Every Saturday Apollo Bay Foreshore Apollo Bay Farmers’ Market 3rd Sunday each month Apollo Bay Youth Club Birregurra Market 2nd Sunday each month Birregurra Park Otway Makers & Growers Market 4th Sunday each month Echidna House, Kawarren Cororooke Market Saturday 24 February Cororooke Hall

Promote your event with us www.colacotway.vic.gov.au


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