Oldham Theatre Workshop

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Oldham Theatre Workshop is a creative, inclusive and quality theatre resource contributing to the personal and social development of people in the community, education and in business. Oldham Theatre Workshop uses applied theatre techniques, working with individuals and communities in order to stimulate growth and change. Oldham Theatre Workshop is able to offer a comprehensive range of applied theatre workshop and project opportunities for education, corporate and social situations. Each session is created in consultation with the relevant organisation to ensure that individual needs are met. Oldham Theatre Workshop have been working in partnership with a number of organisations not only to enhance resources, but allow the service to extend its influence, raise its profile and reach new audiences.

How can you use Applied Theatre? Get across a plain message Applied theatre is memorable and emotive; it can be an extremely powerful mechanism for getting a simple message across. Disseminate sensitive information i.e. information that is hard to take Applied Theatre can be a very effective way of disseminating information that may be hard to convey in other ways due to the sensitivity of the subject area e.g. issues surrounding domestic violence or child abuse. Due to the nature of Applied Theatre, it can be a useful way of conveying a clear message without avoiding the issues. Introduce something i.e. educate Applied Theatre can be applied to the educative and self –learning process, an example of this is teaching offenders to have empathy toward their victims. Develop an issue further or change people’s perceptions of a situation or issue Applied Theatre can be used to show the viewpoints of many different agencies/job roles simultaneously. As a result, it can be effective in challenging preconceptions and enabling managers etc to see a situation from a user’s perspective.

Oldham Theatre Workshop Projects Workshop Workout This training event was an opportunity for youth work and teaching professionals to meet fellow professionals in a highly supportive environment, gain a whole range of new skills and share some of their own. They learned new approaches and reinvigorated thinking and practice. This event was for people who use theatre and/or theatre techniques with young people. There was a diverse range of experience or specialism and there were many things to be part of and much to take away.

Bollywood Fusion Using Bollywood themes and story structure, this contemporary project was a colourful and energetic celebration of culture. Working with groups of young people and members of the various cultural communities from across the borough of Oldham, this project utilised the conventions of the Bollywood movie and fused it with western influences including music, contemporary dance and drama. Participants were involved in the development of the piece from inception to presentation.

The Generation Gap ‘The Generation Gap’ was a project using puppetry that tackled the subject of the Mental Capacity Act through the story of Reg, an 86 year old who feels at odds with his life. His world is one of coping without his wife, a failing memory and the thoughts of an imminent death. His grandson Charlie’s world is a different one. A fast paced world of internet shopping and travelling the world. Reg and Charlie care about each other but can they ever understand each other’s worlds. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 empowers and protects people who may not be able to make some decisions for themselves.

Splinters The project was created to give young people from Oldham the chance to be a part of a unique training theatre company. The project provided opportunities for young people from all backgrounds and abilities to participate in a professional arts environment and to develop a piece of theatre to be performed as part of street theatre festivals throughout the UK as well the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The project allowed young people to be totally involved in all aspects of production and performance.

Looked After Children Theatre Workshops Oldham Theatre Workshop worked in partnership with the Looked after Children service to deliver a series of workshops focused on the performing arts. The programme consisted of 6 weekly workshops that ran on Tuesdays at the Union Street centre. 18 young people aged 8 – 14 were actively involved in the workshops. The workshop programme consisted of 2 hour sessions on such diverse topics as Casualty Make up, Circus Skills, Giant Puppet Making, Mask making, Dance & Musical Theatre.

Sheltered Working in partnership with the Oldham homelessness forum and the Oldham partnership the project provided an arena for questions and debate on the subject of homelessness with particular reference to prevention, to secondary schools in the Oldham area by use of Applied Theatre techniques. The project used a performance of a scripted piece with intervention points that will enlist audience members in the discussion. The theatre piece was then used to provide active involvement using hot seating, thought tracking and forum styles of theatre.

Five a Day “5 a Day” was a newly commissioned piece of strolling Street Theatre performance for presentation at Festivals and outdoor events It can also be used to support school and corporate programmes and healthy eating campaigns. The aim was to create a piece that is self-sustaining and had the option to travel to Edinburgh Fringe Festival and to form the basis of a school healthy eating programme. The piece was musical and performers will be working as a costumed character.

Ordinary John Ordinary John was a performance based project that was commissioned by the extended services department of Oldham council. The project was a 30 minute performance that told the story of a man who finds out about how healthy his body is. The piece highlighted the need for a healthy balanced diet alongside the need for regular exercise which includes play. There was also a workshop delivered alongside the performance and an education pack to leave with schools.

Crossing Boundaries Crossing Boundaries was a project that aimed to bring together young people from various youth theatres from all over the north of England to take part in the creation and performance of a new piece of theatre. The theme of this work was decided by a panel of young people and the young people involved worked with a team of professional arts workers to produce a thought provoking and challenging piece of contemporary theatre.

Crossing International Boundaries Crossing International Boundaries was a British Council Youth Connect funded project that gave young people from two Northwest Youth Theatres the opportunity to work for 1 week in Finland with a Finnish Youth Theatre company. The theme of this work was “Industrial Revolution to Cultural Oasis–The Red Brick Reign” and the young people involved worked in Finland with a team of professional arts workers to produce a thought provoking and challenging piece of contemporary theatre. A full and varied programme of performance activities and cultural experiences was included.

22nd Century Citizens 22nd Century Citizens was a collaborative multimedia project run by young people from Oldham. The piece was an exploration of the violation of human rights with specific reference to the labour camps of World War 2 and the treatment of refugees in Europe in the last 60 years. The piece used drama, poetry, music and photography to explore these issues. The objective of the piece was to develop young peoples awareness of the historical significance of the subject and how it relates to the situation in Europe today.

LumenUs – Diversity Project Working with young people with disabilities, looked after young people and young carers; using a director and a new script to create a new piece of theatre around the theme of diversity. The project challenged stereotypes using the title; ‘Taking People At Face Value’. The project culminated in performances for local primary schools which fostered long lasting links with the schools. Participants explored areas such as culture, religion and communication and reflected them in their final performance. When the Lights come on again Oldham Theatre Workshop & New Bridge School worked in partnership on an interactive experience that told the dramatic story of this period in history, and the price that was paid by the people of Great Britain. Using reconstructed scenes, theatre, lighting, sound, smells, and historical information to transport you back in time, to make you feel that you are there taking part in history. Key events and stories were viewed from very personal perspectives. Soldiers, housewives and children gave you a detailed portrayal of a world caught in the grip of momentous events. Kiss My Butt Kiss My Butt was a dynamic and thought-provoking piece of theatre illustrating the negative impact of smoking on young people in an energetic and engaging way. The message was effectively delivered via a teenage love story and was accompanied by a workshop, in which the audience are involved in the play and interact with the actors.

Breathe Deep Illustrating the negative impact of smoking through peer pressure, assertiveness and glamorisation, the project focused on the story of Lisa, a young girl and the perils of starting secondary school. Having an older brother who does more to scare her then help and parents who still see her as their ‘little pumpkin’ Lisa finds it hard in seeking advice, feeling alone. However Lisa does find one friend, whose honest and positive attitude has Lisa smiling and feeling apart of school life throughout, but for Lisa this is not enough. As the story unfolded, the audience encountered dream sequences where Lisa finds herself persuaded to buy personality and popularity at a ‘Tuck Shop’, in hope they will make her fit in, but all is not so simple. The audience are entertained by two wacky and wild Tuck shop men who do warn that “every purchase will have its consequences”. The pressure of choosing her image or friends plays throughout, but it’s a decision she must make.

Going, Going, Gone This project was designed to work with the NHS smoking team. The idea behind this project was to highlight the legislation of the new smoke free policy and how it would affect the workplaces and public spaces. The project used forum and intervention theatre to help deliver the message in a non threatening way. Employees, management and staff were invited to attend the sessions.

Managing Change Working in partnership with workforce development to develop a piece of forum theatre. The focus was to develop ideas on the process of change and how to address change in the workplace and its implications. The creation of a play that identified and recognised the implication of how you and others think, feel and behave when faced with change. A forum event on the questions and issues arising from the drama followed.

Encore A project that worked with 6 young people to develop a piece of unique street theatre that could be used as part of street theatre festivals throughout the UK with specific emphasis on the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The piece consisted of 80’s Robot dancing aliens who return to earth to encore the 80’s! Visually stunning, fantastical characters, part man, part woman brought a pinch of absurdity and a little magic everywhere they went.

Brook The idea for this project was to create a 20 minute interactive drama workshop to tour around the Manchester area on the subject of sexual health and relationships. The project looked to tackle in particular the subject of alcohol and it’s impact on sexual health in young women. The workshops were based upon a script written with help from young writers and hope to reach as many young people as possible.

The Generation Gap 2 This project provided an interactive performance to be used by various user groups, service providers and service users to aid in the understanding of the Dignity Challenge and it’s effects. Taking inspiration from the department of health’s dignity care, the ten points of the dignity challenge was addressed through the character ‘Reg’ and his fellow patients. The piece was very simply exploring elderly and vulnerable adults right to dignity and sufficient care whilst in hospital. Don’t turn my life into a Musical – The Musical – Applied Theatre Workshops To coincide with the production of the OTW summer production, a series of workshops focussing on the issues raised in the production were discussed and explore with over 500 young people from all over the borough. The workshops used applied theatre techniques to highlight and signpost support agencies within Oldham who were dealing with the issues from the production

Catch of the Day The project involved in a new piece of theatre being created specifically for New Bridge school year 7 pupils. Pupils had a half-day workshop creating the ‘props’ for the piece with a visual arts workshop. On Day 2 of the session 2 actor/ educators came into the school and worked with groups of young people. The characters were be 2 fishermen who will work with the children. The fishermen welcomed the young people as part of their crew and took them on an exciting and adventurous fishing expedition around the school. There were stories, jokes and laughter throughout the whole adventure. Whilst exploring the different parts of the school, the young people were encouraged to articulate their feelings towards school and using the fish labels created in the workshop. At the end of the workshop, the young people provided feedback for future young people in transition. After School Arts Sessions to provide young people with access to five different art forms including Drama & Dance, Circus Skills, Make up, Creative writing & Music/Songwriting. Each art form will get 2 weeks. Also to provide a 2 hour twilight Inset session for staff development in the art forms and to provide ongoing support in the development of after school activities.

Surprise Finders The project plan was that each school in the Werneth area (Broadfield/Holy Rosary count as one site) had 2 days of input from Oldham Theatre Workshop, within the 2 days the targeted group created life size puppets that they designed and developed. The young people explored the school through the eyes of their puppet physically occupying the puppet as they did so (life size!) Whilst exploring the different parts of the school, the young people were encouraged to articulate their feelings towards school. The feelings expressed will be the basis for a performance on Day 2. Extended School Services Oldham Theatre Workshop has had a long and fruitful relationship with the extended schools service on the creation and delivery of a number of school development projects such as; Five Course Meal - 5 Different Art Forms (Drama, Music, Dance, Art, Film) all based around the idea of a 5 Course meal culminating in a large scale performance for over 1000 young people. After School Drama Clubs – A number of youth arts projects based in the Hollinwood area over a period of 2 years involving young people from 6 different schools Nine Lives – A performance based project using 9 different art forms (photography, ballroom dancing, drama, music, mask making, film making, writing, drumming and musical production) Momentum Momentum was a week long residential theatre experience for 14 - 25’s currently involved in the arts in Oldham. The aim of the week was to offer participants a range of high-quality workshops and discussion forums that lead to the creation of new work that performed later in the Summer Term. Throughout the week 30 young participants between the ages of 14 and 25 had the opportunity to specialise in acting, writing or dance, as well as joining in on whole group activities.

The Big Youth Theatre Festival BYTF is an outdoor festival designed for groups and individuals involved in youth theatre. The programme includes opportunities to perform, take part in a wide range of workshops, see others perform and meet, socialise and celebrate their involvement in youth theatre with other youth theatre members the world over.

Every Child Matters Creation of a pop video and ‘making of ‘documentary for delivery of consultation document at seminar on 9th November 2005. The process involved w creating and running workshops for writing of lyrics for song, creation of backing track and the rehearsal and recording of song with various groups. The culmination of the project was the filming of the video for the song and ‘making of’ video.

First Choice Homes Training To deliver interactive training using real life scenarios based on clients with anti social behaviour issues. The trainees watched a scenario played out in front of them, this is a realistic dramatic presentation. The trainer then demonstrated using the actors, how they would deal with the situation. The trainees were then be given the opportunity to ‘practice’ with the actors and be side coached by the trainer and other trainees.

Teenage Pregnancy Working in Consultation with Oldham College to discuss and develop ideas for a project involving Oldham college performing arts students and practitioner(s) from the Oldham Theatre Workshop. The project was to work with the National Diploma Performing Arts 1st year students to devise a piece of theatre exploring issues around teenage pregnancy. There was a 15 day devising and rehearsal period culminating in performances of the NoCN units (Rehearsing and Performance Realisation) on 11th October and a week of performances for the college Health Awareness Week during week beginning 12th November 07. Silent Approval Working alongside Cathryn Wheel Theatre Company, the project aimed to highlight the issues of bullying within school with special attention being placed on the role of the bully. Forum based performance on bullying with the emphasis on the bystander interaction. Discussion and active involvement with students. Workshops to develop themes and raised issues Further staff and pupil development. This project was delivered to 5 different schools and was targeted at year7 & 8 pupils

Too many Cooks Working in partnership with the foods standards agency to provide a thought provoking and powerful piece of theatre highlighting the importance of food hygiene targeting year 9 students. Incorporating a 40-minute show performed at school on a professionally designed touring set alongside a 30-minute workshop. This will deconstruct the story and help to clarify the Do’s and Don’ts of food hygiene using a range of practical exercises and solid facts.

A World Away A World Away is a thought provoking and powerful piece of musical theatre, targeting key stage 2 pupils. A fun and interactive workshop will follow the performance. This will deconstruct the story and help to re-enforce the anti-smoking message using a range of practical exercises and factual information.

E Safety Working alongside pupils from Newbridge School, this project was a 20 minute performance project using the technique of intervention theatre to explore and highlight the dangers of misuse of social networking websites and the methods and tools for the regulation and safe use of these sights.

The Arts Room The Arts Room is an impartial resource designed to bring together artists, arts organisations and a range of groups in Oldham including schools, colleges, community organisations and youth services.

Oldham Writers Network Working with primary school teachers to provide drama based activities for staff to use as stimulus to improve creativity in writing. Using drama and devising skills to develop storytelling and story writing techniques. To highlight to class teachers how to run workshop sessions within the class structure To further knowledge of drama practice. To develop external interest in subject. To develop writing skills through drama. To raise standards of creative writing and to provide more experiences to write about. The Watercolour Exhibition To design and deliver a series of one day interactive performing arts workshops for groups of 60 primary school children from Burnley and Oldham working closely with the Oldham Linking Schools initiative and Gallery Oldham. Working with a team of 3 Actor / Practitioners the group will be introduced to a range of performing arts excercises that relate specifically to issues surrounding the ‘Watercolour Exhibition’ and some of the key artists featured (Turner, Constable & Gainsborough). At the end of the day the group will perform a short performance piece in the heart of the exhibition itself. GMVCO Forum Theatre To provide an arena for questions and debate on the subject of homelessness with particular reference to prevention by use of Applied Theatre techniques. This would use the performance of scripted piece with intervention points that will enlist audience members in the discussion. The project would provide an arena for debate and discussion, highlight the need for crisis prevention issues, explore subject by use of applied theatre techniques and raise awareness of issues in respect of homelessness in Manchester.

Annie Kenney This project was commissioned to design and deliver a series of drama arts workshops for groups of 60 primary school children from Burnley and Oldham working closely with the Oldham Linking Schools initiative and Gallery Oldham. Working with a team of 2 Actor / Practitioners the group were introduced to the life and times of suffragette Annie Kenney and her legacy. The groups worked alongside actors to explore her life and the times she lived in. At the end of the day the group performed a short performance piece based on the Annie Kenney exhibition in the heart of the gallery itself.

Performances Rhyme to Remember A magical family musical that takes you on a journey to Nursery Rhyme Land where the characters are fading away. Will the amazing military mice save the day or will the crooked man and his wicked henchmen continue to upset the balance? Rhyme To Remember is a theatrical feast bringing together song, dance and spectacular design and costume. This show will not fail to captivate it’s audience.

Eyam In 1665 the Plague was raging in London. A tailor from Eyam, (a small village in Derbyshire) by the name of George Viccars ordered some cloth from the capital. This cloth carried the deadly plague and within days Viccars fell ill and died. The days that followed saw many people lose their lives to this disease. In an amazing display of human courage the people of Eyam closed themselves off to the outside world and awaited their fate. Their bravery saved many lives and will always be remembered.

Tis Written in the Stars A New musical about a boy who stands out from the crowd. It is the story of the boy who lives at number forty two Oak View Drive. An ordinary house in an ordinary town full of ordinary people. But he is anything but ordinary. He’s different because he sees things. Things that he can’t explain. When the things he sees start to happen for real the story starts to unfold. For most of us the stars light up the sky, but for him they speak of the future....

The Garden A new musical fusing elements from several enchanting garden stories. A garden can be wild and overgrown or beautifully cared for. It can hide secrets from the past or hold a future not yet discovered. Tom found another time in his midnight garden, Mary found a place for healing in her garden. Some found fairies, some found giants and some found danger. Let us tell these stories with words and music

Alice The magical tale of that ever-curious little girl who tumbled down a rabbit hole into Wonderland has enchanted children and adults alike for nearly 140 years. Today, Alice and the eccentric creatures that she meets; the Cheshire Cat, the Mock Turtle, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter continue to be among the most loved characters in all literature. This new musical is sure to be a hit with the whole family.

The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe The story begins with the wardrobe. Without it Lucy would never have found her way into the magical world of Narnia, or even heard of the White Witch - who has reigned for longer than anyone can remember. When it is whispered that Aslan - the great lion - is once again on the move, there is hope that the prophesies will be fulfilled and the witch finally defeated.... Join evacuees Edmund, Lucy, Susan and Peter on their fairytale adventures with Mr Tumnus and all the fantastical creatures of Narnia. March of the Innocent It is the dead of night and in the aftermath of a tragic accident a group of street kids hold a dying stranger in their arms. He is Vassi; a 27 year old Serbian asylum seeker. In Vassi the children recognise a fellow outsider, displaced and unwanted. With a vague sense of humanity they set off on a journey in search of a miracle to save his life.

Antigone In ancient Thebes, a blinkered kink promotes the sanctity of the state above humanity. In 2006 a president and a prime minister deliver speaches that expound the same principles. The king fears the enemy as do the president and the prime minister and this fear allows action that is as inhumane as any comitted by the enemies of the state.

The Holly Scroggler Her Christmas wish is for one thing, hope. In a world of Mummers and Morris Dancing, Mistletoe and Mirth and the mysterious Mr Fizzlewick, Nellie begins her journey to become the Holly Scroggler, only then will she be able to face Christmas spirit and make everything right, only then might she finally find hope.

Cellar Dwellers The rich the poor the needy and the needed; together in a town on the brink of change. Lives thrown together by one common need; home. A tale of love, betrayal, passion and murder. This is the story of number sixteen Jackson Pit.

Blood Wedding On 22nd July 1928 in the dusty heat of the Andalusian province of Almeria, a young bride abandoned her husband-to-be on the very morning of their wedding day to elope with her childhood sweetheart. In this society, where the obsession with reputation and honour has been sharpened by prolonged contact with successive waves of Islam and inquisitorial Catholicism, retribution was both swift and violent. Reinterpreted by Federico Garcia Lorca, the incident has been turned into one of the worlds most classic works of theatre.

Don’t Turn My Life Into A Musical You’ve made it and everyone knows your name! Your story is front-page news. The musical extravaganza that is your life is about to play out. The band swells. The lights go down. Anticipation. Curtain up on your life! A musical extravaganza. Feathers, fishnets, sequins and jazz hands. The chorus belt out an irresistibly catchy number. It’s the hottest ticket in town..... Only you’re not invited. Darkly funny and deeply moving this refreshing new piece of musical theatre like no other.

The Somnambulist The deranged Professor Bronwyn and his faithful sleepwalking children are connected to a string of thefts in small towns throughout the country. Two friends visit a carnival in their village where they see the forever sleeping children displayed as a fortune telling attraction. What does the future hold for the two friends? Who is responsible for the crime wave sweeping the country? Is everything as it seems?

The Legend Of Barry Squillilosh And His Pursuit Of Happiness Barry Squillilosh had spent the whole of his life on the half way line. An ordinary life. A life that was comfortable. A life that was totally and utterly mediocre! He never came first.... but he never came last. He was never the top‌‌ but never the bottom. Neither the biggest, nor the smallest. He was always somewhere in the middle. Average! Average height, average weight, average looks, average intelligence. Just average! Until one day Barry Squillilosh decided to make some changes! Now with a handful of questions and a heart full of hope Barry abandons his average life and sets off in pursuit of ultimate happiness. Will he find it? Does it even exist at all? What will Barry have to sacrifice in order to reach his goal?

The Lamp Of Niddala This new musical will take you into the heart of the mystic East and the magic of the Arabian nights. Work with a Director and Composer to re-tell these remarkable tales of love, revenge and greed. Create original songs and scripts to help bring characters such as Aladdin, Sinbad and Princess Jasmine to life. Drawing from a range of classic and contemporary theatre styles our story will mingle modern-day humour with ancient folklore.

Pinnochio Pinocchio tells the story of a puppet who is created by lonely wood carver Geppetto. After realising that there is a big world out there to explore, he flees from his fathers house to discover what his future has in store. Pinocchio meets a host of characters on his travels including, Lampwick, Mr Fox, Mr Cat and the inhabitants of the Land of Play who shape his destiny and personality. Eventually after his journeys he realises that he has become a real boy and is happy to return to the arms of his loving father.

Romeo and Juliet A tragedy written early in the career of playwright William Shakespeare about two young “star-cross’d lovers” whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet and Macbeth, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers.

Reflections Charlie is a loner, his brother David died when he was three. He is finding it difficult to deal with lessons, timetables. his body is changing, he is getting mood swings and he is also getting an interest in music and girls. A new girl starts school called Marta. The new girl is very shy and misses her old school and friends. She relies on Charlie to lean on. Charlie has an imaginary friend called Jave. Charlie can tell Jave anything; they play together & learn together. Jave is the only person who really understands Charlie.

The Little Old World According to us. . . From the very beginning of this process the group were passionate about creating something about the world as they see it, through young people’s eyes. They have explored a number of issues that affect young people and have experimented with theatrical style and form. The result of their hard work and commitment to the project is; The Little Old World According to Me & Him, a piece which we feel is current, entertaining, bold, relevant, and extremely brave. The cast hope you enjoy the performance and will be more than happy to discuss the production and process after the show.

Hunt for the Shmoozle On a dark, cold and mysterious night, Out of ear shot and out of sight, In the place where the ‘normal’ fear to tred, And the rest of the world is tucked up in bed. A hush fell upon the arena on the dark side, Where a grand tournament was being held to decide, Who would be the few chosen to go, In hunt of the Shmoozle, a most infamous foe. A frightful enemy who each in the game Had reason to fear or reason to blame.

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