AME Strategic Plan

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Strategic P lan The University of Oklahoma School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Aerospace and Mechanical

Contents and Credits BACKGROUND

Publication Production

Faculty Roster ........................................................ 2

This publication is a production of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Design, writing and editing of this publication was performed by Megan Denney, communications coordinator for AME (June 2010).

Faculty Photo Roster ........................................... 3-4 About OU ............................................................ 5-6 AME/CoE History .............................................. 7-9 Staff Roster ........................................................... 10

Research AME ................................................................ 11-18 Collaborations ................................................. 19-22

Strategic Plans College of Engineering .................................. 23-24 AME ............................................................... 25-30


Distribution The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. This publication was distributed at no cost to the taxpayers of the State of Oklahoma.

PHOTOGRAPHY All photography provided by OU AME files.

Aerospace and Mechanical

Faculty Roster Name


M. Cengiz Altan


Peter J. Attar


J. David Baldwin


Kuang-Hua Chang


Rong Zhu Gan


Subramanyam R. Gollahalli


Kurt Gramoll


Takumi Hawa


Feng C. Lai


Wilson E. Merchan-Merchan


David P. Miller


Farrokh Mistree


Ramkumar N. Parthasarathy


Mrinal C. Saha


Zahed Siddique


Li Song


Harold Stalford


Alfred G. Striz


Prakash Vedula


Phone & Office 325-1737 FH 205 325-1749 FH 219D 325-1090 EL 108 325-1746 FH 201 325-1099 FH 200 325-1728 FH 207 325-3171 FH 237 325-6797 EL 110 325-1748 FH 218A 325-1754 FH 208 325-1094 FH 209 325-2438 FH 212 325-1735 FH 203 325-1098 FH 208A 325-2692 FH 202 325-1714 EL 112 325-1742 FH 204 325-1730 FH 206 325-4361 FH 234

E-mail Address

All phone numbers are area code 405 | FH = Felgar Hall | EL = Engineering Laboratory


Aerospace and Mechanical Faculty Photo Roster


M. Cengiz Altan

Peter J. Attar

J. David Baldwin

Kuang-Hua Chang

Rong Zhu Gan

S. R. Gollahalli

Kurt Gramoll

Takumi Hawa

Feng C. Lai

Wilson E. Merchan-Merchan

David P. Miller

Farrokh Mistree

Aerospace and Mechanical Faculty Photo Roster

Ramkumar N. Parthasarathy

Mrinal C. Saha

Harold L. Stalford

Alfred G. Striz

Zahed Siddique

Li Song

Prakash Vedula


Aerospace and Mechanical

About OU

The Univeristy of Oklahoma has grown into the flagship education-

al institution of the State of Oklahoma since its conceptulization in 1890. As a doctoral degree-granting research university, OU had come to impact the state, region and nation in fields from medical research to musical theatre. With three campuses across the state, the university enrolls more than 30,000 students, has more than 2,400 full-time faculty members and has 20 colleges offering 163 majors at the baccalaureate level, 166 majors at the master’s level, 81 majors at the doctoral level, 27 majors at the doctoral professional level and 26 graduate certificates.


Number one in the nation among all public universities in the number of National Merit Scholars enrolled per capita. First in the Big 12 and at the top in the nation in international exchange agreements with universities around the world.

Over a $1.5 billion impact on the state’s economy each year.


Aerospace and Mechanical

About OU - Fast Facts • The Princeton Review ranks OU in the top 10 in the nation in terms of academic excellence and cost for students. • OU has won awards for new initiatives to create a sense of family and community on campus. OU is one of the very few public universities to twice receive the Templeton Foundation Award as a “Character Building College” for stressing the value of community. • The number of endowed faculty has increased from 100 to 544 positions in the past 15 years, demonstrating a strong commitment to excellence. • Private fundraising records continue to be set by the university, with more than $1.75 billion in gifts and pledges since 1994, which has provided funding for dramatic capital improvements, the growth in faculty endowment and student scholarships.

• The University of Oklahoma maintains one of the three most important collections of early manuscripts in the history of science in the United States. It includes Galileo’s own copy of his work, which first used the telescope to support the Copernican theory, with corrections in his own handwriting. • Since its creation in 1998, OU’s Office of Technology Development has created 36 companies that have generated more than $84 million in capital, more than $10 million in cash and more than $30 million incurrent estimated equity value for the university. • The University of Oklahoma has consistently been designated as one of America’s 100 Best College Buys by Institutional Research & Evaluation, an independent higher education research and consulting organization.


Aerospace and Mechanical AME/CoE History The School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering has a rich history at OU. It began in 1905 when the university established the School of Applied Science consisting of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Shortly thereafter, James Houston Felgar became an instructor of Mechanical Engineering in 1906. That same year he was appointed to the position of Instructor in Charge. In 1908 Felgar became the Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, a position he held until 1925. He also served as Dean of the College of Engineering from 1909 to 1937. It was during this time, James Houston Felgar 1909 to be exact that the College of Engineering was established. Felgar retired in 1937 and was appointed Dean Emeritus and Professor of Engineering. In January 1925 the Engineering Building was constructed. The building was renamed Felgar Hall in 1952 to honor the dedication of James Houston Felgar. An Aeronautical Engineering option was added to the Mechanical Engineering program in 1929, which


spurred the construction of the Wind Tunnel in 1936 as part of a WPA project. These two important milestones in the development of the program took place under the tenure of William Henry Carson. He served as Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 1927 to 1942. Like Felgar, he also served as Dean of the College of Engineering during this time. In 1947 the Department of Aeronautical Engineering was William Henry Carson established within the School of Mechanical Engineering. While still part of Mechanical Engineering, the establishment of the department gave Aeronautical Engineering a much more defined presence in the College of Engineering at OU. The School of Aeronautical Engineering was established as separate from the School of Mechanical Engineering. in 1954. However this name did not last long, in 1959 the school was named the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering in order to keep up with the national trends. Another building was added in the early 1960’s. Initially called the “Engineering Center,” the building was eventually named Carson Engineering Center in honor of the college’s second dean.

Aerospace and Mechanical AME/CoE History In 1963 the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering and the School of Mechanical Engineering merged to become the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, a name that has lasted over four decades. The addition of a research facility for Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering located on the university's north campus, near Max Westheimer Field occured in 1964. At the time the facility primarily housed laboratories for stress analysis, radiant heat transfer studies, aerodynamic research, non-destructive testing, and experiments on advanced propulsion systems. The facility is still used for instruction and research by AME

and the College of Engineering today. The school and college have come a long way from their humble beginnings over 100 years ago. Advances in technology and other changes that have been spurred by the times have no doubt played a role in the shaping of what the school and college have become. With over 100 years of history, the school has a strong foundation to stand on while we enter the next 100 years of engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Always remembering that we are celebrating the past and engineering the future.

Felgar Hall, 1930


Aerospace and Mechanical AME/CoE History George Lynn Cross Reserach Professor Emeritus, Tom J. Love Jr. was the “first” director of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Love was named director upon the merging of the two schools in 1963. Additionally, he received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 1948. It was through his long-standing presence with the College of Engineering and AME that Love was able to further his legacy by writing The College of Engineering: A 70-Year History. The book highlights and tells the stories not only of the administration, but also of the students who experienced the growth of the College and University.


Aerospace and Mechanical Staff Roster




E-mail Address

OFFICE PERSONNEL Lawana Cavins Megan Denney Debbie Mattax

Assistant to the Director Communications Coordinator Finanical Associate




Vicki Pollock

Office Assistant


Suzi Skinner

Student Services Coordinator



Shop Supervisor


Greg Williams




Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Research 1 Transform Matter Mechanical/ Aerospace Systems Research 2 Transform Energy Thermo-Fluids Systems

Research 3 Transform Information Systems Realization

Complex Systems

Engineering involves the transformation of matter, energy and information to develop economic, intellectual and social capital 11

Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Micro- and Nano-Composite Materials: Bladder Molding Faculty: M. Cengiz Altan OBJECTIVES


• Develop an innovative bladdermolding technology to fabricae geometrically complet, hollow parts made of composite materials

Fundamental principles of solid and fluid mechanics are applied to materials science to develop innovative molding techniques for multi-scale and multi-component, polymer-based composite materials.

• Heating is to be provided by circulating hot air in side the bladder • Cost effective operation and improved mechanical properties

CONTRIBUTIONS • Lower equipment and tooling costs • Energy efficient, modular heating methods, easy set up • Geometrically flexibility, non-symmetric shapes • High quality composites with low defects and void content • Property tailoring is possible by the layup sequence and thickness variation

Birds, Bees and Bats: Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Research for Micro Air Vehicles Faculty: Peter J. Attar OBJECTIVE


To better understand the fundamental flow and structural dynamics of Flexible Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) Flight

MAVs have a wide range of applications including surveillance, weather monitoring and first responders. Current difficulties include the inability for the vehicles to undergo autonomous flight. A better understanding of the fundamental flow physics is needed if this difficulty is to be overcome.

TECHNICAL APPROACH To develop, implement and utilize theoretical, computational and experimental tools to aid in our understanding of flexible MAV flight.

MAV surveillance concept USAFUSAF MAV surveillance concept

MAV Swarms (SMAVNET Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne )


Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Design for Durable and Tough Structures Faculty: Kuang-Hua Chang OBJECTIVES


• Develop physics design method to increase residual life of mechanical components

• Macroscopic level: shape optimization using advanced eXtenede finite element method (XFEM) with level set method (LSM)

• Understand physics at the atomistic level to simulate and predict material properties at macroscopic level • Develop multi-physics model for design of high toughness materials and structures

• Multi-scale constitutive design of materials: bridging scale methods • Dispersions of particles/inclusions: primary (microns) and secondary particles (tens of nanometers) for maximum strength materials

Ear Biomechanics for Restoration of Hearing Faculty: Rong Z. Gan OBJECTIVES • Identify the effect of middle ear disease-induced structure and mechanical property disorders on sound transmission in the ear • Characterize the mechanical properties of ear tissue such as the tympanic membrane (TM) or eardrum, incus-stapes joint, round window membrane, and stapedial annular ligament • Improve the current finite element (FE) model of the human ear by introducing viscoelastic and dynamic properties of ear tissue in the model and by modeling the ultastructure of ear tissue • Generate FE model-derived middle ear function curves such as the FE-tympanogram, FE-ER (energy reflectance), FE-MTF (middle ear transfer function), and FE-Holography, in ears with middle ear disorders for potential clinical applications


METHODS AND TECHNIQUES • Laser Doppler vibrometry measurements • Dynamic testing of soft tissue over frequency domain • 3D reconstruction of tissue and organs in micro-level • Multi-field FE coupled analysis for sound transmission • Applications of the ear model for diagnosis, surgical treatment and device implantation

Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Creation of a New Energy Source from the Nano-Liquid Oscillator Faculty: Takumi Hawa PROBLEMS


• Fossil fuel resources are limited

• Develop a MD (molecular dynamic) and CFD simulation codes for such a system in both nano and micro scales and investigate the stability of the liquid droplet

• Renewable energies (wind and solar) depend highly on the environmental conditions, hence their production rates are unstable • Recently, we discovered that two coupled spherical-cap droplets connected by a tube showed multiple steady-states depending on the volume of droplets • Can we oscillate such a nano/micro system? • Can we extract the energy from such a system?

• Develop an analytical model to describe the dynamics of the liquid droplet with considerations of friction, viscosity, evaporation, size effects, etc. Clarify the developed model with the MD and CFD results • Build an experimental facility to examine such a liquid system in micro scale (nano scale as well, if possible)

CONTRIBUTIONS • Development of a nano-micro-liquid oscillator • Understanding the physical mechanism of the nano/micro liquid oscillator • Application to a new energy source • Application to a new nano optical device • Application to a new nano electro-osmotic pump

Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Gas Pump Faculty: F. C. Lai PROBLEMS


• Develop and EHD gas pump driven by an electric field with no moving parts

• EHD gas pump utilizes corona wind produced by a non-uniform electrostatic field to effectively transport a bulk flow

• Maximize the output (gas volume flow rate) with respect to the configuration of electrodes

• The volume flow rate driven by an EHD pump depends on applied voltage, electic polarity, electrode geometry, number of electrodes, and stage of electrodes

• Optimize the performance of the pump with respect to the energy consumed • Minimize the overall size of EHD gas pump for application in microsystems

• Simple structure, no moving parts, and efficient use of energy are the advantages of an EHD pump


Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Morphology and Size of Soot Derived from Biofuels and Diesel Fuel Faculty: Wilson Merchan-Merchan MOTIVATION


• Several investigations were carried out involving biofuels such as canola methyl ester (CME), soybean methyl ester (SME), animal fats and regular disel fuels • Alternative fuels such as biofuels are believed to be very important for producing a cleaner and more optimal combustion • It is well known that the variations in soot structures in traditional fuels, such as the presence of carbon layers, can influence its macroscopic properties • Pollunt emissions such as NOx, CO, particulate matter, SOx, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO2 and unburned hydrocarbons have lead researchers to continually seek alternatives for carbonaceous fuels

• Due to the large demand for traditional fuels and therefore its limitations, biofuels have become an interesting renewable/sustainable energy source • Soot formation studies have been conducted in traditional fuels in order to increase the radiant head transfer in oxygen flames, reduction of NOx and pollution prevention that can have a tremendously hazardous impact on human health

METHODS • Microscope JEOL TEM-3010, using a LaB6 filament • Gatan Digital imagining software • Two unisliders that allow movement of the burner in the Y and Z position • The thermophoretic sampling technique with 3mm 200 mesh carbon coated copper grid, residence time = 60 ms

Climbing Sandy Slopes Faculty: David P. Miller OBJECTIVES

• Mechanical/Computational model of what happens as vehicle climbs sandy slopes • Design of wheel surface optimized for sandy slopes • Design of all purpose wheel for dealing with rocks, dirt and sandy slopes

METHODS • SWEET wheel test bed • SR2 Rover • Lunar 2kg rover • LARA sand foot

APPLICATIONS • More reliable exploration vehicles (moon and Mars rovers) • Improved efficiency of off-road sport/utility vehicles • Potential improvements in shoes and other surfaces that interact with loose terrain


Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Product Platform Design Faculty: Zahed Siddique OBJECTIVES


• Design of modular and scalable common product platform for a family of product and mass customization • Tools and methods to support design of common platforms and associated product family

• Platform configuration design - development of mathematical and computational foundations • Multiplatform optimization

CONTRIBUTIONS • A multi-common platform optimization approach • Web-based system to support Engineer-To-Order Products • Common platform configuration design approach to concurrently considering functions, assembly, materials and other factors • An approach that combines both modularity and scaling needs to be investigated and developed • Interface design for modular product needs further investigation

Unit Level Energy Monitoring and Fault Detection and Diagnosis for a High Performance Building Faculty: Li Song CHALLENGES


• Automated FDD tools have not been researched for 20 years • Two existing approaches have not yet been fully automated: • Whole Building Level • Component Level

• Measure energy consumption (heating, cooling and electricity) from the air handling unit level to diagnose system faults • Develop non-intrusive flow measurements using existing mechanical devices • Compare the optimal energy consumption baseline with the real measurement • Identify unit operation fault and deficiencies

EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS/BENEFITS • Less computational complexity - to be embedded in the existing BAS • Informative • Broader impacts as BAS gets smarter by converging it with traditional IT infrastructure


Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research On-Chip Vacuum Micro-Pump Faculty: Harold Stalford OBJECTIVES


• Develop on-chip MEMS vacuum micro-pump technology • Model micro-pump using multiphysics simulation tools, CFD modeling covering structures, fluid flow and electrostatics • Develop micro-pump designs that potentially can achieve differential pressures greater than 1.0 atm, while considering thin film material properties and semiconductor process characteristics

• One application need is for an on-chip vacuum that can hold 10-6 torr without hermeticity • Another application need is in gas sampling (e.g. micro mass spectrometry) that can provide 10-6 torr at 1 sccm sample flow • Currently, no MEMS technology exists that can meet the requirements of the above two applications

CONTRIBUTIONS/BENEFITS • Zero dead volume and no additional valves • Contact of smooth membrane/smooth sealing surface provides low back stream leak rate • Single stage span ambient 1 atm to high vacuum in single pump


Aerospace and Mechanical AME Research Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Objective, Multi-Fidelity Design Optimization Scheme for Aircraft Faculty: Alfred G. Stirz GOAL


• Improve aircraft design by automating the early process stages in conceptual and preliminary design • Challenge: Highly interdependent disciplines/ objectives • Develop: Lay-Out of Multi-Disciplinary Design Op timization Process • Include Three Major Objectives for Minimization: Drag, Power, Weight • Include Three Fidelity Levels: Excel/MATLAB, Simplified FEM/Panel Codes, Nonlinear Structures/ CFD • Utilize a Combination of Sequential and Parallel Processes

• Multi-disciplinary design optimization • Disciplines: loads, structures, aerodynamics, sensors, power • Fidelity: linear and nonlinear structures, beam model, fully-built up FE model, strip theory, panel methods, vortex lattice methods, CFD • Approaches: designs of experiments, response surfaces, gradient based optimization, exery destruction minimization

Efficient Computational Methods for Prediction of Nonequilibrium Flows Faculty: Prakash Vedula OBJECTIVES


• To develop novel, fast and effecient computational methods for high fidelity prediction of complex nonequilibrium flows • To understand the fundamental physics of complex nonequilibrium flows containing multiscale, multiphysics interactions (spanning multiple disciplines) • Applications of nonequilibrium flows: hypersonic re-entry vehicles, gas turbine engines, nuclear/bio energy reactors, pharmaceutical plants, micro/nano fluidic devices, polluntant dispersion, biological cell flow

• “Textbook” equations and solutions are often inadequate for nonequilibrium flows • Challenges in analysis of nonequilibrium flows arise due to: breakdown of continuum hypothesis, complex physics, multiscale interactions, nonlinearities • Many widely used computational methods for prediction of nonequilibrium flows are inadequate for reasons of (a) high computational costs, (b) high statistical noise and/or (c) high modeling errors • Transformative research in the area of nonequilibrium flows is needed

METHODS • Macroscopic behavior of nonequilibrium flows is obtained by considering probabilistic interactions at the microscopic level, via the Boltzmann equation • Novel, statistical moment based quadrature method for solution of Boltzmann equation were used to attain vastly improved prdiction capabilities for generic nonequilibrium flows, along with significantly reduced computational costs


Aerospace and Mechanical Research Collaborations Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring of Large-Scale Structures Faculty: J. David Baldwin (AME), Kim Mish (CEES), Thordur Runolfsson (ECE), Chris Ramsayer (CEES) TECHNICAL CHALLENGES


• Large-Scale structures, e.g. bridges, airframes, machinery, etc. have many potential failure-critical sections that are often difficult to inspect for damage such as cracks • Current practice typically includes applying sensors to the structure (accelerometers, strain gages) collecting large quantities of date, and attempting to deduce the current condition from the sensor time histories • In remote locations, there might not be a ready connection to electrical power, so we must be able to harvest sufficient power from the ambient to power the data acquisition systems

• Updating the data acquisition systems and sensors on two bridges on I-35 (Walnut Creek Bridge in Purcell and Canadian River Bridge in Norman • There will be 20-30 sensors on each bridge with continuous data acquisition and data transmission to an on-campus server; power will be provided by solar panels and grid • Developing algorithms for the fusion of sensor data across the structure to deduce “local” response measure of sufficient fidelity to drive fatigue, fracture, etc. analyses of structural integrity

EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS/BENEFITS • Expect to be able to provide the owner of the structure (ODOT in this case) with real-time assessment of the structural integrity • The probabilistic structural health definitions and estimators being developed will benefit the larger SHM community by providing a better framework for estimating the two primary quanitites sought by SHM practitioners, 1) the current residual strength, and 2) the estimated remaining life under current operating conditions

Combustion and Biofuel Blends Faculty: Sub Gollahalli and Kumar Parthasarathy OBJECTIVES


• Study combustion and pollutant emission characteristics of biofuels and blends • Document fire-safety properties of biofuels and blends • Develop optimal biofuel blends with best combustion properties and minimal pollutant emissions

• Biofuels form an attractive renewable energy resource • Biofuels are cabon-neutral, locally-produced and low in sulpher content • Combustion and pollutant (CO2, CO, NOx, soot, etc.) formation need to be understood before biofuels and their blends can be used in practical configurations

METHODS • Laminar and turbulent partially-premixed flames of pre-vaporized biofuels/blends • Spray flames of biofuels and blends • Pool fire studies of biofuels and blends


• Performance analysis of biofuels and blends in diesel engines and gas turbines

Aerospace and Mechanical Research Collaborations Biomorphic High Performance Buildings Faculty: Farrokh Mistree, Zahed Siddique, Li Song (AME), Lee Fithian (Arch.) and Petra Klein (Metr.) OBJECTIVES


What are the computational and intellectual foundations for a comprehensive and transformative approach that reexamines the premise of conventional energy standards specifying a closed building envelope, in order to design complex energy efficient built systems that derive energy, light and ventilation from their immediate surroundings?

To explore biomorphic architecture, we envision creating the science and developing a decision support computational framework to allow architects and engineers to synergistically work on green buildings.

BACKGROUND Interdisciplinary research synergies in: • Biomorphic architecture • Computational modeling and integration • Adaptive, open, self-configuring envelope • Internal and external micro-climate harnessing for energy production and ventilation • Efficient use of ecosystem services

The research will also involve: • A sustainability perspective from multiple levels • Buildings, communities/ neighborhoods, municipalities • Reducing energy consumption and global impact through new thinking and transformative science

Attaining Engineering Competencies for the Future Through Experiential Learning Faculty: Zahed Siddique, Mrinal Saha, Farrokh Mistree (AME), Patricia Harde, Amy Bradshaw, Xun Ge, and Teresa DeBacker (Educ.) OBJECTIVES


• What are the career sustaining metacompetencies that need to be developed in engineering students for the innovation economy? • What steps can be taken so that engineering students become accustomed to thinking along interdisciplinary lines in their approach to solving complex problems?

The “how” for developing this type of skill and expertise in analysis, evaluation, and creative production for unforeseen needs requires authentic experience in tasks that require students to exercise these skills.

•Based on learning and motivational theory, what are proper ways to infuse experiential learning into existing engineering curricula to develop student competencies for the innovation economy?

One way that provides both experience and leverages a number of other advantages for developing these skills is experiential learning. If designed well, experiential learning not only provides authentic opportunity, but also supports self-determined motivation and regulation.


Aerospace and Mechanical Research Collaborations Advanced Multifunctional Materials and Structures Faculty: Mrinal C. Saha, M. Cengiz Altan (AME), Daniel Resasco and Brian Grady (CBME) OBJECTIVES


• To develop hybrid structural composites with improved mechanical and functional properties • To develop a low cost processing of structural composites while maintaining structural integrity and quality • To understand and control interactions among different materials at different length scale ranging from micro- to nanoscale • To understand the microstructure-property relationship through process simulation and modeling

• Carbon hierarchial structure can be produced either by direct growing or uniformly spraying CNTs or CNFs on carbon fabrics • Controlled synthesis/dispersion of CNTs or CNFs on carbon fiber support at micro and macro level • Functionalize the interface between CNTs and carbon fiber and epoxy resin through a favorable stiffness gradient

CHALLENGES • Traditional composite materials suffer from inferior mechanical and thermal conductivity properties in the thickness direction • Existing methods resulted in decreased in-plane properties as well as increased size and weight • Advanced composite manufacturing process are expensive, energy ineffecient and size dependent • Nanostructured materials such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), carbon nanofibers, etc. exhibit superior mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties due to their nanoscale dimension and large specific areas • Current processing method does not allow exploiting the superior properties of these nonmaterials in improving the structural and functional properties • New structural concepts and processing techniques are needed in the areas of synthesis, controlling interface, etc. in optimizing their mechanical and thermal conductivity properties


• Characterize the interface of CNTs and carbon fiber and epoxy resin • Develop a hybrid vacuum assisted resin infusion (HVARIM) L process to fabricate high quality composite structures at low cost

Aerospace and Mechanical Research Collaborations Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulations Complex System Design Faculty: Prakash Vedula, Takumi Hawa, J. K. Allen (IE) and Farrokh Mistree OBJECTIVES


• Complex systems often pose challenges for prediction, control, design and risk analysis • Conventional or “textbook” solutions are often not adequate • Complex systems involve challenges that span many subdisciplines of engineering, science and mathematics • Challenges in analysis of a complex system arise due to: complex physics/chemistry/biology, multiscale interactions - both time and length scales, multidisciplinary interactions, uncertainty and nonlinears, information fusion • Conventional computational methods for prediction, control and design of complex systems are generally cumberson. Thus, need for transformative research in the field of complex systems

An innovative, fast, efficient, high-fidelity computational approaches have been developed for advancing the science and technology of complex system, with a significant potential for multidisciplinary impact Application areas: • Design of next generation of hypersonic vehicles • Design of advanced energy systems • Design of state-of-the-art micro/nano scale devices for engineering and biomedical applications • Weather prediction • Intelligent sensor networks • Tissue engineering, disease propagation • Risk analysis, national security

RESEARCH QUESTIONS • How can efficient, high fidelity, unified computational approaches be developed to handle interactions across a wide range of scales or disciplines? • How can a reduction of overall computational cost be attained? • How can information and uncertainty relevant to subsystems be harnessed efficiently to control a complex system? • How can prediction, information fusion, control and uncertainty management of a complex system be acheieved in real time? What advantages in computational methods are futher necessary to make this a possibility? How do these methods lead to multidisciplinary breakthroughs, by addressing the generic challenges of complex systems?


Aerospace and Mechanical CoE - Strategic Plan Vision To produce graduates and knowledge sought first in tomorrow’s technology-driven world.

Strategy Attract a talented and diverse student body and empower them to transform quality of life through: Education Life-changing learning experience and Research and Development World-changing discovery and innovation experience


Aerospace and Mechanical CoE - Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies GOAL 1 Enhance undergraduate programs through excellence in experiential learning and innovation in knowledge delivery. Strategy 1.1: Demonstrate pursuit of excellence through continuous improvement in all undergraduate programs. Strategy 1.2: Provide an outstanding undergraduate learning experience. Strategy 1.3: Integrate experiential learning in the Engineering Practice Facility (EPF) and throughout the curriculum.

GOAL 2 Enhance the college community through outreach, mentoring and diversity. Strategy 2.1: Promote K-12 STEM outreach. Strategy 2.2: Recruit, retain, and graduate an outstanding student body. Strategy 2.3: Promote student, faculty and staff diversity.

GOAL 3 Enhance the impact of research and graduate education programs through interdisciplinary collaboration, strategic partnerships, student scholarship, and faculty development. Strategy 3.1: Strategy 3.2: Strategy 3.3: Strategy 3.4:

All graduate programs will demonstrate pursuit of excellence through continuous improvement. Provide an outstanding graduate learning experience. Promote interdisciplinary research and scholarship. Enhance research capabilities, partnerships and performance.


Aerospace and Mechanical AME - Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies GOAL 1

Promote excellence in research and scholarship Strategy 1.1: Leverage the learning community to enhance the creation of economic capital and intellectual capital Tactic 1.1.1: Enhance research performance of AME faculty Tactic 1.1.2: Raise and allocate resources to build research infrastructure for AME through synergistic collaboration in interdisciplinary efforts in CoE Strategy 1.2: Promote interdisciplinary collaborations leading to transformative research Tactic 1.2.1: Develop a learning community that is based on the diverse competencies of faculty members and is focused on transformative science and discovery to address variety of interdisciplinary and research topics Tactic 1.2.2: Expedite strategic faculty, research scholar and graduate student hires to fill areas of need for AME community Strategy 1.3: Enhance partnerships with state, federal, industry, and other research institutions Tactic 1.3.1: Increase external partnerships and forming strategic alliances for visibility and awareness of opportunities, mechanisms and success factors


Aerospace and Mechanical AME - Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies GOAL 2

Enhance graduate educational experience Strategy 2.1: Increase graduate student quality Tactic 2.1.1: Increase recruitment of qualified current AME undergraduate students to our graduate program Tactic 2.1.2: Continue to improve the overall quality of entering graduate students Strategy 2.2: Continue to improve the graduate educational experience Tactic 2.2.1: Prepare our graduate students for placement in academia, industry, government and other sectors Tactic 2.2.2: Increase number of graduate students applying and receiving fellowships Tactic 2.2.3: Promote collaboration in graduate education with industry, other colleges, and institutions Tactic 2.2.4: Improve quality of graduate student life Tactic 2.2.5: Promote international collaboration in graduate education


Aerospace and Mechanical AME - Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies GOAL 3

Enhance undergraduate programs through excellence in experiential learning, innovations in knowledge delivery and curriculum development Strategy 3.1: Demonstrate pursuit of excellence through continuous improvement in AE and ME programs Tactic 3.1.1: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering programs receive and maintain six-year accreditation Strategy 3.2: Provide an outstanding undergraduate learning experience Tactic 3.2.1: Incorporate innovations in knowledge delivery Tactic 3.2.2: Enhance AE and ME programs through the pursuit of excellence in experiential learning Tactic 3.2.3: Maintain high quality of undergraduate students Tactic 3.2.4: Create multiple BS/MS options for students in AE and ME Tactic 3.2.5: Continue to improve outstanding academic support


Aerospace and Mechanical AME - Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies GOAL 4

Enhance the AME learning community Strategy 4.1: Promote the AME learning community Tactic 4.1.1: Enhance AME learning community that empowers each person to meet his/her full potential Tactic 4.1.2: Facilitate faculty, instructor, and staff development Tactic 4.1.3: Promote student, faculty and staff diversity Strategy 4.2: Recruit, retain, and graduate an outstanding student body Tactic 4.2.1: Improve publicity of programs to prospective students Tactic 4.2.2: Maintain current competitive scholarships, fellowships and stipends based on scholastic merit and leadership potential Tactic 4.2.3: Promote faculty, staff and student participation in outreach activities Strategy 4.3: Explore endowment opportunities for the School


Aerospace and Mechanical AME - Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies GOAL 5

Showcase AME Strategy 5.1: Develop and adopt a strategy to showcase AME with maximum impact on the US News and World Report surveys and prospective donors Tactic 5.1.1: Strengthen AME’s presence in the electronic media including social network services Tactic 5.1.2: Increase AME’s presence in the print media including the AME Newsletter Tactic 5.1.3: Implement a seminar series that is in alignment with the Strategic Goals Strategy 5.2: Showcase research, teaching and service accomplishments of AME faculty and students Tactic 5.2.1: Publicize research, teaching and service capabilities and successes of the AME community so that AME becomes a destination of choice for faculty, staff, students, government and industry Tactic 5.2.2: Showcase the AME teaching and learning environment/facilities Tactic 5.2.3: Showcase contributions to service Strategy 5.3: Showcase accomplishments and contributions of alumni, Board of Advisors members, and friends Tactic 5.3.1: Publicize news of accomplishments of alumni, BoA members, and friends Tactic 5.3.2: Provide news of donations from AME stakeholders and others


Aerospace and Mechanical AME - Strategic Plan

Mission The mission of the School of AME is to provide the best possible learning experience for students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and service to the state and society, nationally and internationally. This conforms to the vision of the College of Engineering and OU.

Core Values AME faculty has a wide range of research expertise in different areas. AME stakeholders want to view the school as a learning community, defined as a group of people who share common values and beliefs, and are actively engaged in learning together from each other. Such communities have become the template for a cohort-based, interdisciplinary approach to higher education. This is based on an advanced kind of educational or 'pedagogical' design. AME stakeholders embrace the following core values, which will assist in the direction of our future AME activities: • Creating a collegial learning community that empowers each person to rise to his / her full potential • Positioning its faculty to work synergistically with faculty in other schools to facilitate the synergistic creation of economic and intellectual capital • Enhancing programs through the pursuit of excellence in experiential learning and knowledge delivery • Respecting students as junior engineers in a knowledge enterprise that prepares them for multiple careers, while upholding and maintaining high educational standards and requirements • Recognizing that research, development, problem solving and consulting play a role in creating intellectual and economic capital at a university

Vision AME’s vision is to move Towards Distinctiveness and Recognition - Be recognized as a premier learning community of faculty, staff and students that upholds collegiality, and synergistic collaboration in pursuit of academic excellence, and as a community valuing both individual and collective achievements.


Aerospace and Mechanical

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