Menopause Art: Get involved

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What is the menopause artproject?

It'sa visual representation of the individual experience of the menopause.

To the left are a set of images generated in anAl software, Midjourney. It's a program which creates visuals using text prompts.

To create these images, we used one prompt: Menopause.

We want to change how society, and in turn Al view the menopause, and we want to give anyone experiencing Peri-menopause or the menopause the opportunity to expresstheirexperience visually by participating in this project.

The end goal is to produce a body of work which gives a true insight into how it really feels. To drive awareness, to educate and to destigmatise. Using real accounts.

Whatwill I be expected to do?

To get involved, we would like you to share your experience. This could be a few words, a sentence, paragraph or even a full conversation. Over email, text, in person or via zoom. It could even be a voice recording on your phone. Whatever works for you, however much you want to share.

We'll then use that information to create some visual art, which we'll share with you. It could be 1 or 2 pieces and we hope that something will strike a chord based on what you shared with us. If it does, wonderful! If not, we go backandcreatemoreimageryuntilyou are satisfiedthatthere is an authentic connection between theartworkand your experience.

Who is behind Menopause Art?

Ouch Health, an independent marketing agency dedicated to closing the gender health gap. The founder of the agency is a 39 year old white cis female named Carrie, who wants desperately to see this project succeed.

What's next?

We share the work and the text used on social media, and on the Ouch website. At the end of the project the work will feature in an exhibit, be published and have anational campaign behind it. Changing the picture through the collective voice of menopausal people across the UK.

How can I help?

Tell us your experience. Share the project. Be involved. The bigger the body of work, the greater the impact it will have.

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