From left: Advisors Tracy Holloway, Malin Collins, Katie Watkins
ADVISING IN A PANDEMIC BY CIS ADVISING STAFF We’re all planners and organizers by nature.
We've also loved meeting everyone’s wonderful
That’s why we like advising. The job allows us
families and pets. It goes both ways. Our students
each to keep track of around 200 students and
have seen our homes, our families and our pets as
their plans. The pandemic certainly disrupted
well. We hope to incorporate a mix of traditional
everyone’s plans! We had to pivot from our
in-person and more flexible virtual appointments
prepared natures to being much more flexible.
when we are back on campus so that students can
Thankfully, it has worked. We now meet with all
choose which format works best for them. Our
of our students via Zoom, which has become
hope is that this flexibility will allow students with
second nature. Although we miss our students,
additional responsibilities, such as part- or full-
Zoom advising does have its benefits. For
time jobs and family commitments, to have more
example, we've been able to meet virtually with
access to their advisors, and to increase the
students outside traditional 8 a.m.-5 p.m. office
communication between students and our office.
FACULTY RESEARCH NEWS In spite of the pandemic, members of the College of International Studies have been able to continue contributing to their fields through research, publications and presentations. In addition to the achievements and published books on the following page, faculty have published journal articles in Human Rights Quarterly, Global Governance, Journal of Law and Society, Ethics & International Affairs, International Journal of Islam in Asia, Energy Research & Social Science, Foreign Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, chapters in books published by Oxford University Press and by I.B. Tauris, and opinion and analysis pieces in The Conversation, The Guardian and Al Jazeera. (Continued on page 20) WWW.OU.EDU/CIS • SPRING 2021 • COMPASS: PANDEMIC EDITION