Institute for US-China Issues Celebrating 10 Years

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Institute for US-China Issues




A Message from University of Oklahoma President David L. Boren

We are very proud to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Institute for US-China Issues at the University of Oklahoma. Over the past 10 years, the Institute has worked diligently to heighten our awareness of US-China relations. The Institute has developed a critical space for conversation between US and Chinese diplomats and has promoted our understanding of Chinese literature, language and culture. Thanks to the generous support of Ruth and Harold Newman, the Institute for US-China Issues has established much needed dialogue between the two countries, provided scholarships to students, supported study abroad and engaged in important research about US and Chinese interactions and perceptions. Under the leadership of Dr. Peter Gries, the Newman Chair in US-China Issues, the Institute has from its inception contributed significantly to our academic knowledge of USChina relations, while simultaneously facilitating trust and community among US and Chinese scholars and leaders. We could not be more pleased with all that Dr. Gries and his colleagues have achieved and are forever grateful to the Newman family for making this important work possible. Please enjoy this wonderful publication that celebrates and honors the Institute’s many accomplishments.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. and Ruth Newman

In 2006, the University of Oklahoma received a generous endowment from Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. and Ruth Newman to create a chair for OU’s Institute of US-China Issues. The Newmans have many years of interest in international matters, demonstrated by their involvement in the Asia Society. Harold served as a Trustee of the Asia Society for ten years, in addition to serving as the chair of its nominating committee. Ruth currently serves as a Trustee for the organization. Within the Asia Society they are actively involved in a program they endowed, “The Soul of Asia.” Harold also has a long history of involvement with the EastWest Institute, where he served as a director for 13 years and as chair of its executive committee for four years. A strong supporter and alumnus of the University of Oklahoma, Harold has a long and successful history in investment activities and is the founder of HJ Newman Capital, LLC, after being a Partner and Managing Director at Neuberger Berman for over 33 years. He also serves as a member of OU’s International Programs Center Board of Visitors as well as the Board’s planning and development committee for the Institute of US-China Issues. The Newmans live in Connecticut with business offices in New York City.

The College of International Studies is delighted to recognize and celebrate the Institute for US-China Issues for its incredible 10 years of hard work to highlight, promote and improve US-China relations. Congratulations and thank you to Ruth and Harold Newman and Peter Gries for all you have done for the University of Oklahoma, the College of International Studies and the US-China Institute. -Suzette Grillot, Dean of the College of International Studies

Dr. Peter Hays Gries

Mission Statement The Institute engages in and supports research and outreach activities that seek to better understand and improve US-China relations. The focus is on the deeper structure of the bilateral relationship: its dynamics of security and insecurity, perception and misperception, identity and power. The Institute conducts academic research that has policy relevant implications, seeking to impact on the broader national debate on US China policy. The Institute also seeks to promote China studies in the state of Oklahoma, including providing student scholarships to study in China and faculty grants. Its two signature programs are the Newman Prize for Chinese Literature, and the USChina Diplomatic Dialogue.

Peter Hays Gries Harold J. & Ruth Newman Chair & Director Institute for US-China Issues Professor of International & Area Studies Peter Hays Gries is author of The Politics of American Foreign Policy: How Ideology Divides Liberals and Conservatives over Foreign Affairs (Stanford, 2014) and China’s New Nationalism: Pride, Politics, and Diplomacy (California, 2004), and co-editor of Chinese Politics (Routledge, 2010) and State and Society in 21st-Century China (Routledge, 2004). He studies the political psychology of international affairs, with a focus on Chinese and American foreign policy. Peter received a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies from Middlebury College, a Master of Arts in China Studies from the University of Michigan, and a PhD in Political Science from the University of California - Berkeley. He directs OU’s Institute for US-China Issues, and a research lab on the political psychology of US-China relations. He also founded and directs the Institute’s two signature programs are the Newman Prize for Chinese Literature, and the US-China Diplomatic Dialogue.

Institute Director Gries with Harold and Ruth Newman at the Newman Prize awards banquet, 2013.

Yun-Soo Cho, Counsul General of the Republic of Korea in Houston honors Oklahoma’s Korean War veterans in 2010.

Postdocs, Predocs and Visiting Scholars

Remembering Oklahoma’s Korean War Veterans

Each year, the US-China Issues Institute welcomes postdoctoral, predoctoral and visiting scholars who are conducting research on China and/or US-China relations. These scholars typically reside in Norman and work at the US-China Institute for six months to one year. While in residence, they are expected to give a presentation on their research and participate in the scholarly activities of the Institute. Since 2008, the Institute has welcomed six postdocs, two predocs and one visiting scholar.

To celebrate Veteran’s Day 2010, the US-China Institute and Norman Public Schools teamed up to honor Oklahoma’s Korean War veterans, collaborating with the Oklahoma chapter for the Korean War Veterans Association and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4890 of Norman. This ceremony held much significance in helping to remember and thank those who fought and lost their lives in the Korean War, a historical event that is sometimes referred to as the “forgotten war.” The attendees and presenters at this ceremony wanted to let others know that this war was important and will not be forgotten. Nearly 120 Oklahoman Korean War veterans were recognized for their service at this event. Nearly 800 students from Norman High School and Norman North High School attended the ceremony.

In 2007, the Institute for US-China Issues created a monthly event that highlights the research of China Studies faculty. The “First Wednesday” lunch talks facilitate discussions among professors, students and visitors from OU and universities across the country about various issues relevant to US-China relations. The first lunch talk was held just in time for Veterans Day 2007 and served as as a celebration for the 60th anniversary of the Korean War.

More than 35,000 Americans lost their lives during the Korean War, 601 of which were from Oklahoma. A moment of silence was given to each of those soldiers. The Honorable Thomas Hubbard, a former US Ambassador to South Korea, led a discussion on “The Korean War and the Korean Peninsula Today.” The Honorable Yun-Soo Cho, Counsul General of the Republic of Korea in Houston, expressed gratitude and thanks for the work and sacrifices made by the US military. They discussed the progress that has been made since the war and how South Korea has developed through military aid and economic assistance. Several veterans recounted their stories through a documentary made by OU students titled “Oklahoma Veterans Remember the Korean War.” Cho presented a declaration of thanks for Harold Mulhausen, a member of the Oklahoma chapter of the Korean War Veterans Association, one of the veterans featured in the film. In addition, Norman High School senior David Nazworth won a $250 award for an essay he wrote about the veterans’ service.

Photo by Jerry Laizure for The Norman Transcript

In 2009, the US-China Institute created the Newman prize for Chinese Literature. Awarded every other year, the Prize recognizes outstanding Chinese-writing authors for their outstanding prose or poetry that best captures the human condition. A $10,000 cash award is provided to the winner, recognizing and celebrating a lifetime achievement or a developing body of work. The Newman Prize for Chinese Literature was created in honor of Ruth and Harold Newman, who generously endowed a Chair at the University of Oklahoma, leading to the creation of the Institute for US-China Issues. It is the only US-based prize for prose and poetry written in Chinese and the only major prize for literature in Chinese based purely on merit. Award Winners: 2015: Chu T’ien-wen: Fin-de-Siecle Splendor 2013: Yang Mu: Collected Works of Yang Mu 2011: Han Shaogong: A Dictionary of Maqiao (MaqiaoCidian) 2009: Mo Yan - Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out Mo Yan also went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. and Ruth Newman and 2015 winner, Chu T’ien-Wen

Mr. and Mrs. Newman with 2009 Newman Award winner and 2012 Nobel Prize winner, Mo Yan.

2011 Winner Han Shaogong

2013 Winner Yang Mu

N Young Poets E Awards W M A N

Along with the Newman Prize for Chinese Literature, the Institute for US-China Issues also sponsors the Newman Young Poets Awards every two years. This is an award for the best classical Chinese poems written in English, yet follow the rules that make Chinese poetry such a rich and complex art form. Each winner receives a monetary award and a commemorative certificate.

2015 Young Poet Winners Morgan Brooks, Midwest City Elementary School Ahsan Mashruf, Carver Middle School in Tulsa Lauren Morris, Deer Creek Elementary School Nicole Emery, University of Oklahoma





Newman Scholars in Chinese Studies Newman scholarships in China Studies are awarded to Oklahoma high school seniors who have studied Chinese and want to continue on with their studies at OU. This scholarship is in the amount of $2,000, with half awarded upon enrollment in a Chinese class during freshman year and the other half awarded if the student chooses to study abroad in the Chinese speaking world during their sophomore or junior year.

2016 Newman Scholars in China Studies Jacob Hale, Norman HS Alexandra Bejarano, Booker T. Washington HS, Tulsa Elise Stephenson, Heritage Hall HS, Tulsa Sarah Betz, Jenks HS Sam Trizza, Booker T. Washington HS, Tulsa Caitlyn Box, Edmond North HS Riley McGill, Norman HS Yebin Cho, Norman North HS

Study in China Scholarships The Institute for US-China Issues offers scholarships to OU students wanting to study abroad in the Chinese-speaking world. Students compete for these scholarships based on academic performance and financial need. Priority is given to students who are accepted into semester and year-long Chinese-language academic programs in Chinese-speaking countries. After completing a study abroad program and returning to OU, Study in China Scholars help promote study abroad in China through classroom presentations, study abroad fairs and information sessions. A total of 30 scholarships have been awarded to students since 2012.

2016 Study in China Scholars
 Brennan Davis, CIEE Beijing University Jospeh Plummer, Chinese University of Hong Kong Brittany Ribble, Beijing Normal University Johanna Masterson, OU Journey to China Rebecca Maldonado, OU Journey to China Kelly Jones, OU Journey to China Jacob Hale and Riley McGill of Norman High, with their Chinese teacher Alice Nan.

U.S.-China Diplomatic Dialogue One of the most challenging aspects of US-China relations today is a fundamental lack of mutual trust. To help address this problem, in 2007 Director Gries created the US-China Diplomatic Dialogue, which brings together approximately 15 mid-career Chinese and American diplomats once a year to exchange views on current issues in US-China relations. Alternating between Norman and a location in China, the diplomats are given ample opportunity to interact during outings like attending baseball and football games and hiking, allowing them to establish personal relationships that serve them in their future diplomatic work. The ninth annual Dialogue will be held on September 30, 2016, in Norman, Oklahoma, and will include a lunch for the diplomats with OU students on the Farzaneh Hall back patio.





Political Psychology of US-China Relations Research Program The Political Psychology of US-China Relations lab at OU was established to engage in research about the key challenges affecting US-China relations in the 21st century, and to explore whether the future of US-China interactions will be characterized by cooperation or conflict. The lab’s research focuses on issues such as military and economic capabilities, the balance of power, the challenges of power transition, mutual misperceptions, policy preferences, differing cognitive styles and the promotion of peace. This research has been featured in several publications by the Institute for US-China Issue, including a book by Dr. Gries titled The Politics of American Foreign Policy: How Ideology Divides Liberals and Conservatives over Foreign Affairs, published in 2014 by Stanford University Press. In addition to this, there are several articles such as “‘Red China’ and the ‘Yellow Peril’: How Ideology Divides Americans over China” and “Popular Nationalism and China’s Japan Policy: The Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Controversy, 2012-2013.” In 2009, this program hosted a research agenda workshop and advisory board retreat. The discussions centered on US-China relations, cross-cultural psychology, political psychology of international relations and the synthesis and research agenda for “political psychology of US-China relations.” Based on all the research that has occurred, a number of publications, or drivers of mutual mis/perception in US-China relations, have been published by various program representatives of the program. Articles range from ideology and identity to globalization and history.

30th Anniversary of the Normalization of US-China Relations Conference In October 2008, the Institute for US-China Issues hosted a conference on the 30th Anniversary of the Normalization of US-China Relations. The event highlighted the importance of the United States’ repositioning of its China policy on January 1, 1979. On that date, the United States recognized that the official Chinese government resided in Beijing rather than Taipei, indicateing support for the People’s Republic of China. The US-People’s Republic of China Joint Communiqué, created by US President Jimmy Carter, acknowledged that there was one official government for China and that Taiwan was to be considered part of the unified country. However, the Communiqué noted that the United States would maintain cultural, commercial and defense relations with Taiwan, leading to continued tensions between the United States and China. The 30th Anniversary of the Normalization of US-China Relations Conference provided a forum for discussion of these issues, their legacy and what can be learned from these actions. Topics discussed at the conference included: 30 Years of US-China Relations; Negotiating Normalization, 1978-1979; and the Future of US-China Relations. Along with OU President David L. Boren, special guests in attendance at the Conference included: • • • • •

Zhou Wenzhong, who was the Ambassador to the PRC at the time J. Stapleton Roy, Former US Ambassador to China and Assistant Secretary of State Richard C. Bush, former Managing Director of the American Institute in Taiwan David Gries, former CIA Officer for American embassies and consulates in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and China Wu Xinbo, Professor and Executive Dean at the Institute of International Studies and Director at the Center for American Studies, Fudan University

Inaugural US-China ROTC Military Exchange In 2016, the Institute for US-China issues created a new student exchange opportunity for outstanding OU ROTC students. These students traveled to China for one week during spring break. The study program included the class, “Managing US-China Relations,” taught by Dr. Gries at Beijing Foreign Studies University. ROTC students had the opportunity to interact with Chinese students, visit the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China, attend various lectures about US-China relations and learn from diplomats at the US embassy about economic, political and security relations. The purpose of this exhange was to help improve US-PRC military relations.

Faculty Development Grants

Summer 2016 Winners

To promote teaching and research about China in the State of Oklahoma, the Institute offers two annual competitive grant opportunities for OU faculty and faculty at other Oklahoma K-16 educational institutions. The two types of grants are a course development grant and a Chinese language reasearch grant. Winners are expected to conduct their research or develop their courses over the following summer.

Course Development Grants: Sydney Yueh of Northeastern State in Tahlequah will develop a course on popular culture in global China, while Yanrong Qi and Jie Zhang will rewrite OU’s Chinese language placement exams to ensure that students who have background in Chinese are placed in the appropriate level classes. Chinese Language Research Grants: Kevin Carrico (OU IAS), research on the 1983 “Anti-Spiritual Pollution Drive” (清除精神污染); and Garett Olberding, “Spiritual Sovereignty: Designing Strategic Borders in Early China”

OU students lunch with PRC and US diplomats, 2014

Wolfgang Kubin Faculty Lunch Talk, 2013

Gansu China Delegation’s visit to OU

Orville Schell discusses media freedoms in China and the US at the Gaylord College of Journalism, 2010

Donald Tong Faculty Lunch Talk, 2012

Newman Prize for Chinese Literature Ceremony, 2013

The Institute for US-China Issues is one of the many Centers and Institutes housed in the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma. The mission of the College of International Studies is to expand the OU international experience and develop compassionate, open minded citizens and leaders by enhancing global engagement and educational opportunities.


UNIVERSITY of OKLAHOMA Institute for US-China Issues 729 Elm Ave. Norman, OK 73019-2105 (405) 325-3580

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