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Funding and Resources
Local Contributions
Local contributions may come from a variety of sources. Check with local businesses, service providers, banks, utility providers, nearby auto dealerships, charitable foundations, etc. Don’t forget the value of in-kind contributions of materials, equipment, and labor from skilled local workers.
Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant
Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department Division of State Parks Susan Henry, Grant Administrator (405) 522-9521 susan.henry@travelok.com
The Division of State Parks distributes the federal funds for this grant. The grant reimburses up to 50% of expenses from projects that include acquisition of land and/or development of outdoor recreation facilities. Facilities might include sports facilities, playgrounds, campgrounds, trails, swimming facilities, splash pads, etc.
Recreational Trails Program (Same Contact Info as Above)
This grant reimburses up to 80% of the costs of developing a recreational trail with a 20% local match.
Transportation Alternatives Program
Oklahoma Department of Transportation https://www.ok.gov/odot/Doing_Business/Local_ Government_Resource_Center/Transportation_ Alternatives_Program_(TAP)/index.html This program funds downtown enhancements near state highways from federal funds.
Placemaking Grant
National Association of Realtors https://realtorparty.realtor/community-outreach/ placemaking Up to $5,000 is available for placemaking activities. The local Realtor Association must be engaged in order to apply.
TSET Healthy Incentive Grants for Communities
Sponsored by Oklahoma’s Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust, these funds can construct public facilities related to health and wellness, like walking trails, farmers markets, or sports and recreation facilities. After meeting certain criteria, communities become eligible for varying levels of funds. Communities that are more proactive about healthy living policies are eligible for more funds.
AARP Community Challenge
AARP Livable Communities https://www.aarp.org/livable-communities/ community-challenge/
The AARP Community Challenge funds over 150 community projects each year. The program funds projects for public space, bike/ walk mobility, and housing that have fast implementation schedules.
Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP)
Grand Gateway Economic Development Association
REAP Grants are authorized by the Oklahoma Legislature for funding small, rural communities with less than 7,000 in population. GGEDA manages distribution of these funds in Mayes County. Grants do not require a local match, and can be used for a wide variety of public projects including transportation and community buildings.
Prepared by:
The University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities
Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture 830 Van Vleet Oval Norman, Oklahoma 73019 iqc.ou.edu