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DDS Honors and Awards
D.D.S. Class of 2021 Honors & Awards
Academy of Dental Materials Award
For excellence in scholarship in dental materials. • Hannah René Kraemer
Academy of General Dentistry Senior Student Dental Award
For senior students who exhibit the potential for becoming outstanding general dentists. • Edith Quiñonez Lu • Amanda Diemthuy Tran
Academy of Osseointegration Outstanding Dental Student in Implant Dentistry Award
For the graduating dental student who has shown the most professional growth in managerial skills and development of outstanding performance in four-handed-dentistry. • Chau Banh
Outstanding in the field of oral and maxillofacial pathology. • Edith Quiñonez Lu
For exceptional interest and accomplishment in dental radiology. • Hannah René Kraemer
American Academy of Oral Medicine Award
Outstanding in the field of oral medicine. • Blake Bean
American Academy of Periodontology Award
For the graduating senior who displays the highest level of academic and clinical achievement related to periodontics. • John Corbett
For demonstrating remarkable skill in the area of endodontics during dental training. • Lydia Julianna Bruce American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Implant Student Award
For outstanding performance in undergraduate study and clinical training in the area of implant placement. • Brooke Coy
For outstanding performance in undergraduate study and clinical training in the area of oral and maxillofacial surgery and anesthesiology. • Hannah René Kraemer
American Association of Orthodontists Award
For demonstrating exceptional interest in the development of the oro-facial complex. • Nancy Linh Ha
For demonstrated leadership and outstanding scholastic performance. • Edith Quiñonez Lu
American Dental Society of Anesthesiology Horace Wells Senior Student Award
For demonstrated proficiency in the field of dental anesthesiology. • Nicholas Edward Keeling
The award honors the spirit of volunteerism and recognizes student participation or leadership in service to their school or local community. • Christian Daniel Davila
Brasseler’s Shillingburg Award for Excellence in Restorative Dentistry
For the highest achievement in all aspects of restorative dentistry. • Hannah René Kraemer
Charles E. Hurlburt, D.D.S., M.S. Award
This award recognizes a student who, like Dr. Hurlburt, displayed excellence in radiology and a love of mankind through service through others. • Russell Ward Gardner
Clinic Operations Staff Award
Recognizes the student who Clinic Operations staff feel exemplifies professionalism, character and overall friendliness among the staff. • Rozan Burkan Eleanor J. Bushee Memorial Award
Presented by the American Association of Women Dentists to a senior dental student who is an AAWD member and has demonstrated outstanding leadership and academic excellence. • Edith Quiñonez Lu
Fred C. Seids Award in Pediatric Dentistry
For demonstration of exemplary improvement and aptitude in pediatric dentistry. • Alfredo Garcia
Community Dentistry Outreach Award
Presented to a student or group of students for designing, developing, and implementing a high-quality community outreach project that meaningfully addresses an oral health education or access to care issue for a specific, target population. • Kyle Krause • Edith Quiñonez Lu • Brock Nichols • Crystal Rajan • Jennifer Katherine Harreld • Amanda Diemthuy Tran
Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence
Presented for attaining the highest academic standing during the prescribed years of study at the college. • Hannah René Kraemer
Edwin L. Wilson, Jr. Award of Excellence
Recognizes a student who, like Dr. Wilson, exemplifies compassion, dedication and leadership in the field of dentistry. • Alfredo Garcia Hanau Best of the Best Award for Excellence in Prosthodontics
For outstanding achievement in prosthodontics. • Edith Quiñonez Lu
For exemplified and demonstrated passion for altruistic humanitarian service as a dental student. • Edith Quiñonez Lu
For demonstrated leadership as a dental student and future leadership potential. • Nancy Linh Ha
For the senior dental student who has displayed the greatest interest and commitment to oral implantology/ implant dentistry. • Taylor Lea Aufill
Jay F. And Nancy Anderson Award In Periodontics
Established in the name of Dr. Jay F. Anderson to recognize and reward deserving third-year students in the College of Dentistry with demonstrated exceptional interest and enthusiasm for periodontics. • John Corbett
Jerome B. Miller Award of Excellence in Pediatric Dentistry
Presented to the senior student who exemplifies the best attributes of pediatric dentistry and plans to pursue the specialty as a career. • Kelsey Jo Kramer
For outstanding student leadership and service to the American Student Dental Association. • Edith Quiñonez Lu
Michael Louis Backowske Award for Excellence in Anatomical Science
Presented in the first year in recognition of overall academic excellence in the anatomical sciences. • Hannah René Kraemer
Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society
For graduates exhibiting achievements in scholarship, exemplary traits of strong character, and professional potential. • Chau Banh • Christian Daniel Davila • Nancy Linh Ha • Nicholas Edward Keeling • Hannah René Kraemer • Edith Quiñonez Lu • Tayler Ray Schartz
Oral Health Foundation Scholarship
Awarded to a third-year dental student who has demonstrated great potential for developing into an outstanding leader in the profession because of his/her participation in the university, dental school or community. • Hannah René Kraemer OU Health Sciences Center Crimson Club
HSC Crimson Club members are nominated by faculty, staff or a current HSC Crimson Club member to serve as University Ambassadors. Crimson Club is a student organization under the wings of the Office of the President and HSC Student Affairs. • Chau Banh • Hannah Elizabeth Henry • Edith Quiñonez Lu
Outstanding Senior Leadership Award-Dentistry
Presented annually by the Health Sciences Center in recognition of those students deemed outstanding in their college. Each college committee selects one graduating senior student based on leadership, campus involvement, professional development, and community service. • Hannah René Kraemer
Pediatric Honors Program
• Edith Quiñonez Lu • Hannah René Kramer • Kelsey Jo Kramer
Periodontics Departmental Senior Award
For outstanding performance in periodontics during the senior year • Christian Daniel Davila
Pierre Fauchard Academy Senior Student Award
For leadership through academic and clinical accomplishments, and dedication to the advancement of dental literature. • Hannah René Kraemer
For excellence in the clinical aspects of periodontics. • Alfredo Garcia
For excellence in the clinical aspects of restorative dentistry. • Brock Nichols
Quintessence Award for Research Achievement
For exemplary performance in materials research and scientific presentation. • Neeral Sanjay Patel
Richard L. Reynolds Award & Scholarship
This award recognizes a student who, like Dr. Reynolds, acknowledges oral medicine as the fountain of dentistry and dentists as “physicians for oral health.” • Armin Zarkeshan
Riechmann Society Fellowship Award
The Reichmann Society is composed of honor students who meet regularly to discuss topics in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the residency application processes, residency comparisons, and externship opportunities and comparisons. They attend the residents’ Grand Rounds and advanced courses in anticipation of pursuing a career in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The most outstanding, senior students are recognized as a fellow of the Riechmann Society. • Hannah René Kraemer • Brett Joseph Scott
Robert G. Gerety Scholarship in Orthodontics
For sustained interest and superior performance in academic and clinical orthodontics. • Nicholas Edward Keeling
Robert M. Bird Society Award
Presented to a graduating student who shows a great potential for a creative contribution to the dental sciences. • Caytlin Dawn Eidson
Sooner Standard Award
The Sooner Standard Award recognizes OU students who go above and beyond in the area of volunteerism. A blue cord is awarded for completing a total of 300 hours before graduation or 75 hours within one year. • Hadley Hamilton Finley • Ciarra D. Stapleton Green Cord Award
A green cord is awarded for completing a total of 200 hours before graduation or 50 hours within one year. • Nancy Linh Ha • Edith Quiñonez Lu • Ella Miller • Crystal Rajan
Southwest Academy of Restorative Dentistry Award
For distinguished leadership, dedication and high moral values. • Nicholas Edward Keeling
Southwest Society of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons Senior Dental Student Award
For outstanding achievement in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. • Tayler Ray Schartz
William E. Brown Service Award
Presented for the highest level of service to the dental school community and the community at large. • Amanda Diemthuy Tran
William S. Kramer Award of Excellence
The purpose of the award is to recognize junior dental student who has demonstrated scholarship, character, and the potential promise for advancement of dentistry and service to humanity. • Hannah René Kraemer