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Study Skills and Research Methods
from Law Catalogue 2024
Australian Law Dictionary 3e
Trischa Mann
9780190304737 | October 2017 | oup.com.au/mann3e
The Australian Law Dictionary is a key reference for those who need familiarity with, and a comprehensive knowledge of, Australian legal terms. Designed specifically for students, the ALD uses clear and concise language and explores the terms encountered in everyday practice, focusing on core legal knowledge and practice areas.
Pleadings Without Tears: A Guide to Legal Drafting Under the Civil Procedure Rules 9e
Roger Eastman and William Rose
9780198804055 | May 2017 | oup.com.au/eastman9e
Pleadings Without Tears has become established as one of the most successful books on practical legal drafting in the context of litigation. This new ninth edition is fully updated to take account of all Civil Procedure Rule (CPR) changes since the last edition.
Legal Writing: Academic and Professional Communication
Paula Baron and Lillian Corbin
9780195593938 | September 2016 | oup.com.au/baron
Legal Writing: Academic and Professional Communication emphasises the link between legal writing and ethics as it guides readers through phases of the writing process and helps them develop effective legal writing skills essential for both academic and professional contexts.
The Research Process 6e
Gary D. Bouma and Susan Carland
9780190304621 | July 2016 | oup.com.au/bouma6e
The Research Process, sixth edition, is an easy-to-use introduction to research methods. The book emphasizes the process of research in an accessible and readable way, taking a non-statistical and nonmathematical approach for new students.