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Chapter 1 Integers
1A Rounding and estimating 1B Adding and subtracting whole numbers 1C Multiplying and dividing whole numbers 1D Multiples, factors, squares and cubes 1E Negative integers 1F Adding and subtracting integers 1G Multiplying and dividing integers 1H Order of operations Prerequisite skills VCAA Curriculum links • Carry out the four operations with rational numbers and integers, using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies and make estimates for these computations [VCMNA273] © VCAA Materials ✔ Calculator Diagnostic pre-test Take the diagnostic pre-test to assess your knowledge of the prerequisite skills listed below. Interactive skillsheets After completing the diagnostic pre-test, brush up on your knowledge of the prerequisite skills by using the interactive skillsheets. ✔ Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers ✔ Times tables ✔ Multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10 ✔ Number lines ✔ Ordering positive and negative numbers DRAFT ONLY - NOT FOR SALE