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Corpus Christi College Graduation Mass
21 OCTOBER 2021 Corpus Christi College Graduation Mass


Joined by family, friends and the school community, the Corpus Christi College Graduating Class of 2021 gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for the celebration of the Eucharist and College Graduation Ceremony.
The evening Mass was celebrated by Fr Jean-Noel Marie, with graduands receiving a blessing and their graduation certificates following the Mass. Directing those present to the words of St Paul to the Colossians (3:12-14), Principal Frank Italiano congratulated the graduands, and encouraged them to take the scripture passage to heart on their new journey into the future.
“As a Catholic College, that is what our culture is about. Always remember, each of you is special in God’s eyes and we ask that you keep the spirit of Corpus Christi College in your hearts as you journey through life.
It has been an absolute privilege to have shared this journey with you.
Sequere Dominum - Follow the Lord” said Mr Italiano.