2 minute read
arlier this spring, we came together to honor Parkland’s historic past, enjoy festive traditions, and celebrate the City’s 60th birthday with old and new friends.
As I look back over the past eight months, I see a close-knit community. I also see a thriving City with much more on the horizon.
Our newly acquired Heron Bay Parkland property reflects the ethos of our community and strong economy. We are steps away from a monumental infrastructural redesign of Loxahatchee Road. Large-scale drainage improvements are taking place in a few key areas in the City. And we will soon begin work on the new Wedge Preserve Park.
All of these projects and improvements will positively impact our life experiences for years to come. As Mayor and as a Parkland resident, I am grateful
By Mayor Rich Walker
Efor the strength of our relationships and partnerships, and I am inspired by the work that has been done to usher in our future.
There is much to say about where we are headed as a community, and I believe an exciting report like this should be shared in person. The Commissioners and I will deliver the State of the City at City Hall at 6:30 p.m. on May 10, at 6600 University Drive, 33067. Should anything change, we will be sure to keep everyone up to date on the details.
During our State of the City, the City Commission will share a high-level overview of the many initiatives that are completed, in process, and scheduled to begin throughout the Wedge. I think the presentation, which will include visual references and opportunities to speak with City commissioners in an informal setting, will give residents a better understanding of the scope of the projects going on in our community.
Through the years, our successes have firmly planted us where we are today, and we want to continue to embrace what is sure to be a dynamic future for the City of Parkland. Consider making plans to hear more about our next chapter together.
I look forward to seeing you there. If you have questions or comments you would like to share, I would love to hear from you. I can be reached via e-mail at rwalker@Cityofparkland.org or via cell phone at (973) 390-1453. Of course, I am frequently available monthly at Parkland businesses and love to talk with residents there. I encourage you to visit the City’s website Cityofparkland.org and click on the social media icon that you prefer, to ensure that you stay informed on events and helpful information.
To RSVP to the City of Parkland’s State of the City, use your smartphone to scan the QR Code:
Meet Teddy! He is a five-year-old golden doodle who is the kindest, most gentle dog anyone could ever ask for. He loves long walks around the park, hunting for lizards and trying to steal scraps around the kitchen table when we are eating. Teddy does not have any negative qualities. He is the family’s best friend and we cannot imagine a life without him.