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It’s No SEA-cret, This Teen Rises to the Next Level to Create Environmental Awareness
It’s No SEA-cret,
This Teen Rises to the Next Level to Create Environmental Awareness
By Beverly Perkins
Sea Level Rise (SLR) is a serious issue in 90 participants to take live polls to gauge Southeast Florida and will have a sig- climate change awareness and impact. nificant impact on homes, communities, They also had the opportunity to have an and businesses if nothing is done sooner interactive discussion with an esteemed than later. Numerous local governments panel of scientists and community leaders. and universities are putting forth efforts to “The threat of climate change is one of prepare a plan for the impact of the rising the most pressing issues we face globally seas. Additionally, non-profit organizations as well as locally in the coastal community and individuals are also addressing the of Hollywood. We need to make our cities problem including teenager Dylan Bober more resilient and raise awareness about of Hollywood. the problem of sea-level rise. The first
As part of the Sea Level Rise Solutions step is being able to talk effectively about Project, the ambitious Cooper City High climate change. With our theme, ‘What School sophomore took Sea Level Rise Climate Change Means to Me’, our goal was to a new level. Due to the pandemic, the to bring home the impact of sea-level rise 5th Annual King Tide Flooding Event on South Florida and discuss ways to get was hosted virtually and explored ways our community to care and act,” explained to communicate climate risks. The stu- Dylan Bober. “I am encouraged that many dent-moderated webinar encouraged the of the attendees were high school students,
Dylan Bober measuring flood water on a sunny day during high tide during the King Tides
who can have a positive impact on the climate crisis.”
Despite these efforts and recent national media spotlights on the issue, South Florida residents may not perceive the threat of SLR as immediate. They may be unaware of the supportive actions they can take now to assist in regional efforts to build resilience and democratize flood risk management.
“I did not realize the magnitude of this problem until I witnessed it firsthand. I am thrilled to be helping to raise further awareness and advocacy so that we can change our actions for the protection of our planet,” said Rebecca Adler, student co-moderator.
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