2 minute read
Business Needs for Cost Savings Have Never Been Higher: Schooley Mitchell Delivers
BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Business Needs for Cost Savings Have Never Been Higher: Schooley Mitchell Delivers
Schooley Mitchell, the largest independent cost reduction consulting firm in North America, opened their Weston office in June. The firm helps small and medium businesses reduce their essential business service expenses an average of 27-28% and have delivered over $340 million in documented savings to their clients.
Reducing costs has never been more important for businesses of all sizes than today. The initial lock-down and ongoing slow down in economic activity have hit smaller businesses in a much more pronounced way than larger firms. The time is right for businesses to reduce expenses. “We are the Business Cost Reduction and Profit Optimization Experts with no out of pocket cost to our clients,” commented Schooley Mitchell’s Strategic Partner Johan Amador.
“Schooley Mitchell offers independent and objective recommendations based solely on the client’s best interests. Consultants receive no kickbacks, residuals or incentives from providers. The services are risk-free – clients incur no out-of-pocket expenses and Schooley Mitchell’s fees are selffunded out of the savings generated. If savings aren’t found, our clients don’t pay.”
Schooley Mitch offers a broad range of services, including: • Analysis of existing & future telecom needs • Analysis of existing & future merchant services needs • Analysis of existing & future small package shipping & courier needs • Analysis of existing & future waste disposal needs • Analysis of existing & future eSignature needs • Analysis of existing & future electronic logging device needs • Billing error identification • Implementation of cost-effective solutions • Ongoing monitoring to ensure services remain optimized
n For more information or to request a FREE consultation call 954-671-6265, visit www. schooleymitchell.com/jamador or email Johan at johan.amador@schooleymitchell.com

The Times
Uncertain times are challenging. Uncertain times are unsettling. Economic conditions have changed in the blink of an eye.

Increasing revenueisverydifficultsomanaging expensesiscritical. Cutting costsnowcould mean saving jobsorpreserving cash the business needs to stay healthy or viable.
We Deliver
Average 27-28% savings on your business services including telecom, merchantservices, wastedisposal and small packageshipping and courier.
Our Clients
Ourclientsfind usmorevaluablethan ever. Oursolepurposeistohelp them reducetheirexpensesand actaswatchdogsovertheirvendors.
No Risk
Our fees are self-funded from savings generated. If there are no cost reductionsthrough ourindependentadvice, thereisnofee.
Call Johan Amador 954-671-6265 to learn more! johan.amador@schooleymitchell.com www.schooleymitchell.com/jamador