1 minute read

Free Assistance Available for Broward County Veterans

If you or a loved one is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, you can connect to Broward County Veterans Services to receive FREE assistance to file for veterans’ benefits. A team of professionally trained Veteran Services Officers help veterans, and their family members understand and determine eligibility for a variety of benefits offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Broward’s Veteran Services Officers are also uniquely qualified to streamline and help you navigate the veteran’s benefits eligibility process, which is complex and challenging. After meeting with you one-on-one, staff help determine the benefits you may be eligible for and assist with the application process.


Veterans Services is part of the Elderly and Veterans Services Division and an agency of the Broward County Human Services Department. Their team of professionally trained Veteran Services Officers are themselves veterans.

Veterans Services help other veterans and their family members understand and determine eligibility for veteran’s benefits, in order to improve their quality of life. Last year, they served more than 11,000 Broward County residents, filed more than 2,500 veteran benefits claims, and received over $12 million in rewards on their behalf. ▸ Scan the QR code to learn if you or a family member, who served in the armed forces, are eligible for Veteran Benefits. Alternatively, visit www.broward.org/veterans or call 954-357-6622.



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