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Your Pet Could Be Our Pet of the Month

Cooper, was rescued from the Broward County Animal Center. At four weeks of age, weighing only four pounds, he was named after our car, the Mini Cooper. Now a six year old male, Cooper resides in Hollywood. Being part Jack Russell, terrier, Shih Tzu and Chihuahua explains his terrier coat, his Shih Tzu beard and his Chihuahua big brown eyes. Sparky is a Shih Tzu male 4years old. Lives in Hollywood, Fl, His favorite person is his dad Walter. His favorite toy is is his stuffed moose that he has had since he was 8 weeks old. His favorite food is anything he sees we eat. He loves the walks his dad takes him on and originally was to be mommas fur baby but loves his dad more the any toy or person. “MINNIE

Hello, my name is Minnie Bubbles Quan, I am 7 years old Chihuahua. I love taking sun baths in my back yard, my favorite thing to do is burrow in the freshly dried clothes while mom sorts them on the sofa. I was last seen taking a long walk around the neighborhood.


“SPARKY” Pets of the Month


Hello, I am a newbie in Hollywood and my name is DJ, I am just a 5 years old black cat, but a have a beautiful story to tell…What I love the most is bossying around my house… and I’m really good at :)


“ZOEY” Zoey is an 8-year-old cuddly Shitzu Poodle mix. She was rescued at age 3 in October of 2015. She loves to do yoga with mom, take walks, and play with dad. She learns new tricks that the two teenagers teach her all the time, like how to jump over their legs.

Every month Our City Mediapicks a pet of the month winner. Email entries to: anna@ourcitymedia.com Must include the following information to receive your prize. Owner name and email and/or phone number. Please send a high-resolution photo with your entry. Tell us a little bit about your pet… Animal name & breed •Age and gender of animal Favorite person • Likes & dislikes Favorite thing to do / Last seen /City you live in


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34 OCTOBER 2020 | OUR CITY HOLLYWOOD | OURCITYMEDIA.COMPUZZLE PAGE Copyright ©2020 puzzlejunction.com Our City Media 10/20 Crossword PuzzleJunction.com Solution on next page 1234 5678 91011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 31 Card spot 32 Craggy peak 34 TV show 35 Game pieces 36 Cover 37 Chaplain 38 Attentiongetter 39 Sandwich shop 40 Ocean menace 41 Skedaddled 43 Pine dropping 44 Son of Seth 46 Egg cells 47 Important time Across 1 Infant 5 Bullfight cheers 9 Jacuzzi 12 Artificial bait 13 Vega’s constellation 14 Child’s toy 15 Solar disc 16 Husband’s locale, at times 18 Feathered stole 19 Container 20 Building addition 21 Pants part 23 Table scrap 24 Michigan city 26 By means of 27 Grog 30 Narrow street 31 Chum 32 Profits 33 Increases 34 Canine command 35 Runway walker 36 Mustache site 37 Persian spirit 38 Fess up 41 Summer cooler 42 Hotshot 45 Common ailment 47 Collar type 48 Wapiti 49 Concluded 50 Nevada city 51 “O Sole ___” 52 Fashioned 53 Fruity drinks Down 1 Spill the beans 2 Motorcar 3 Home invasions 4 Longing 5 Song of yore 6 City on the Rhone 7 Unit of energy 8 1943 Bogart film 9 Render speechless 10 Mannerism 11 Pinnacle 17 Can. province 19 Wager 22 Compass pt. 23 Engine need 24 Worse than 45 Across 25 Napkin’s place 26 Winery sight 27 Glowed 28 Island strings 29 Actor Gibson Our City Media 10/20 Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Copyright ©2020 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 9 2 5 9 1 47 6 5 9 7 6 28 61 3 5 6 2 9 4 3

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