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SAGE—Celebrating our LGBTQ+ Elder Community with Pride!
By: Mitchell Zahn, Program Coordinator SAGE South Florida Friendly Visitor Program
The city of Wilton Manors will be celebrating Stonewall Pride this year on June 17. Pride celebrations allow us to embrace and celebrate the breadth and diversity of our LGBTQ+ community. Despite their contributions to the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, our older community members are often forgotten in our celebrations. These pioneers fought for the rights that we enjoy today and remind us to be vigilant in the presence of forces actively trying to set the clock back to a time when our community was forced to b e invisible and live on the fringes of society.
By 2030, studies project the population of LGBTQ+ people over 50 to reach 7 million. Our elders have unique needs compared to the general population, and because of discrimination and marginalization in their earlier lives, which have created a wide variety of challenges to endure today.
Many age without proper community support, are in poor health and are more likely to be financially insecure. One-third of LGBTQ+ adults live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Many experience mental health challenges and experience higher levels of disability compared to heterosexual older people, as well as delaying necessary medical care due to fears of discrimination or mistreatment by healthcare staff. And most LGBTQ+ elders do not have children, often relying on friends and neighbors for needed help, many of whom have similar needs.
Fighting for LGBTQ+ Elders
Since 1978
For 40-plus years, SAGE has worked tirelessly for LGBTQ+ older people. Building off the momentum of the Stonewall uprising and the emerging LGBTQ+ civil rights movement, a group of activists came together to ensure that LGBTQ+ older people could age with respect and dignity. SAGE formed a support network for LGBTQ+ elders that is still growing today. SAGE is more than just an organization. It’s a movement of loving, caring activists dedicated to providing advocacy, services, and support to older members of the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ elders fought— and still fight—for our rights. And we will never stop fighting for theirs.
Friendly Visitor Program in For t Lauderdale
SAGE in Florida offers a Friendly Visitor program in Broward County to provide social support to older adults. The program assists individuals like a 60-year-old woman with gardening and a dyslexic 78-year-old man who receives help reading his mail. In Miami-Dade County, SAGE supports at-risk LGBTQ+ elders with care management, emergency financial assistance, and aid for medical bills, rent, and food.
Older LGBTQ+ individuals are more prone to social isolation, twice as likely to live alone and be single, and significantly less likely to have children than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. SAGE addresses these challenges by offering the Friendly Visitor program in Fort Lauderdale, inspired by its successful program in New York City. Volunteers visit and call homebound elders weekly, providing social support from Sunshine Cathedral, an LGBTQ+ affirming Metropolitan Community Church.
Friendly Visitor volunteers undergo careful screening and training and commit to at least a year of involvement. They attend regular meetings, visit for an hour or two once a week, and make additional calls. When someone seeks SAGE ’s help, a Program Coordinator conducts an initial assessment and, with the client’s consent, refers them to a suitable, Friendly Visitor for ongoing support.

Happy Pride!
As we honor our diverse community, we also recognize the journey we’ve traversed since the days of the Stonewall uprising. Our LGBTQ+ elders have set a robust foundation for our rights, a battle they continue to fight today. We must remember this history and stay alert to preserve these hard-earned rights. We are responsible for keeping their legacy alive by continuing their fight and creating a safer and more accepting world. Remember, every step forward in this journey is a step towards equality and acceptance for all. Let’s keep moving forward together!
▸ If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or a participant of the program, email Program Manager Mitchell Zahn at mzahn@sageusa. org or call 646-568-9354. Scan the QR code to learn more abour SAGE or visit the www.sageusa.org.