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From Shabby to Chic: Pembroke Pines Charter School Weight Room Gets an Extreme Makeover

SCHOOL NEWS From Shabby to Chic: Pembroke Pines Charter School Weight Room Gets an Extreme Makeover



As we (hopefully) exit COVID restrictions, facilities at schools across the county are set to see a lot more action. This is particularly true for school weight rooms. Varsity football teams across the state have begun practice and will soon take the field. Pembroke Pines Charter School’s weight was no exception.

They did have one big problem, however: The upholstery on the weight benches and equipment at the school was in desperate need of replacement. Wear and tear by dozens of sweaty teenagers had reduced the coverings to torn-out shreds. Luckily the school had a plan.

School Administrators called Sew Mobile Upholstery to get the job done. Rather than ship out all of the weight benches and equipment to the upholsters, the upholsters came to the school. In just one day the weight room was transformed from shabby to sheek. SewMobile is a family run and operated business that specializes in on-site upholstery. With over 25 years of experience, they guarantee not only quality work, but also fast and reliable. They come to your place of business and do the work on-site.

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