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The Simon School Offers Parents a New Choice in Arts & Sciences Education
The Simon School of Arts & Sciences opened its doors to students for the first time this year. The Parkland-based micro-school was founded by long-term teacher Carolina Simon. After working at a number of public & private schools, Simon realized there is a better way to help high school students learn. The Simon School is part of a wave of new education options that are sweeping across the country called micro-schools. These small, student-focused schools enable students to work collaboratively in groups with a variety of ages and ability levels allowing students to naturally develop leadership skills as they learn.
We sat down with Simon to learn more.
What is The Simon School?
We offer a classical education (philosophy, Judeo-Christian theology, Humanities, and foundational sciences) for the 21st century. Our curriculum is centered on project-based learning with lessons that are measured in the use of knowledge, not just the regurgitation of it.
What led you to open the school?
I genuinely care about the individual child. My goal is to help all my students become confident, well-rounded, positive, productive young adults who love and respect themselves, their neighbor, and their country.
Tell us more about Micro-schools?
Micro-schools are essentially the “one-room schoolhouse” of the 21st century. They are teacher run “tiny” schools with 15-150 students and are 100% student-centered with a focus on projectbased learning. Students are not divided by age and work in collaborative groups, with a variety of ages and ability levels. This allows students to naturally develop their leadership skills.
Micro-schools have been around for about a decade and offer a greater partnership to parents. Whereas, in public schools or large private schools parents are generally confined to the PTO or sports booster, in micro-schools parents are able to volunteer as any number of services they see a need for. Micro-schools are true partnerships between the school (the teacher/owner) and the parents. This helps create a true community for the students that is beyond learning math or grammar.
What are Fun Friday?
Fun Fridays are experiential learning opportunities. Each Friday we have an enrichment activity, a guest speaker, a field trip, or a community service project connected to something we have been learning or will learn about the following week. It is a great way to bring school subjects to life, build community among students, and welcome the weekend. Fun Fridays let students have a little fun while also expanding their horizons and rounding off any rough edges.
Why should parents consider The Simon School?
We choose to be small so that we can focus on each child equally. We educate the whole child and provide them with an education that will allow them to forevermore be the leader in the room.
I have been teaching for 20 years, as a middle school teacher, college professor, & high school teacher - most recently at Stoneman Douglas. I have been recognized for my teaching efforts almost every year, and have worked with “gifted” students as well as those that struggle. Regardless of the label placed on the student, they always shine in my class because I see them as individuals that deserve to be empowered in their learning process.
For more info contact the Simon School at admissions.simonschool@gmail.com or call 954-546-4304.
Be at the forefront of modern education - enroll in a micro-school. Keeping it small makes a BIG impact!
How is The Simon School Different?
The Simon School is a Judeo-Christian micro-school with a maximum of 15 students per year. Our Cambridge inspired curriculum is focused on the classics & college prep courses in a STEAM enriched environment. We are student-centered and project-based.
Students develop strong reasoning & THE argumentative skills through Socratic seminars, weekly hands-on field trips & SIMON enrichment programs. SCHOOL F O R T H E A R T S & S C I E N C E S What is a Micro-School? A micro-school is a personalized approach to learning through direct access to subject-matter expert teachers.
15 students per year Personalized one-on-one instruction Activities that foster the individual growth of students replace traditional teaching models like lectures, worksheets, & bookwork Smaller school environments enhance connections between students, families & teachers.

Become a Founding Family Apply Today!
Now Accepting Applications Apply Today! www.TheSimonSchool.com 954-546-4304 admissions.simonschool@gmail.com 7170 Loxahatchee Road |Parkland Florida 33067
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Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition, “100 Faces of War” Comes to Coral Springs
The American military in the 21st century is about the American experience of war in Iraq and diverse and reflects the complexities of the Afghanistan. He contacted the veteran’s parents, country and the current times. “100 Faces of and Jeffrey Lucey became the first individual he War,” a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian, painted for 100 Faces of War. Lucey’s portrait, along presents the stories of those who served the U.S. in with portraits of 99 others who served, are featured the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The exhibition is on in the exhibition. view at the Coral Springs Museum of Art through The portraits pay homage to these individuals, the end of December. visually conveying the impact of their war experi-
Through the eyes of soldiers and citizens who ence either as civilian support staff or member of participated in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters, the military. Each person met with Mitchell, and 100 Faces of War gives voice to the one percent of was asked to say something about himself or herself. Americans that volunteer to defend the 99 percent. What they wear in their portrait is of their choosing, Featuring 100 portraits of Americans from every and they could say whatever they wanted. The statestate, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, ment they provided, and the information in their the subjects represent a cross-section of those who biography, represent that particular moment in served, and reflect a variety of military branches, their personal history. Ten posthumous portraits are job descriptions, and personal backgrounds. Each included in the 100 Faces project. For these portraits, oil painting is coupled with a personal statement the families provided the words that accompany from the participant to create the portrait. the paintings. Each unedited statement—ranging
In 2005, Massachusetts artist Matt Mitchell felt from humorous to dramatic, from lighthearted to disconnected from recent war conflicts, had no poignant—candidly reveal the truth of war’s lastconnection to the military, and knew no one who ing effects. served. Deeply inspired and moved by an article 100 Faces of War recognizes those who serve in in a local newspaper about an Iraq veteran, Jeffrey our military and acknowledges the incredibly comLucey, coming home, Mitchell decided to learn more plex and varied American experiences of these wars.

The Coral Springs Center for the Arts is a performance theater and art museum. Housed in the impressive 30,000 square foot center for the arts building is the equally impressive Coral Springs Museum of Art which was incorporated in January of 1997. Because of COVID restrictions, reservations are required to visit the exhibit. To make an exhibit reservation visit www. coralspringsmuseum.org
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