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BCPS School Choice Applications Accepted Through February 8th

SCHOOL NEWS BCPS School Choice Applications Accepted Through February 8th By Jon Duka

School-aged children living in Broward County are assigned to a school based on their home address and grade level. Parents can, however, apply for their child to attend a school other than the one their child is assigned school. The period where parents can apply for their child to attend a different school, or the school choice application window, opens on December 1 and will be closed on February 8. School Choice

By state law, students may apply to attend any public school that has not reached capacity, regardless of their home address. To determine which schools are accepting applications, Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) reviews enrollment data and projected students.

Parents may request a school that is accepting applications by completing a School Choice Application during the application window. School Choice Applications are awarded using a computerized random selection process. If more seats at a school become available during the School Choice process, additional selections from the application pool will be made. There is no guarantee that a child’s application will be granted. How To Apply

There are three alternative options available for families. These options include Magnet Programs, Nova Schools, or a reassignment School. Parents can submit one application for each option per child. Applications must be submitted on BCPS’ website prior to February 8.

Parents will be notified if their child was selected on March 11, 2021. If selected, they must contact their child’s new school and enroll by March 19 or that seat will be vacated. If a child’s application was not awarded, parents can apply for another School Choice option or remain in that school’s applicant pool and register the child at his/her assigned school.

For more information on Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) School Choice program or apply for an alternate school visit www.browardschools.com/schoolchoice

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