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Davie Update
ASK THE MAYOR Davie Update
Town of Davie Councilmember Bryan Caletka announced his resignation from the Davie Town Council, District 1 seat, to pursue a career as the Director of Transportation and Policy for the Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Councilmember Caletka is resigning after serving more than five terms in office. The resignation was effective Monday, August 17, 2020, at noon. Councilmember Caletka was first elected to the Davie Town Council in March 2006 and has served as the District 1 representative for over 14 years. The Town Council plans to appoint a successor at a meeting in September to fill the rest of the term through the 2022 election when the office will be on the ballot.
During his tenure, Councilmember Caletka was responsible for presenting initiatives to promote fiscal prudence, manage development, and expand transportation opportunities. Councilmember Caletka’s legacy will be his leadership in regional transportation as he served on behalf of the Town as its Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) representative. He rose to the chairmanship of the Broward MPO and served as the Chair of the South East Florida Transportation Council and a Board Member of the National Association of Regional Councils representing the States of Florida and Georgia. He has now advanced to a staff executive position for the MPO to carry on the transportation initiatives for all of Broward County.
As tax time rolls around you have probably received and read your trim notice from the property appraiser’s office. Please note the dates and times of the budget and special assessment hearings listed on the notice so that you may, if so desired, participate virtually with the process. There are also phone numbers that you may call for answers to any of your questions.
We continue to monitor the COVID 19 health reports and statistics and stay connected with weekly conference calls between the Mayors of Broward County under the county’s leadership. While the numbers appear to be coming down, we are still looking for a downward trend for at least a week as we continue to discuss the feasibility of moving to the next phase of reopening. With the unpredictability surrounding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the safety of our residents is of utmost importance, especially during this time. Our goal is to do all we can to reduce the chances of COVID-19 spreading and ensure we provide a safe environment for all residents. For all prior information posted regarding COVID-19, please visit our website at www.davie-fl.gov/coronavirus Davie CRA and Council meetings will continue to be aired virtually until at least Oct. 1 based on a new extension declared by an executive order from the Governor. If you are interested in following or participating please note the instructions detailed on our website. Go to the Town Clerk’s page and click on the link that provides a video of the instructions.
As Floridians, each year we unfortunately must contend with Hurricane Season which occurs from June through November. With COVID19 being one of our primary focus, the added stress of hurricane season can seem daunting. Preparation is my secret weapon in dealing with this and I am sharing this advice with you to help combat some of those anxieties you might have.
As we go into the peak hurricane season, weather officials are predicting a very active 2020 Atlantic season with over 24 named storms, 12 hurricanes and 5 major hurricanes. It is anticipated to be the second most active Atlantic season since 2005 where a lot of you may remember the devastation caused by Wilma and Katrina. In the coming weeks, I am challenging you to: § Stock up on hurricane supplies early so that you can avoid last minute shoppers and crowded stores. § Have at least 3 to 5 days of essential items for each member of your family including your pets. § Secure important documents. § Those requiring accommodations for special needs shelters, pleasure register ahead of time. § And, staying informed is equally important. So, sign up on our website for Town related emergency alerts.
Remember, the best time to prepare is well before a storm or hurricane occurs. So, let us prepare today so that you, your family, and friends can be safe and ready.
Stay healthy and be safe.
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