Coast Weekend June 4, 2015

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Astoria Visual Arts seeks artist-in-residence applicants

North Head Lighthouse to celebrate 117 years CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, Wash. — Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and Keepers of the North Head Lighthouse will be hosting the 117th anniversary of the North Head Lighthouse at Cape Disappointment State Park in Ilwaco, Washington, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 6. A Discover Pass is not required to attend the event as

Submitted photo by Washington State Parks

this is a state park “free day.” The celebration will allow a close look at the lighthouse, which is now undergoing long-awaited restoration. It already sports a new roof and restored lighthouse tower. There is parking at the lighthouse parking lot plus additional parking and a free shuttle

The North Head Lighthouse, currently undergoing restoration and celebrating its 117 birthday, was wrapped in large tarps during work on the lantern glass.

will be available at the parking lot across from Cape Disappointment State Park, 244 Robert Gray Drive, Ilwaco. The event will feature refreshments, a self-guided tour of a Lighthouse Keeper’s

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Home, birder tours at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. led by the Shoalwater Birders, museum exhibits, open gift store, and sale of a North Head Lighthouse special edition poster by Don Nisbett. Guided tours of the lighthouse will be available for $2.50 for people 18 years and older, with no charge for those 7 to 17. Children must be 7 years or older to tour the lighthouse tower. In addition, this will be the kick-off day for the North Head /LJKWKRXVH UDIÀH WKDW ZLOO GLUHFWO\ EHQH¿W OLJKWKRXVH UHVWRUDWLRQ 7KH SUL]H IRU WKH UDIÀH LV a two-night stay at the keeper’s residence, for six people.

ASTORIA — The Astoria Visual Arts Artists-in-Residence Program (AVA a-i-r) seeks applications from local artists interested in the upcoming artist’s residency, which will run July 1 to Sept. 30. 5HVLGHQF\ ¿QDOLVWV ² FXUrently limited to locally based DUWLVWV ² DUH FKRVHQ RQ WKH basis of artistic merit by an independent panel of established working artists and arts patrons. The selected artist is provided with a small studio in the Astoria Downtown Historic District free of charge for a three-month residency period. AVA a-i-r is designed to

encourage the creative, intellectual and personal growth of emerging artists. While no exhibition, publication or performance is required of the selected artist, community responsibility includes a weekend open studio event before the end of each AVA a-i-r session. For more information and to apply online, visit The application deadline is June 21. AVA was founded in 1989 DV D QRQSUR¿W PHPEHUVKLS organization to enhance, strengthen and promote the arts in the greater Astoria area.

Peninsula Players plan an entertaining funeral dinner ILWACO, Wash. — What happens when a funeral dinner is planned for a man nobody liked? “The Ladies of Harmony” are doing just that; Harmony being the church where the funeral dinner will be held. Join the Peninsula Players at the River City Playhouse to follow these six women when they open up about their pasts and forgotten dreams. Director Tracy Roach says, “This show is hilarious with great acting and a great story. My cast has taken on the personalities of WKH FKDUDFWHUV DQG DUH SHUIHFW ¿WV for their own personalities.” Peninsula Players’ own Joyce Jones plays Maud, the organizer of the dinner. She is assisted

by Grace (Lynn Hadley), Addie (Peninsula Players veteran Penny Bierly), Thelma, Leah and Stella (newcomers Betsy Smith, Joanna Ewald and Barbi England). Come spend the evening with these eccentric ladies as they muddle through the planning and clean-up of the dinner. The River City Playhouse is located at 127 Lake St. Show times are at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, June 5 and 6, and at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 7. Tickets cost $10 and are available at Okie’s, Stormin Norman’s, and Olde Town Cafe. The play is produced by Laurie Carter by special arrangement with Big Dog Publishing.



Lib e r ty Th e ate r Bo x O ffice Tu e s-Sat 2p m -5 :3 0p m o r 5 03 -3 25 -5 922 x 5 5 Ticke tsm ay also b e p u rch ase d at ticke tsw e m o r 800-922-84 99 Liberty Theater 1203 Commercial, Astoria 2 | June 4, 2015 |

Photo courtesy of Clint Carter

The Ladies of Harmony: Joanna Ewald, Joyce Jones, Barbi England, Penny Bierly, Lynn Hadley and Betsy Smith.


June 4, 2015


arts & entertainment

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Living Locally Gala Lower Nehalem Community Trust celebrates the local area


Skamokawa A Venice village on the lower Columbia River


Goonies Day Weekend Astoria celebrates the 30th anniversary of the film June 4 to 7


Mouth of the Columbia Firehouse Grill in Seaside makes simplicity sing

STEPPING OUT........ .............................................................. 5, 6, 7 CROSSWORD........... ....................................................................14 CW MARKETPLACE........ ....................................................... 15, 16 GRAB BAG ....... ..........................................................................19

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on the cover A worker hangs the marquee letters for “The Goonies” at the Liberty Theater in Astoria in 1985. Daily Astorian file photo



To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2015 COAST WEEKEND

ASTORIA — “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking,” wrote the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, and perhaps he was right. Many people take walks to nurture their creative minds. There is nothing quite like walking on the beach, along a river, or around town, for LQVSLUDWLRQ DQG UHÀHFWLRQ $ new idea or fresh insight may emerge. The mind may empty altogether. One never knows what can result when a person begins walking and thinking. As the novelist Thomas Mann wrote, “Thoughts come clearly while one walks.” Author, educator and Nestucca Spit Publisher Matt Love is a habitual walker and has written many books and essays in his mind while walking. “Walking is essential to my creative process,” he says. “I write up most of my ideas during my walks and then sit GRZQ ODWHU DQG OHW WKHP ÀRZ onto the page.” Love developed a unique ambulatory writing workshop because, “I thought other writers and creative minds might enjoy experiencing my process to see if it could help them get started or unstuck,” he said. During the workshop, students will take a series of short walks around Astoria, alone and in groups, and then go through a variety of writing exercises seeking to unlock the creative mind and provide

Submitted photo

Author Matt Love will teach a walking and writing workshop in August.

participants with interesting new avenues to approach writing or other creative endeavors. The workshop should also appeal to junior and high school English teachers look-

ing for innovative methods to WHDFK QRQ¿FWLRQ ZULWLQJ The workshop will be held at the Fort George Brewery Lovell Showroom from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday,

Aug. 22, with an hour break for lunch. The cost is $75. Email Love at to register. The class will be capped at 15 participants.

Coast Weekend welcomes comments and contributions from readers. New items for publication consideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication.

To submit an item, contact Rebecca Sedlak


Astoria walking and writing workshop offered in August

Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Daily Astorian and the Chinook Observer.

June 4, 2015 | | 3

Living Locally Gala & Auction The Lower Nehalem Community Trust’s eighth annual gala celebrates the Nehalem area’s food, land and people

he Lower Nehalem Community Childhood education is a priority, evi- and a live “Experience Auctionâ€? featuring reTrust formed to preserve land denced in the Forest To Sea Camp. Each June, nowned Portland auctioneer Misty Marquam. in its natural state and instill LNCT hosts local marine biologist Peter Wal“Dinner will be coho from the communiconservation values among czak, educator Gary Seelig, and a group of W\ VXSSRUWHG ÂżVKHU\ LQ *DULEDOGL YHJHWDEOHV community partners in the grade-schoolers at LNCT’s various parcels. from farms in Tillamook County, Netarts oysNehalem region of the North At these outdoor classrooms, kids learn about ters on the half shell, and we are launching Oregon Coast. When it comes such topics as land restoration and organic the new Ninkasi seasonal brew,â€? Cramer Burr WR FHOHEUDWLQJ WKH MR\ DQG IXOÂżOO- gardening. “Kids intuitively feel connected said. “It’s an exquisite meal.â€? ment LNCT staff and volunteers nature,â€? Seelig said. The titles of the “experiencesâ€? to be aucderive from that mission, there’s LNCT Executive Director Dale Cramer tioned are tantalizing, including “My Heart no better forum than the eighth annual Burr realizes the importance of involving Belongs To Ashland,â€? “Insider’s Portland,â€? Living Locally Gala, taking place Saturday, people in the trust’s growth. “We’re and “The Art Of Fermentation.â€? June 6. an unusual land trust because They also include off-the-beaten Living Locally LNCT originated in 2002 with seven long- of the focus we’ve placed on path experiences, such as “UnGala will be held from 6 to time community members: Tom Bender, Doug community engagement,â€? discovered Ancient Forest 9 p.m. Saturday, June 6 at North Firstbrook, Lane DeMoll, Judy Sorrel, Vivi she said. “People are really Of Fox Creek.â€? Here, at the County Recreation District, located Tallman, and Gareth and Georgene Ferdun. important to the conserbase of Saddle Mountain, These community stewards shared a vision of vation of this part of the at 36155 Ninth St. in Nehalem. Tickets the winners will spend a cost $75 for LNCT members and $95 for day absorbing a natural preserving area properties to protect their eco- coast.â€? logical value. LNCT’s Living Locally part of Oregon seen by non-members. For information or “There was a ramping up of development Gala encompasses all these few. “Its ecological value to purchase tickets, call 503-368that was occurring during that time,â€? First- ideals in an annual gatheris quite rare,â€? Cramer Burr 3203 or visit www.nehalembrook recalled. “Those of us who had lived ing that honors and celebrates acknowledged. For the here for a number of years felt that it (preser- good food, good land and good ence, LNCT and NCLC provide vation) was important to get going.â€? people. naturalist guides, a gourmet meal, The group approached several conservancy The gala arose from LNCT’s desire to and even act as sherpas. JURXSV EXW KDG GLIÂżFXOW\ ÂżQGLQJ D JRRG ÂżW create more people-centered events. The posi7KH *ROGHQ 7LFNHW 5DIĂ€H RIIHUV WKH FKRLFH “We tried to interest larger groups in sig- tive response to the community garden was the RI D WULS IRU IRXU WR 0H[LFR RU 7XVFDQ\ RU ÂżUVW QLÂżFDQW SURSHUWLHV KHUH EXW ZH GLGQÂśW ÂżW WKHLU impetus. choice of any experience in the Live Auction. format as far as the types and size of land they “It’s a very comprehensive educationFinally, a silent auction offers a chance at were wanting to conserve,â€? Firstbrook said. al tool, as well as producing quality organic DUWLVDQ JLIWV FUDIWV ÂżQH DUW DQG PRUH Using the North Coast Land Conservancy food,â€? Firstbrook said. “The idea grew out of In short, attendees are bound to go home in Seaside as a model, the group made its own that.â€? full, happy and feeling good about helping out. path, rather than risk losing the properties to Living Locally Gala unites a wide variety “We have amazing support from our comdevelopment. RI ORFDO Ă€DYRUHG IRRG DQG IXQ D IDUP WR WDEOH munity to put all this together,â€? Cramer Burr “At that time, the NCLC had a much small- dinner prepared by Netarts chef Tom Flood, said. “It’s an opportunity to shout out good er working area,â€? Firstbrook said. “We sensi- desserts by 2014 Clatsop County Iron Chef works around conservation and stewardship.â€? bly realized that if we wanted to get land set champion Jonathan Hoffman, craft beers, An important part of the evening is grantaside, we’d have to form our own trust.â€? wines, organic coffee and teas, a silent auction, ing the Ferdun Conservation Award. Named Thirteen years and numerous acres for founders Gareth and Georgene of preserved land later, the LNCT reFerdun, the award singles out individmains committed to a multitude of uals who exemplify LNCT’s values. conservation and education projects Firstbrook was selected as the around the Nehalem Valley area; the 2015 recipient and Cramer Burr community garden at Alder Creek agrees with the selection wholeheartFarm, estuary cleanup groups, and edly. “We had numerous nominations Story by DAN HAAG bird monitoring to name just a few. for Doug, and we really paid attention

Coastal Life

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Submitted photos

Left: A former dairy farm located west of Nehalem, Alder Creek Farm hosts the Lower Nehalem Community Trust’s Coastal Food Ecology Center and most of the trust’s education projects. Below: Neah-KahNie students work as part of a conservation crew at LNCT’s Alder Creek Farm to dig up invasive blackberry plants.

Donated to the Lower Nehalem Community Trust in 2005, the 8.5-acre parcel of Vosburg Creek is located on the southwest edge of Wheeler. A forested wetlands area that supports coho, chinook and chum salmon, the land also includes two buildings and a trail for LNCT educational programs and public use.

to that,� she said. “The conservation work he does is done so quietly and so powerfully.� Funds raised at Living Locally go toward land acquisition, stewardship projects, supporting LNCT staff or what Firstbrook calls, “anything it takes to run an organization like this.� That includes three recently donated parcels in Wheeler and a wooded upland area adjacent to Alder Creek Farm dubbed Sorrel Woods. LNCT’s Living Locally Gala takes a moment to celebrate what dedicated community groups can accomplish together. Whether it’s setting aside land for future generations or donating produce grown at Alder Creek Farm to the county food bank, giving is what makes the LNCT heart beat strong. “You can hear the spirit of generosity from the community,� Seelig said. “Every piece of that generosity builds on itself.�

Stepping Out

THEATER Friday, June 5

“The Ladies of Harmony” 7 p.m., River City Playhouse, 127 Lake St., Ilwaco, Wash., $10. Peninsula Players present a comedy about six women who throw a funeral dinner for a man nobody liked. The play follows the women as they open up about their pasts and dreams. Tickets are available at Okie’s, Stormin Norman’s, Olde Town Cafe, and at the door.

Floating Glass Balls 7 p.m., Bill’s Tavern, 188 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2202, no cover. Floating Glass Balls plays bluegrass, Caribbean, folk, swing and country.

Will West 9 p.m., San Dune Pub, 127 Laneda Ave., Manzanita, 503-368-5080, 21 and older. Will West & the Friendly Strangers play modern roots, folk, bluegrass and groove.

Drew Gale 7:30 p.m., Merry Time Bar & Grill, 995 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-468-0852, no cover, 21 and older. Drew Gale plays acoustic guitar.

Sunday, June 7

Emma Hill 8 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-2311, no cover. Emma Hill plays Americana folk originals with an indie edge.

Richard T. & Friends 11:30 a.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria, 503-325-6777, no cover. Richard T. & Friends performs a repertoire of blues.

Saturday, June 6

Friday, June 5

Kitchen Music 1 p.m., Long Beach Grange, 5715 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash., 360-6422239. Enjoy traditional, folk, bluegrass, country, blues and pop music.

“The Ladies of Harmony” 7 p.m., River City Playhouse, 127 Lake St., Ilwaco, Wash., $10.

Jennifer Goodenberger 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria, 503-325-6777, no cover. Jennifer Goodenberger plays classical and contemporary piano.

Brad Griswold 6 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, no cover, 21 and older. Brad Griswold offers a night of folk and bluegrass.

Tom Trudell 6 p.m., Shelburne Inn Restaurant, 4415 Pacific Way, Seaview, Wash., 360-6424150, no cover. Tom Trudell plays jazz piano.

Evensong 6 p.m., Cannon Beach Community Church, 132 E. Washington St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1222. Evensong features Jennifer Goodenberger and Wes Wahrmund.

Maggie & the Cats 6:30 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, no cover, 21 and older. Maggie & the Cats play funk, blues and rhythm-n-blues.

Eastern Oregon Playboys 8 p.m., Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria, 503-325-7468. James Kindle & the Eastern Oregon Playboys are the original country groove crooners.

Western Haunts 9 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-2311, no cover. Western Haunts plays atmospheric alternative rock and indie Americana.

Will West 8 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-2311.

Sunday, June 7 “The Ladies of Harmony” 2 p.m., River City Playhouse, 127 Lake St., Ilwaco, Wash., $10.


Saturday, June 6 Inter-Generational Dance 6 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311,, free, all ages. Young and old are invited to enjoy a funfilled event with song and dance. Photos will be taken and snacks will be available. DJ Dance Party 10 p.m., Twisted Fish Steakhouse, 311 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-3467, www., 21 and older. DJ Nacho Bizznez mixes the latest dance music with some old favorites including Top 40, funk, disco and hip-hop.


Gerle Haggard 9:30 p.m., Voodoo Room, 1114 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2233, 21 and older. An all-female tribute band singing the best of Merle Haggard’s country music.

Saturday, June 6 David Drury 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria. David Drury plays jazz guitar. George Coleman 6 p.m., Shelburne Inn Restaurant, 4415 Pacific Way, Seaview, Wash., 360-6424150. George Coleman plays pop, jazz, folk and rock music on his 12-string guitar.

Thursday, June 4 Basin Street NW 6 p.m., Bridgewater Bistro, 20 Basin St., Astoria, 503-325-6777, no cover. Dave Drury on guitar, Todd Pederson on bass and friends perform mainstream jazz classics.

Dusty Boots Band 7 p.m., American Legion Post 99, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, 21 and older. The Dusty Boots Band plays classic country western and southern rock music.

Dallas Williams 6 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, no cover, 21 and older. Dallas Williams plays folk music and Americana.

The Extremities 9 p.m., Pitchwood Inn & Alehouse, 425 3rd St., Raymond, Wash., 360-942-5313, $5. Pitchwood Inn will feature four bands: The Extremities, Eraserfase, Durazzo and Lisa Vazquez, bringing their style of hip hop beat making and mashups.

Music Jam 6:30 p.m., Astoria Recreation Center, 1555 W. Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-468-0390, free. Astoria Senior Center offers string band, bluegrass and country.

Western Haunts 9 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-2311.

Gerle Haggard 8 p.m., Sou’Wester Lodge, 3728 J Place, Seaview, Wash., 360-642-2542.

pow ered b y

Monday, June 8 Will West 8 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-2311.

Tuesday, June 9 Brian O’Connor 5:30 p.m., Shelburne Inn Restaurant, 4415 Pacific Way, Seaview, Wash., 360-6424150. Acoustic jazz guitarist Brian O’Connor plays an eclectic mix of jazz standards. Will West 8 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-2311.

Wednesday, June 10 Paul & Margo Dueber 5 p.m., The Bistro, 263 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2661. Paul and Margo Dueber perform folk and Americana from the 70s and 80s. The Coconuts 6 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, no cover, 21 and older. The Coconuts play swing, jazz, country, bluegrass and folk. Richard Thomasian 7 p.m., Port of Call Bistro & Bar, 894 Commercial St., Astoria, 503-325-4356, no cover. All musicians and styles are welcome to jam with the Port’s house band featuring Richard Thomasian, Peter Unander and Tom Peake.

m u s ic firs t June 4, 2015 | | 5


Wednesday, June 10 (continued) Will West 8 p.m., Adrift Hotel, 409 Sid Snyder Drive, Long Beach, Wash., 360-6422311.

MARKETS Friday, June 5

Long Beach Grange Indoors Market 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Long Beach Grange, 5715 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-4953, Features farm-fresh eggs, home-baked goods, prepared food, handcrafted items, goat milk products, woodcrafts, honey, nuts, art and jewelry. New vendors welcome. Puget Island Farmer’s Market 3 to 6 p.m., Stockhouse’s Farm, 59 W. Birnie Slough Road, Cathlamet, Wash., 360-849-4145, 360-560-3785, Spend Friday afternoon shopping for produce, freshly baked bread, pizza and desserts, kim chi, jams, jellies and honey. Meat sold by the cut is available all market season. There’s an open mic from 3 to 4 p.m. Ned and Lulu Heavenrich will perform from 4 to 6 p.m. on the Up-Beet Stage.

Saturday, June 6 Long Beach Grange Indoors Market 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Long Beach Grange, 5715 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-4953, www.longbeachgrange. org. Saturday Market at the Port 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Harbor front at Howerton Way, Port of Ilwaco, Wash. Shop for fresh farm produce, regionally created arts and crafts, potted plants and cut flowers; munch on crunchy kettle corn, hot donuts, handmade sausage and yummy baked goods or picnic on smoked salmon chowder, juicy hamburgers and more. Weekend Market on the Dock 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1161 Robert Bush Drive, South Bend, Wash., 360-8758157. This open market features live music, jewelry, food and treasures. SummerFest Noon to 5 p.m., Pacific Ave., downtown Long Beach, Wash., free. SummerFest is full of family friendly entertainment and activities including balloon artistry, face painting, horse and wagon rides. Entertainment provided by special guests, live music with Lonesome Highway in the gazebo.

Sunday, June 7 Astoria Sunday Market 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 12th St., downtown Astoria, 503-325-1010, www.astoriasundaymarket. com. Astoria Sunday Market offers locally made products created or gathered by the farmers, craftspeople and artisans featured each week. Live music with Lonesome Highway in the food court. The Clatsop County Master Gardeners will be available to answer plant questions. Weekend Market on the Dock 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1161 Robert Bush Drive, South Bend, Wash., 360-8758157. SummerFest 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Pacific Ave., downtown Long Beach, Wash., free.

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Thursday, June 4

Autograph Signing 1 p.m., Liberty Theater, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria, 503-325-5922, www., all ages. Meet Jeff Cohen, who played the character of Chunk in the 1985 film “The Goonies.”

McMenamins Celebrates “The Goonies” All day, McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 N. Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503717-8150,, free, all ages. Celebrate the 30th anniversary of “The Goonies” with movie showings, Goonies Gold Ale on tap, Goonies food specials, Baby Ruth milkshakes and a Goonies stamp for passport holders.

Goonies Behind the Scenes: Ecola State Park 2 to 4 p.m., Ecola State Park, off Hwy. 101, north of Cannon Beach, all ages.

“The Goonies” 30th Anniversary Celebration 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Oregon Film Museum, 732 Duane St., Astoria, 503325-6311,, all ages. The City of Astoria kicks off the 30th anniversary of “The Goonies” featuring four days of celebrations, tours, special guests and activities. Times and locations vary from Astoria to Cannon Beach. Go online for schedule.

Tall Ship Lady Washington 4 p.m., Port of Astoria East Basin Marina, 10 Pier One, Astoria, 503-3389511, all ages, by donation. Walk-on tours of the Lady Washington.

The Goondocks Opens Noon to 6 p.m., The Astoria Armory, 1636 Exchange St., Astoria,, free, all ages. Come to the Goondocks and find everything Goonies including the merchandise store, art displays, 80s pop culture, tour locations and a One-Eyed Willie treasure hunt. Tall Ship Lady Washington 4 p.m., Port of Astoria East Basin Marina, 10 Pier One, Astoria, 503-3389511,, all ages. Lady Washington will visit the city of Astoria to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the “The Goonies.” Walk-on tours available at 4 p.m. Evening Sail ($35 to $45) starts at 6 p.m. Goonies Behind the Scenes: Ecola State Park 6 to 8 p.m., Ecola State Park, off Hwy. 101, north of Cannon Beach, all ages. Patrick Lines, retired Oregon State Park ranger, was on the set during the filming of “The Goonies” at Ecola State Park in the fall of 1984, and he’ll stories about his time working with the crew. Trivia Night 6:30 p.m., Uptown Café, 1639 S.E. Ensign Lane, Warrenton, $2 person per game. Each night ends with a rollover jackpot question. Bonfire Beach Gathering 7 p.m., Ocean Lodge, 2864 S. Pacific St., Cannon Beach. Ocean Lodge will host a bonfire gathering in celebration of “The Goonies” anniversary.

Friday, June 5 McMenamins Celebrates “The Goonies” All day, McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 N. Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-7178150,, free, all ages. Ham Radio Convention 9 a.m., Seaside Civic & Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside, 503882-7388, Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club will sponsor this year’s SEA-PAC Ham Radio Convention with keynote speaker Ben Moses. There will be entertainment by Woodlander, seminars, workshops, exhibitors and awards.

Goonies Block Party 4 p.m. to 2 a.m., Astoria Events Center, 255 9th St., Astoria, 503-791-5843,, $15. Celebrate “The Goonies” anniversary with an all 80s band, Truffle Shuffle contest and best 80s fashion awards.

80s Night Out 7 p.m., Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria, www.thegoondocks. org. Enjoy live music and Truffle Shuffle Stout on tap. First Friday Night: Pirate Bash 7 p.m., Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2323,, free, all ages. Plunder some fun at the First Friday Pirate Bash and assist a landlubber in walking the plank at One-Eye Willy’s dunk tank. Prizes awarded for best-dressed pirate persona. Goonies Trivia Night 7 p.m., Baked Alaska, No. 1 12th St., Astoria, 503-325-7414, www., $2 person per game. Play the weekly trivia tournament in the lounge. This week’s trivia is Goonies-themed. “The Goonies” Film Screening 9 p.m., Columbian Theater, 1114 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2233,, 21 and older, $4 cash. “The Goonies” is a 1985 coming of age film about a band of pre-teens attempting to save their homes from demolition, and in doing so, discover an old Spanish map that leads them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willie, a legendary 17th-century pirate. Cosmic Bowling 9:30 p.m., 826 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-3321, www.thegoondocks. org. Enjoy 80s music, wear black light attire and take pictures where Chunk watched the police chase through the windows at this location.

Saturday, June 6 Camp for Free All day, Oregon State Parks, 800-452-5687,, free, all ages. Oregon state parks invite the public to camp and play for free in celebration of State Parks Day and Free Fishing Weekend. Campsite reservations required. McMenamins Celebrates “The Goonies” All day, McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 N. Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-7178150,, free, all ages. National Trails Day All day, Washington State Parks, Wash. To celebrate National Trails Day, all Washington State Parks have free admission; Discover Passes not required.

Shot in Astoria Bus Tours 9 a.m., The Astoria Armory, 1636 Exchange St., Astoria,, $35. See locations where “The Goonies” was filmed. Repeats throughout the day, plus Saturday and Sunday.

Annual Bay Crab Derby 7 a.m., multiple locations, Nehalem, 503-368-5746, all ages. Dedicated to local charities, this annual favorite includes family fun activities, boat rentals, dock crabbing, prizes, raffles and free fishing.

Goonies Behind the Scenes 10 a.m. to noon, Astoria Events Center, 255 9th St., Astoria, 503-791-5843,, $20. Repeats at 1 p.m. Hear tales from people who were on the set during filming of “The Goonies.”

Ham Radio Convention 8 a.m., Seaside Civic & Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside, 503-8827388,

80s Con Opens Noon to 8 p.m., The Astoria Armory, 1636 Exchange St., Astoria, www., free. As a new addition to the Goonies celebration, the 80s Con trade show is sure to be a popular attraction for attendees.

Beach Clean Up 9 a.m., Seaside Beach, meet at Seashore Inn on the Beach, 60 N. Promenade, Seaside, all ages. Join volunteers from the city of Seaside, Beach Drive Buccaneers and the Seaside Downtown Development Association in the Treasure the Beach Community Beach Clean Up.


Satruday, June 6 (continued) Free Fishing Day 9 a.m., Fort Stevens State Park, 100 Peter Iredale Road, Hammond, free, all ages. Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and the Rainland Fly Casters will host a free fishing day at Coffenbury Lake including a kid’s fishing derby, a biggest fish competition, fly-casting demonstrations, a barbecue and prizes. Goonies Behind the Scenes 10 a.m., Astoria Events Center, 255 9th St., Astoria, 503-791-5843, www., $20. Repeats at 1 p.m. Lighthouse Celebration 10 a.m., North Head Lighthouse, North Head Lighthouse Road, Ilwaco, Wash., all ages. Keepers of the North Head Lighthouse and Washington State Parks will host the lighthouse’s 117 anniversary with a day of events including refreshments, tours, exhibits and raffles. Free park admission and Discover Passes are not required. Relay for Life 10 a.m., Columbia Memorial Hospital, 2111 Exchange St., Astoria, 503338-4005, all ages. Share the fun Goonies weekend at the Relay for Life fundraiser. Meet at the west side of the hospital campus. Scholars Golf Tournament 10 a.m., Surfside Golf Course, 31508 J Place, Ocean Park, Wash., 360665-4171, $50. This is a four-person scramble. Net proceeds help fund scholarships for Ilwaco High School. Tall Ship Lady Washington 10 a.m., Port of Astoria East Basin Marina, 10 Pier One, Astoria, 503-3389511,, all ages. Walk-on tours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. by donation. Adventure Sail ($39 to $47) at 2 p.m. Evening Sail at 6 p.m. ($35 to $45).

Editor’s Pick: Saturday, June 6 Growing up Goonie 10:30 a.m., Liberty Theater, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria, 503-3255922,, all ages. Jeff Cohen, who played the character of Chunk in the 1985 film “The Goonies,” will share his story about being part of the movie and his character.

Goonies Behind the Scenes: Ecola State Park 2 to 4 p.m., Ecola State Park, off Hwy. 101, north of Cannon Beach, all ages. Gearhart ArtWalk 2 to 5 p.m., celebrate creative art forms during the monthly Gearhart ArtWalk at businesses and galleries in Gearhart. Look for the “Welcome to the Shore” flag at participating merchants. “The Goonies” Film Screening 3 p.m., Columbian Theater, 1114 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2233, $4. Artist Reception 5 p.m., Cannon Beach Gallery, 1064 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503436-0744, Cannon Beach Arts Association will host an artist reception for artists in the new “Terra Nova” all juried show. Seaside’s First Saturday Art Walk 5 to 7 p.m., enjoy original artwork, live music and refreshments during Seaside’s monthly First Saturday Art Walk at local businesses and art galleries in Seaside. Look for the art walk signs at participating merchants. Farewell to John Warren Field 6 p.m., John Warren Field, 677 18th St., Astoria, www.thegoondocks. org, $10, all ages. Farewell to Warren Field will give Goonie-enthusiasts a chance to enjoy one of the iconic film locations with live music, showing of the movie at sundown and setting a record for the largest group doing the Truffle Shuffle in Astoria. Food and drink available for purchase. Living Locally Gala & Auction 6 p.m., North County Recreation District, 36155 9th St., Nehalem, 503-3683203, A celebration of all things local including wines, craft beer, organic coffee, a silent and live auction and a farm-totable dinner. Raffle tickets are $100 each. Cosmic Bowling 9:30 p.m., 826 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503325-3321,

Sunday, June 7 Camp for Free All day, Oregon State Parks, 800-452-5687,, free, all ages. McMenamins Celebrates “The Goonies” All day, McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 N. Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-7178150,, free, all ages. Annual Bay Crab Derby 8 a.m., multiple locations, Nehalem, 503-368-5746, all ages. Ham Radio Convention 8:30 a.m., Seaside Civic & Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside, 503882-7388, Truffle Shuffle 5K Fun Run 8:30 a.m., Tolovana Wayside State Park, 3264 S. Pacific St., Cannon Beach,, $20, all ages. The Truffle Shuffle will follow the route mimicking the off-road vehicle race in the opening of “The Goonies.” Goonies Behind the Scenes: Ecola State Park 9:30 a.m., Ecola State Park, off Hwy. 101, north of Cannon Beach, all ages.

Jeremy Goldsmith 1 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6742,, free. Peace Corp volunteer Jeremy Goldsmith will present “My Time in Gambia” about the people and culture of Gambia. Open House 1 p.m., Camp Kiwanilong, 595 S.W. Ridge Road, Warrenton, 503-861-2933,, all ages. The public is invited to celebrate Camp Kiwanilong being named a Gray Family Foundation success story at a special open house.

Tall Ship Lady Washington 10 a.m., Port of Astoria East Basin Marina, 10 Pier One, Astoria, 503-3389511, , all ages. Walk-on tours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. by donation. Adventure Sail ($39 to $47) at 2 p.m. Goonies Behind the Scenes 1 to 3 p.m., Astoria Events Center, 255 9th St., Astoria, 503-791-5843,, $20. Repeats at 3:30 p.m. “The Goonies” Film Screening 1:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre Playhouse, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242,, all ages, $4.

Knappton Cove Annual Meeting 2 p.m., Knappton Cove Heritage Center, 521 SR 401, Knappton Cove, Wash., 503-738-5206, The program will be “Healing Garden History.” PageTurners Book Discussion 2 p.m., Ocean Park Timberland Library, 1308 256th Place, Ocean Park, Wash., 360-665-4184,, free, adults. Join in a discussion of “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd. New members welcome. “The Goonies” Film Screening 3 p.m., Columbian Theater, 1114 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2233, $4. Coaster’s Tony Party 7 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242,, free. The theatre will provide something to munch on and something to drink and everyone is encouraged to bring something to share and to celebrate the art of theater.

Wednesday, June 10 Let’s Go Birding Bird Survey 8 a.m., Fort Stevens State Park, 100 Peter Iredale Road, Hammond, 503-861-3170, ext. 41, all ages. Help out with the citizen science project to monitor six distinct habitats in the park. Sites accessed by walking and driving; meet at Battery Russell on Jetty Road. Team Trivia 6 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6742,, free, all ages. Trivia tournament nights are informal, fun competitions. Prizes are awarded.


Sunday, June 7 First Sunday Family Program 10:30 a.m., Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2323,, all ages. First Sunday Family programs are fun-filled experiences inspired by the museum’s 3D movies “Galapagos” and “Turtle Vision.” Admission fee applies.


Saturday, June 6 Oil Pastels Workshop 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Astoria Art Loft, 106 3rd St., Astoria, 503-325-4442, $235. Jane Aukshunas will teach a two-day workshop in painting with oil pastels. Cost is for both days and includes materials.

Sunday, June 7 Oil Pastels Workshop 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Astoria Art Loft, 106 3rd St., Astoria, 503-325-4442, $235. Nature Journaling Workshop 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Circle Creek Habitat Reserve, 32825 Rippet Road, Seaside, 503-436-0744, $30. Explore the beauty and mystery of the coastal landscape through nature journaling with Dorota Haber-Lehigh. Materials not included. Dress for weather, bring water and snacks.

Tuesday, June 9 Hand Adze Class 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Barbey Maritime Center, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2323,, $25 to $35. Jim Bergeron will teach an intermediate class on how to shape and texture Native American adze. Class is held on three consecutive Tuesdays.

June 4, 2015 | | 7



kamokawa: Venice on the Columbia River

Built in 1894 as a schoolhouse, Redmen Hall in Skamokawa, Washington, now serves as an interpretive center with historical displays, a bookstore and venue for bazaars and concerts.

Once known as “Little Venice,â€? for its dependence on the Columbia River and its creeks and sloughs for almost everything, Skamokawa, Washington, was placed on the National Registry of +LVWRULF 3ODFHV LQ $ KXE RI Âż VK ing and lumber activity in the late 19th century, today’s village has a Kayaks will soon be launching from the steamboat landing in Skamokawa. ZRUG HQWU\ in Wikipedia and Order of Redmen. On a road trip all over Washington, a population of 7KLV IUDWHUQDO RU looking for a retirement home, Kathleen 449 people who ganization claims Morgain and her husband, Stevan, found love the place. The descent from the an 1890s house on Skamokawa Creek town’s glory days 6RQV RI /LEHU with a dock and access to the Columbia. may be over, but it’s ty, who dressed 1RW FRQWHQW WR IDFH WRWDO UHWLUHPHQW .DWK well worth a visit — as Indians for leen became news director at KMUN in and bring your kayak. the Boston Tea $VWRULD DQG WKH FRXSOH RSHQHG 7ZLQ *D The town is named Party. Until bles Bed and Breakfast Inn. for Chief Skamokawa KRZHY Âł7KH FRPPXQLW\ LWVHOI LV WKH MHZ . a w a kamok S f o e Âł6PRNH RQ WKH :D HU PHPEHU el we found,â€? says Kathleen Morgain. g la ton vil Washing ll a terâ€?) of the Chinook ship was open only “Everyone knows everyone, and we sm e d to th on, retire ti Indians, whom Lewis to “a free white male of good moral look out for each other. And it’s one of a rm fo rical in and Clark met in 1805. the Wahkiakum character and standing, of the full age the only places on the lower Columbia nt of histo u fo a , le g Their account and that of Keith Hoofna County Eagle). RI WZHQW\ RQH JUHDW VXQV ZKR EHOLHYHV with a beach.â€? other travelers suggest that $OO WKLV KDSSHQHG EHIRUH URDGV DU in the existence of a Great Spirit.â€? Still That beach is part of Vista Park, and there was at that time a small summer rived in Skamokawa in 1917. Until known as Redmen Hall, the building is is made of sand dredged from the ship village at the site of the future town. By then, water provided the area’s only QRZ RZQHG E\ WKH )ULHQGV RI 6NDPRND channel. Said channel is close enough to the 1840s, when Europeans began to WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ V\VWHP +RXVHV DQG RWK wa Foundation, which operates it as the the beach that a picnic right at water’s pass through the area in numbers, the er buildings were built facing the water 5LYHU /LIH ,QWHUSUHWLYH &HQWHU ZLWK KLV HGJH FDQ EH VZDPSHG E\ D IUHLJKW native population had been ravaged by and were linked by boardwalks. People torical displays, a bookstore, and local er’s wake. The park has yurts and RV smallpox. rowed everywhere, unless they went to arts and crafts. KRRN XSV PDNLQJ LW D YDFDWLRQ VSRW VR 7KH Âż UVW QRQ QDWLYHV WR VHWWOH LQ WKH Astoria to shop, in which case they took At Redmen Hall you are likely to popular that summer visitors Skamokawa area did so in the 1850s. In the daily paddlewheel steamer. When PHHW .HLWK +RRIQDJOH D IRXQW RI KLV sometimes outnumber local 1873 the Bayview Cannery was built a roads arrived, stores were turned to face torical information and seller of the residents. mile downriver, and before the end of them and Redmen Hall was moved up antique American pottery in the display If yurts aren’t your style, the century there were several lumber the hill and out of the way. cases. After many years of vacationing WKHUHÂśV WKH 6NDPRNDZD 5H DQG VKDNH PLOOV D VKLS\DUG :DVKLQJ Skamokawa’s schoolhouse was built in Skamokawa, he decided to make the VRUW DQG WKH ,QQ DW 6NDPRND WRQÂśV Âż UVW FRRSHUDWLYH FUHDPHU\ DQG in the Queen Anne style in 1894. In village his retirement home. He isn’t the ZD /DQGLQJ ZKHUH VWHDP a newspaper (still in business today as 1926 it became the hall of the Improved only one. boats once stopped every day

‘The community itself is the jewel we found ... And it’s one of the only places on the lower Columbia with a beach.’ and kayakers now launch throughout the summer. Skamokawa is becoming a major kayaking and canoeing center, and Columbia River Kayaking is at the GRFN WR RIIHU LQVWUXFWLRQ WRXUV DQG ND\ ak sales. At the Julia Butler Hansen Game 5HIXJH \RX FDQ VSRW &ROXPELDQ ZKLWH tailed deer, otters, and an abundance of birds and other wildlife. Or visit Skamokawa Farmstead Creamery to sample the honey bourbon aged chèvre and other goat cheeses. Play disc golf at &OXE 0XG RQ DQ KROH FKDPSLRQVKLS course. Or visit Collupy Glass Blowing at 123 Middle Valley Road. Or just go Âż VKLQJ RU WDNH D KLNH The past is very much present in Skamokawa, but it’s clear that tourism is UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH WRZQÂśV FXUUHQW SRS XODULW\ 0RUHRYHU LWÂśV WRXULVP WKDW LQWH grates history, nature and outdoor fun.

travel Story and photos by DWIGHT CASWELL

8 | June 4, 2015 |

Fish for free this weekend

no license will be required WR ÂżVK RU JDWKHU VKHOOÂżVK LQ DQ\ ZDWHUV RSHQ WR ÂżVKLQJ LQ Washington state. Also, no veOREGON and WASHINGTON — ties at Coffenbury Lake from 9 hicle access pass or Discover Each year, thousands of Ore- a.m. to 1 p.m. June 6. Pass will be required during gonians and Washingtonians $ NLGV ÂżVKLQJ GHUE\ ZLOO EH Free Fishing Weekend to park JR ÂżVKLQJ ² OHJDOO\ ² ZLWK- held with prizes and a biggest at any of the nearly 700 waout a license. ÂżVK FRPSHWLWLRQ $ OLPLWHG ter-access sites maintained by How? By taking advantage number of poles, tackle and the Washington Department of of Free Fishing Day. bait will be provided for par- Fish and Wildlife. ticipants. Anglers will not need a Oregon 7KHUH ZLOO DOVR EH Ă€\ FDVW- 7ZR 3ROH (QGRUVHPHQW WR ÂżVK In Oregon, June 6 is Free ing demos put on by the Rain- with two poles on selected waFishing Day and Oregon State land Flycasters. A barbecue WHUV ZKHUH WZR SROH ÂżVKLQJ LV Parks Day. No license is re- lunch will be served and prizes permitted. Anglers will also TXLUHG WR ÂżVK DQG WKHUH ZLOO DZDUGHG IRU WKH ELJJHVW ÂżVK not need a Columbia River be no day use or camping fees. Salmon and Steelhead EnFort Stevens State Park Washington dorsement, otherwise required along with the Oregon DepartWashingtonians enjoy Free WR ÂżVK IRU VDOPRQ DQG VWHHOment of Fish and Wildlife and Fishing Weekend on Saturday head in the Columbia River the Rainland Flycasters will be and Sunday, June 6 and 7. and its tributaries. KRVWLQJ IUHH ÂżVKLQJ GD\ DFWLYLDuring those two days, “Free Fishing Weekend is D JUHDW WLPH WR WU\ ÂżVKLQJ LQ Washington, whether you are new to the sport, have not taken up a rod and reel in years, or want to introduce a friend or young family member to the sport,â€? said Chris Donley, :'): LQODQG ÂżVK SURJUDP manager. Anglers have been catching daily limits of trout at lakes for the past month, and many rivers will open to trout ÂżVKLQJ -XQH WKURXJKRXW WKH state. Other options available on Free Fishing Weekend include: • Hatchery Chinook salmon in Washington’s ocean waters. • Lingcod on the coast and Puget Sound. • Bass, crappie, perch and RWKHU ZDUPZDWHU ÂżVK ELWLQJ in lakes throughout eastern Washington. Submitted photo • Shad on the Columbia June 6 is Free Fishing Day and Oregon State Parks Day. No license is required to fish and River. there will be no day-use or camping fees. • Spring Chinook salmon

No license required, no day use fees

Registration is open now for Slug Soup

Youth can sign up for 20th annual art day camp this summer CLOVERDALE — Community Arts Project is now accepting registrations for Slug Soup, its popular summer art day camp for young people. Early registration is encouraged as class size is limited. The 20th anniversary camp program will be held this year

Monday, June 22, through Friday, June 26 at Nestucca Jr/Sr High School. Fifteen classes in a variety of art forms are being offered to preschool-aged children (3-5 years old and bathroom trained) and to students entering kindergarten through 12th

grade next fall. At the end of the week, family and community members are invited to join Slug Soup students in a celebration of their week’s creativity from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. Friday, June 26 at the high school. Art exhibits, performances and

on the Columbia River. • Hatchery steelhead on the mainstem Columbia River and on rivers on the Olympic Peninsula. For tips, new anglers should check online. The “Fish Washingtonâ€? feature at the department’s homepage ( provides details on lowland ODNH ÂżVKLQJ KLJK ODNH ÂżVKLQJ and marine area opportunities. )RU WKRVH SODQQLQJ ÂżVKLQJ vacations, Great Washington *HWDZD\V ZGIZ ZD JRY ÂżVKing/vacation) is a WDFW web feature that showcases some of the state’s best family travel DQG ÂżVKLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV And, for those who want HYHQ PRUH ÂżVKLQJ DGYLFH the Fish Washington video SDJH ZGIZ ZD JRY ÂżVKLQJ washington/videos/) proYLGHV ÂłKRZ WR´ ÂżVKLQJ YLGHRV designed to introduce techniques to both new and seasoned anglers. Before heading out, anglers should also check the curUHQW ÂżVKLQJ UHJXODWLRQV YDOLG through June, at ÂżVKLQJ UHJXODWLRQV While no licenses are required on Free Fishing Weekend, other rules such as size limits, bag limits and closures will still be in effect. Anglers will also be required to complete a catch record card for any salmon or steelhead they catch. Catch record cards are available free at hundreds of sporting goods stores and other license dealers throughout the state. See licensing/vendors on the WDFW website to locate a license dealer. refreshments will be on the agenda. Slug Soup is open to the SXEOLF DQG ÂżQDQFLDO DVVLVtance is available. It’s a funÂżOOHG FUHDWLYH ZHHN )RU UHJistration information, contact Kim Cavatorta at 503-3924581 or, or visit CAP’s website at and click on Slug Soup Summer Art Camp.

Help clean up CCC campus Volunteers can also adopt a garden ASTORIA — Clatsop Community College, with sponsorship from its Wellness Committee, announces the second annual Lexington Campus Cleanup Day, set from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 6. Community members are invited to join CCC faculty, staff and students in this healthy outdoor activity that builds community-wide connections and helps beautify the main college campus. Note that this event is weather-dependent. Check prior to arrival for any updates. *DWKHU LQ WKH WKLUG ÀRRU Commons of Towler Hall, 1660 Lexington Ave., to complete volunteer forms and be directed to an area of campus. Attendees should bring their own gardening tools, gloves, hat and sunblock. Bags for garden waste and litter will be provided as well as water and snacks. You can also take advan-

Submitted image

The CCC Adopt-A-Garden program logo was developed by Leslie Lipe.

tage of this opportunity to register to participate in the CCC Adopt-A-Garden program. Through this initiative, volunteers select a landscape area on one of the college campuses and maintain and beautify that space during spring, summer and fall terms. The program is open to individuals and groups, and volunteers will be recognized on the CCC website and in its Annual Report to the Community.


1133 COMMERCIAL ST. ASTORIA 503.468.0308


W E NEED Y OUR H ELP! The shelterisin sp ecia ln eed o f g o o d ho m esfo rm a n y w o n d erfu lp ets!

can you h e lp ?

W E A RE AT M A X CA PA CITY AT TH IS TIM E If yo u ha ve the m ea n sto sha re yo u r ho m e a n d hea rtw ith a w o rthy n ew frien d ,p lea se visit u s Tu es–S a t,12–4

SEE W H O ’S READY TO G O HO M E.... w w w .d o g sn ca ts.o rg



CLATSO P CO UN TY AN IM AL SH ELTER 13 15 SE 19th,W ARREN TO N •5 03 -86 1-73 87

June 4, 2015 | | 9

Astoria celebrates the 30th anniversary of the beloved 1985 film ‘The Goonies’ June 4 to 7



Daily Astorian file photo by Bill Wagner

Executive producer Steven Spielberg, left, and director Richard Donner talk in front of the Goonies house in Astoria during the filming of “The Goonies� in 1984. At the time of its creation, no one had any idea that “The Goonies� would become a cult classic — not even the filmmakers.

Daily Astorian file photo

It seemed like the whole town turned out to see “The Goonies� at the Liberty Theater for its 1985 premiere.

Daily Astorian file photo

The youthful cast of “The Goonies� spent much of their days in on-set school trailers. Here, Ke Hay Quan (“Data�) and Jeff Cohen (“Chunk�) get some fresh Astoria air on their way to a shoot.

10 | June 4, 2015 |

Some three decades later we’re still doiQJ the ÂłtrXIĂ€e shXIĂ€e´ aQd Eellowing those fateful lines: “Heyyyyy yoooou guyyyys ´ Set and Âżlmed in $storia “7he *oonies´ is if not the most successful moYie shot eYer in 2regon surely the most iconic. Since its release in the summer of “7he *oonies´ has Eeen screened the world oYer and re-SacNaged alongside moYie titans “:illie :onNa and the &hocolate )actory´ and “7he :i]ard of 2]´ as Sart of :arner %rothers’ (ssential &lassics &ollection of )amily )ilms. $ lasting cultural Shenomenon the cult-liNe following Eoasts cluEs memoraEilia collectors tattoos ,nternet communities and memes. $t the time of its creation though no one had any idea that “7he *oonies´ would endure so ² not eYen the ÂżlmmaNers. “:hen it was done liNe eYery moYie you walN away from it and say it’s Eeen a great e[Serience and , loYe it and , hoSe SeoSle liNe it ´ e[Slained director 5ichard 'onner in a documentary looNing EacN at the Âżlm. $fter wraSSing he rememEered thinNing: “*osh , hoSe SeoSle come.´ 7o insSect the Tuality of the Âżnished Srint 'onner showed “7he *oonies´ in a local theater Eefore its ofÂżcial release. “, got a whole Eunch of SeoSle to come in ´ he said. “7hat was really my Âżrst SreYiew with an audience Eefore we screened it.´ $fterwards 'onner conducted an informal Soll. “, was emEarrassed to asN them at Âżrst ´ he said. %ut the resSonses were enthusiastic. “7hey all really loYed it ´ 'onner added a Eit relieYed. “$nd , said Âľ2h my *od what haYe we done here" :hat haYe we rendered"’´ 2n -une “7he *oonies´ oSened to generally faYoraEle reYiews. “’7he *oonies’ is a smooth mi[ture of the usual ingredients from SteYen SSielEerg action moYies made sSecial Eecause of the high-energy Serformances of the Nids who haYe the adYentures ´ wrote 5oger (Eert at time. “0ore things haSSen in this moYie than

Submitted photo by Don Frank Photography

The Oregon Film Museum, which is located inside the former Clatsop County jail that was used in the film “The Goonies,� will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 4 to 7 during the 30th anniversary celebration of the movie.

Goonies Weekend Event Highlights For a full schedule, more information and tickets, visit Submitted photo

Joe Pantoliano (Francis Fratelli), left, and his daughter, Isabella, walk down 12th Street toward the Liberty Theater in front of a crowd during the 25th anniversary of “The Goonies� in 2010 in Astoria.

Submitted photo by Andy Petrou

From left, “The Goonies� director Richard Donner, Jeff Cohen (“Chunk�), Sean Astin (“Mikey�), Curt Hanson (Mr. Perkins), and Corey Feldman (“Mouth�) pose for a photo on the Liberty Theater stage in Astoria during the film’s 25th anniversary in 2010.

Submitted photo

Fans celebrate outside the Goonies house in Astoria during the 25th anniversary of the film in 2010.

in si[ ordinary action Âżlms ´ (Eert contended. “7here’s not Must a thrill a minute there’s a thrill a laugh a shocN and a sSecial effect.´ 7he 1ew <orN 7imes agreed. “7ogether 0r. SSielEerg who wrote the story for a screenSlay Ey &hris &olumEus and 0r. 'onner haYe seen to it that Âľ7he *oonies’ has eYery imaginaEle funhouse Ă€ourish ´ wrote the 7imes’ -anet 0aslin. “,t has crooNs Eats coEweEs sNeletons a loYaEle monster an underground grotto and a treasure hidden Ey some of the most considerate clue-loYing Sirates who eYer liYed. 7heir ghostly shiS is the moYie’s Siece de resistance.´ %oth reYiews Sointed to the way the *oonies themselYes a Eand of endearing outcasts trying to saYe their $storia neighEorhood from greedy golf course deYeloSers talN and interact. “7he dialogue hears and acNnowledges the Srecocious way that Nids incorSorate Yulgarity into their conYersations esSecially with each other ´ (Eert writes. 0aNing the *oonies out to feel liNe real Nids was 'onner’s intent from the start. “:ith *oonies it was totally off the toS of our heads ´ 'onner said in the docu-

mentary. “7hings would Must haSSen. :e’d imSroYise. 7he Nids were Must geniuses.´ “7hose Nids all , had to do was throw one line in and they ran with it ´ he continued. “7hey Nnew who they were. 7hey Nnew their characters they loYed the story they were Sutty in your hands. 7hey were ready and they were magic.´ 7he casting not only magniÂżcent ² it turned out to Ee Srescient. Âľ7he *oonies’ was the Âżrst feature Âżlm for -osh %rolin “%rand´ and the third for Sean $stin “0iNey´ . %oth emerged from the fraught realm of child acting unscathed and went on to starring roles in 2scar-winning Sictures as adults including %rolin in “1o &ountry for 2ld 0en´ and $stin in “7he /ord of the 5ings´ Âżlms. Stunning too were &orey )eldman “0outh´ cracNing wise Eeyond his years and -eff &ohen “&hunN´ who steals eYery scene he’s in. (Yerything in the Âżlm ² from the acting to the story from the setting to the score ² worNs wonderfully. &ritics noted as much Eut Âżgured “7he *oonies´ would fade TuicNly from SuElic consciousness. “'uring Âľ*oonies ’ , was often e[hilarated Ey what was haSSening ´ wrote

(Eert. “$fterward , was less enthusiastic.´ ,n the 7imes 0aslin called the Âżlm “fast funny ingenious entertaining and ² only a small Soint while the moYie is in Srogress ² almost entirely without staying Sower.´ 7hey couldn’t haYe Eeen more wrong. ___


eginning 7hursday -une $storia celeErates “7he *oonies´ 30th anniversary with four days of Âżlm-centric events. %us tours will taNe fans Eetween the Âżlm’s many local locations including inside the iconic *oonie house ticNets reTuired and on a Eoat with the stuntman who Slayed “Sloth.´ 2ther memEers of the cast and crew ² including -eff &ohen who Slayed “&hunN´ and is now an entertainment lawyer ² will give Sresentations and sign autograShs. 7here

At the time of its creation, though, no one had any idea that ‘The Goonies’ would endure so — not even the filmmakers.

will Ee treasure hunts memoraEilia shows concerts and more. “:e will also do a grouS trufĂ€e shufĂ€e ´ said 5egina :illNie an event organi]er at the $storia-:arrenton $rea &hamEer of &ommerce. “:e have Slans in the worNs for SeoSle that are around the world so they can also uSload themselves doing the trufĂ€e shufĂ€e at home and create an online gallery to go along with everyEody in Serson doing it.´ ,ndeed while “7he *oonies´ has a fervent local aSSeal ² the Nids are after all trying to save $storia ² the Âżlm’s aSSeal is truly gloEal. ,n fact the inaugural 0th anniversary celeEration was instigated Ey fans from aEroad. ,n 00 after convening on an ,nternet message Eoard *oonie aÂżcionados Slanned to visit $storia to celeErate the Âżlm’s 0th anniversary. ,n advance of the triS they contacted the &hamEer of &ommerce. “$fter some emailing EacN and forth with the grouS we saw the Sotential there ´ said :illNie. $nd so the MoE of arranging the event fell into her laS. /iNe the critics may have initially :illNie underestimated the *oonies’ lasting aSSeal. ([Secting a few hundred attendees a few thousand Ă€ooded $storia for Sresentations and autograSh signings featuring &ohen and Sean $stin.

“,t was Sretty ama]ing ´ :illNie said. “$nd they were such a great grouS of attendees and Must Sassionate aEout our area and e[cited to Ee here. ,t was a Sleasure to Sut on... 3retty soon after we Âżnished uS the 0th anniversary we Nnew we were going to have to do the th.´ :ith Sositive Sress from the first event and more time to SreSare the th anniversary in 0 0 was even Eigger. $stin and &ohen returned and were Moined Ey &orey )eldman and director 5ichard 'onner ² and of course loads of Goonie fans. “:e’ve had SeoSle come from $ustralia 1ew =ealand -aSan ´ said :illNie. “:e’ve had SeoSle from all over (uroSe.´ Goonie oEsession only seems to Ee growing. “,t certainly has camSy Tualities Eut it’s Must ama]ing Eecause generation after generation NeeSs discovering it and liNing it ´ $stin told 0ovie )one in 0 3. “:hat are you going to do" ,t’s a Sretty sSecial Shenomenon.´ )eldman a star of numerous ’ 0s Âżlms with similarly cult-liNe followings considers “7he Goonies´ his most SoSular. “:hen it came out it seemed liNe it was a success ² it was 1o. at the Eo[ ofÂżce ² Eut it wasn’t liNe the Eiggest movie of the year or anything ´ )eldman told the 2nion $9 &luE in 0 . “%ut as it’s grown through the years much liNe Âľ:i]ard 2f 2]’ and Âľ:illy :onNa ’ it’s one of those movies that’s not only stood the test of time Eut made its marN over the course of time.´

The Goondocks The Astoria Armory, 1636 Exchange St. serves as the primary place for attendees to gather. It hosts the ticket will-call area, official 30th anniversary merchandise store, location tours, art displays including a diorama built from LEGOs, and 80s Con: a gathering of exhibitors with original art, comic books and other products relating to the 1980s. Admission is free. 80s Night Out 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, June 5 Goonies Dance Party: Block party starts at 4 p.m. on Ninth Street in front of the Astoria Event Center. Hear an ’80s rock band at 9 p.m., take part in a Truffle Shuffle contest and ’80s Fashion Awards. $15. Trivia Night: 7 p.m. sees Goonies-themed trivia at Baked Alaska, No. 1 12th St., Astoria Cosmic Bowling: 9:30 p.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday at Lower Columbia Bowl. Pirate Bash: Columbia River Maritime Museum’s Barbey Maritime Center holds a pirate-themed First Friday Night from 7 to 9 p.m. for all ages. Dunk tank, bag toss, live music, pizza, cash bar, costumes encouraged. Free. Farewell to John Warren Field 6 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday, June 6 John Warren Field Exchange Street between 18th and 20th streets, Astoria Say goodbye to Astoria’s John Warren Field with a multimedia event. Performances include bluegrass music by The Whiskey Rebellion, Portland’s XRAY.FM DJs, a performance by the Booby Traps dedicated to Cyndi Lauper, and a showing of “The Goonies� at sundown. Group Truffle Shuffle, family-friendly, food and drink. $10 general admission, kids 6 and under free June 4, 2015 | | 11


The Grilled Turkey Cobb Sandwich is a must try at Firehouse Grill in Seaside.

With quality ingredients and proper preparation, Seaside restaurant makes simplicity sing


Among the buzzing tourist hive that is Seaside’s main drag of Broadway, the Firehouse Grill is a paragon and an outlier. It doesn’t grovel, leverage nostalgia, bait and switch, or serve canned, frozen “beach food.â€? Instead, offering just breakfast and lunch, the FireKRXVH LV VKDUS UREXVW DQG FRQÂż GHQWO\ XQGHU stated. As all of the Firehouse’s business is conducted during daylight hours, it nails two breakfast/brunch staples right off the bat: 1) the space, complete with counter seating, is bright, airy and unencumbered and 2) the coffee keeps coming. An accomplished consumer of caffeine, my cup was always hot and never empty. (The beans, from Sleep Monk, are locally roasted and top notch.) As sizzles from the open, stainless steel kitchen enticed, I pursued the menu and Firehouse’s M.O. quickly crystalized: traditional fare — eggy breakfasts, biscuits and gravy, sandwiches and burgers — meant to stand on quality ingredients and proper preparation. On a server’s recommendation I opted for the Grilled Turkey Cobb Sandwich ($11). Here, more than anywhere else, the Firehouse philosophy shined. Inside buttered, daintily toasted bread the house-roasted turkey was tender, the bacon extra-thick and juicy. Creamy avocado mingled with sharp WRPDWR DQG D ]LQJ\ Âż QLVK RI blue-cheese mayo. It was marvelous, a must try — IDPLOLDU WDVWHV Âż QHO\ H[H cuted. Happily and knowingly staying in their lane, Firehouse’s Grilled Turkey Cobb makes no attempt to reinvent the wheel. Rather, it just smoothes out all the imperfections. It’s a perfectly rounded sandwich. The ABCTS Omelette ($12) wrapped light and Ă€ XII\ HJJV DURXQG LWV namesake Avocado, Bacon, Cheese (Jack), Tomato and Spinach. Served with simply seasoned potatoes, the omelet was generous with the chopped bacon (though maybe a little too generous with the sour cream). The accompany-

Firehouse’s M.O. quickly crystalized: traditional fare — eggy breakfasts, biscuits and gravy, sandwiches and burgers — meant to stand on quality ingredients and proper preparation

12 | June 4, 2015 |

ing biscuit was nothing to write home about. (But the fact that the Firehouse will substitute gluten-free biscuits for $2 might be.) The chef conversed regularly with diners seated at the counter. He was cheerfully and admirably open about what he was cooking, and how he could better meet customers’ wants and dietary needs. Such care was particularly appreciated by my companion, who was hoping to avoid too much dairy in a salad, and the chef went out of his way to explain that there were trace amounts of feta in the dressing. He offered a sample and an alternative, though it wouldn’t be necessary — just leave out the big chunks. The Fish Taco Salad ($13) was more salad WKDQ WDFR VDODG 7KRXJK WKH PHQX VD\V ³À RXU tortilla bowlâ€? it was served on a scant bed of tortilla chips. There wasn’t a whole lot of panseared halibut either, which led to rationing rather than indulgence. The meat itself was GRZQ WKH PLGGOH PHGLRFUH ² PLOG ZKLWHÂż VK Served with a good helping of guacamole, salsa, pumpkin seeds and mixed greens tossed in a creamy cilantro dressing, the salad was still Âż OOLQJ ² WKH NLQG \RX XVH \RXU IRUN WR VFRRS

The Fish Taco Salad was more salad than taco salad, with a small helping of halibut but a a good helping of guacamole, salsa, pumpkin seeds and mixed greens tossed in a creamy cilantro dressing.

with rather than skewer. The Blue Cheese Bacon Burger ($13), meanwhile, didn’t skimp. The half-pound beef patty was clearly hand formed. Cooked medium it had little bits of pink, which I appreciated. The bacon this time was quite crisp, which turned out to be a boon against the exceedingly soft and juicy patty. The blue cheese was rather mild and the accompanying fries were, well, fries — hand-cut and large. With the burger I sipped a Bloody Mary ($6.75), another necessity at any brunch spot. It was savory, with a noticeable but not overwhelming kick. But a Bloody Mary is only as good as its garnish, and here the drink — served with only a lime, lemon and celery —


The Firehouse Grill Rating: Â?Â?Â?Â? 841 Broadway, Seaside 503-717-5502

HOURS: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday to Saturday; 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday; and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday. PRICE: $ – EntrÊes range from $10 to 13. SERVICE: Attentive, smiling, generous. VEGETARIAN OPTIONS: Slim. Besides veggie burger, salad and veggie scrambles, most entrÊes centered around animal protein. DRINKS: Small cocktail menu, wine, beer, soda, tea and coffee.

suffered. The celery wasn’t even a full stalk. Now let’s be clear: the roughage in a Bloody Mary isn’t for show — it’s an integral part of taste and experience. Now, for the elephant in the room: Lori and Bob Breslauer, who opened the Firehouse in 2012, recently sold it. The new owners run other restaurants in the area, most notably Doogers. According to a server, the new owners have made a few changes to the menu, and there will likely be more to come. With a glimmer of hope, the server relayed that the current chef would be staying on. At the same time, though, other local chefs are chattering: Will purveyors change? Will the quality of ingredients suffer? Will food costs be cut? (Some are saying they already have.) I’m hoping not. I’m hoping the Firehouse retains what makes it special. Any major UHVKDSLQJ EHVLGHV EHH¿ QJ XS WKH %ORRG\ Mary’s roughage) would be a shame. In an area where some take advantage, drag their feet, or covet the bottom line, the Firehouse is a port of refuge — the kind of place that could be successful regardless of its surroundings.


Â? Â?Â? Â?Â?Â? Â?Â?Â?Â?

below average average good excellent outstanding, the best in the Â?Â?Â?Â?Â? Columbia-Pacific region

‘Terra Nova’ art show opens at Cannon Beach Gallery Art association hosts nature journaling workshop in conjunction with exhibition CANNON BEACH and SEASIDE — The all-juried art show “Terra Nova” will open at the Cannon Beach Gallery on Saturday, June 6 with an opening Artist’s Reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Northwest artists were encouraged to blur the lines of contemporary landscape for this exhibition, which will be curated by the Cannon Beach Gallery Committee. “Terra Nova” will be on display until June 28. In conjunction with the art show, the Cannon Beach Arts Association is putting on a nature journaling workshop led by local botanical artist Dorota Haber-Lehigh. The workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 7 at Circle Creek Habitat Reserve in Seaside. The workshop is ideal for artists, naturalists, hikers or birders. All levels are welcomed. Children under 12 years old should be accompanied by an adult. The workshop costs $30, and

there is limited space, so contact the CBAA in advance to reserve your space by phone 503-4360744 or email Circle Creek Habitat Reserve is an area of land conserved by the North Coast Land Conservancy, a private land trust operating on the North Coast of Oregon from Lincoln City to Astoria. Katie Voelke, executive director of NCLC, will provide an opening message about the land trust and about the site where the workshop will be conducted. There will be a short discussion on why to use nature journaling and how to go about creating a nature journal. Attendees will explore the habitat reserve and have time for hands-on journaling. Everyone will receive a copy of Haber-Lehigh’s coloring and reading book “Native Berries of the Coastal 3aci¿c Northwest” for future reference. Haber-Lehigh is an educa-

Let’s Eat

Submitted photo

“Beth’s Garden,” an oil painting by Janet Bland.

tor, artist and a forager. She will share her knowledge of nature journaling and plants. Attendees should bring a sketchbook of choice; pencil 2B or 4B, writing utensil (Pigma Micron black pen 005 or 01 is recommended) and other media of choice (color pencils or watercolors). Other supplies should include water, snacks comfortable

clothing suitable for the outdoors and weather appropriate such as a sun hat, sunglasses, comfortable shoes and rain jacket. There are no restrooms available at Circle Creek. There will be light walking on uneven terrain. For those attending who are unable to walk or would prefer to sit while sketching, a light camping chair is suggested.

Submitted photo

The CBAA is putting on a nature journaling workshop at Circle Creek in Seaside on June 7.



Open 7am


LON G BEAC H PEN IN SU LA WALLA WALLA WINEMAKER CARNIVORE DINNER FRI, JUNE 6TH Ryan Rabner of Tertulia Cellars will pair award-wining wines with Chef Michael’s food!


Chef Michael’s wonderful food of the COSTA del SOL


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W eD eliver P la za Ja lisco

5 03 -3 3 8-4 4 4 0 O pen 7 D a ys W eekly Poker M a chin es!

Ju n e 19,20 & 21,2015

June 4, 2015 | | 13

The New York Times Magazine Crossword







1 5 10 15 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 50 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 63

ACROSS Choco ____ (Klondike treat) School Items that may be labeled SMTWTFS Dog sound Series of numbers? Kurt Vonnegut’s “Happy Birthday, ____ June” Former part of the British Empire Joe Biden’s home: Abbr. “I expected as much” Towering Letters of obligation Hair piece Currency that, in one denomination, features a portrait of Linnaeus Garment for tennis, perhaps Not as exciting Return from a store When blacksmithing began Perfect orbit Fanatical 66, e.g.: Abbr. Nav. rank Run ____ Boarded “Awe-SOME!” Occurring in March and September, say Shenanigans Dietary no-no Grey and ochre “There is ____ in team” Pleasant inflection Park opened in 1964 Easy-peasy task Chocolate- mint brand with peaks in its logo Temperature units

Muscles worked by leg presses Anti-Revolutionary of 1776 Gets harsher An example of itself Lacto-____ vegetarian Condemned Gone Hockey team with a patriotic name Distraction for many an idle person Bests Capacious Apple desktop National Novel Writing Mo. Havana-to-Palm Beach dir. Eagerly accept See 92-Across Handled roughly Japanese for “teacher” Message to one’s followers Portrayer of 86-Across in “Elf” Artifact Rakes Cooking-spray brand “The Downeaster ‘____’?” (Billy Joel song) 100 Sleep mode? 106 Malt product 107 Bring home the gold 108 Barely manage 109 Breakfast-cereal maker 110 Hyphenated fig. 111 Factions 112 “It was just a joke!” 113 Where writing is on the wall?

1 2 3 4 5 6

DOWN Mai ____ Bottom-row key Capt. Kangaroo’s network Peak that’s known as “The Great One” Rare notes Crisp bit in a stir-fry

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 24 29 31 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

have a Goonies Gold Ale and offer Goonies food specials and Baby Ruth milkshakes — “because you can’t have a Goonies party without Baby Ruths,” manager Taz Davis said. Scavenger hunts on the McMenamins property will be open to participants of all ages. Attendees also can get their McMenamins Passports marked with a Goonies stamp.

14 | June 4, 2015 |




Further String after B Seafood-soup base Series opener Privy to Attraction that operates under its own steam? Not in the dark Authorization Catcher of some waves Shake-ups in corps. Champagne holder Seasonal linguine topper “____ even” Expunge Prepare to tie a shoelace, say Staple of quiz bowls Redolence Pro ____ Coin to pay for passage across the River Styx Put another way Strewn Fodder for tabloids Little bugger Wise ones Daughter of Hyperion Condition of sale TV’s “The ____ Today” Bring, as to a repair shop Thoroughfare Dog sounds Collapsed, with “in” Ends of letters Somebody ____ Words below an orange on a license plate One of 24 in a glucose molecule Bagel topper It might contain a list of postal abbreviations Something you might get a kick out of?
















90 93











64 Steven Wright’s “I intend to live forever. So far, so good,” e.g. 66 Capital city founded during a gold rush 67 Mariana, e.g. 68 ____ a one 69 What’s superior to Lake Superior: Abbr. 71 Hip-hop’s Mos ____ 72 Hematophagous creature 73 Buddy 74 Pass

the 25th anniversary of the movie. “Everyone’s got a little Goonie in them at some point, and we like to celebrate that,” Davis said. This year, for the 30th an-

1157 N. Marion Ave., Gearhart


75 77 78 79 81 83 85 86 87 88




McMenamins, Livingstone’s Room




9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 5, 6 and 7




Movie screenings
























62 66















15 22













Originally, the pub created its Goonies Gold Ale for








McMenamins Sand Trap Pub schedules ‘Goonies’ celebration, free film screenings GEARHART — McMenamins Sand Trap Pub is marking the 30th anniversary of “The Goonies” with special treats and showings of the Astoria-based movie. The pub will play “The Goonies” in the Livingstone’s Room from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 5, 6 and 7, and participants can watch for free. The restaurant also will



Answers on Page 18

64 65 66 68 70 71 72 76 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 90 91 92 93 95 97 98

5 19

By TOM McCOY / Puzzles Edited by WILL SHORTZ Note: When this puzzle is completed, an apt phrase can be found by starting at the top central letter and reading clockwise.





Hand source Bank to rely on Soaks (up) Pouting expression Major stockholder? “m” and “n” Hula hoop? Dumbfound Small change June honorees

niversary, they’ve expanded on that. Many areas in Clatsop County, particularly Astoria and Cannon Beach, have numerous activities planned the weekend of June 7, or Goonies Day. Information about those activities can be found at “For those of us that were younger when the movie came out, it kind of hit home, and it had quite a cult following, and it’s kind of grown from that,” Davis said. The coming-of-age movie was filmed in and around

109 113

89 Parts, as blinds 90 Blind parts 94 Highway number 96 Variety of antelope 99 Fiction 101 Old White House moniker 102 Unit usually seen with the prefix deci103 Equal: Prefix 104 Big name in current research? 105 Point of writing?

Astoria in 1984, so there are many references to and remnants of the movie throughout the area, including the Goonies House. Annual celebrations, including the upcoming 30th anniversary, throw back to “that earlier day when the movie first came out,” Davis said. The Sand Trap Pub is located at 1157 N. Marion Ave. in Gearhart. For more information, call 503-717-8150 or visit the McMenamins Sand Trap & Gearhart Hotel Facebook page or www.

coa st w eeken d M ARK ETPLACE 70 Help Wanted

Are you looking to make a difference in someoneʼs life? Coast Rehabilitation Services is seeking caring and compassionate people who are seeking rewarding opportunities as he/she assists adults with disabilities to lead quality lives of their choosing in a residential setting. Warrenton, Gearhart, and Seaside. Successful applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a High School diploma or GED, and pass a criminal background check, pre-employment drug test, and pre-employment physical. You must also possess a valid driverʼs license. Applications can be obtained and returned at our admin office at 89451 Hwy. 101 in Warrenton,

. •ASE Certified Tech •Express Maintenance Tech •Sales Associate Join our great team! Seeking great customer service skills and awesome attitude! Valid driverʼs license required. Proudly a drug free environment. Apply at 1605 SE Ensign, Warrenton, OR. Cashier/Clerk Accepting application for honest, friendly, self-motivated individual for a full-time position. Starting pay $10.25 per hour. Pre Employment screening required. Applications available at Budʼs RV in Gearhart 4412 Hwy. 101 North Gearhart, OR. 97138

If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach DIAL

325-3211 FOR A

Daily Astorian Classified Ad

70 Help Wanted

City of Warrenton Finance Director $5,745.64 to $6,983.84 Deadline: June 19, 2015, 5:00 pm Download application and full job description at Mail application, resume, and cover letter to City Manager, City of Warrenton, PO Box 250, Warrenton, OR. 97146. Questions Contact: Linda Engbretson, (503)861-0823 Linda Engbretson AA/EOE Coast Seafood Company is currently seeking motivated individuals to fill seasonal and year-round positions. Aquaculture farming experience is helpful but not required. A variety of training and advancement opportunities are available and encouraged. Apply in person at 3602 237th st, Ocean Park, WA 98640 (360)665-4075. Pre-employment screening required. EEO Employer. Comfort Inn & Suites - Seaside, a Lincoln Asset Management Hotel, under new management and looking to build a team of associates that have the desire to serve. Now hiring fulltime Housekeepers ($10-$13 DOE) and Facilities Technicians ($12-15 DOE), schedule will include weekends and holidays. Must be customer service oriented with 50 lbs. push, pull, lift requirement. Includes free breakfast. Apply between 9:00 - 3:00 at 545 Broadway Seaside.

Customer Service Representative We are looking for an energetic individual, with mult-tasking abilities to join our team. Salary DOE, competitive benefit package, vacation. Send resumes to: PO Box 657, Astoria, OR 97103 Earn Extra $$ Full-time/part-time Housekeepers needed. Must be detail-oriented, responsible, and have reliable transportation. Great pay, incentive, bonuses, plus mileage. Please apply in person at: 800 North Roosevelt Drive or call (503)738-9068

70 Help Wanted

Escape Lodging Company is looking for “Escape Artists” to join our team. Our culture honors hard work, honesty, a sense of humor and individuality. At its core is a commitment to hiring for The Hospitality Attitude. In addition to offering a very competitive wage, Escape Lodging offers many benefits to our employees. These benefits include paid vacation, medical, profit sharing/401K and more.

70 Help Wanted

70 Help Wanted

70 Help Wanted

Hiring! Full-time Day/Evening Cook Work Schedule: Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri from 12pm-8pm! Please apply online at: or in person, at facility! Suzanne Elise Assisted Living 101 Forest Drive Seaside, OR 97138 (503) 738-0307

Hiring! Full-time/Part-time Caregivers Day (6am-2pm) and Evening (2pm-10pm) Shifts Available Please apply online at: or in person, at facility! Suzanne Elise Assisted Living 101 Forest Drive Seaside, OR 97138 (503) 738-0307

Billʼs Tavern and Brewhouse is now hiring PT/FT line cooks, must be availbale nights and weekends. (503)436-2202 or pick up application at 188 N. Hemlock, Cannon Beach, OR.

*Avamere offers a full benefits package (including paid vacation!) for full-time employees

Competitive Pay Join our team today IF YOUʼRE PLANNING to move, now is the time to sell those items you canʼt take with you. Itʼs easy and economical to place a classified ad which will work hard for you!

Positions currently available: •Front Desk •Housekeeping Positions are available at the Inn at Cannon Beach. Must be available to work a flexible schedule, including weekends. Please apply in person at the Inn at Cannon Beach (3215 S Hemlock, Cannon Beach). If you have any questions, please contact Terri at or call (503)436-9085. FRONT OFFICE/GUEST SERVICES Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach Seeking individuals to join our outstanding team. Do you enjoy working with people? Are you friendly and upbeat? Like to work with people who believe in providing a superior experience for their customers? Then you should come talk to us! Full-time, with paid vacations, insurance and 401K. Application can be picked up at 1400 S Hemlock or resume to PO Box 547,Cannon Beach 97110 or via email to FT Service Technician Candidate should have experience in the following areas: Repair and maintain small engines, large lawn equipment, mowers, tillers, tractors and other farm equipment. Welding or fabrication experience helpful but not required. Wage DOE + performance bonus. Send resume to: No phone calls please.

Hiring! Full-time/Part-time Wait staff Day (6:30am-2pm) Evening (3:30pm-7:30pm) Opportunities Available! Please apply online at: or in person, at facility! Suzanne Elise Assisted Living 101 Forest Drive Seaside, OR 97138 (503) 738-0307 *Avamere offers a full benefits package (including paid vacation!) for full-time employees


chart a course!

Our counselors are like navigators helping our students find the best path to successful completion. This challenging but rewarding job allows you to witness our students grow and change with the help of your guidance. Bachelorʼs degree with 15 social service related credit hours and one year of related exp. required. Apply at Questions? Call 503-338-4961. Management & Training Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority/Female/Veteran/Disability MTC Values Diversity! Tongue Point is a drug-free workplace and has a tobacco-free campus.

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites is hiring all shifts for Housekeepers, Front Desk, Facilities Technicians and Breakfast Attendants, will include weekends and holidays. Must be Customer Service Oriented with 50 lbs. push, pull, lift requirement. Associates receive daily free breakfast; transportation incentive possible. Apply between 9:00 am - 3:00 at 34 Holladay Drive Seaside.

Reporter Make a splash in business journalism by joining the reporting staff of the ambitious Coast River Business Journal, located where the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean meet. This is a highly dynamic and story-filled place, where Portlanders and Seattleites come to make their dreams of coastal living come true. You should arrive here with polished writing skills, a strong work ethic and robust curiosity to delve into the professional lives of some of the Pacific Northwestʼs most creative and imaginative business people. Working in partnership with colleagues at the Chinook Observer, The Daily Astorian, Seaside Signal and Cannon Beach Gazette, Coast River Business Journal produces a monthly print publication. With your geographical beat spanning Clatsop County, Ore., and Pacific County, Wash., you can choose to live on the Long Beach Peninsula, Astoria or Oregonʼs North Coast. While this position is managed from Long Beach, you will also sometimes work from our Astoria and Seaside offices. An important aspect of this job is providing business coverage to several publications, each with a different environment. There will be aspects of breaking business news, in-depth business reporting and “main street” business news. Part of your job will be to continue ramping up our online content for timely and expansive coverage of business news. Healthcare is one of our regionʼs rapidly expanding economic sectors and we want to hear your ideas about how to cover it in ways that are useful to those in the caring professions, as well as engaging for the community members they serve. We have a rising tide of young and second-career entrepreneurs starting new craft breweries, restaurants, retail stores, galleries and online businesses. You will need to be as engaged and creative as they are. Our traditional industries — tourism to forestry, seafood to homes sales/construction, farming of everything from organic vegetables to legal marijuana — all are wide awake and gaining renewed momentum in a fast-expanding regional economy. Weʼll expect you to dig well beyond the superficial and explain where these industries are going, and why. Our coast is comfortable and still affordable. It's a place where our reporters and their families purchase homes and settle in for careers that are richly connected to the Northwest interior. Part of your job will be exploring and explaining the growing ties between our coast and the cities of Puget Sound and northwest Oregon. We offer a competitive wage, a generous benefit package, and a warm and friendly office environment in Mac-based buildings. We work hard but have fun — the ocean beach is a short stroll from our Long Beach and Seaside offices. We enjoy world-class restaurants, fantastic salmon and deep-sea fishing, amazing wildlife and bird watching, and many other outdoor activities. Portland is two and a half hours; Seattle three hours. Benefits include Paid Time Off (PTO), insurances and a 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan. Send clips, resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group, PO Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308-2048, by fax to 503-371-2935 or e-mail

June 4, 2015 | | 15

coa st w eeken d M ARK ETPLACE 70 Help Wanted Concrete Worker Needed Experience preferred, or will trian the right canidate. Valid ODL, and pre-drug screening. Call (503)861-2285 or email to HOUSEKEEPING/LAUNDRY Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach Housekeeping or laundry experience helpful but we train people with a good attitude. We also offer a summer bonus to those continue with us through the summer (terms and conditions apply) También ofrecemos bonos de verano para los que continúen con nosotros durante el verano. (Se aplicaran términos y condiciones). We have 401K, vacation pay and insurance!! Pick up applications/apply in person at The Hallmark Resort, 1400 S Hemlock, Cannon Beach OR 97110, email to or mail to PO Box 547.

Like food? Our dining hall staff keep getting promoted! So now we need more “SMILE-MAKERS” to help keep our wonderful students fed and happy. Come work in a new, modern kitchen with a river-view dining room! Currently we have part time (20 hrs) and temporary positions open. If you have basic food preparation skills and can obtain an Oregon Food Handlerʼs card, weʼd love to hear from you! Starting wage is $10.24/hr. Apply at For questions with the application process, please call HR at 503-338-4961. Management & Training Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority/Female/Veteran/Disability MTC Values Diversity! Tongue Point is a drug-free workplace and has a tobacco-free campus. Local north coast dental office has an opening for full time administrative assistant. Applicant must have excellent people skills, knowledge of computers, ability to handle financial decisions, be flexible with working hours, and be a team player. Dental knowledge helpful but not necessary. Send reply to Box 229, c/o Daily Astorian, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 DUST off the old pool table and sell it with a classified ad.

70 Help Wanted

70 Help Wanted

70 Help Wanted

Accepting Applications: Now hiring processing workers for the whiting season. Housekeeping/Housemen End of Summer Bonus! Applications at Gearhart by the Sea 1157 N. Marion. Starting wage $12 an hour D.O.E. LUXURY DAY-SPA OPENINGS Hallmark Resort & Spa in Cannon Beach We currently have openings for individuals who possess current LMT, NT or ET licenses. With very flexible scheduling, we have something for everyone – come talk to us! Please send resume to or apply at 1400 S Hemlock Street, Cannon Beach MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING Hallmark Resort in Cannon Beach Looking for people to help with upkeep/repair of this beautiful property. Should have some basic maintenance skills and pool chemical knowledge is helpful. Drivers license and availability for all shifts a must. Full-time, with paid vacations, insurance and 401K. Application can be picked up at 1400 S Hemlock or resume to PO Box 547,Cannon Beach 97110 or via email to

Applications available Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Point Adams Packing Co. 482 Fleet St. Hammond, OR Night Auditor/Housekeepers Needed Send inquiries to Night Auditor at Motel 6 PO Box 273 Seaside or visit us at 2369 S. Roosevelt. Seaside

Hiring! Part-time Medication Aides Swing (2pm-10pm) and Noc (10pm-6am) Opportunities Available! The primary responsibility of this position is to administer medications to residents and assist with other aspects of their daily care and routine. Please apply online at: or in person, at facility! Suzanne Elise Assisted Living 101 Forest Drive Seaside, OR 97138 (503) 738-0307 Competitive Pay Join our team today! Reliable, able to have flexible schedule. Driverʼs license a must, seafood experience a plus. (503)791-1157 or (360)777-8476 SEASIDE: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR

McMenamins Sand Trap is now hiring front of house, back of house, and hotel positions! Qualified applicants must possess the following: a willingness to learn; an open and flexible schedule including days, evenings, weekends, holidays; an open summertime schedule; and an enthusiasm for working in a busy, customer service-oriented environment. Previous experience is a plus! We have seasonal and long term opportunities. Looking for a career in the hospitality industry? We offer opportunities for growth and great benefits to eligible employees. Apply online at or pick up a paper application here at the Sand Trap (or any other McMenamins location). Mail to: 430 N. Killingsworth, Portland, OR, 97217 (Attn: HR); or fax to 503-221-8749. E.O.E.

16 | June 4, 2015 |

The City of Seaside is seeking a Public Works Director to manage and supervise department operations including planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the various activities of the Public Works Department. The Department is engaged in construction, maintenance and operation of city streets, storm drainage, water and wastewater treatment, buildings, engineering and all other city facilities and projects. Considerable experience in public works administration. Graduation from a four-year college or university with a Bachelorʼs degree in Civil engineering. Salary: Negotiable DOQ, plus excellent benefits.More information available on City website:

School Psychologist (2 Positions) Ocean Beach School District Naselle/Wahkiakum/ Toutle School Districts Full-Time; 2015-16 School Yr Schedule Starting Annual Salary Range: $40,820 - $64,174 Student Assistance Professional: P/I Ocean Beach School District Full-Time; 2015-16 School Yr Schedule Starting Annual Salary Range: $31,566 - $38,574 For job description and online application visit our website: ESD 112 Vancouver, WA - EOE

70 Help Wanted

70 Help Wanted

Open House Job Fair and Free CNA Training Info Session 8 am to 5 pm Friday May 29th and Friday June 5th Chance to apply and interview on the spot. Nehalem Valley Care Center 280 Rowe St Wheeler, OR 97147 Call (503) 368-5171 ext. 3116 or 3118 for details

Receptionist/ Entry-level Office Busy Seaside law firm looking for multi-line phone, computer, and customer-service skills. Spanish speaking and legal experience a plus. Send resume to

Supervisor Assistant. Full-Time/Year Round Competitive wage End of summer bonus! Bring Resume to Gearhart by the Sea 1157 N. Marion. D.O.E.

Wanted: Truck driver local hauling day trips, class A CDL. Valid medical card, on/off road and heavy hauling experience. Full time for next 4 years Call 503-791-7038. Warren House Pub in Cannon Beach is seeking a prep person for the kitchen, and a dishwahser/busser for summer employment Come on in with an application or leave resume, at 3301 South Hemlock, or call (503)436-1130.

Wiring guru needed!

McMenamins Sand Trap is now hiring for a Sous Chef II (Production). Previous culinary experience/ education and supervisory experience in a high volume kitchen required. Qualified applicants must also possess the following: a willingness to learn; an open and flexible schedule including days, evenings, weekends, holidays; an open summertime schedule; and an enthusiasm for working in a busy, customer service-oriented environment. Previous experience is a plus! We have seasonal and long term opportunities. Looking for a career in the hospitality industry? We offer opportunities for growth and great benefits to eligible employees. Apply online at or pick up a paper application here at the Sand Trap (or any other McMenamins location). Mail to: 430 N. Killingsworth, Portland, OR, 97217 (Attn: HR); or fax to 503-221-8749. E.O.E.

The Ebb Tide and Hi Tide in Seaside are under new management. Escape Lodging is looking for the right people to join our team. Benefits include paid vacation, 401K and more. If youʼre a team player, great with people, and have attention to detail please apply for the following: •Housekeeping (Ebb Tide and Hi Tide) •Front Desk (Hi Tide) •Maintenance (Ebb Tide) •Continental Breakfast Server (Ebb Tide and Hi Tide) •Laundry (Hi Tide) We offer a competitive wage based on experience and we offer an End of Summer Bonus Program. Part time, full time, seasonal, and permanent positions are available. Please apply in person at The Ebb Tide (300 N Prom) or Hi Tide (30 Ave G) in Seaside, or contact Shaun Wagner at 503-440-1911

Your source for tv listings on the north coast

Every Wednesday in The Daily Astorian

Successful candidate for this PT (20 hrs) Systems Technician position will show expertise in setting up and maintaining LAN cabling. If this sounds like you, come join our great team at Tongue Point Job Corps Center! Starting Pay Range: $15.41-$17.50/hour Apply at Enter Astoria, OR in the “Where” box and select the appropriate job from the list. For questions with the application process, please call HR at 503-338-4961. Management & Training Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority/Female/Veteran/Disability MTC Values Diversity! Tongue Point is a drug-free workplace and has a tobacco-free campus. CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today!

210 Apartments, Unfurnished 260 3rd street Astoria, $700. Very clean one bedroom. Fireplace, finished wood floors. W/G included. (503)791-3519 View our listings at Beach Property Management 503-738-9068

260 Commercial Rental Astoria: 3925 Abbey Lane, 800 square feet and up. Starting at $.50 square foot. (503)440-6945

Country western comes to Fort George

Pendleton band visits Astoria singing of heartbreak, woe ASTORIA — Hear James Dean Kindle and the Eastern Oregon Playboys perform at 8 p.m. Sunday, June 7 at the Fort George Brewery, located at 1483 Duane St. All ages are welcome, and there is no cover. This past fall, James Dean Kindle his longtime backing band the Eastern Oregon Playboys released their third album, “Many Splendored Things.� This album marks a creative turn for the Pendleton singer-sonwriter, as it is a

full immersion into the sounds of country and western music a la Merle Haggard, George Jones and Willie Nelson. Appropriately, the album’s lyrics themes revolve around heartbreak and woe. Recorded in an abandoned Masonic Lodge in downtown Pendleton, the album was produced by Sean Oglivie (Musee Mechanique, Trizteza), mixed by Levi Cecil (Ages And Ages) and features guest contributions from Laura Gibson and The Brothers Young. “Many Splendored Thingsâ€? is an album that will make you cry into your beer while uncontrollably waltzing across WKH Ă€RRU

Gerle Haggard plays Voodoo, Sou’Wester this weekend ASTORIA and SEAVIEW, Wash. — Gerle Haggard, an all-female band devoted to the music of Merle Haggard, will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, June 5 at the Voodoo Room in Astoria and at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 6 at the Sou’Wester Lodge in Seaview, Washington. Gerle Haggard Band brings the best of Merle Haggard’s timeless music to audiences who’ve been loving songs like “Mama Tried,â€? “Misery and Ginâ€? and “Working Man %OXHV´ IRU QHDUO\ ÂżYH GHFDGHV as well as introducing these

and many more classics to a whole new audience. This seven-piece band feaWXUHV D WHUULÂżF OLQH XS RI PXsicians who weave beautiful instrumentation, tight harmonies and a big heap of showmanship into full-throttled entertainment. The band has as diverse a music background as you can ask for. From church choirs, punk, rhythm and blues, rock, indie-pop and of course, counWU\ *HUOH +DJJDUG %DQG ÂżOOV the stage with talent, wit and heaps of charm.

James Dean Kindle and the Eastern Oregon Playboys 8 p.m. Sunday, June 7 Fort George Brewery 1483 Duane St., Astoria All ages Submitted photo

No cover

James Dean Kindle and the Eastern Oregon Playboys will perform at the Fort George Brewery on Sunday, June 7.

Radio station celebrates all things ‘Goonies’ Clammy 99.7 FM changes to ‘Goony 99.7 FM’ June 5 to 7 ASTORIA — Local radio station Clammy 99.7 FM is celebrating the 30th anniversary of “The Gooniesâ€? movie by changing the station’s format. Âł1R RWKHU PRYLH ÂżOPHG in our area has had the impact and long-standing fans that ‘The Goonies’ has,â€? said

Clammy Program Director Tim Murphy. “We want to recognize those facts and keep the fans on top of everything that is happening.� “Goony 99.7� will launch at 12:01 a.m. Friday, June 5 and run for 64 hours. For three days the radio station will play

music exclusively from 1985. DJs will give around-the-clock updates and information on all of the Goonies events scheduled for the 30th anniversary celebration. “If you’re coming into town that weekend, tune us in, and we’ll keep you on top of

Submitted photo

everything — including traf- Gerle Haggard, a seven-piece all-female Merle Haggard tribute band, will perform in AsÂżF ´ 0XUSK\ VDLG Âł:HÂśOO DOVR have a booth at the 80’s Convention in the Astoria Armory. Tra i l ’s E n d Art Asso ci a ti o n :H DUH WKH RIÂżFLDO WK DQQLversary celebration station.â€? Thousands of fans from around the country and throughout the world are coming to the northwest corner of Oregon June 4 to 7 to celebrate July 6,7,8 — Portrait Painting in watercolor with Fealing Lin WKH FXOW FODVVLF ÂżOP )RU PRUH information visit www.theJuly 16 — Process Painting for teens using acrylics with Aziza Balle and Anne Pechovnik

Summer Workshops SIG N UP N O W !

July 20-24 — Kids’ Circus Adventure art camp with Kathy Karbo and Sarah Ferguson August 13 — Managing Your Digital Images on your computer with Richard Newman August 17-21 — Watercolor Workshop with Don Andrews August 22-23 — Basketry Workshop (ages 13-adult) with Catherine Ridenour and Judi Marsh-Garrity For d eta iled cla ss d escription s a n d to sign u p go to tra ilsen d a or ca ll5 41- 419- 5 869

Trail’s End Art Center is located at 656 A Street in Gearhart, OR OPEN Wed thru Sun 11am to 4pm June 4, 2015 | | 17

Library summer reading programs start Every hero has a story, events set for the whole family CLATSOP COUNTY — Calling all kids from Astoria, Warrenton, Gearhart, Seaside, Knappa and Jewell: Mark your calendar because summer reading at the library starts this weekend. The theme is Every Hero has a Story. Summer Reading Kick-off Parties are set for 10 a.m. Saturday, June 6 at the Warrenton Community Library; at 10:30 a.m. June 13 at the Astoria Public Library; and at 11:30 a.m. June 13 at the Seaside Public Library. The adventure only starts with the kick-off parties. A Reptile Man program is set for June 18 at the libraries, and you’ll get to learn about carnivorous plants June 23. There is no charge for admission to summer reading programs. There are prizes for reading or hearing someone read for

children, teens and adults. Contact your local library to learn about weekly summer programs for youth from birth to teen. Be sure to ask about free library cards for kids.

Astoria programs

The Astoria Public Library will hold these weekly programs June 16 to July 31: • 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesdays: Superhero Club for kids in kinderJDUWHQ WR ¿IWK JUDGH • 10:30 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays: Preschool Story Time for parents and children ages 3 to 5; • 10:30 to 11 a.m. Thursdays: Toddler Time for parents and kids ages 3 to 5; • 2 to 3 p.m. Thursdays: Super Teen Readers for those in sixth to 12th grade; • 11:30 to noon Fridays: Baby Bounce for parents with





per yard


8am-5pm 861-3305 Mon-Fri, 389 NW 13th St.,

kids from birth to one year old.

Seaside programs

• Join the Seaside Public Library at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 6 for a presentation from former Peace Corps volunteer Jeremy Glodsmith as he shares about “My Time in Gambia.â€? The event will take place in the Community Room, and there will be a slideshow. Goldsmith will discuss his Peace Corps service in the diverse third world country commonly known as “The Smiling Coast of West Africa.â€? Gambia is a country with the longest continuous Peace Corps presence in the world. Hear some stories about the kindness of the Gambian people, what “smallingâ€? means, and the life of a Peace Corps volunteer. • Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 13, and set the alarm for 11:30 a.m. because the Pirate Party summer reading kickoff event will be sailing in. Avast matey, thar be a Walk the Plank Dunk Tank, pirate temporary tattoos, a Pirate Rubber Ducky Hunt, Treasure Hunt, Pirate Toss, and Shark Toss. Thar be free ice cream sandwiches, too.


Ed ib les•Ca n n a -b u tter Co o kin g Oils•Tin ctu res

Concentra tes:Sha tter,Cru m ble W a x,H on eycom b









P re-filled oilcartridges & pens now available O ur bra nds include:O rgon e •PO P N a tu ra ls •L u n chbox M AD F a rm s •Gold en X TRX •Ba k ed by Coco •a n d others

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2911 M a rin e D rive •Asto ria 503.325.3276 18 | June 4, 2015 |

Artists called to submit to Judged Competition, classes and workshops kick off in July for children, teens and adults GEARHART — Trail’s End summer activities are right around the corner. Beginning with outdoor exhibits and activities for kids right after the Fourth of July Parade in Gearhart, the Trail’s End lineup of art workshops and classes offers something for everyone. On July 4, Trail’s End will feature an outdoor Kids’Art tent where children of all ages can dabble in a creative project, get tattooed (not permanently!) and enjoy entertainment. Trail’s End artists will exhibit their work, indoors and out, and a bargain table will feature art supplies, frames and art items at rock-bottom prices. The 65th annual Judged Competition will open with a wine and cheese reception to which the public is invited to view the exhibit and meet the prize winners. An additional prize for the People’s Choice award is presented at the end of the month. All visitors to the gallery are invited to vote for their favorite entry. Trail’s End is extending a call to artists to enter the annual Judged Competition: The competition is open to mem-

Crossword Answer


O rg a n ica lly g ro w n flo w ers

Trail’s End to host summer activities


















Submitted photo

Andrew Link cuts out characters for last summer’s Kids’Art Shadow Puppet Theater.

bers and non-members alike in categories that include wet and dry media, collage and mixed-media, photography, and 3Dl work such as sculpWXUH ÂżQH MHZHOU\ DQG ÂżEHU DUWV Information on entry fees and commissions is available online at or by calling 541-419-5869. Artwork may be submitted from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 28 or 29 at Trail’s End Art Center, located at 656 A St. Classes and workshops kick off in July with Fealing Lin, signature member of the National Watercolor Society, conducting a watercolor workshop in portrait painting July 6, 7 and 8. See her inspiring technique at A teen painting workshop with Aziza Balle and Anne Pechovnik on July 16 in a technique called process painting SURPLVHV WR EH IXQ IRU WKH ÂżUVW time painter, as well as those with some previous experience. The zany, creative Kids’Art camp for ages 7 to 11 will take place the week of July 20 to 24 with popular artist teachers Kathy Karbo and Sarah Ferguson. The theme this summer is Circus Adventure inspired by the whimsical examples of Alexander Calder’s “Circus.â€? Slated for the month of August is a computer class on Aug. 13 with photographer

Submitted photo

Alyssa Chen makes a shadow puppet snail move across the Shadow Puppet Theater screen at last year’s Kids’Art camp.

Richard Newman, in managing digital images of your artwork. A week-long watercolor workshop with nationally known watercolorist Don Andrews will be held under the auspices of Trail’s End in the spacious Astoria Art Loft upstairs at Dots ’N’ Doodles in Astoria. The dates are Aug.17 to 21. And a basketry workshop is planned for Aug. 22 and 23, complete with an inspiring slideshow on the techniques of basketry, original basketry designs and the history of basketry around the world. Both teens and adults will enjoy this workshop with basket makers Catherine Ridenour and Judi Marsh-Garrity. For more information about or to sign up for any of these workshops or classes, visit, call 541-4195869, or stop by the Trail’s End Art Center.

GRAB BAG book shelf • glimpse • wildlife • pop culture • words • q&a • food • fun By RYAN HUME Just finished

“Three Weeks With The Goonies” by Mick Alderman 2001 Productions, 2010

Plot Notes: In the summer of 1984, 19-year-old aspiring filmmaker Mick Alderman was given the unique opportunity to receive a hands-on education when the crew and cast of the Steven Spielberg-produced film “The Goonies” landed in his backyard of Astoria, Oregon. Having received permission from Richard Donner, the film’s director, Alderman spent the next three weeks as a “fly-on-thewall,” observing the production as they completed principle photography at numerous locations around town and at Ecola State Park. Take Away: Alderman is an affable guide to this behind-the-scenes look into the making of a bona fide cult classic. Watching a big time production for this young filmmaker is akin to letting a kid loose in a candy store. Alderman specifically watches the grand scale of the filming pro-

Other books:

“Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?” by Raymond Carver Vintage, first Vintage edition 1992

65th annual

dance recitals showcasing the students of Maddox Dance Studio S ATURDAY JUN E 13 •2:30PM & 6:30PM S UN DAY JUN E 14 •2:30 PM B ox office open s 1/2 h ourbefore ea ch perform a n ce Astoria H igh Sch ool Auditorium $10 Ad u lts•$5 sen io rs& stu d en ts•Un d er6 FREE

Reg ister

N ow


NW word

ing the release of the film “The Goonies.”“Goon,” as it means a stupid person, was first recorded in American English in 1921. As it relates to a thug is first recorded in 1938. How it became associated with the albatross is unknown.




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Recommended by: Charlie Holboke of Godfather’s Books, Astoria Short stories galore: This first short story collection from Clatskanie-born author Raymond Carver appeared in 1976 and would launch his international reputation. Carver’s influence would ultimately change the direction of the American short story for decades to come. Holboke added, “If you like Raymond Carver, read Larry Brown.” 102.3 fm


cess with the technical wonder of an artist looking to learn more about his craft, which he is, and so it may not come as a surprise that much of what Alderman remembers anecdotally is about the challenges the filmmakers faced and the successes and setbacks that occurred on location. There are no bombs dropped here, but from his first run-in with Steven Spielberg to describing some of the difficulties of working with a young cast, Alderman is thorough in his recollections. Recommended For: Goonies of all ages. Bonus: Alderman has continued to make movies in the subsequent years since his time with “The Goonies.” You can watch the trailer for his third feature, “Haunted Shore,” which was filmed entirely in Astoria on his website,

“INT. WALSH HOME – DAY CREDITS OVER VARIOUS CLOSE-UPS of the goonies’ HANDS and FACES as they perform the secret goony handshake. It is a very poetic, beautifully synchronized series of movements which displays a sense of kinship and brotherhood. We hear the VOICE OF MIKEY, reciting the GOONY OATH, over these images. MIKEY (V.O.) ‘I will never betray my goon dock friends, We will stick together until the whole world ends, Through heaven and hell, and nuclear war, Good pals like us will stick like tar, In the city, or the country, or the forest, or boonies, I am proudly declared, one of the goonies!’”

noun plural goonies 1. any of a number of Pacific Island-dwelling albatrosses, including the black-footed albatross 2. slang. A thug or hoodlum or a stupid, awkward person 3. slang. Your friends or allies 4. slang. Someone raised in the Goon Docks, a fictional neighborhood at the east end of Astoria from the 1985 movie of the same name Origin:

—Christopher Columbus, “The Goonies: A Screenplay,” 4th Draft revised, October 12, 1984, P. 1,

As it relates to friendship, the term was popularized follow-


The 8th Annual

Ducky Derby


at the Quatat Park Seaside

Free BBQ at 11:00 AM – Race at 12:45 PM

dance discovery Ba llet,ta p ,ja zz,a cro b a tics

Photo by James Olson | Alderbrook Imaging

For a bsolute beginners a nd experienced da ncers

Reg istra tio n n o w o p en fo r

Ju ly 23,24,25

Ba llet,ta p ,ja zz,m o d ern ,m u sica lthea ter, a cro b a tics,crea tive m o vem en t, to t/p a ren t,hip -ho p

Da n ce Ca m p Guestfa culty from O regon Ba lletThea ter & N eva da Ba llet Spon sored by L ittle B a llet T h ea ter,In c.

MADDOX Dance Studio


JUN E 23-JULY 16



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(across from the sm allcem ent plant)

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This pro d uc t ha s into xic a ting e ffe c ts a nd m a y be ha bit fo rm ing . M a rijua na c a n im pa ir c o nc e ntra tio n, c o o rd ina tio n a nd jud g m e nt. D o no t o pe ra te a ve hic le o r m a c hine ry und e r the influe nc e o f this d rug . The re m a y be he a lth risk s a sso c ia te d w ith c o nsum ptio n o f this pro d uc t. F o r use o nly by a d ults tw e nty-o ne a nd o ld e r. K e e p o ut o f re a c h o f c hild re n.

June 4, 2015 | | 19

Ha ts offto the C la s s of2015 G ra d u a tion is a tim e of joy, a tim e of grea tprid e, a tim e of lookin g b a ck a tpa s ta chievem en ts , a n d a tim e of lookin g forw a rd to n ew b egin n in gs .

C on gra tu la tion s a n d m a n y bles s in gs to the C la s s of2015.

20 | June 4, 2015 |

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