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from Sacramento - 6
Capital Squares
A LGBTQ+ square dancing club in Sacramento. capitalcitysquares.org
Equality CA
Bringing the voices of LGBTQ+ people and allies to institutions of power in California and across the United States. eqca.org
Gender Health Center
Meeting the counseling needs of the WHOLE community in Sacramento and the surrounding areas by making our services accessible to the most underserved communities, including the LGBTQQI community and focusing on the “T” or transgender. 3823 V Street Sacramento, CA genderhealthcenter.org
Lambda Legal
Know the healthcare, employment, and public accommodation laws in California that protect LGBT people and everyone living with HIV. lambdalegal.org/states-regions/ california
Lavender Library
An all-volunteer-run lending library, archive and community space with LGBTQ+ books, films and more. lavenderlibrary.com 1414 21st St, Sacramento, CA
One Community Health
A primary health care and specialty care provider dedicated to improving the health and well-being of our community. onecommunityhealth.com 1500 21st St, Sacramento, CA
PFLAG Sacramento
Celebrating diversity and envisioning a society that embraces everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. pflagsacramento.org
Sacramento’s LGBTQ+ Bar Association and an affiliate of the Sacramento County Bar Association. saclegal.org 1017 L St, # 515, Sacramento, CA
Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus
The Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus is fostering pride and enhancing lives. sacgaymenschorus.org 5960 S Land Park Drive, #242 Sacramento, CA
Sacramento LGBT Community Center
Supporting the health and wellness of the most marginalized, advocate for equality and justice, and working to build a culturally rich LGBTQ+ community. saccenter.org 1015 20th St, Sacramento, CA
Sacramento Pride
Sacramento Pride celebrates LGBTQ+ activism, diversity, and community. sacramentopride.org
Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce
Provides community support assisting local LGBTQ+ businesses and corporate partners in the areas of advocacy, business development, procurement opportunities, supplier diversity channels, networking and MORE. rainbowchamber.com
Sacramento Women’s Chorus
Singing to honor peace, justice and social equality, and to celebrate the lives of all women. sacramentowomenschorus.org
Stonewall Sacramento
Advancing equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. sacstonewall.org