4 minute read
Prayers for those who want to draw closer to God � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
Prayers for those who want todrawclosertoGod want to draw closer to God
Keep on Listening
Grandpa appeared at the bedroom door to look in on the two little girls. “I’ve told you twice already,” he said to my young daughter and her cousin, tucked up together in a double bed for their overnight sleepover� “You need to be quiet and go to sleep�”
“But she keeps on talking,” my daughter protested�
Her cousin shot back, “That’s because she keeps on listening�”
The young boy Samuel kept on listening too� He’d been learning to serve God in the tabernacle but hadn’t encountered Him personally (1 Samuel 3:7). Not until the night he heard a voice calling his name. Samuel assumed it was his ageing mentor, Eli. But after three visits from the boy, Eli realised Samuel was hearing God and advised him what to do� So the next time Samuel heard the voice, he said, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (v� 10)� Although the message was unpleasant to hear, Samuel obediently passed it on� In fact, he kept on listening to God, bringing his guidance and judgements to Israel, right into his old age�
When we long to hear God, Samuel’s words of welcome and obedience help focus our attention. They prompt us to still our thoughts and to listen as we start praying or reading Scripture� They can also help us to pause and pay attention to God through our day. Be encouraged that God will speak to you too�
Anne Le Tissier
A Prayer to Grow in Passion for the Lord Gracious Lord, how amazing that I can know You and have a relationship with You—the very God of Creation! I am ashamed when I think of how little I often value that most incredible privilege. For all the times I have put other priorities before You, I am sorry. I confess the coldness of my heart and pray for the fire of Your Spirit to set my heart ablaze for You. Keep me from giving my time and energy to things that draw me away from You. Fill me with Your Spirit that I might grow Your fruit. Amen
A Prayer to Prioritise God’s Word Jesus, Living Word of God, I pray You would give me a passion for Your written Word. May the Scriptures truly become my daily bread, a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. May Your words search my heart and comfort my soul. Help me to submit myself to Your truth, even when I don’t understand it; trusting that You know all things. Give me the grace to obey, even when it costs. Expand my faith as I humbly receive all that You have said. Amen
A Prayer to See the World through God’s Eyes Heavenly Father, I want to grow deeper in my relationship with You. I want to know You more, hear Your voice and feel Your heart. I want to love like You love and see the world as You see it. I know growing deeper will mean coming out of my comfort zone; I’m frightened, but I know it will be worth it! Keep me close to You, I pray. For Jesus sake, Amen
3 Ways to Go Deeper with God
1Make time for God: It’s hard to form a meaningful relationship ‘in passing’. Quality time is always the hallmark of deepening intimacy. It’s the same with God. He is with us when we’re on the go; but it is also essential to have times where we simply rest in His presence and take our time listening to His voice in His Word� He invites us to “be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Where is your quiet place you can go to be alone with the Lord?
2Let Jesus be your home: How do you know you don’t live at your friends house, or the supermarket, or at your workplace? Because home is where you go back to once you’ve finished visiting or attending these other places� Home is meant to be the place where you can be yourself and relax� This is how Jesus asks us to see Him: “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). To “remain” in Jesus means to “stay close” or “make your home here”. Is Jesus your home, or just Someone you visit?
3Give Him your heart: There are so many demands on our time and needs in our lives. Jesus knows this—but rather than trying to fulfil every desire and fix every problem ourselves, He says, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). It’s hard to grow close to God if our focus is on getting by in this world each day. What is your heart set on: getting more of God or getting more of what this world offers?
Be still,
PSALM 46:10