Night-Time Peace

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Evening Reflections for a Restful Night Evening

NightTime Peace

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, lord, make me dwell in safety.


Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version Anglicised Copyright ©️ 1979, 1984, 2011 Biblica. Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, an Hachette UK company. All rights reserved. ‘NIV’ is a registered trademark of Biblica UK trademark number 1448790. ©️ 2024 Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Night-Time Peace

with Evening Meditations

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. PSALM 4:8

Sleep should be the most natural thing in the world. Just shut your eyes and let your mind drift away . . . and then remember the length of tomorrow’s to-do list. And churn over that thing you shouldn’t have said today. And worry over all the house problems that need fixing or replacing. And stress that your finances can’t possibly stretch to everything that needs doing. And battle the feeling of inadequacy when it comes to running a home, maintaining a job and keeping a balanced mental wellbeing . . .

If you struggle like this at night, you’re not alone. Current research shows that around two thirds of us are suffering from sleepless nights. Stress, anxiety and our mental health are huge contributors.

Yet the psalmist writes: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (PSALM 4:8). How do we experience this peace and calm when the lights go out and our minds buzz with the day’s worries?

“You alone, Lord.”

Psalm 4:8 is the heartbeat of the Our Daily Bread Evening Meditations series. We believe every one of God’s children should be able to lie down and sleep in peace each night—no matter what trials and worries the day has held—simply because we are His. He is with us, He loves us and He guards us with His presence.

The week of guided meditations in this booklet are a way to reconnect with God at the end of the day and set your focus on His love and faithfulness. Peaceful sleep doesn’t have to rely on peaceful circumstances, but on the ever-present help of our heavenly Father.

In Him,

Your friends at Our Daily Bread Ministries

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How to Use these Guided Meditations

These meditations are intended to be used at the end of each day. Perhaps when you get home from work, in a quiet moment after dinner or last thing before you turn off the light to sleep.

Try to find a time and place free of distraction, where you can really focus. This is a quality moment just between you and God. Maybe shut the door, put your phone away and even play some relaxing background music.

As you begin your reflective time, try to get as comfortable as possible. Take some deep, calming breaths. Let go of the day and your to-do list as you come and rest in the presence and peace of your heavenly Father.

Take your time reading the night’s verse. Maybe read it a few times, write it down or focus on a few words at a time. Absorb God’s Word in your own way—this is your moment with God. No one else is watching!

Look Deep, Reflect and Give Thanks! with the guidance and annotations provided each night.

Let your mind settle upon whatever He says to you through His Word as you lie down to sleep. Fill your mind with His promises, rather than your stresses and strains. Everything can be entrusted to His infinite care.

Shut your eyes, lie back and listen to the relevant Evening Meditation podcast episode. All you need to do is scan the QR code at the end of the page with your smartphone, tap on the link and then press play.

Use your smartphone and scan this QR code to see our full list of Evening Meditation episodes.

No Burdens Left to Bear

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes. he was Pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the Punishment that brought us Peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Dear Jesus, may I come confidently before You tonight. You have made it possible for me to rest in Your presence. You have loved and saved me so that no matter how I feel, I am held safely in Your hand, always.

Thank You, Lord, for today’s blessings and mercies. Help me to bring You praise in this moment for all I have seen of You today.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise.

And I hand to You the bad choices I made. Please forgive me and help me to learn from my mistakes. Cover me with Your grace.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens.

As I turn my attention to Your Word, please prepare my heart to listen to what You have to say to me tonight.

1. looK dEEP

Tonight, focus on the words Isaiah uses to describe how Jesus suffered for you on the cross. Absorb them slowly as you let their meaning sink in.

he was Pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the Punishment that brought us Peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

2. rEFlEct

Repeat these words, revealing why Jesus suffered. He was treated as though He had committed every one of your sins. His death paid the full penalty for everything you’ve ever done wrong. Tonight, you are free from it all because of His death and resurrection.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead

3. GIVE thanKs! Take a moment to consider what His immense sacrifice has achieved for you.

Lord Jesus, I have done so many things I’m ashamed of. I can’t imagine the pain of bearing my sin, my guilt and my punishment upon the cross. Thank You for carrying these burdens for me. I put my trust in You again tonight. I receive the forgiveness and freedom You offer. May I sleep in confidence, knowing that You accept and love me. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

Love Reflected in the Stars

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes.

when I consider

your heaVens

, the worK of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you haVe set in Place, what is manKind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Heavenly Father, sometimes I am weighed down by the day’s trials. I forget to lift my head and see the wonders of Your grace and glory all around me. Open my eyes to Your majesty and authority tonight; bring to my mind those things in creation that speak of Your awesome love and power.

Lord, I want to bring You my thanks for ways You have blessed me and been present throughout my day.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise.

How awesome to think I am in the presence of the Creator God, the One who sustains all life. In this moment of quiet I hand my worries over to You, the One who formed me, knows me and loves me.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens.

Please help me to rest in Your Word now, absorbing the hope and reassurance of Your heart.

1. looK dEEP

Take a moment to gaze at the night sky. Peer out of your window. Take in the glory of God displayed above you.

when I consider your heaVens, the worK of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you haVe set in Place, what is manKind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

2. rEFlEct

Say this prayer as you take it all in:

“This is the work of Your fingers, Father.”

3. GIVE thanKs!

As you marvel at the glory of God’s creation, put any feelings of insignificance into the hands that flung those stars into space. He wants you to know that you matter to Him. The stars are there for you.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead

Heavenly Father, thank You that You, the Creator of the stars, love me personally. There is no-one like You. All powerful and yet full of love and compassion. I cannot ask for more; You speak life into being and then diligently watch over each precious life You create. Thank You for guarding me, even as I sleep tonight. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

You Are the One Sheep

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes. when he finds it, he joyfully Puts it on his shoulders and goes home. then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says,

“r ejoice with me; I haVe found my lost sheeP.”

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Dear Jesus, thank You for saving me. Thank You for making me Your own. I am sorry for sometimes believing the lie that I am a burden to You. Help me to understand the joy You feel towards me tonight.

I want to take this moment to accept that I am really, truly and deeply loved by You.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise.

Lord God, heaven celebrates every time a lost soul is found. In this quiet moment, I give You the names of those I long to be found by You.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens.

Please help me to rest in the truth of tonight’s parable. May I experience the love You have for me.

1. looK dEEP

Take your time over the way Jesus describes the shepherd’s feelings towards the lost sheep. This is how He feels towards you, the one the parable depicts.

when he finds it, he joyfully Puts it on his shoulders and goes home. then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, “ r ejoice with me; I haVe found my lost sheeP. ”

2. rEFlEct

Say aloud the actions your Shepherd has taken for you. Sense the attentiveness, intimacy, purpose and joy that mark His personal pursuit of you.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead

3. GIVE thanKs! Jesus has joyfully sought and found you. If you feel lost tonight, linger on this triumphant statement.

Good Shepherd, thank You for carrying me close to Your heart. Thank You for delighting in me, even on days when I feel worthless. You never feel anything less than true joy for me. Help me to find rest tonight and renewed confidence tomorrow—for my King is smiling over me. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

A Prayer when You Can ’ t Sleep

Dear God, thank You that as I try to sleep, You never stop watching over me. You stay awake to guard and bless me.

When the lights go out and my mind begins to whir in the darkness, help me to focus on Your faithfulness instead of the worries of this life. When anxiety plagues my mind, help me to call on You and to surrender every single fear to Your loving care. Dear Father, thank You for Your power and presence.

Help me to be still and rest in the fortress of Your love. May Your wonderful presence allow me to drift into peaceful sleep tonight. When I wake in the morning, remind me straight away that You are beside me, with fresh mercy for every new day. Fill my nights with the reassurance of Your love and presence. Amen

8 Verses to Meditate on when Sleep Is Elusive

1 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.


2 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. PSALM 63:6

3 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night. PSALM 91:4-5


Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. PSALM 116:7

5 My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.

PSALM 119:148

6 Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. MATTHEW 6:34

7 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.



Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 PETER 5:7

In the Valley

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes.

EVen though I walK through the darKest Valley,
I will fear no eVil, for you are with me.

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Good Shepherd, Lord of my soul, my every breath is a gift from You. Thank You that every moment I live, I am in the safety of Your presence. Draw close to me in the stillness and fill me with Your Spirit.

I want to take some time to thank You that Your love for me is strong, despite my weaknesses; and that Your presence is enough to help me fearlessly face any challenge.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise.

Lord God, You know the fears in my heart; even the secret worries I have never shared with anyone. I entrust them to You tonight.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens.

I ask that Spirit-filled courage and assurance will pour into my heart tonight through Your Word.

1. looK dEEP

Consider what it feels like to walk through a valley. Towering walls of mountainside hem you in. You feel surrounded. You feel small. The path ahead is drenched in shadow and uncertainty. What is your valley at the moment?

EVen though I walK through the darKest Valley, I will fear no eVil, for you are with me.

2. rEFlEct

Read these words slowly and thoughtfully, over and over. Feel the psalmist’s resolve becoming your own.

3. GIVE thanKs!

Now repeat these words in the same way. Set your gaze upon the Shepherd who journeys beside you. In His presence, fear is replaced with hope; your weaknesses with His strength.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead

I am humbled, Lord Jesus, that You, being the mighty King of the whole universe, walk with me, even in the darkest valleys. Please guide me, provide for me, defend me, strengthen me and lead me home. I am so thankful for all You have done and continue to do for me. May the joyful, fortifying thought of Your presence guard my mind and heart as I settle to sleep tonight. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

A Promise for the Worried

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes. do not worry, saying, “what


we eat?” or “what


shall we drinK?”
“what shall we wear?”
For the Pagans run after all these things, and your heaVenly Father Knows that you need them.

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Heavenly Father, my ever-present help in trouble, Your Word invites me to cast all my anxiety on You. Some days, my battle with worry and anxiety is a mountain I just can’t seem to climb.

Help me tonight to set my eyes upon You instead, to see again that You are far bigger and far greater than even the most overwhelming fear.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise. Tonight, I cast my burdens upon You. I choose now to hand over to You those things that are troubling me.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens.

May Jesus’ words fill me with peace and a deep-rooted confidence in Your love, provision and moment-by-moment presence.

1. looK dEEP

Daily needs often cause the greatest anxiety. Take a moment to consider that 2,000 years ago Jesus already knew the sorts of things that would cause you to worry tonight.

do not worry , saying, “what shall we eat?” or “what shall we drinK?” or “what shall we wear?”

For the Pagans run after all these things, and your heaVenly Father Knows that you need them

2. rEFlEct

Jesus gives us a comforting promise: “Your heavenly Father knows”. List your needs in your mind. After each one, tell yourself: “He knows”.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead


3. GIVE thanKs!

Breaking free from worry starts when we put our focus and hope on our Father who is with us through everything.

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are already in tomorrow, fulfilling Your purposes and revealing Your goodness. Grant me Your peace that surpasses all understanding as I sleep tonight, knowing that You are looking after every aspect of my life. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

Blessings That Cannot Be Lost

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes. In him we haVe redemPtion through his blood, the forgiVeness

of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he laVished on us.

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Gracious Father in heaven, thank You for not leaving me to try and figure salvation out for myself. You have revealed the hope of Jesus through Your Word. Bless me with a fresh revelation of Yourself tonight.

I thank You for the many blessings that are mine through Jesus. I thank You most of all that I can call the Almighty God my own Father. Thank You for all that You are doing, and all You will do, in and through my life.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise.

I don’t always feel forgiven, blessed and restored. Bring relief to my troubled mind, Lord. Show Your strength and faithfulness in my challenges.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens.

The grass withers and the flowers fade, but Your Word stands forever. May it take root in me tonight, bringing healing and restoration to any brokenness in my spirit.

1. looK dEEP

Where does your hope, your salvation, your security and your forgiveness come from? Not from within yourself. Everything you need tonight is found “in him” Jesus.

In him we haVe redemPtion through his blood , the forgiVeness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he laVished on us.

2. rEFlEct

Even the greatest joy on earth is fleeting. Yet these treasures, won for us by Christ, define us and last for eternity. Repeat “redeemed” and “forgiven” to yourself tonight.

3. GIVE thanKs!

What image comes to mind of “riches” being “lavished”? This is the way God has reclaimed you not begrudgingly; He has delighted to make you His own.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead

Heavenly Father, open my eyes to see the limitless storehouse of blessings You have for me. Build my faith in Your never-ending provision and Your willingness to bless me despite my many failings. I love You, Lord, and I am so thankful to be held in Your arms tonight. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

I Am Willing; Be Clean

Take your time over tonight’s verse. Let your heart absorb each word as you repeat the verse to yourself again and again for a few minutes. a man with leProsy came and Knelt before him and said, “lord, if you are willing, you can maKe me clean. ” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”

A Prayer for the Day Just Gone

Lord Jesus, may I feel Your touch in some way tonight. Let me know Your closeness and Your love. Thank You that I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not. I can always come to You just as I am.

As I reflect on Your world-shaping, life-defining love for the lost and broken, restore to me the joy of Your salvation.

Breathe, pause and bring your praise. It can be so hard to step away from each day. So much sticks to me, weighing me down with fear, sadness and regret. Bring healing deep into my heart this evening.

Breathe, pause and share your burdens. Walk off the pages of Scripture and into my heart this evening, Lord. May I experience You anew.

1. looK dEEP

The torn clothes. The disfigured skin. The dirty, unkempt hair. The mask covering his face. “Unclean!” he shouts to keep others away. Outcast. Alone. Ashamed. Does the leper’s condition resonate?

a man with leProsy came and Knelt before him and said, “lord, if you are willing, you can maKe me clean. ” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.


am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”

2. rEFlEct

Hear the gasps of the crowd. Feel the shock and delight of the leper at this unexpected and kind touch. The light reaches out to the dark. Before Jesus utters the words to heal, His touch shows the man he is already loved.

A Prayer for the Night Ahead

3. GIVE thanKs!

Jesus spoke the words that would change the world forever. “I am willing. Be clean.” He says these words to you tonight.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the cleansing love of Jesus. You are the God of new life, restoration and renewal. I believe that. Help me to hold on to this truth through all the challenges I face. My heart, O Lord, is Yours. May such reassurance bring peaceful sleep tonight. Amen

Fall asleep listening to tonight’s Evening Meditation. Scan this with your phone and press play.

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I have put my hope in your word.

PSALM 119:114

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Night-Time Peace

Evening Reflections for a Restful Night

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. PSALM 4:8

Psalm 4:8 is the heartbeat of the Our Daily Bread Evening Meditations series. We believe every one of God’s children should be able to lie down and sleep in peace each night—no matter what trials and worries the day has held— simply because we are His. He is with us, He loves us and He guards us with His presence.

The week of guided meditations in this booklet are a way to reconnect with God at the end of the day and set your focus on His love and faithfulness. Peaceful sleep doesn’t have to rely on peaceful circumstances, but on the ever-present help of our heavenly Father.

If you need to get in touch, please contact the office nearest to you from the list below, or go to for the complete list of offices.

Ireland: Our Daily Bread Ministries, 29 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, D02 E726 ~ +353 (0) 87 478 1445

UK & Europe: Our Daily Bread Ministries, PO Box 1, Millhead, Carnforth, LA5 9ES ~ +44 (0) 15395 64149

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