1 minute read
The Lord has done this (PSALM 118:23).
Ayoung guy took a course on preparing sermons and preaching. When he started, he was a bit full of himself. In one of the early classes, he gave a sermon which was full of passion. He sat down feeling pretty good about it. The teacher took a moment before giving any feedback. Then he said: “That was a powerful sermon. It was well thought through and moving. The only problem is that God was not the subject of a single one of your sentences.”
It’s a problem all of us struggle with at times. We easily become the main character in our story. And so our focus is on me, me, me. We realise that God is generally ‘in charge’, but we live like everything really depends on us.
The Bible tells us that God is the real main character of our lives. Even our trust of Him is done “in the name of the Lord”—in His power (PSALM 118:10-11). God gives us our salvation. God rescues us. God meets our needs. “The Lord has done this” (V.23).
So the pressure’s off. We don’t need to worry, compare, do more, work harder or sort ourselves out. God is in charge. We need only to trust and follow His lead. WC
Thinking it over . . .
When are you most likely to think you’re the main character in your life? How can you keep God as the very centre of everything?
JOB 38:4