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THE PRAYER THAT brings Scripture to a close

T“hat’s not fair!” How often did we repeat this as children before realising that life just isn’t fair. But even that knowledge leaves us unsatisfied.

Life should be fair: cheaters should be penalised, thieves should return what they’ve stolen, liars should face the truth. Good deeds should be celebrated, and selfishness should face consequences. We know this instinctively, even though we so rarely see it. One day, things are going to change.


“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” The closing prayer of the Bible is a powerful reminder that life is not going to carry on like this forever. Jesus is coming again! And when He does, there will finally be true justice.

Jesus said, “I am coming soon! I will give to each person according to what they have done.” It will be a day when wrongs are righted; those who’ve rebelled against God and His people will be held to account.

As for those who choose Jesus now; “They will see His face.” Faith will be eternally rewarded in His presence. None of us knows exactly what that will look like, but when it happens, we will see that God is good and fair; no wrong we suffered on earth ever escaped His notice.

Next time you are facing the frustration of injustice, pray the Bible’s final prayer, “Come, Lord Jesus!” And soak up the vision of the future that accompanies it.

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