1 minute read
Are You Starving?
Hold everything! Wait a minute! Have you read the Scripture for today?
It’s only eight short verses, and it will only take you 45 seconds.
No, don’t lay this booklet down and mumble to me, “I’m in a hurry and you’re delaying me.” I see you’re eating breakfast this morning even though you’re late. You take time to feed your body, but you were going to starve your soul. Take 45 seconds and read Psalm 119:33-40. If you don’t read the rest of this article, that’s okay—just as long as you read the Bible.
These articles in Our Daily Bread are not designed to be a substitute for the Bible; they are meant to stimulate your desire to read more of the Bible. If reading this booklet has caused you to neglect the Word of God, please throw this booklet in the bin!
Job said, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread” (Job 23:12). Jesus taught, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
Yes, you may have had a rough day yesterday. But why should you be surprised that it was such a bad day if you started it without God’s Word? Don’t make the same mistake today. Take time to read.
—Mart DeHaan
Give us, O Lord, a strong desire To look within Your Word each day; Help us to hide it in our hearts, Lest from its truth our feet would stray. —Branon