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Prayer Pattern
Whenmy children come to me for advice, I consider it an honour to teach them what they need to know. For example, my daughter Julie had to write a poem for school not long ago. As I thought about the best way to assist her, I decided to compose a few lines to help her see how it’s done.
Jesus used the ‘example method’ when His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. Instead of going into a long sermon on the subject, He said, “When you pray, say…” and He gave them a prayer ‘pattern’ to follow.
That prayer has at least four things we can learn to use when we pray: Adore, Admit, Aid and Ask. Let’s consider the four ‘A’s of prayer.
Adore: “Hallowed be Your name.” We need to give allegiance and respect to our great and awesome God.
Admit: “Forgive us our sins.” God is “faithful and just and will forgive us” (1 John 1:9).
Aid: “And lead us not into temptation.” Ask for help to say no to sin.
Ask: “Give us each day our daily bread.” We should not be afraid to ask God for His provisions.
There’s the example. It’s up to us to follow it. —Dave
O Father, help us be more faithful
In our quiet time of prayer; We praise, adore, confess and thank You; Let us sense Your presence there. —D. DeHaan
Time spent with the Lord is time well spent.