1 minute read
Empty Proof
Inthe days after the French Revolution, a man tried to start a new religion. But he was disappointed at his lack of success. He revealed his frustration to a church leader and asked for some advice.
The church leader replied that it was no easy task to start a religion. He had nothing to suggest. But after a moment’s reflection, he said, “There’s one plan that you might want to consider. Why don’t you get yourself crucified and rise again the third day?”
The firm foundation of the Christian faith is an empty tomb. The New Testament states that the death of Jesus paid the penalty for our sin. But how can anyone know for sure that Christ’s crucifixion was acceptable to God? It doesn’t matter much what we think of the death of Jesus; what matters is what God thinks about it.
God’s approval of Christ’s sacrifice is proven by Jesus coming back to life. It is God’s signed receipt that He is completely satisfied. Full payment has been made and the judgement removed! Without the resurrection, there is no certainty. But the fact that Christ died and then rose again “is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).
—Haddon Robinson
When Jesus Christ was crucified, He paid sin’s penalty; His rising from the grave revealed His death [was enough]. —Sper
Christ’s resurrection confirms that Christ’s death was enough.