Comprehensive Information on Changing Need in Cattle Feed Industry

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Comprehensive Information on Changing Need in Cattle Feed Industry

Animals in industrialized countries, both farmers and animals, are becoming specialized. Thus dairy farmers keep high milk-producing cows. Beef farmers keep specialized beef animals - sheep are specialized in producing meat or wool. Likewise, the crops are specialized, and crop residues generally discarded or ploughed in. This total market orientation leads to security inhomogeneity both of crop and animals. In the new case of this is achieved by intensive selection using AI and embryo transfer.

In developing or fewer cattle feed wholesale suppliers, the environment cannot usually be controlled. As animals have many functions thus diversity has survival value. Moreover, animal’s selected based on homogeneity will not fare well. It is illustrated by the many failures of importations of 'upgraded animals' from industrialized countries to less industrialized countries. The feed resources in crop-livestock systems in less industrialized countries by cattle feed manufacturers in Uttar Pradesh. Only a little attention will be given to the animal product, which is many and varied. In the case of ruminants, they contribute directly to human food in terms of milk, not meat products. They contribute wool, hair and skin for clothing, carpets and shelter. Most important, they contribute indirectly to human food by providing draught power for cultivation. They contribute to threshing and transport. They supply dung for domestic fuel, manure, and building material; as distinct from industrialized systems, animal manure and crop residues are valuable resources. Perhaps on a global scale, the most important products the animals produce is their role in providing security and prestige and their important contribution to risk aversion. Animals are often sold when cash is needed for school fees and other important items. They can often absorb excess labour as more feed can be collected when labour is available. The most important animal products are maintenance and

survival. Many of the products mentioned above could be substituted by fossil fuel such as draught power if this was economical and more feed could be used to produce milk and meat. The animal's security and risk aversion role can only be changed by long-term political and economic stability.

Regardless of the product, there is a finite amount of feed resource available. The following emphasis will be given to feed used in crop-livestock systems rather than in rangeland systems as there are probably more possibilities to enhance utilization and feed availability in such systems. Crop residues constitute the major component of feed for ruminants in almost all small scale croplivestock systems, e.g. straw from rice, wheat, barley, stovers from maize, sorghum and millet and stalk from ground-nut sweet potatoes etc. bagasse and molasses are available in sugar cane cattle feed companies in India. In some areas, small amounts of cultivated forage are available. A limited amount of higher quality crop residues are available such as wheat, rice and maize browse and leaves from trees and bushes and city by-products such as brewers grains. A small amount of grazing along roadside and edges of fields and ponds is also available, and in rainfed areas, the fields can be grazed in the dry season. Genetic selection of straw the simpler and cheapest way to improve crop residues would be if it could be done by genetic selection. Here there are real and almost unexplored possibilities by best cattle feed in India. Plant breeders have hardly ever taken the quality of crop residues into account in selection indices. Thus the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines pays no attention to the quality of straw.

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