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An infection within the urinary system is known as urinary tract infection. The virus can occur in kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Mostly it occurs in the lower urinary tracts that are bladder and the urethra.

As per the urologist in Gurgaon, females are at the higher risk of developing UTI comparatively to males. The infection is painful as well as creates the itchiness in the uterus resulting in wounds. Although severe consequences can take place, if UTI spreads to the kidney; that’s why it is vital to take following primary precautions to avoid UTI:  Drink excessive water The water has the capacity to diluting the urine. It helps in the removal of bacteria out from the bladder and urinary tract before it attacks. The consumption of water helps the formation of fluid within the body that helps in smooth flow during the urination. According to the best hospital in Gurgaon, water is the source for flushing out bacteria out of the body.  Consumption of cranberry juice

The mixture of cranberry juice along with water and sugar results in a variety of fluid that restricts the stickiness of bacteria nearby the urinary tract linings. It helps in clearing the blockage caused because of infection. It is advisable to consume cranberry juice for reducing the chances of UTI infection. The cranberry has a large amount of fluid that helps in smooth digestion.

 Wiping from front to back It is believed that most of the infection resides near the anus; that’s why it is advisable to wipe from front to back. If the wiping procedure is done from back to front, then an easy passage is given to infection for travelling from anus to vagina/penis. It is also essential to do this practice after the bowel movement for decreasing the chances of bacteria, making it to the urethra.  Wash up before sex and urinate after it Sexual intimation is a process that makes the UTI more prone to it. It is vital to wash up before getting intimated to decrease the chances of the occurrence of bacteria or transfer of it. Also, a pediatric urologist in Gurgaon states that it is

essential to urinate after the sex because in case any bacteria have moved within the body, then it can be flushed out through urination.  Don’t use feminine products Restrict the usage of feminine products, such as skip douches, scented talcum, deodorant sprays, and additional potential feminine products. These products are made up of chemicals and harmful toxins that are too sensitive to the private parts and genitals. Also, try to restrict the usage of hair removal creams as they contain bleach in them that triggers the UTI and other allergic symptoms.

The best urologist in Gurgaon suggests that women who are chronic to UTI should wear cotton underwear, take a shower instead of a bath, and should avoid wearing fitted garments. The tight clothes trap the bacteria near the uterus area that is harmful.

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