1 minute read

Offensive Odours in Narangba Industrial Estate Investigated

DUE to the nature of the operations carried out at the Narangba Industrial Estate, The Department of Environment and Science (DES) is continuing to investigate any potential sources of offensive odours that could impact the area.

The investigation follows the issuing of a $14,000 fine to a Narangba company last month for causing a noxious and offensive odour on Brisbane’s northside and a number of reports from the community concerning an obnoxious odour in the Narangba area in


November last year.

In response, DES compliance officers carried out an extensive investigation including out-ofhours odour monitoring during evenings, early mornings and weekends, multiple inspections of potential sources and air quality sampling.

DES identified one source of odour from a site within the Narangba Industrial Estate and the company has taken steps to prevent further odour issues including installing new equipment, reducing their hours of operation, and focussing on the quality and composition of feedstock materials used to manufacture its products.

The success of these actions is being evaluated and additional measures will be explored if required as DES continues to engage with the company, conduct site visits and odour monitoring including out-ofhours monitoring.

If anyone in the area continues to experience offensive odours, they are urged to call the Pollution Hotline on 1300 130 372 or email PollutionHotline@des.qld.gov.au

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