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YOUR SAY: Proposed Suburb Changes for Caboolture West
Lilywood (potential future suburb 1) Wagtail Grove (potential future suburb 2) Greenstone (potential future suburb 3) Corymbia (potential future suburb 4). Waraba (new city name and potential future suburb 6) Another potential three suburbs (5, 7 and 8)
ON 22 April 2022, The Department of Resources received a proposal from the Moreton Bay Regional Council recommending altering the current boundaries of Upper Caboolture, Wamuran, Bellmere and Rocksberg, creating new suburbs named Lillywood, Wagtail Grove, Greenstone, Corymbia and Waraba.
In their proposal, Moreton Bay Regional Council justifies the changes due to the substantial population growth predicted in Caboolture West in the coming decades. It is believed that the new suburb names will ensure adequate delivery of postal and emergency services to the area.
Caboolture West is expected to become Moreton Bay Region’s largest emerging community over the next forty years. The implementation of the proposal means that some addresses will have a change of suburb, whilst their street number and name will remain the same. The Department of Resources will directly mail known affected addresses.
Australia Post and Queensland Police Services have been consulted with no objections. Whilst Native Title has not yet been determined over the area, consultation and engagement have been undertaken with the registered Cultural Heritage Body for the area - Kabi Kabi Peoples Aboriginal Corporation – leading to the endorsement of the use of the Kabi Kabi word ‘Waraba’ as the name for one of the suburbs and the overall city name.
The two-month community consultation period will close on 3 February 2023.
Waraba (wa-ra-ba) is a Kabi Kabi word that means ‘burn’, referring to the traditional land management practices carried out by the Kabi Kabi Peoples.
Lilywood is a hybrid of ‘lily’ and ‘wood’ in reference to the Blue Flax-lily (Dianella caerulea), a common plant native to the Caboolture region.
Wagtail Grove refers to the bird commonly known as the Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys), with Grove meaning a small wood or plantation of trees.
Greenstone references the unique igneous rock in the area known as Rocksberg Greenstone.
Corymbia (co-rym-bi-a) is a genus of about 115 tree species generally referred to as Eucalyptus, of which several species are common in the Caboolture area.
Do you support the names: Waraba (for the whole city and a suburb within it), Lilywood, au, email the place names team at QldPlaceNames@resources. qld.gov.au or call 13 74 68.
Wagtail Grove, Greenstone and Corymbia?
The two-month community consultation period on this proposal will close on 3 February 2023, and Moreton Bay Residents are encouraged to have their say. Find out more at www. haveyoursay.resources.qld.gov.
Following the State Government’s two-month community consultation period, they will consider all submissions received.
The Minister for Resources will then make the final decision. If approved, the Minister’s decision will be published on the Department of Resources website.
The changes will be recorded in the Gazetteer of Place Names, the official record of approved names recognised under the Place Names Act 1994
Denser Vertical Living Set to Become the Norm
DENSER, more vertical, living, is set to become the norm in Moreton Bay region.
With more than one-third of the anticipated 23% population growth in Queensland by 2041 within this region, pressure is on to meet demand for housing while balancing desire for open space.
In his inaugural ‘state of the region’ address late last year, Mayor Flannery announced an ambitious goal of protecting 75% of the areas landmass from development.
“Of course, that means limiting new unplanned greenfield housing construction, which means a serious conversation as a community about how we manage growth, and a big part of that is building up, rather than out.
His declaration came as population analysts www.id.com.au released their latest forecasting which acknowledged that beyond Caboolture West and Morayfield South’s greenfield growth areas, neighbourhoods were likely to go skyward, following the Redcliffe train line at North Lakes, Mango Hill, Kallangur.
“I’ve repeatedly said we must learn from the mistakes of other cities, and in 2023 we will start putting that into a positive plan of action that will make Moreton Bay look and feel different to the rest of southeast Queensland,” said Mayor Flannery “I believe Moreton Bay is the only Council now capable of preventing southeast Queensland becoming a mega city that sprawls from Coolangatta to Coolum.”