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WHAT exactly are macros?
Short for macronutrients, macros refers to carbs, fat and protein - the three basic components of every diet. We need them to feel energetic and strong, and for our bodies to grow, function and perform their best.
So why do we need these macronutrients and what do they do for us? Well let’s break it down.
Protein = 4 calories per gram
You will have heard of many diets that focus on high protein, with the Atkins diet being one of the popular ones that was very much protein orientated. Arguably, in the world of fitness nutrition, protein is essentially associated with muscle building, but it is also the core component of organs, bones, hair, enzymes and pretty much all other types of tissue in the body. Complete proteins are found in animal products such as meat, eggs and milk.
Carbs = 4 calories per gram
Carbohydrates can be likened to the kindling of a fire. While they may get the flame started, they won’t keep it going. Carbs provide quick energy to the brain and body, which tends to be the reason we crave them (i.e. sugar). We understand that carbs will give us a quick hit, and we’ll end up with a burst of energy. This makes them great for pre-workout fuel or an afternoon pick-me-up.
Carbs are either simple or complex. Your complex carbs come from healthy starches, while your simple carbs come from sugars. These sugars head directly into the bloodstream and fizzle out fast, hence the sudden spike and drop we often get after a meal heavy in carbs. Your healthier options for carbs include fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts, as well as whole grains.
Fats = 9 calories per gram
I know a lot of us fear fats, but they are the firewood to our fire. They are satiating and provide us with sustainable,