3 minute read
look such as lime washing & 2 pack painting of old furniture and of course the now popular Hampton style. So what has created this boom? Looking back, it pretty much started when Brisbane came out of lockdown in early April 2020. It appeared that while people where in lockdown, painting their house etc, they also had time to Google antique furniture and do their research and math. It turns out antique furniture is solid timber, already assembled, sturdy & sound and doesn’t grow if it gets wet like painted cardboard furniture..... it doesn’t come in a cardboard box either and can be moved from house to house without disassembling it for the fear of breaking it in transport –antique furniture will last for the rest of your life. So now, zero cardboard furniture is a very economical investment in this throw away world!
My industry also sees a lot of young ladies in their early 30’s to mid 50’s collecting crystal, green depression and uranium glass. It appears that crystal and depression glass have become an affordable collectable, as the elderly are downsizing into smaller premises due to the housing sector experiencing a boom in prices.
1 Name of the White Rabbit in The Secret Life of Pets (8)
4 An insect whose name means 'hundred foot' in Latin. (9)
7 Phineas Flynn's stepbrother (4)
9 On Sesame Street, this character lives in a trashcan (5)
10 A magazine that focuses primarily on entertainment and celebrity news (3)
12 Fruit with three 'eyes' in outer shell (7)
14 The magical world that is entered through a wardrobe (6)
15 This famous person is nicknamed 'The Donald'. Donald ____ (5)
17 A type of bean and horse (5)
21 A male sheep is called a ___ (3)
24 The number of years in a decade (3)
25 If a group of people are carolling, they are ____ (7)
27 The name of Super Mario's brother (5)
28 A group of expert advisors is known as a brain ____ (5)
29 A triangle with three sides that are the same length (11)
30 Fast food chain with the slogan 'I'm lovin' it' (9)
33 Voice TV show has ____ auditions (5)
34 A group of owls (10)
35 The Blue Mountains are referred to as the three ____ (7)
37 A Minecraft monster that hiss before exploding (7)
40 The colour of a polar bear's skin (5)
41 A groom takes care of this kind of animal (5)
42 Tutankhamun died at this age (8)
44 Slang word for 'idly spend time' (8)
45 The country where Avatar: The Last Airbender was created (7)
48 We associate Mr Popper with this species of bird (7)
50 Ben 10 uses this to transform into alien creatures (8)
52 Takes place under the 'big top' (6)
53 Captain Hook's Bo'sun in Peter Pan. Mr____ (4)
55 An animal also known as a burro (6)
57 Slingback is a type of ____ (4)
58 Cinderella's surname (6)
60 The ag of Great Britain is often called the Union ____ (4)
61 The Tower Bridge is located here. (6) Down
1 A classi cation of turtle that resides only on land (10)
2 Famous sound of the Road Runner (4)
3 The name of a fruit which also describes a problematic car (5)
5 A product claiming to ght tartar (10)
6 A video game character who travels through a maze eating pellets (6)
7 The number of teeth an African Elephant has to eat it's food (4)
8 The colour hair of a person who is a brunette (5)
When dehydrated, you lack this. (5)
A company that makes Barbie dolls (6)
The number of times a whale's heart beats per minute (4)
16 The subject taught by Professor Snape at Hogwarts (7)
18 Killer Whales are typically black and __(5)
19 A reebok is this type of animal (8)
20 This continent is home to the fewest countries (10)
22 The Sidney Myer Music Bowl is in this Australian city (9)
23 The tawny frogmouth is this sort of creature (4)
25 Tennis player Roger Federer comes from this country (11)
26 Most wine is made from this fruit (6)
31 Disney classic featuring Lady Tremaine (10)
32 A sport that debuted at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games (7)
33 A famous saying from The Terminator movies, "I'll be ____" (4)
36 The animal which beat the speedy hare in a fabled race (8)
38 These reference books commonly have volumes that range from A to Z (12)
39 The only mammal that can y (3)
41 Winnie the Pooh's favourite food (5)
42 A pharaoh is a ruler of this country (5)
43 Goulash is a famous dish from this country (7)
44 In Alice in Wonderland, Bill is this type of creature (6)
46 The name of the housekeeper on TV show The Brady Bunch (5)
47 The capital of Alaska (6)
49 A whale's blowhole is also referred to as a ____ (7)
51 Type of drum beaten with hands (3)
52 This breed of dog doesn't have a pink tongue (4)
53 Mike Myers is the voice of this ogre (5)
54 Ideograms used in electronic messaging (5)
56 Just do it' is the popular ad slogan for this company (4)
57 Number of points scored when a goal is kicked in AFL (3)
59 Earth's primary source of energy (3)