The local paper for the Upper er East Side ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE, A FEW BLOCKS FROM HOME < P.12
5-11 2016
NEW POLICE COMMANDER MEETS RESIDENTS Deputy Inspector Clint McPherson, a 23-year veteran of the department, takes over at the 19th Precinct following the demotion of James Grant After the demotion and transfer of the 19th Precinct’s previous deputy inspector, James Grant, amid charges of corruption, around 40 people showed up to the precinct’s community council meeting Monday night to meet his replacement. Deputy Inspector Clint McPherson was welcomed by City Councilman Ben Kallos and introduced to generous applause.
“When I heard about what happened, I actually remarked to my staff that if there is one commanding officer that I wanted ... if we got lucky enough to have Clint McPherson as our C.O. that would be amazing,” Kallos said. Nick Viest, the precinct council’s president, echoed those sentiments before McPherson took the podium himself, saying the precinct was “very happy to have him here.” “He understands this precinct because he’s been handling very similar issues,” Viest said. McPherson, a 23-year police veteran, then gave a short speech emphasizing his gratitude for the opportunity,
and summarized his history with the NYPD. He has spent most of his career in Brooklyn, though he was last stationed at the 17th Precinct, which serves the Midtown area, and led the department’s counterterrorism unit for a time. He wasted no time in getting right to the heart of a major concern for Upper East Side residents: “From what I understand, bikes are a big problem,” he said. “I think the 19th precinct is the only command in the city that writes and confiscates more bicycles than the
the mayor and director of the mayor’s Office of Strategic Partnerships, said the idea was a collaborative effort between McCray, Tracy K. Smith, a poet and recent addition to the Gracie Mansion Conservancy Board of Advisers, and James Hannaham, whose book “Delicious Foods” won the 2016 Pen/ Faulkner fiction prize and who will moderate the first discussion. “One of the thoughts that was on the first lady’s mind and my mind was ‘How do we bring more New Yorkers into Gracie Mansion?’” Fialkoff said. “If not physically over the threshold, because of course the family lives there, how to connect virtually ... how to encourage dialogue and conversations about our most important issues of the day.” The theme for the book club’s inaugural year, which will cover six books,
is “envisioning distant neighbors. The topic has been a focus of the first lady’s and is also the theme of an art exhibit on display at Gracie that she helped curate. Fialkoff described McCray as being “very involved” in the book club’s planning, just as she was with the art exhibit. Though not as hot of a ticket as “Hamilton,” those entering the book club lottery will likely have significant competition, as roughly 400 people had signed up as of last week, Fialkoff said. Paul Gunther, the Gracie Mansion Conservancy’s executive director, likened McCray’s interest in untold stories and immigrant communities to first lady Michelle Obama’s focus on nutrition and exercise. “[McCray’s] priorities are mental health, etcetera, but in the cultural field she’s a poet and a writer,” Gunther said. “It’s about the
character and the values of those inhabiting [Gracie Mansion] and maintaining it as the people’s house. ... I think if we succeed it’s going to build a diverse community that gathers under the Gracie embrace, and the first lady’s vision to learn, read, share and discuss new fiction that relates especially to distant neighbors.” The book selection will consist mostly of newer
Deputy Inspector Clint McPherson, the 19th Precinct’s new commander, speaks to residents on May 2. Photo: Madeleine Thompson
BETWEEN THE LINES AT GRACIE MANSION First Lady Chirlane McCray, herself a poet and writer, to host public book club BY MADELEINE THOMPSON
In keeping with its nickname as the “people’s house,” Gracie Mansion will play host to a public club for New Yorkers who love to read. One such New Yorker is the city’s first lady, Chirlane
McCray, herself a writer and poet, who will sponsor and moderate the book club alongside various prominent authors. The first event will be held at Gracie on May 17, with 100 lucky lottery winners attending in person and an unlimited number of additional spectators watching on the first lady’s YouTube channel and posing questions via social media. Gabrielle Fialkoff, a senior adviser to
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CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Jewish women and girls light up the world by lighting the Shabbat candles every Friday evening 18 minutes before sunset. Friday May 6 – 7:40 pm. For more information visit
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Chapter 10
Previously: A man named Alyosha disappeared. Naomi and Eve host a pot luck dinner, to see if any of the other tenants would like to join the spontaneous detective team. They’d call themselves Eve and Others. By seven o’clock, the apartment was full. Naomi and Eve did not know their neighbors. Elevator hellos were all they knew. Charles stood outside the door of apartment 57. He was an unlikely greeter, not a natural shaker of hands. He was dressed, too, to say hello, in his tight black velvet pants, in his black t-shirt that had the words Hello or Else written in script. The t-shirt had never seemed so appropriate. “I’m Charles,” he said, over and over again to the stream of tenants, of all ages and races and sizes. “Who might Charles be?” asked Pin Ball, the building drag queen. Pin Ball was dressed in Judy Garland. Her lips could not have been more red. “Interesting name you have,” said Charles to Pin Ball. “Given to me, in a dream,” he said. “Judy sang it loud and clear. Pin Ball Pin Ball You Are Mine.
And you,” he asked. “Did you become a Charles? Is Charles your by choice name?” “My mother, a delusional Jew in the projects in Brighton Beach, thought Charles sounded like I’d be a King. King Charles Schwartz,” he said, and they both laughed. The apartment was festooned with helium balloons, dripping from the ceiling. Red and purple, silver and gold yellow and orange and turquoise blue. The store on 72nd Street, Good Card Spot, recently acquired a balloon tank, and they’d decided that this potluck, no matter what happened, was an occasion to celebrate, and occasion worth of spending $15.00 for decorations. Mrs. Israel brought a large floral plate full of homemade peanut butter cookies, and light pink napkins to match her plate. Her outfit, carefully chosen, consisted of many matching parts: her tasteful pearl earrings, her graduated pearl necklace, the single pearl modestly set in gold on her only ring finger. Mrs. Israel would not wear a ring on any finger except one. She looked as if she could be the perfect detective, perfect victim, or perfect criminal too. She was in careful disguise. Richard and Richard, a couple from he sixth floor (“Don’t call either of us Dick,” said the taller one. “We are both Richards.”) brought a large tray of mini quiches and Eloise, an overweight tap dancer from the third floor, came with her favorite cheese cake. She brought many handwritten copies of the recipe on index cards, and propped one on the table next to cheese cake with the tile Only Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Charles magically brought out a triangle with
Illustration by John S. Winkleman a stick, and he hit it a few times until the guests looked his way. Over 20 people were side by side in Apartment 55, happily talking, eagerly eating as much as they could on day glow orange plates with matching knives and forks. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” he began. “And others,” sang out Pin Ball. “And others,” said Charles. “We are here together for the very first time. This is where we
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actually begin. Let me introduce your hosts. I too am just a guest,” he said. And at that, Eve and Naomi, in silver and gold, stood on the couch. “Hello,” they shouted into the room. “Hello.” To see previous installments of this serialized novel, go to Esther Cohen writes a poem a day at
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MAY 5-11,2016
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TWO SOUGHT FOR MUGGINGS Two suspects are still wanted for consecutive robberies on April 17 and 18 in Central Park and the Upper East Side, police said. In the first incident, two Hispanic men approached a 17-year-old man at East Drive and Tranverse Road #2 in Central Park, showed a knife and demanded money late on April 17, a Sunday night, according to police. One punched the victim in the back of the head and when he fell to the ground, both suspects began kicking and beating him. The victim gave them his wallet containing $150 and his cellphone, police said. The two suspects fled on foot only to approach a 73-year-old male at 81st Street on the Upper East Side about an hour later, at 12:30 a.m. the morning of the 18th. As the victim took money from an ATM, the two suspects asked him for the time, with at least one of them brandishing a knife. They took $200, according to the police report.
Tony Webster, via ďŹ&#x201A;ickr
RIVERSIDE ROBBERY A Riverside Drive resident recently discovered that about $14,000 worth of jewelry was missing from her apartment. The woman told police she had put the items, which include a Tiffany necklace, two diamond necklaces, and several rings, in a drawer and cabinet in February. She told police that numerous people had been in her apartment since then, including nannies and a cleaning crew.
PARENT TEACHER DISASSOCIATION Hell hath no fury like an irate parent. At 6:25 p.m. on Monday, April 18, a 29-year-old teacher at PS 84 Lillian Weber School of the Arts at 32 W. 92nd Street was leaving and was confronted by several parents, including
one â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a 28-year-old woman â&#x20AC;&#x201D; who grabbed her by her shoulders, saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I know what you did!â&#x20AC;? and shoved her to the ground, causing scratches to her left elbow. The parent then threw the teacherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s phone to the ground, breaking its camera. The parent continued pushing the teacher to the ground, causing pain to her shoulder and head. An EMS team responded and treated the teacher, but she refused further medical attention. Jennifer DeJesus was arrested and charged with assault.
HOME SCARE On April 22, an 82-year-old woman living on West 96th Street being care for by several home attendants following her return home from surgery reported she had nearly $20,000 worth of jewelry missing from her apartment. She told police she had a team of seven home attendants caring for her as she recovered. She had come home on April 11. The missing items include 14 pairs of yellow earrings with precious stones valued at $14,000, one yellow antique wedding band worth $1,500, and four yellow necklaces with semiprecious stones tagged at $4,000, making a total stolen of $19,500.
STATS FOR THE WEEK Reported crimes from the19th Precinct for Week to Date
Year to Date
2016 2015
% Change
% Change
Felony Assault
Grand Larceny
Grand Larceny Auto
DOUBLE TROUBLE Unknown perpetrators preyed on one local building twice in two days, taking about $2,700 worth of power tools. A worker at 840 West End Ave. discovered the theft. He told police that he saw the window to the boiler room was halfway open. He also said that the only person with keys to the boiler room was the building super. The tools stolen were one Tri-Stand chain vise valued at $500, one Hilti model TE 30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7drill priced at $1,400, one Bosch 735216 Sawzall priced at $120, three
pipe wrenches worth $100, two Makita 900 5B grinders priced at $100, two 50 foot black welding cables costing $160, and one welding mask valued at $350. The following day at 7:30 a.m., the 54-year-old male super of that same building went into the same boiler room and noticed that the window was broken. He next discovered that someone had tried to get into his toolbox, bending and damaging the box in the effort, but nothing was taken.
Spring Admission Events Please join us for coffee and conversation with IDEAL Head of School, Janet Wolfe, followed by a brief tour. Lower School (grades K-5)
Upper School (grades 6-12)
Tuesday, May 10th at 9am
Tuesday, May 17th at 9am
Our Town|Eastsider
MAY 5-11,2016
Useful Contacts POLICE NYPD 19th Precinct
153 E. 67th St.
159 E. 85th St.
FDNY Engine 39/Ladder 16
157 E. 67th St.
FDNY Engine 53/Ladder 43
1836 Third Ave.
FDNY Engine 44
221 E. 75th St.
FIRE FDNY 22 Ladder Co 13
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Daniel Garodnick
211 E. 43rd St. #1205
Councilmember Ben Kallos
244 E. 93rd St.
STATE LEGISLATORS State Sen. Jose M. Serrano
1916 Park Ave. #202
State Senator Liz Krueger
1850 Second Ave.
Assembly Member Dan Quart
360 E. 57th St.
Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright
1365 First Ave.
505 Park Ave. #620
222 E. 79th St.
96th Street
112 E. 96th St.
67th Street
328 E. 67th St.
Webster Library
1465 York Ave.
100 E. 77th St.
HOSPITALS Lenox Hill NY-Presbyterian / Weill Cornell
525 E. 68th St.
Mount Sinai
E. 99th St. & Madison Ave.
NYU Langone
550 First Ave.
4 Irving Place
1283 First Ave.
US Post Office
1617 Third Ave.
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Our Town is published weekly by Straus Media-Manhattan, LLC. Please send inquiries to 20 West Ave., Chester, NY 10918.
The following story is a rerun from last week’s edition, following a production error. The Chapin School at East 84th Street and East End Avenue was issued a 24/7 work permit by the Department of Buildings for an ongoing construction project that has drawn the ire of the neighborhood. That permit ends April 28, but residents are concerned that it is a sign of more similar permits and after-hours work to come. Cynthia Kramer, who lives nearby, said that in order for an ambulance to get to her building during an emergency this past Sunday, her super had to stand outside and
direct traffic around the construction so the ambulance could pull up. “Our super went and … stopped traffic while the demolition crew was waiting for a truck to arrive,” Kramer said. “If our super hadn’t done that it would’ve been chaos.” Chapin is already permitted to work from 7 a.m. to midnight on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends. DOB record indicate that 144 24/7 building permits have been issued in Manhattan so far this year, eight of them in the same zip code as Chapin. The school has hosted meetings with residents to update them and hear their concerns, but the neighbors do not feel that it is enough. “In some ways we’re hopeful they’re going to turn the page and be more considerate of the neighbors,” said resident Lisa Paule. “But
seven days a week work is totally not acceptable.” Paule is nervous that construction will ramp up even more this summer, when Chapin’s students are on break. “This is the prelude,” she said. The 24/7 permit was issued for indoor work, and residents acknowledge that the latest round of construction has not been significantly disruptive. However, this does not lead them to believe that the rest of the project might go more smoothly. “Work within and near schools often must take place outside of standard work hours to ensure the safety of students,” a DOB spokesperon said. “The work variances issued at this address were issued for public safety reasons as permitted under the City’s Administrative Code.”
MAY 5-11,2016
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MAY 5-11,2016
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POLICE COMMANDER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 17th precinct. I think the officers here â&#x20AC;Ś are aggressively pursuing it. And my goal is to continue that.â&#x20AC;? McPherson then took questions from attendees about everything from sidewalk sheds to street vendors. Jody Schneider, a member of the precinctâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s executive council and the East Sixties Neighborhood Association, wanted to know when residents would get a chance to use the NYPDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shredder truck and whether the precinct was still accepting donated cell phones for women in shelters. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something we can look into,â&#x20AC;? McPherson said in response
to the latter. As for the shredder truck, a visit is in the works. Grant, the precinctâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prior commander, was among four high-ranking police officials placed on desk duty last month as part of a federal corruption investigation into the activities of two fundraisers for Mayor Bill de Blasio. The police officials were ensnared in a wide-ranging federal inquiry into the fundraising activities of two men, Jona Rechnitz and Jeremiah Reichberg, both of whom contributed to Bill de Blasioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mayoral campaign in 2013 and were later part of a 70-person committee planning the mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inaugural celebration. Both men sought out associations with high-ranking police officials as merit badges of sorts.
Tanwi Nandini Islam signing a copy of her novel, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bright Linesâ&#x20AC;? recently. Photo: Bri Hightower
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fiction written by New York-based authors, at least during the ďŹ rst year, Gunther said. The ďŹ rst book on the schedule is Tanwi Nandini Islamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s debut novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bright Lines,â&#x20AC;? which the author described as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;love letterâ&#x20AC;? to Brooklyn and an earlier time in her own life. Set in 2003, the summer of a record-breaking blackout in New York City, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bright Lines,â&#x20AC;? which was short-listed for the Center for Fictionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2015 First Novel Prize, explores themes of gender identity, sexuality and family. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a tragic thing that happens that kind of takes the family out of Brooklyn to Bangladesh where they kind of have to reckon with the family falling apart,â&#x20AC;? Islam said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of layers to it.â&#x20AC;? That particular time and place are special to
Islam, who moved to Brooklyn after graduating from college. She now lives in Williamsburg, where she once ran into McCray while the latter was campaigning for her husband, then-mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m such a huge fan of hers,â&#x20AC;? Islam said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I just went up to her and went â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re so excited to have you guys running,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; so to have her pick the novel was kind of mindblowing, years later. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such an honor and says a lot about the kind of conversations sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trying to create among people who live in the city.â&#x20AC;? Islam will participate in the discussion on May 17 in front of the lottery-winning attendees, and hopes her novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;resonate[s] with people who are going through change and coming of age.â&#x20AC;? Though the ticket lottery for the ďŹ rst book club closed on May 4, readers can still participate virtually by signing up at gracie/bookclub/
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MAY 5-11,2016
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Central Park
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE PARK Spring Updates: If Mother Nature cooperates, the Central Park meadows, lawns and ballfields will open for the spring season on Saturday, April 2. Once open, their hours start at 11 a.m., although rain could see them closed again. To find out about permits needed for sports or the best places to hang, check our website: centralpark. com
located throughout Central Park. The oldest monument is the Obelisk, aka Cleopatra’s Needle, which dates back over 3,500 years. It was gifted to Central Park in the 1880s by the Khedive of Egypt, and on Jan. 22, 1881, the Obelisk was erected in New York’s Central Park. To learn more about the various monuments and statues in Central Park, check out our tours at guide/tours.html
There are 65 statues, monuments and fountains
Spring means weeds, and naturalist/author “Wildman”
Steve Brill will show you how to recognize them, harvest them ecologically, and use them to make delicious meals, or turn them into home remedies When: Saturday, April 2, 11:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Call 914-835-2153 to reserve and verify the time/ place. For more info, visit
WHERE IN CENTRAL PARK? Do you know where in Central Park this photo was taken? To submit your answer, visit: centralpark. com/where-in-centralpark. The answers and names of the people who identified the feature will appear in the paper and online in two weeks.
LAST CHANCE TO ICE SKATE AT WOLLMAN RINK: The season’s last day of ice skating at Wollman Rink is Sunday, April 3. Location: Wollman Rink When: Every day between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Cost: Price varies based upon age and day. More info is at centralpark. com/events
Event listings and Where in Central Park? brought to you by
LAST WEEK’S ANSWER The William Church Osborn Gates, sculpted by Paul Howard Manship (18851966), honor William Church Osborn (1861-1951), who was president of the Children’s Aid Society and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They were originally dedicated in 1953 at the entrance of the William Church Osborn Memorial Playground, which closed when the museum expanded (where the Temple
of Dendur is now located). The two gates were in storage for 30 years but were refurbished and installed in 2009 at the Ancient Playground entrance. Congratulations to Joe Ornstein, Marisa Lohse, Henry Bottjer, Candi George and Gregory Holman for answering the last quiz correctly.
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MAY 5-11,2016
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Write to us: To share your thoughts and comments go to and click on submit a letter to the editor.
Frank arithmetic, one deal at a time — The coupon’s the thing at Burger King. Check it out. You’ll find the full-size coupon sheets as inserts in newspapers. In bunches on doorsteps of mostly walk-up buildings in Yorkville. And at other such housing in NY. Perhaps in other locations. Interesting marketing going on. Value for sure. I mean where — or how — can you get a burger and two small fries for $3? Or a double cheeseburger for $3.99? Or chicken nuggets for $3? You can’t without a BK coupon. Check it out if your menu choices allow. And don’t think that the BK marketers who make up each meal deal aren’t figuring it out and making changes all the time depending on sales or just plain old math. April coupons included a deal for BK’s frankfurters which were added to the menu in February. Without a coupon, a frank with mustard, onions, relish is $2.49. With a coupon, in April, you got two franks plus two small fries for $5. In May, with a coupon, you got two franks plus a large fries for $4. Saved a buck. Gained a large fries. Lost two small fries. It’s all in the math. If you buy fries a la carte at BK, it’s $1.79 for small fries, $2.29 for medium fries, $2.79 large fries. Oh, fyi, BK franks are grilled. Like at Papaya’s. Not like those dirty water boiled Sabrett franks (I think it’s still Sabrett) which are a dirty little secret for some of us. Prices for franks at BK’s, Papaya’s, street vendors are in the $2-$3 range. All the franks make the grade. But the deal’s at Burger King. Hybrid bus stops — Some bus stops are for
one bus line only. Some bus stops are for several lines. Think the M102, 103 on Lex. Or Q32, M5, M3 along parts of Fifth. At Select bus stops you must pay outside the bus and make sure you keep the receipt for the entire ride. Other bus stops are for local stops only. You pay cash or with a MetroCard. And then you have the bus stop at 92nd and York which is for M31 and M86 buses. The M31 travels York Ave from 92nd to 57th, then turns to go across town. M86 travels York Ave to 86th then turns to go across town. M86 is a Select bus. M31 is for local stops. Ok, so far. Although a bus-only New Yorker, I didn’t know the rules and regs for getting on at a hybrid bus stop. Didn’t know or think through that the M31 and the M86 had different requirements for getting on the bus. If I had to think about it when I wasn’t going to get on the bus, I might realize the difference in how you pay for the privilege of being verbally abused by the bus driver who wouldn’t let a rider on the M31 bus because he paid his fare at the M86 fare box instead of at the M31 box and had a receipt instead of a MetroCard or cash and wanted a transfer. Give me a break. First of all, the fareboxes have large lettered instructions in Spanish and in English on different parts of the box. If you’re hurrying for the bus, you don’t have time to do a walk around the box to find out what to do in the language you understand. And second, the bus driver can just take the receipt, put it in a lockbox and turn it over at the end of the with the rest of the day’s take. Too simple, maybe. But it could avoid agita and angry exchanges. Soup du bus — Lady with a brown paper bag leaving her job late morning. Gets on bus at First Ave in the 60’s. Bus not crowded. Some open
As an amateur interior designer — aka I love to buy home goods — I’m very excited about the upcoming NYCxDESIGN. May 3rd is the kickoff of this annual two-week event that is the city’s official celebration of design, spanning the five boroughs, and bringing together all the disciplines of design, commerce, culture, education, and entertainment with exhibitions, installations, trade shows, talks, launches and open studios. As my husband Neil and I have finally made peace with our different decorating sensibili-
STRAUS MEDIA your neighborhood news source
ties, I hesitate asking him to join me, in fear that we might end up reverting to arguing over an end table or sofa fabric. Twenty-seven years ago, I married a man who believed that a home draped in beige was a home decorated by House Beautiful. Almost three decades later, Neil still clings to this principle. On the other hand, he married a woman with a colorful side – literally and figuratively, who sought out the eclectic, especially antiques, or as he called them, “Other people’s old crap.” Over the years, though, he never stopped me from using my personal touch to adorn where we lived; this should not be confused with him liking it.
Vice President/CFO Otilia Bertolotti Vice President/CRO Vincent A. Gardino
Associate Publishers Seth L. Miller, Ceil Ainsworth Regional Sales Manager Tania Cade
Photo: Mark Ittleman, via flickr seats at the front of the bus behind the driver’s seat. Lady with the bag sits in the middle seat with a lady with a cane seated right next to her. Cane lady is holding onto the side rail. Bag lady opens the bag and starts eating. First a bite of bread, then a bite of a hard-boiled egg. Then the soup. Hot soup. Then the a spoon. The bus is moving. Bag lady is trying to remove the cover from the plastic soup container. Cane lady wants to know, talking to no one in particular, “What’s wrong” with her, “hot soup on a bus with a spoon yet?” Between shakes and stops along the bus route, soup lady discards the spoon in the brown bag and begins sipping the soup. Making efforts not to splatter. Another rider chimes in, “There’s no eating on the bus.” “Not so. Not so, she can eat. The law changed.” “Soup?” screamed the cane lady. “Listen,” she said to the rider with the bad
For decades, he has accepted in silence the time I painted the living room ceiling a deep aquamarine to pick up that same shade that was in our swirl of colors rug. He learned to love the entry hall that I had painted purple while he was away on business. He also went along with the bright yellow bathroom, my overstuffed furniture phase, and the all-Deco-all-the-time chapter of my recreational designer life. I have heard that couples who have been together for a long while begin to look alike, or pick up each other’s habits and expressions. I never thought it would extend to home decor. Three years ago, when we decided to redecorate our living room/dining room areas, I showed Neil a magazine depicting a theme I found really appealing. I could tell he was mentally bracing himself for what was going to be on the page.
President & Publisher, Jeanne Straus Account Executive Editor In Chief, Kyle Pope Fred Almonte Director of Partnership Development Deputy Editor, Richard Khavkine Barry Lewis
news, “This is not your business. I’m sitting here, not you. You want her to eat soup on the bus, go buy her lunch. Keep her away from me.” So there — a New York solution. Enforcers — Traffic officer gets on the bus. Riders getting on the bus. Doors about to close. Sound of someone running toward the bus shouting, “Don’t go, don’t go.” The someone gets on the bus. Doesn’t pay a fare and walks toward the traffic officer reaching for her elbows. “Wait a minute,” warns the driver. “Leave your hands off her.” Running man assures the driver that he’s not going to be riding the bus. He just wants the traffic officer to do her job and ticket the car parked at the hydrant around the corner. That’s all. Traffic officer stayed. Running man left the bus. And the ride goes on.
“Really?” he wanted to know. The interior designer had called his creation “Zen,” a combination of beige, pale gray and light blue. I chose it, not to appease Neil, or finally to finally do things his way, but because after almost thirty years of working to create the life we wanted, and living with the chaos of raising two children on the Upper East Side, I felt we owed ourselves a peaceful, calming space. “Well, it’s happened,” I said, as we surveyed our new, subdued surroundings, “I’ve become you.” I then wanted to snuggle on our freshly delivered beige sofa, but Neil said he had to step out for a minute. He returned with dozen bright red roses for the vase on our side table, claiming, “I thought we needed some color.” Lorraine Duffy Merkl is the author of the novels FAT CHICK and BACK TO WORK SHE GOES.
Staff Reporters Gabrielle Alfiero, Madeleine Thompson Director of Digital Pete Pinto
Block Mayors Ann Morris, Upper West Side Jennifer Peterson, Upper East Side Gail Dubov, Upper West Side Edith Marks, Upper West Side
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
My Story
This mother couldn’t resist sending her offspring a Charlie Brown Mother’s Day card discovered while waiting in line at the post office. How really jolly it was, rosy in color with the Peanuts gang’s exuberantly stating: “It’s Mother’s Day…” and inside is Snoopy tapping both feet while playing an accordion as he belts out the words, “Celebrate ACCORDIONLY!” Ah, and here’s to more old-timey accordion playing (how we miss accordion player, community activist and great friend, John Barto), not to mention “celebrating accordionly.” Charlie Brown’s lessons are wistfully, humorously, and not too “reprovingly” offered - rather like Irving Lepselter’s Cityscape cartoons. But, most important, of course, were this mother’s words written inside the Mothers Day card – saying that being your mother was the best thing that could have happened to her – and more than anything, she wanted to help. ”Share your problems, don’t keep them to yourself!” And let’s all remember if the human nest is often too empty after family holidays, and in general, blame it on the flawed social dictates that parents of adults and multigenerational, extended families don’t matter that much. Ah, but thanks to the 1970’s and early 80s women’s movement, some of us challenged this and other “rules” which seem so unnatural and hurtful to our own experience. O-o-o-ps! Maybe that’s too heavy for a holiday, but it needs to get out there when offspring never get mentioned in the highly touted Jane Brody April 26 New York Times Science/Health section piece “ Thriving at 70 and Beyond.” A secondary small title adds, “How society can help ease the way for the growing number of older women.” Incidentally, Brody’s series are inspired by the book, “70 Candles! Women Thriving in Their 8th Decade” and as she approaches age 75.
Photo by Joanne via flickr Maybe the follow-up “adjustments on aging” piece airing close to Mother’s Day will mention this noted health guru’s twin sons, and that these so primary parent/offspring relationships should remain primary, for not only mothers, but for the entire village to thrive. Indeed, close relationships were only noted at the article’s end quoted from the “70 Candles “ book. “Also, important as women age, are social connections, especially with other women. Whether married, single, widowed or divorced, participants reported that their women friends were their greatest source of support and comfort. ” Okay, but surely when they exist, males and especially offspring are also basic sources of support and comfort. So much depends upon a study’s recipients. These were near or in their early 70’s. My next column hopes to recall columnist Marcia Epstein’s most moving December 1016 Our Town column “When the Children Drift Away.” It’s about therapy groups for parents of adults whose adult children have so heartbreakingly moved out of their lives. Also related, is an all-important same Times Science Health section issue piece called “Loneliness
and the Imperiled Heart.” Unfortunately, it was a very inconspicuous item about a growing major health risk for every age group. Ah, but a most comprehensive loneliness study was done in the 1977 book, “The Broken Heart, the Medical Consequences of Loneliness” by Dr.James Lynch. All manner of socially destructive consequences were shown to result from loneliness, but attention has yet to be paid. And the Brody article says both men and women must “think positively about aging.” You will live longer etcetera. Yes, but protesting a society which views you ever more negatively as you age, is pretty aging. But as the Peanuts Gang might emphatically inform “the Brody gang: “Listen, you blockheads, overcoming ageism and age apartheid will make you really thrive at 70 and beyond - way beyond!” But celebrating Mother’s day positively is surely in order, even when offspring are not “vitally connected.” But that condition needs to be shared – and, yes, overcome. And here’s to lovingly, gratefully, remembering your mother and mine whom I had for such a very short time.
Frank E. Campbell – The Funeral Chapel Hosts Annual Bus Trip to Calverton National Cemetery As the seasons change and Memorial Day approaches, we find ourselves thinking about the men and women who are serving our country around the world. We also remember those who gave of themselves when our freedom was threatened, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our nation. We here at Frank E. Campbell, “The Funeral Chapel” are sponsoring a trip to Calverton National Cemetery for those individuals who do not get an opportunity to visit their loved one who served our country. This FREE trip will take place on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. The bus will leave from 81st Street and Madison Avenue at 8:30 am and will return approximately 4:30 pm. A continental breakfast will be served at Frank E. Campbell between 7:30 am – 8:15 am. A box lunch will be provided on the bus at Calverton National Cemetery. If you are interested in joining us, please call 212-288-3500 by May 25, 2016, to reserve your place. Please have your section and grave information available when you call.
K n o w n for Ex c e l l en c e since 18 9 8
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212 . 2 8 8 . 3 5 0 0 John A. Kuhn Jr. - Manager Owned by A Subsidiary of Service Corporation International, 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 77019 (713) 522-5141
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
Out & About More Events. Add Your Own: Go to
20% OFF 15% OFF Thu 5 Fri 6 ALL STILL WINES
Hunter College, 68th and Lexington, North Building, Lang Recital Hall 8 p.m. Free Opera Scenes directed by Susan Gonzales 212-772-5020. www.hunter.
As a way of saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;helloâ&#x20AC;? ... we are now permanently and forever offering:
-FYJOHUPO "WFOVF (Between 68th and 69th Sts)
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;NOT YOUR MOTHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SENIOR CENTERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Senior Center at Saint Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church, 619 Lexington Ave., near 53rd Street 9 a.m.-2 p.m. A conference for community members interested in meeting new people and learning more about the programs and services available at the center. The event will feature presentations and workshops. Noon lunch. Registration required at or 212-2180481.
Temple Shaaray TeďŹ la, 250 East 79 St. (entrance on Second Avenue) 6 p.m. Items include 19th Precinct VAN DYCK NIGHTâ&#x2013;˛ police report on neighborhood safety, reports and updates from The Frick Collection, 1 East elected officials. Guest speaker: 70th St. to be announced 6-9 p.m. Free A night of free programs and special after-hours viewing of
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Van Dyck: The Anatomy of Portraiture.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; There will be gallery talks, sketching, and live music. First come, ďŹ rst served. 212-288-0700. www.frick. org/calendar#/?i=3
READING ART, TELLING STORIES The Met, 1000 Fifth Ave. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free Discover how art coveys, evokes and inspires stories. Registration is required. 212-535-7710 events/
ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP 67th Street Library, 328 East 67th St.
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
Huge Selection of
MUSEUMSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Manhattan Church of Christ, 48 East 80th St. 6:30 p.m. The bookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s authors talk about what incites museum professionals to break the rules in order to stem eroding visitorship, engage adjacent communities and enlist these properties as protagonists for social programs. 212-496-8110. landmarkwest@landmarkwest. org
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free Talk with native speakers and language learned about current events, New York City, family and more. 212-734-1717
LINES, SHAPES, AND LANDSCAPES â&#x2013;˛ Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth avenue at 92nd St. 11:30 a.m.-12: 30 p.m. Free w/ admission Engage in works of art and exciting activities and gallery tours. Ages 4 -10 212-423-3200. events/2016/05/08/sundayart-discoveries-5.8.16
FRAMES FIT FOR A MOTHER Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free w/ admission Create a special gilded frame for the mom in your life on Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day. 212-534-1672. www.mcny. org/event/frames-ďŹ t-mother
FILM AND VIDEO CURATED BY BIDOUN PROJECTS Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave. 1 p.m. Free w/ admission A screening of diverse ďŹ lms and videos providing an unusual vantage on the veracity politics of the moving image.
MONDAY NIGHT READING GROUP 150 East 86th St., at Lexington Avenue 7 p.m. Free Join the Monday Night Reading Group in discussing â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Unfortunate Importance of Beautyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by Amanda Filipacchi. 212-369-2180 event/4651543-29
THE KIDNAPPING OF MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ FIAF, Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th St. 4 & 7:30 p.m. $14; students w/ ID, $7; Members: day of, free and in advance, $3. A ďŹ lm screening of Franceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most incendiary novelist, who was allegedly kidnapped in 2001. In French with English subtitles. 212-355-6100. www.ďŹ events/
BURT WEISSBOURD READS Corner Book Store, 1313 Madison Ave., at 93rd Street 6:30 p.m. Free Weissbourd reads from the third work in the Corey Logan Trilogy. 212-831-3554
Bibles Fiction/Non-Fiction Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Books Greeting Cards .VTJD t (JGUT Original Art Events and More! )PVST . 5I BN QN t 'SJ BN QN 4BU BN QN t 4VO QN QN
JOHN KRTIL FUNERAL HOME; YORKVILLE FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Dignified, Affordable and Independently Owned Since 1885 WE SERVE ALL FAITHS AND COMMUNITIES 5 )/'&1 /'+$1)-,0 $2250 -+.*'1' 5 )/'&1 2/)$*0 $2850 5 4.'/1 /' *$,,),( 3$)*$%*'
1297 First Ave (69th & 70th & + # " $& )" $ " $ ) * "#( & " $ + ))) $& '" $ #! #! Each cremation service individually performed by fully licensed members of our staff. We use no outside agents or trade services in our cremation service. We exclusively use All Souls Chapel and Crematory at the prestigious St. Michael's Cemetery, Queens, NY for our cremations unless otherwise directed.
PRESCHOOL PROGRAM 96th Street Library, 112 East 96th St. 11:15 a.m. Free Stories and ďŹ lms for preschoolers. 212-289-0908
Offering One Day Regents Test Prep: Â&#x2021; Earth Science Â&#x2021; $OJHEUD &RPPRQ &RUH
Â&#x2021; &KHPLVWU\
Â&#x2021; *HRPHWU\ &RPPRQ &RUH
Â&#x2021; 3K\VLFV
Â&#x2021; *OREDO +LVWRU\ Â&#x2021; 7ULJRQRPHWU\ )RUPHU 6WG
Â&#x2021; 86 +LVWRU\
Â&#x2021; %LRORJ\ /LYLQJ (QYLURQPHQW or call 212-453-9895
Course Location: St. Vincent Ferrer HS, Manhattan
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
A WORLD OF SONG, AROUND THE CORNER FROM HOME PERFORMANCE The German singer and Manhattan resident Ute Lemper brings the words of Paulo Coelho to Symphony Space BY GABRIELLE ALFIERO
Ute Lemper finds a home on the world’s stages, including at some of New York’s celebrated venues. And the stage has returned the favor, leading her to her adoptive home on the Upper West Side, where she’s lived for nearly two decades. “I’m not such a crazy social person,” said the singer and cabaret performer on a recent afternoon, looking very much at ease in a pair of loose jeans, black slip-on sneakers and a patterned short-sleeve shirt as her brown miniature poodle nestled against her. “I just love to be home and have my residential life.” At least for one evening, she gets the best of both worlds when she brings songs from her latest album, “The 9 Secrets,” based on writer Paulo Coelho’s book “Manuscript Found in Accra,” to Symphony Space on Friday, May 13. The album features Middle Eastern instruments such as the shepherd’s flute and udu drum, and finds Lemper singing in English, French, Portuguese and German. Fluent in all but Spanish and Portuguese, the Münster, Germany native sought the help of her Brazilian neighbor for assistance with her Portuguese. “Most of it is centered around the old world of the word,” said Lemper, 52. A longtime devotee of Coelho’s work,
Lemper first read the book while touring her album of songs incorporating works by poet Pablo Neruda in Australia. A month later, while performing in São Paulo, she mentioned the book to a reporter who happened to know Coelho. The next day, she said, she received an email from “The Alchemist” author, who heard from the reporter that she was a fan. He said he enjoyed her music. After a few months of emailing, Lemper asked Coelho’s permission to adapt his work for an album. He consented. “I said, ‘Okay now I’m going to have to do it, he expects me! Oh my God, what did I get myself into?’” Lemper joked. She worked with musician and arranger Gil Goldstein, who plays accordion on the album and wrote the string arrangements. “The music didn’t fit neatly in any set genre really,” said Goldstein. “It was kind of cross-cultural and fragile in that sense that you couldn’t have a cookie-cutter approach to how you receive it.” The album incorporates bossa nova, a nod to Coelho’s Brazilian heritage, and New York composer Jamshied Sharifi gives the album its Middle Eastern elements, Lemper said. Coelho also lends spoken word to two tracks. Lemper, whose extensive performance and recording history includes works by German composer Kurt Weill and tango composer Astor Piazzolla, among many others, moved to New York in 1998 to play Velma Kelly in “Chicago” on Broadway, after por-
traying the murderess in London for over a year. She’s lived on the Upper West Side ever since, and likened the neighborhood to a “little village where everything is accessible in the middle of Manhattan.” “I lived in London many years. I lived in Paris many years. I lived in Rome,” said Lemper from the couch in her penthouse studio in the same building in which she lives with her four children and her husband, drummer Todd Turkisher, who plays on “The 9 Secrets.” “I have to say nowhere in Europe I felt home immediately like I felt home in New York.” Lemper has lived in her current apartment building on W. 76th Street since 2000, and in 2010, she purchased the penthouse for use as a studio, and evidence of the family that lives below fills the light-filled quarters. Toy trucks are collected messily in a corner. A bin filled with table tennis paddles sits on the floor, and a sandbox on the terrace blends with blossoming trees and plants. The tranquility of
the top-floor studio, remarkably free of the rumble of traffic on Columbus Avenue and decorated with student paintings purchased at a nearby flea market, grants her a creative respite, though she will relinquish some of this space when her two older children return home from college this summer. Having performed on prestigious stages around the city and the globe— her first Manhattan show was a Kurt Weill performance at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall in 1987—Lemper appreciates the subtle luxuries that come from working close to home. She recently performed a collection of Yiddish songs written in concentration camps at the Center for Jewish Research on W. 16th Street, a program she’ll continue in New York in 2017, after performances in Europe throughout this year. “Working in the city is a privilege for me,” said Lemper, who brings her fiveyear-old to play sports at JCC Manhattan, and takes both her young sons to
Tecumseh Playground on Amsterdam Avenue and 77th Street after dinner some nights. When her two older children are home from college, she accompanies them to Amsterdam Ale House down the street. “I love to be home and come home and sleep in my bed, and have my kids crawl in my bed and cuddle after a performance,” she said.
IF YOU GO WHAT: Ute Lemper performs “The 9 Secrets” WHERE: Symphony Space 2537 Broadway, at 95th Street WHEN: 8 p.m. Tickets $40-$60 To purchase tickets, visit www. or call the box office at 212-864-5400
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
MASS MARKETING HATRED Nazi-era objects, pamphlets and other documents detail the steady rise of a virulent anti-Semitism that culminated in the Holocaust NEW YORK CITY
Van Dyck Night
FRIDAY, MAY 6TH, 6PM The Frick Collection | 1 E. 70th St. | 212-288-0700 |
“The Holocaust museums and memorials miss the point,” said Kenneth Rendell, who has loaned objects from his collection to the New-York Historical Society for a chilling exhibition tracing anti-Semitism in Germany from 1919-1939. Rendell, the founder and director of the World War II Museum in Boston, explained that focusing only on what happened to the Jews during the Shoah is vital, but that it is only a part of the story. It’s the old frog-in-the-water problem: While there were many accomplished Jewish lawyers, doctors and other professionals in Germany well before World War II, there was also an undercurrent of Jew hatred. Hitler stoked existing prejudices, indoctrinating other German citizens to consider Jew-hating as acceptable and normal. Rendell emphasized that Hitler mass-marketed anti-Semitism in the guise of nationalism. In the wake of the German Reich’s humiliating defeat in World War I, Hitler coined slogans like “Germany awake” and “Bring back Germany.” The exhibit’s 61 objects, among them pamphlets, signs and newspaper clippings, are on display in a small, dimly lit room. One of the earliest shows Hitler’s handwritten comments on a copy of the Versailles Treaty printed in a newspaper. “The peace treaty aims at preparing Germany for the Jewish dictate,” Hitler wrote in the margins. “The Jews must therefore leave Germany.” Also on view are three-dimensional objects, such as a cane handle and ashtrays depicting Jewish stereotypes. Runaway inflation was blamed on the Jews, and in 1932, banknotes were overprinted to make them Nazi propaganda leaflets. A coloring book, possibly meant for children, consisted of 25 full-page caricatures of Jewish men. There’s also a book that warned children that a mushroom might look pleasant enough but prove poisonous.
Enjoy a night of live music, gallery talks and sketching along with a special after-hours viewing of Van Dyck: The Anatomy of Portraiture. (Free)
The Paradox of Promoting Democracy Abroad
TUESDAY, MAY 10TH, 12PM 92nd Street Y | 1395 Lexington Ave. | 212-415-5500 | National political correspondent for The New York Observer Lincoln Mitchell looks at the inconsistencies in the exportation of American democracy. ($25)
Just Announced | Ute Lemper’s The 9 Secrets
FRIDAY, MAY 13TH, 8PM Symphony Space | 2537 Broadway | 212-864-1414 | One night only catch a brand-new song cycle composed in collaboration with the novelist Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist). Journey through exotic song landscapes with six musicians from six countries, framed by time-warp scenery. ($40; 30% off with Thought Gallery code TG30)
For more information about lectures, readings and other intellectually stimulating events throughout NYC,
sign up for the weekly Thought Gallery newsletter at Unknown artist, “Mander s’ischt Zeit!” (It’s Time Folks!), 1938. Postcard. The Museum of World War II, Boston The mushroom, of course, stands in for a Jew. The 1920 program of the Nazi Party announced goals of segregating Jews and abrogating their political, legal and civil rights. It also declared that “no Jew can be a member of the German nation.” For Rendell, the importance of his museum and its educational programs, and of the Historical Society’s exhibit, is to get people to understand “how easy it is to be against people if you don’t know anything about them.” Some people, dissatisfied with the way things are, might blame others when they speak out, he continued, “but there are evil people and they use this disaffection. It’s hard for good people to appreciate the danger.” When asked if what’s on view at the Historical Society echoes political discourse this election season, Rendell reserves comment, citing the nonpartisan nature of his museum. The exhibit’s curator, Marilyn Kushner, said perhaps the most important document in the exhibit is the 1939 manuscript in Hitler’s handwriting, where he outlined the speech delivered
to the Reichstag on Jan. 30, 1939. Hitler wrote that “Europe will not have peace until the Jewish question has been disposed of,” and that if there is a world war, it will result in “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.” Kushner said the speech represents the climax of Hitler’s indoctrination of the German people and the steady erosion of Jewish rights. Even those familiar with the Holocaust’s history might be astounded at how determined Hitler was, and how early he started his campaign. The series of measures were incremental, excluding Jews from public life, even going so far as forbidding Jews to use the same park benches as “Aryans.” Eventually all contact between Jews and other Germans was prohibited. Rendell pointed out that anti-Semitism in the 1930s was a phenomenon that took root worldwide, including in the United States. “People forget that Henry Ford was an anti-Semite, and that Father Coughlin had a radio program with millions of listeners” that
ISABELLA HOUSE Independent Living for Older Adults
A great way to live in New York. Join us at our
and experience it for yourself. SATURDAY, May 21st, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM 525 Audubon Avenue at 191st Street, New York, NY 10040
OUR AMENITIES INCLUDE: 5 Spacious studios and one-bedroom apartments starting at $2,400.00 per month 5 Complimentary Lunch and Dinner served buffet style 5 Basic Cable TV 5 All utilities included 5 24-Hour Security 5 Weekly linen service
5 Visitor parking 5 Pastoral services 5 A wealth of programs, activities and trips 5 Conveniently located near medical, physical therapy, occupational therapy and psychiatric services 5 On-site beauty salon, library, gift shop, laundry, check-cashing facilities and visitor parking 5 Moderately priced lodging for overnight guests
WE’VE THOUGHT OF EVERY THING TO ENR ICH AND ENHANCE YOUR LIFE. If you cannot attend our Open House or would like additional information on scheduling a private tour, please call 212-342-9539 525 Audubon Avenue at 191st Street. New York, NY
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
240 East 82 Street
Shake Shack
152 East 86 Street
Cafe Jax
318 E 84th St
Grade Pending (24) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking, cooling, reheating and holding. Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.
Grade Pending (27) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140º F to 70º F or less within 2 hours, and from 70º F to 41º F or less within 4 additional hours. Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service. Sanitized equipment or utensil, including in-use food dispensing utensil, improperly used or stored.
Petite Shell
1269 Lexington Ave
Uno Pizzeria And Grill
220 East 86 Street
Grade Pending (18) Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas.
Ko-Sushi Japanese Restaurant
1619 York Avenue
1515 York Avenue
83 1/2
345 East 83 Street
Grade Pending (18) Raw, cooked or prepared food is adulterated, contaminated, cross-contaminated, or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan. Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas.
1542 3rd Ave
435 E 86th St
Amc Theatres
1538 3rd Ave
Cavatappo Grill
1712 First Avenue
International Wings Factory
1762 First Avenue
Lex Restaurant
1370 Lexington Avenue
Andaman Thai Bistro
1843 1 Avenue
APRIL 15 - 30, 2016 The following listings were collected from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s website and include the most recent inspection and grade reports listed. We have included every restaurant listed during this time within the zip codes of our neighborhoods. Some reports list numbers with their explanations; these are the number of violation points a restaurant has received. To see more information on restaurant grades, visit Jean Claude French Bistro
Murphy’s Law
1343 2 Avenue
417 East 70 Street
Caffe Bacio
1223 3 Avenue
5 Napkin
1325 2nd Ave
Grade Peding (21) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/ or non-food areas. Tobacco use, eating, or drinking from open container in food preparation, food storage or dishwashing area observed.
Orsay Ko Sushi
1057 Lexington Avenue
1329 2 Avenue
Grade Pending (17) Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service. Food contact surface not properly washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred. Sanitized equipment or utensil, including in-use food dispensing utensil, improperly used or stored.
3 Guys Resturant
1232 Madison Avenue A
Ottomanelli N.Y. Grill
1424 Lexington Avenue
Il Vino City Wine Bar
1728 2 Avenue
Tarallucci E Vino At Cooper Hewitt
9 East 90th Street
1642 3 Avenue
Dunkin’ Donuts, Baskin Robbins
1760 2 Avenue
Fillmore Delicatessen
1668 3rd Ave
Not Yet Graded (62) Hot food item not held at or above 140º F. Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. No facilities available to wash, rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment. Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service. Sanitized equipment or utensil, including in-use food dispensing utensil, improperly used or stored.
Bagel Mill
1700 1st Ave
Not Yet Graded (50) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. Raw food not properly washed prior to serving. No facilities available to wash, rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment.
23 East 74 Street
406 East 73 Street
Grade Pending (34) Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations. Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas. Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service. Food contact surface not properly washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred.
1396 1 Avenue
Six Happiness
1413 2nd Ave
Grade Pending (20) Hot food item not held at or above 140º F. Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation. Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.
The Sweet Shop Nyc
404 E 73rd St
New Beijing Wok
1324 2 Avenue
Dunkin Donuts
1433 2nd Ave
Salud Y Esperanza
2135 2nd Ave
E.A.T. Cafe
1064 Madison Avenue A
Proposito De Vida
180 E 104th St
Dunkin’ Donuts
355 East 86 Street
Great Wall
2234 1 Avenue
355 East 86th St
Kahlua’s Cafe & Restaurant 2117 3 Avenue
La Nostra Pizzeria
2146 2 Avenue
1922 3 Avenue
Hot Jalapeno Restaurant
219 East 116 Street
Dunkin’ Donuts
1391 Madison Avenue
H & H Midtown Bagels East 1551 2 Avenue
Tiramisu Restaurant
1410 3 Avenue
East End Kitchen
539 East 81 Street
Grade Pending (9) Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas.
Charley Mom Kitchen
1580 York Avenue
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
ANTI-SEMITISM CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 spewed Jew hatred, he said of a Roman Catholic priest who hosted a weekly national broadcast. There were also “gentlemen’s agreements” and “restricted” establishments. And history records that Breckenridge Long, the State Department official in charge of European refugee affairs during World War II, obstructed rescue attempts and drastically restricted immigration. Louise Mirrer, the Historical Society’s president, noted that recent terrorist attacks targeting Jewish communities in Europe and elsewhere demonstrate that the current exhibit is all too relevant. Meanwhile, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, antigovernment and anti-woman rhetoric show all too clearly that hatred of “the other” isn’t limited to anti-Semitism. Sara Lipton, a Stony Brook Uni-
versity history professor who lives on the Upper West Side, said it was important to acknowledge the centuries-old history of anti-Semitism. But, she emphasized, ”that doesn’t mean violence is inevitable.” There are everywhere suspicions and even hatred of “the other,” but these can be dissipated and controlled until specific conditions come into play and latent ideas are inflamed, she said. “There is more likely to be violence,” she continued, “when propaganda and rhetoric come into the picture.”
IF YOU GO WHAT: “Anti-Semitism 1919-1939” WHERE: New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West WHEN: Through July 31, 2016
HOW HUMOR CAN HEAL HEALTH Laughter can be a natural anxiety release BY ALICIA SCHWARTZ
My days are mostly spent working closely with the elderly and their loved ones to develop and coordinate a home healthcare plan that addresses each patient’s individual needs. In this line of work, I have found that the adage “laughter is the best medicine” is truly applicable — and healing. Most of the members in our plans have multiple chronic illnesses they’ve been coping with for several years. Humor can be very helpful in helping them adapt so they can continue to live safely and independently in the homes where they feel comfortable and secure. Nurses know that especially when caring for an elderly person with multiple chronic conditions, a touch of humor can really help “the medicine go down.” My colleagues and I work to build patient relationships that are based in trust, and sometimes just encouraging a smile can go a long way. Here are a few insights into the benefits of using humor when caring for someone with chronic health issues.
Illness is What You Suffer From, Not Who You Are Humor in home health care starts with listening and careful observation. I’m genuinely curious about the people in my care, so I talk to them and try to learn as much as I can about their backgrounds, hobbies, family and work life so as not to let their illness define who they are. The key is finding what someone is interested in, and then finding the humor in what they love to do or talk about. One of my patients had arthritis and she suffered from severe knee pain. We would speak about the importance of exercise and how this would help her condition. We learned through our conversation that she loved to dance. And that’s how we laughed our way to progress. During one visit, we danced, all of us in the home, the escort, the aide, and me. We laughed as we danced and the member discovered that her pain had lessened. From then on, the aide and the member took dancing as a form of exercise. Every time I checked in, we would recall the experience and laugh again at the memories we shared.
Humor is a Universal Language
Humor can’t be forced, but I’ve found that most people need a little humor on a regular basis. It’s a natural anxiety release. The trick is to listen and know who you’re talking with. Learn to hear the subtle invitations to trust and be trusted. Humor breaks down many barriers and creates a relaxed atmosphere but one must know when and how to use it. Every person I work with is different. Every person has something they care deeply about and enjoy. Someone who doesn’t speak because of a stroke might express humor in a more subtle way, but the healing quality of a smile or a chuckle at a funny song or quip on TV can be just as powerful as a full-on belly laugh.
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Humor Can Be Healing Studies show that laughter brings physical benefits and releases endorphins. It also boosts the immune system, improves stamina and can strengthen breathing. And of course there are emotional and social benefits too, like reducing depression or anxiety, and helping us feel close with friends and family. Humor is one of the best ways that people overcome challenges in life, and that includes coping with health and medical challenges. Humor is important for family caregivers too, providing them with a release and break from the stresses of their daily lives. Healthcare is in and of itself a serious issue and focused on end results much of the time. While the end result is indeed important, connecting with patients on a personal level and incorporating unique approaches to care has helped me and my patients realize that creating a pleasurable journey there is just as vital. May 6 through May 12 marks National Nurses Week, a time set aside to celebrate and recognize the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the field of nursing. As a care coordinator and registered Nurse for VNSNY CHOICE Health Plans, I am honored to count myself among the nurses who continue to find unique ways to connect with patients and help them achieve the best quality of life possible. To learn more about health plans that help elder New Yorkers live more comfortably, safely and independently in their own homes, visit www. or call 1-855-AT CHOICE (1855-282-4642). Alicia Schwartz is a registered nurse care coordinator for VNSNY CHOICE Health Plans
Saturday, May 14
Visit Your Neighborhood Fire House or EMS Station Meet the Firefighters, Paramedics and EMTs who help keep your community safe every day!
Sessions are 11 a.m.-1p.m. or 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Stop by to… • Take a tour • View demonstrations • Learn fire and life safety tips • Explore FDNY careers ...and much more! To find your neighborhood Fire House or EMS Station, and to check the time of your Open House event, go to: Bill de Blasio, Mayor Daniel A. Nigro, Fire Commissioner
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
In Brief NYPD ORCHESTRATES LARGEST EVER GANG TAKEDOWN A historic Bronx gang bust occurred in the early hours of April 27 when the NYPD arrested more than 100 gang members from the Big Money Bosses and 2Fly YGz gangs. Authorities reported that it was the largest NYPD sting to date, and that almost 700 federal agents and NYPD officers were involved. Charges include murder and drug dealing, as well as white-collar crimes such as bank fraud. Both gangs are connected with several tragic deaths dating back to 2007, from teenagers who were stabbed to a 92-year-old struck by a stray bullet. U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara praised the year’s worth of investigative work that was required to bring the criminals to justice. “We bring these charges so that all New Yorkers, including those in public housing, can live their lives as they deserve -free of drugs, free of guns and free of gang violence,” he said in a statement.
HISTORIC CHURCH BURNS DOWN IN FLATIRON Just hours after hundreds of worshipers gathered to celebrate Orthodox Easter Sunday at St. Sava Church on W. 25th Street and Broadway, a massive four-alarm fire began to consume it. The 165-yearold Serbian church, which is registered both as a national landmark and was made a city landmark in 1968, caught fire around 6:50 p.m., according to the FDNY. Videos taken of the fire show flames billowing out from what was once a stained glass window. In about two hours, the nearly 150 firefighters working to put out the blaze had it under control, though they were still around on Monday morning tending to some lingering pockets of fire. “Once the fire caught the wood there was flames coming out of the top of the church. That’s when the people were going crazy,” Alex Velic, the church caretaker’s stepson who lives next door to the New York Daily News. “I’m in shock still, it’s terrifying, I don’t know what to say. It’s sad.”
CITY SEES 12 PERCENT DROP IN STREET HOMELESS POPULATION A recent count by the Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE) found that the number of homeless people living on the streets dropped 12 percent since last year, and 36 percent over the last decade. HOPE’s survey, which is required by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, counted 2,794 homeless people on the streets as opposed to 4,395 in 2005. There was also, for the first time in seven years, a decrease in homeless people found in the subway. However, HOPE’s methods have long been in question for several reasons; for example, the survey does not count young homeless people, and it takes place during the winter when more people are likely to find shelter inside. President and Chief Executive of the Coalition for the Homeless Mary Brosnahan told the New York Times that “anyone who believes that street homelessness has declined in New York City over the past year — let alone declined by double digits — should make sure their windows are closed and locked, because they’ll also be seeing dozens of pigs in flight later this afternoon.”
Photo by Paul Sableman via flickr
New York lawmakers return to Albany to begin the final weeks of their work for 2016, confronting a to-do list that includes a possible upstate expansion for Uber, a decision on control of public schools in New York City and the challenge of addressing Albany’s perennial corruption problem. Over the course of seven weeks, the Senate and Assembly will take up hundreds of bills with an eye on the fall elections. Here’s a look at the top issues they will face:
CORRUPTION In the last year, Albany’s two most powerful lawmakers were convicted on federal corruption charges, joining more than 30 other lawmakers who left office facing criminal or ethical allegations. But even after the downfall of former GOP Senate Leader Dean Skelos and ex-Democratic Speaker Sheldon Silver, lawmakers have been slow to respond. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed tighter campaign finance rules and restrictions on how much lawmakers can make from side jobs. Those ideas face opposition in the Senate, however. One idea with broader support is a ballot referendum that, if approved by voters, would allow a judge to strip the pensions of convicted lawmakers. A 2011 pension forfei-
ture law doesn’t apply to lawmakers elected before that bill was passed, meaning that many lawmakers can keep their pensions even if convicted of corruption. So far, the Assembly and Senate cannot agree on wording for the referendum. “Ethics is going to be the main focus between now and June,” Cuomo told a group of upstate editorial boards in April. Government watchdog groups hope public outrage over the recent scandals will push lawmakers to act. Silver, the Manhattan Democrat who led the Assembly for decades, is set to be sentenced on Tuesday, the same day lawmakers reconvene. “It’s an election year,” said Blair Horner, of the New York Public Interest Research Group. “Lawmakers are going to have to go back to their constituents and say `Yes, I voted for those legislative leaders that are now in the slammer.’ And they’re going to have to say what they did about it.”
NEW YORK CITY SCHOOLS New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, must once again persuade lawmakers to extend his control of city schools, a policy which is set to expire June 30 after lawmakers renewed it only a year in 2015. Senate Republicans are skeptical about giving the city control over its own public education system, even though mayoral control was first authorized in 2002. Two hearings have been scheduled on extending it, and de Blasio is expected to face tough questions about his handling of education from his GOP
critics. “Without a detailed and thoughtful exchange, it is difficult to craft an extension that is in the best interests of New York City’s students and teachers,” said Sen. Carl Marcellino, a Long Island Republican who chairs the Senate Education Committee.
UBER AND LYFT The app-based ride-hailing services want lawmakers to pass regulations allowing them to expand operations into upstate cities such as Rochester and Buffalo, the latter being the largest U.S. city not served by Uber or Lyft. Currently the two companies are limited to the New York City area. While many upstate mayors support the expansion, taxi companies are fighting it, saying Uber and Lyft shouldn’t be given special regulations when they aren’t subject to the same rules governing yellow cabs.
ELECTION REFORM Hundreds of people complained of registration problems during the state’s recent presidential primary, prompting some lawmakers to propose changes to make it easier for voters to register, change their party affiliations or fill out a ballot. “The time for good governance is now in order to make the electoral process better for everyone, including new Americans, senior citizens and new young voters,” said Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte, a Brooklyn Democrat who has introduced two electionrelated bills.
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
Remember Mom on Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Sunday, May 8th! Decorated Cakes Heart Shaped Cookies
Bake Shop t 1670 1st Ave. at 87th Street NYC Family owned and operated since 1902
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The Hudson Valley
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Symptoms can be the same as in people BY MELISSA TREUMAN
wery Blue Collar Bre Lolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cafe
FREE TIME? Actually, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s priceless. Make sure youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the spending it wisely. Come Hudson Valley.
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Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve probably been hearing a lot about Lyme disease lately. In 2015, musician Avril Lavigne, was featured on the cover of People magazine alongside the quote â&#x20AC;&#x153;I thought I was dying.â&#x20AC;? The article went on to discuss the musicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ongoing battle with the illness, which had left her completely bedridden for months. Lyme disease is a lot more serious that many of us may realize, and it also poses a signiďŹ cant threat to our four-legged friends. Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete bacteria which is transmitted through the bite of infected ticks. When the infection leads to disease in dogs and cats, the animals can experience a host of symptoms including inflammation of the joints (which can lead to lameness), lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, a stiff walk
with an arched back, swollen lymph nodes, heart abnormalities and severe kidney disease (Lyme nephritis). If your pets are diagnosed with Lyme disease, they will be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are generally effective in treating the joint disease but the kidney and heart diseases have poorer outcomes. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also important to remember that outdoor pets can carry ticks directly into our homes and into the vicinities of our two-legged loved ones. Some ticks are easily visible and others can be as small as poppy seeds, which can make detection, and early treatment a challenge. When Lyme disease is caught early, there is a much greater likelihood that it can be treated successfully, but once the disease has been in a hostâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s system for a signiďŹ cant amount of time, it can be incredibly difficult to treat and almost impossible to eradicate. While many may associate ticks with heavily wooded areas, the reality is that dog ticks have been found in abun-
dance in all five boroughs of New York City. Fortunately, there are several preventative measures that can be taken to keep our pets tick-free. It is recommended that dogs use two forms of tick prevention; namely oral (Nexgard) or topical (Frontline), in addition to a tick collar (Preventic or Scalibor). When used in conjunction, these preventative measures are extremely effective and can keep your pets free from ticks and tickborne diseases. May is Lyme disease awareness month, and to encourage tick prevention for the summer months, the Animal Hospitals at Bideawee are offering 50% off Preventic Collar ($15) with the purchase of 3 months of Nexgard or Frontline, as well as discounted tick and heartworm testing (regular value of $78 for Accuplex or 4Dx test) for only $50 with any office visit. Call 866-262-8133 to make your appointment today. Melissa Treuman is director of communication at Bideawee
MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
VISIT THE ANIMAL HOSPITAL AT BIDEAWEE TODAY Everyone loves the warmer weather, including your pet, but those sunny days can bring about dangerous conditions and unwanted pests. It’s important to keep your pet safe, so Bideawee is offering a special package to protect your pet this spring. For the month of May, the Animal Hospitals at Bideawee are offering 50% off Preventic Collars ($15) with the purchase of 3 months of Nexgard or Frontline and a Heartworm Disease test for RQO\ ZLWK DQ RIÀ FH YLVLW RQO\ Bideawee understands pets, and the people who love them, so trust your pet’s care to the Animal Hospitals at Bideawee. Open to all pet owners, call 866.262.8133 and make an appointment today.
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MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider
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VOL. 2, ISSUE 10
Our To wn ha The pa s much 2016, per celebrat to be thank an OTTY d this we es its 45th ful for. ek Award anniv made ersary winnershonors its a un lat The OT ique differe , noting pe est group in ople wh of nce on You -- TY award the o ha s ha munit ve always -- short for OuUpper East ve Sid be y strong. service, an en a reflect r Town Th e. d this anks year’s ion of deep Our ho list is parti combusiness norees inc cularly owners lude co heroe mm an s. Cardi We’re also d medical anunity activi na tak fall’s wi l Timothy ing a mome d public saf sts, Franc ldly succes Dolan, who nt to recog ety is. nize sheph sful vis Kyle Po In his interv erd it iew wi to the city ed last pressi pe, Dolan by th Our ref ng Town Pope warning issues sti lects on thaCI Editor ll TYit, ARon movin s he receiv facing the t vis TS, g to Ne city,2 an>d on the w York ed from his P.1 Read nine his profile, seven years friends be the OT TY an fore ag Thom awards d the profi o. pso les of the oth We are n, in the spe by repor the wi proud to bri cial sectio ter Madelei er nners n ne part of ng it to you inside. our com , and pro ud to cal munit y. l
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MAY 5-11,2016
Our Town|Eastsider To read about other people who have had their “15 Minutes” go to minutes
HIS HEART’S ON BROADWAY Gavin Creel on his early days finding auditions in a newspaper, Elder Price’s arc and sharing the stage with a “great group of people” BY ANGELA BARBUTI
Gavin Creel on his early days finding auditions in a newspaper, Elder Price’s arc and sharing the stage with a ‘great group of people’ Gavin Creel exudes lots of charm in his first villainous role on Broadway. In “She Loves Me,” he dazzles as Kodaly, a womanizer who has Illona, played by Jane Krakowski, under his spell. They join Zachary Levi and Laura Benanti on stage as close-knit coworkers in a parfumerie, where drama naturally ensues. An Ohio native, Creel studied musical theater at the University of Michigan and came to New York in 1998. He said he “got lucky very quickly” in the theater world, and it’s not very hard to see why. At 40, he’s already earned his status as a Broadway veteran, earning two Tony nods, one for his Broadway debut in “Thoroughly Modern Millie” and the other for his performance in “Hair.” Even though the stage has become a second home, he still revels in his experience. “There’s a part of me that’s always going to be kind of
pinching himself, going, ‘I do this for a living. They pay me to do this.’ I don’t ever want to lose that,” he said.
What was the audition process like for you when you first got here? It was a different time. The Internet was just getting started. We had phone services, trying to get meetings with agencies and stuff. “Backstage” was still a paper; it wasn’t online, obviously. You just had to grab your “Backstage” newspaper and circle the auditions that you thought might apply to you. I got an agent and found my first big audition in “Backstage.” It was a North American tour of the musical “Fame.” I went to the audition and got a callback and my agent was like, “You know, we’ll send you on those kind of things.” And I was like, “Well you didn’t, so I went.” I ended up getting a callback and they took care of it and I got the job. And that was sort of my first big job. We rehearsed in the fall, so I got lucky pretty quickly. I had a job for a year and was touring the country and then came back. It’s just one of those things where I just worked. Wherever I could get a job that seemed interesting or even just seemed like something where they would hire me, I just got jobs and worked. I was very lucky very quickly.
You played in Elder Price in “The Book of
Gavin Creel and Jane Krakowski in “She Loves Me.” Photo: Joan Marcus
Mormon” in London and on Broadway. I read an interview with you where you said you didn’t think that show was a fit for you at first. Yeah, I didn’t. I felt like it was a brand of humor that I wouldn’t really succeed with or didn’t really get. It was just intimidating because it was so brilliant and one of my good friends originated the role that I was eventually going to play. It was one of those things that as an adult you kind of go, “Oh boy, I don’t know if I can do this.” But my good friend Casey Nicholaw, who is the director and choreographer, said, “I really think you can do this and I would love it if you would consider it.” I got an offer I couldn’t refuse and it was a great, great time. I grew a lot, I think, as an actor during that time. I really enjoyed it. It was hard work. Hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it changed my life in a lot of ways.
My younger sisters wanted me to tell you that they’re fans of yours from the Eloise movies. That’s very sweet. The nice thing is that one of them is a Christmas movie so it shows up every Christmas on the Hallmark Channel or ABC Family or something and gets replayed so I get new little fans and they’re like, “Oh you’re Bill from the Eloise movies.” But then a lot of people now come and tell me they love me from Eloise and they’re like 25 and I think, “Wow, that was a long time ago.”
I read that you played the role of Kodaly in college.
Photo: Robert Mannis
I did. We did a little student production of it in the summer after my sophomore year. It wasn’t really a theater, per se, but we put something together and did it. It was a lot of fun. Actually Ilona was played by Rachel Hoffman who is now one of the big-
gest casting directors in the theater in New York. All friends from college did all the leads and stuff, so it was a lot of fun. We did it in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. So I got a chance to try it on, but it’s nice to be able to professionally explore it with this incredible cast and the team and the Roundabout Theatre Company. So I feel very fortunate to be there.
How do you feel about playing villainous roles? Did you base him off anyone? I don’t have any experience with playing quote unquote villainous roles. And I kind of enjoy it. I mean, Elder Price is kind of a d**k, but he comes around. That was really fun to play because his arc is long and slow, like he’s sort of a d**k the whole time to get what he wants and at the very end he goes, ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve been a d**k,’ and then comes around. So I don’t have a lot of experience in it, but that’s what’s fun. It’s kind of fun to play a role that I’m not used to playing. And I didn’t really base him on anything. The idea I had though is that he moves artfully and smoothly. Because he’s a womanizer and making his way around the world of women in the ‘30s, which is a classier time. The architecture is so beautiful. It’s Budapest. I thought, “I think this man takes dance classes to meet women. I think he goes through elocution lessons and knows how to cook. He’s training with a chef because women love it.” Just all the feminine things that certainly men in our country, but maybe not men in the ‘30s in Budapest, would turn their noses up at and say, “That’s not a very manly thing to do.” I think he willingly and joyfully does them with the sole purpose of endearing himself to women so that they’ll open up to him and then he can ruin their lives. I had a lot of fun thinking about that.
What is it like working with Jane, Zach
and Laura? Jane is a force and Laura is a force and Zach is a force. It’s humbling to be on stage with them. Michael McGrath, Byron Jennings, the young Nick Barasch is nailing it. It’s a really great group of people to be up there with. I don’t do a whole lot in the show. I have a nice part, but it’s not huge or anything. But the nice thing is to know I’m sharing this moment with some of the best, so I feel like I’m in a alright place cause I’m up there with them. I guess they look across the stage and think the same thing.
“She Loves Me” runs until July. What are your plans after that? Do you have any dream roles you still want to pursue on Broadway? Yeah, I want to do new pieces. I’d like to spend a better part of my 40s doing new pieces. Whether I’m writing them, I hope to write some stuff. I hope to get on the other side of the table, directing and creating. I love teaching, so I hope to do some more of that in the next 10 years. I just want to get more into developing things myself and also helping other people develop new works. I’ve been very lucky doing a lot of revivals and I intend to do more of them if the parts line up. But in the next couple of years, I hope the next projects I start working on are new pieces written by people I respect and love and hopefully write some myself. More on the show at www.
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