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Attention All Fathers: Are You an All Pro Dad?

By Tana Poncsak

Kelsey Crook wants to be an All Pro Dad, and he wants other fathers to be All Pro Dads, too.

What is All Pro Dad? All Pro Dad is a group on a mission to help fathers lead and love their families well. The group provides meetings and information that focuses on character-building traits – like kindness, integrity, honesty, perseverance and more – with chapters across the United States. All Pro Dad is part of Family First.

Crook got his first glimpse of the group when his mother-in-law signed Crook and his wife, Tiffany, up for a subscription to Family First. When the subscription came up for renewal, Crook decided it was time to do more than just read the emails. He was ready to take on a more active role and signed up to lead the Killian Hill Christian School Chapter of All Pro Dad.

“There are some great dads who need to have the opportunity to join a program like this with their kids,” he said. “And Lilburn dads are deserving of that.” Crook credits his mother, Gloria, for giving him the initiative to serve and take the risk, too, as she said, “Step out and start your own group!” Gloria herself has created community groups of a book club and food ministry with her fellow senior lady friends within her neighborhood.

So far, Crook reported no challenges in getting the chapter of All Pro Dad Killian Hill Christian School off and running. “It’s been welcomed by the Killian Hill Christian School Board, the church, and administrators and staff who have been instrumental in helping to get the word out about the group,” he said. “I’m so grateful to them for all they have done to help make the inaugural meeting a success.”

Prior to the meeting, Crook said he was excited to get the group started. The goal of the first meeting, which he also referred to as an open house, is to measure level of interest, to discuss goals for the group, for introductions, and for getting to know one another. The inaugural meeting was held February 25th at Killian Hill Christian School, where three of his daughters attend.

Crook said he was very excited about the turnout and reported that nineteen dads and eighteen children attended the first meeting.

“I felt a strong feeling of strengthening as a father to see the group of All Pro Dads come together,” he said. During the meeting they discussed ten ways to be an All Pro Dad, while Crook used the theme of Proverbs 27:17 in speaking with the group. Plans and goals for the upcoming year were also discussed as well as a calendar for volunteer projects, fun monthly outings, and the regularly scheduled quarterly meetings.

Crook said that during the meeting one of the things he expressed to the team was about his leadership. “My leadership isn’t communicating what we need. My leadership will be communicating what we can contribute,” he said.

If you ask Crook about his biggest inspiration for starting the group in his community, he’s quick to answer it’s his own father, James Crook.

“He’s the inspiration for me being the father that I am now and for me striving to be the Hall of Fame-type father,” Crook said. “He’s the epitome of what a Hall of Fame dad is. I strive to be as great of a father to my children as he has been to me. He’s part of the reason I started the group, to get better and better as a dad, and to help other dads as well.”

When Crook recalls his experience with his own father, it’s not about anything his dad ever bought him. It’s about the quality time they shared.

“As I’ve gotten older it’s about the small things,” Crook recalled. “Like when my father and I would go hiking in the woods or drinking

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