2 minute read

On the Cover: Partnering Up with the Snellville Police Department

By Kristen Eleveld

“We want you to know we’re on your side.” This is what Snellville Police Chief Greg Perry said when asked what message he wanted to send to the Snellville community. Chief Perry, along with his team of officers, has worked tirelessly over the past two years to let the people of Snellville know that the police are not just concerned with safety alone –they want to partner with each citizen of Snellville to create a community that knows it can trust and rely on its officers in every way. That’s why Chief Perry has not stopped taking opportunities to not only reassure the community, but to back up his words with actions all year long.

If you live in Snellville, you already know that the Snellville Police Department prioritizes being an active part of its community, participating in many local events, and inviting residents to learn more about the police department. One favorite event for both the department and the neighborhoods it serves is the Faith & Blue weekend, in which the Snellville Police will partner with local churches and enjoy a barbecue with anyone who wants to take part. The details for this fall event are still in the works, so just keep an eye on the Snellville Police Department Facebook and Instagram accounts to stay up to date!

For the kids in the area, the most anticipated event would likely be Halloween. Aside from the usual joys of dressing up and eating your favorite candy, Chief Perry and his team make the holiday even better by handing out candy to kids in neighborhoods all over the city.

“Giving out candy at Halloween is important to us for two reasons,” said Chief Perry. “One, we love to interact with our community and help the kids enjoy their Halloween. And we also want kids to get to know us and to know that what we want more than anything is for them to be safe.”

Chief Perry and the Snellville Police Department operate on three core tenets: 1) Consistently seek out criminals and others that endanger our community members. This saves lives. 2) Everyone is a leader. Work each day to improve yourself and your team. This creates success and safety. 3) Seek out opportunities to help our community. This builds solid relationships and trust.

With these tenets in mind, the Snellville Police Department has sought to deepen the relationship with its community through one of its most significant resources: education. Community members are invited to

Continued on page 11

Our Town Gwinnett is published and direct mailed to select homes in the Gwinnett/NE DeKalb area. Opinions expressed by the writers and staff are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Our Town Gwinnett reserves the right to edit and/or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our Town Gwinnett is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers.

Entire contents copyright 2023 by Our Town Gwinnett. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without written permission from the publisher.

Publisher/Owner Dr. Ryan T. Sauers Ryan@EndResultz.com

Creative Director Elsie Olson Elsie@EndResultz.com Editor Catherine L. Osornio Editor@EndResultz.com


Cover Photography

Emil Powella Photography

Distribution Coordinator

Wendy Head

Cover Story

Feature Writer Kristen Eleveld

Feature Writers Victoria R. Crosby Tana Poncsak Traci Sanders

Contributing Writers

Ryan’s Remarks

By Dr. Ryan T. Sauers

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