2 minute read

Weeding…A Word for Your Day

By Jane Bishop

I find great solace and therapeutic value in sweat equity when I work in my yard. Weeding is a required task and is defined as “to remove invasive or unnecessary elements; to make space for new growth.” Weeds are annoying and stubborn! Managing them effectively requires treatment and consistent attention, i.e., removal. When weeds are ignored and left unmanaged, they quickly stage a “takeover” and can choke out healthy vegetation.

What if we apply this weeding metaphor to life? When we ignore aspects of our self-leadership, “weeds” stage a “takeover” that drains our energy, diminishes our joy, and hinders our effectiveness. How can weeding strengthen our self-leadership?

Pose these questions to self: What area of self-leadership have I ignored for too long? As a result, what weeds have taken root and now

Insurance Matters: Taking Rate

By H. Darrell Watson

When premiums go up in the insurance industry, we refer to this as “Taking Rate.” Regardless of your insurance carrier, when you opened your latest bill, you no doubt saw that your bill was higher. Your insurance company has taken rate. Why?

1) The cost of new vehicles has increased. Since 2019, the average price of a new car in the US has risen 30% to $50,000, according to statistics cited by Bloomberg News.

2) The cost of used vehicles has increased. Used car prices increased an impressive 52% between August 2019 and August 2022.

3) The cost of repairing vehicles has increased. The cost to repair a threaten to overrun my effectiveness? What are the weeds, and how is your self-leadership impacted? Just as weeds multiply when left unattended, our unresolved issues and lack of structure tend to exacerbate if we ignore them.

To regain control and restore balance, it is helpful to perform a weeding audit. 1. Claim a day/time to begin the weeding. 2. Identify one thing in your life that has been taken over by weeds and is “choking” and/or derailing your effectiveness. 3. Name the weeds. Examples may be procrastination, lack of boundaries, and unhealthy relationships. 4. Identify what action is required to remove them. 5. Choose to take the action steps identified. 6. Once removed, what action is required to prevent the reoccurrence? This process requires reflection and acknowledging the aspects of self-leadership that have been ignored. Identifying and addressing these issues is the crucial first step towards reclaiming your energy and finding life satisfaction.

Completing the weeding process in my yard brings great satisfaction. Completing a personal weeding audit can cleanse our emotional and mental landscape, creating an inviting and enjoyable space within ourselves. Practicing daily steps to prevent the weeds of negativity, selfdoubt, and stagnation from multiplying helps cultivate an environment where personal growth and self-leadership will flourish.

How well we lead/influence others flows from how well we lead ourselves. I invite you to perform a weeding audit consistently. Like

Continued on page 22 vehicle increased by 40% from 2018 to 2022.

4) Bodily Injury claims have skyrocketed. In 2020, personal injury filings in the US surged 97% from the previous year.

To mitigate the rise in expenses, insurance companies are forced to take rate. Some are predicting that they will be forced to take rate increases through 2024. Ouch!

How you can mitigate those price increases:

1) Bundle – most insurance companies give you discounts when you bundle your vehicles and home insurance.

2) Increase your deductibles – the higher the deductible, the lower the premium because you accept more responsibility regarding your risk.

3) Take a Defensive Driving Class – many insurance companies will give you a 10% discount if you take a defensive driving class.

4) Agree to sign up for the telemetric program offered by your insurance company. State Farm’s is called Drive Safe and Save. Your initial discount is 10% but this can increase based on your driving habits (i.e., how fast you start and stop, how you take curves, your overall speed, and the number of miles you drive).

Taking rate is not something insurance companies take lightly. Call your insurance agent and ask what you can do to offset the increases.

More information at (770) 910-3399

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