8 minute read

A New Year and New Goals

By Tana Poncsak

To many, a new year signifies a blank page or a blank screen. To others it means a fresh start. Whatever the onset of a new year brings to mind, it’s never a bad time to reassess your life goals.

According to History.com and The History of New Year’s Resolutions, the first people to make New Year Resolutions were the ancient Babylonians about 4,000 years ago. In the midst of their celebration, they also saw the need to mark the beginning of the new year making sound intentions for the year to come. And we still continue to do that very same thing today.

What’s the difference between a resolution and a goal? In a quick Google search, a resolution is described as “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” A goal is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” Whether you call them resolutions or goals, what are some of the things you are hoping to accomplish during the new year?

Many people like to categorize their goals into the different areas of life such as health, financial, professional, etc. Others have started to condense their efforts into a one-word concept for the new year. Words such as mindful, intentional, grateful, bold, and many others come to mind.

One thing’s for sure, as we say goodbye to one year and hello to the next, what most of us really want is for the new year to be better than the year before. But all the goal setting and resolutions in the world won’t help if once life gets back into full swing and there’s the daily grind to contend with, our intentions for the new year get lost in the shuffle and we fall back into the grip of our old daily habits. So here are some tips for making the most of your New Year’s goals or resolutions. 1. Set aside some time to think about what you want 2022 to be like. 2.Make a list of your top priorities for the year and make sure to clearly define each goal.

Don’t be vague. For example, “Get Healthy” is too vague. Be specific and try to visualize reaching each goal. 3.Make a plan of action of how you expect to accomplish each goal. 4.Keep the list handy and refer to it often throughout the year. Track your progress. 5. Things change, so don’t be afraid to revise and update the list of goals as needed. 6.Finally, pick a time before making your new goals for the next year and assess your progress. Where did you nail it and where did you fall short? And why? Don’t beat yourself up for what you didn’t achieve. Perhaps there was a good reason. Be sure to make note and recognize where you saw progress.

Whatever the new year brings, we hope you realize all your goals and dreams. And we wish you a safe, healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year in 2022!

Meet Latrina Walden Continued from page 18 the end. I know I’m not ready for the full Ironman yet, so I am listening to my body and taking on the half Ironman instead.”

Conditioning for this race has also trickled into Walden’s business and made her a better entrepreneur. “The more I can complete physically,” Walden explained, “the more mental strength I gain. Doing this level of training day in and day out, while being an entrepreneur, mother, and wife is a journey. These workouts allow me one to two hours of mental space where I can solely focus on my overall growth, physical and mental.”

Even while training for the half Ironman, Walden is heading up the LWES process of developing more workbooks, product lines, and an entire study system to give nursing students exactly what they need to succeed and provide ultimate care for their patients.

When asked what advice Walden would offer to an entrepreneur just getting started, she replied, “Be consistent in your business. Make sure you take time for yourself, whether that is working out or finding a therapist. You matter! In order to grow personally and professionally, you have to continue to work on these things regularly.”

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driven to be able to help others financially, spiritually, and emotionally,” says his dad. “His ability to impact the lives of so many people is a testament to his strength.”

As Gino is moving into a new phase in his education and career, the P4 Foundation is embarking upon a “facelift” that will further expand the ability to impact lives. “We are working towards shifting the focus from Gino to shedding light on the impact of a childhood cancer diagnosis,” explains David. “The current pandemic has pointed out that even though people are dealing with all things Covid-related, cancer has not stopped.”

In order to grow the reach of the foundation, the Board has worked closely with many sponsors to tell the stories of exactly how important the work has become. The website and social media presences are being updated, and a new video spotlighting the children and their families who have found a home in the P4 Foundation has been produced. “Even though we had to stop doing events for a while, the work continued,” says David. “Our partners have been incredible in helping us impact the daily lives of our families.”

Each posting is a testament to the bravery among those who fight their diagnosis of childhood cancer each day. Reading the stories gives a great deal of perspective to everyday life, even in the face of pandemic. Every smile shows that empathy is strong among the youth of our community, and it takes just one determined person to make a world of difference. Good luck at school, Gino!

More information at www.P4Foundation.org or Facebook and Instagram.

head to habitat.gwinnett.org/become-a-homeowner to learn about the qualifications needed to be eligible for a home build or other repairs. Those who are a good fit will be prompted to fill out an application to indicate interest in the program, which will then be used to contact potential homeowners about the next Homeowner Orientation. After this required orientation session, Habitat selects the final applicants based on their needs and works with them through a series of workshops to provide future homeowners with the skills and knowledge they need to successfully maintain their mortgage in the future.

Jen is passionate about educating the community on what exactly Habitat for Humanity provides. Contrary to popular misconceptions, they are not just giving away homes. All homeowners are responsible for paying their mortgage. Habitat just gives them an avenue to do so in a way that will allow them to meet their financial needs alongside the needs of their families.

“Habitat works in partnership with sponsors to cover the cost of building the home up front. Habitat then owns the home and sells the home to a partner family at a no-interest mortgage, which is a huge savings factor in the overall cost of your home,” Jen explained. “Our homeowners will never pay more than a third of their income towards their housing costs, allowing them to save up for other important family needs such as health insurance and college funds.”

This philosophy means that more families can have a roof over their head, and that the Gwinnett and Walton communities have a chance to help their neighbors out. If you want to learn more about how you or your company can help Habitat for Humanity, check out their volunteer page for all the opportunities available to anyone who wants to make a difference.

“I love being able to help people who want to help their community find a way to do so through Habitat,” said Jen. “It truly takes a community coming together to build a better home and brighter future for our families.”

More information at habitatgwinnett.org

Habitat for Humanity Continued from page 8


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