2 minute read

From the Publisher: Ryan’s Remarks

By Dr. Ryan T. Sauers

@RyanSauers @RyanTSauers

Goodbye, 2022. Welcome, 2023! It seems that not so long ago, we were saying good riddance to 2020. Man, time flies. I am excited for 2023 – a year of new hopes, dreams, healing, love, fellowship, friends, family, and goals – and am thankful for all the things that are possible with a new year.

I am grateful for family and friends. I am thankful for finishing my Doctorate in Leadership, for our growing radio and podcast network and soon-to-be 24 super guests/episodes on the Our Town Community TV Show. I am grateful for all the amazing business and community partners we have, and for our magazines. I am thankful for our amazing team and for so many more things. You see, my friends, we all have much to be thankful for. As someone recently reminded me, as long as we are “on this side of the dirt,” there is time to be a blessing and make a difference in this world.

However, I am ready for 2023 and the new beginnings that a new year brings. The last nearly 36 months have been draining, unpredictable, and in a state of constant change. So, as we welcome 2023, our team has spent the year thinking of new ideas and business plans. There is much growth in many new areas on the way, so please stay tuned. C

M With that said, this column is written to inspire us to make 2023 an incredible year in the Our Town community. My question to you is Ysimple: How badly do you want to grow as a person this year?

If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to achieve CM it. You will desire to solve things and make life better for everyone. In MY contrast, if you do not want something bad enough, you will find an excuse and complain about everything happening to you and around CY you. It is the way human beings are wired. Yes, indeed, and you can CMY trust me on this as… I am a Doctor in this subject matter. K

So, you see, we have two choices. The first is to stand around and complain and be frustrated about how things are. The second is to do anything in our power to develop a plan and/or find a way to improve things. In this new year, I challenge you to Keep Pushing Forward. This is what I tell all the MBA marketing and leadership students I

Continued on page 16


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