17 minute read

Chortle…A Word for Your Day

By Jane Bishop

Chortle: C-H-O-R-T-L-E. Interesting word, right? I discovered this word several years ago in a Reader’s Digest as I was on my way to meet some friends in another state. They picked me up at the airport and on the drive to their house, I simply asked them, “Have you two chortled lately?” The husband looked at his wife kind of quizzically and shrugged saying, “I don’t know…have we?” All of us then chuckled at this statement, and that, funnily enough, is exactly what chortling is!

This gleeful chuckle or expression of laughter can be the key to releasing tension and feeling relaxed overall. The ebb and flow of life can be challenging, especially during these current times. The trials and tribulations of everyday life can absolutely mount up and it can be hard to find a way out. You may look around at your life and think, “What is there to chortle about?”

It’s not always easy to see, especially through the “stuff.” However, those chortle moments are there. It is up to us to find them and enjoy the moment. Each of us has the power to change our attitude and mindset. It’s our choice, and choice is a powerful life skill. When we shift our mindset, the most unexpected opportunity to chortle can be present. I was speaking with a colleague recently who had some medical issues with his shoulder. He shared with me the doctor’s diagnosis: “Your shoulder is grossly unremarkable.” Well, that cascaded into several minutes of laughter and quips! It was what we each needed in that moment!

I offer you a challenge: no matter where you are in life – the good, the bad, or the ugly – reflect on times you’ve laughed or chortled. Allow that reflection to be a starting point for your humorous release! In fact, chortle itself is a funny word – so laugh about it! Let it bring a smile to your face and some joy to your soul. Allow yourself to free up brain space and clear out “stuff” to keep going forward. Who knows? Maybe your own “grossly unremarkable” moment will trigger a chortle at just the right time!

Jane Bishop is a Positive Interrupter and Leadership Coach. More information at www.janebishop.live.

person. Powerful stuff.

Let me be clear. I am not talking about a threatening situation, a stranger’s advance, or anything along those lines. A stranger reaching out through Facebook, Instagram, a text, or a phone call might require ignoring and blocking and avoiding the communication, all to stop it. Certainly, you want to take the wise and prudent steps to protect yourself.

However, if the outcome that you desire is to maintain a relationship, choosing avoidance with a brief communication gives both parties a chance to be “in the conversation.”

Proactive conflict management. Let it be a way of life.

Barbara Bailey is the co-founder and CEO of The Healing Bridge Foundation.

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Conflict Corner Continued from page 10

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Health Matters Continued from page 17 ments, and how easy they are to schedule. 6. Keep your needs in mind

Every person has unique health needs, and those needs change as people age. Ask your provider about their specialties or areas of interest. For example, a physician who specializes in sports medicine may not be the best choice if you are not a serious athlete. But if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, you may want to look for a provider with a special interest in diabetes care. Those are things to ask when you make that first call or do your research. And if you have multiple complex medical issues, you may benefit from seeing a geriatrician. Geriatricians specialize in care of older patients. 7. Trust your gut

Your primary care provider is going to be a problem-solver and important advocate for your health. It’s critical that you trust them and feel comfortable asking questions. After your first appointment, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends you ask yourself the following: Do you feel at ease with this provider? Did the provider show an interest in getting to know you? Did they answer all your questions? Did they explain things in a way you understood?

If something seems off, trust your instincts, and look for a new provider who is a better fit. You should be comfortable with whomever you choose. (BPT)

like they shouldn’t go together, but as the play proceeds, the two worlds draw each other in until the final act when they destroy each other and create something new.”

And speaking of Falstaff, Grayson Shakespeare veteran Greg Field is taking up his most prominent role yet as the show-stealing Falstaff. “Playing Falstaff this summer comes as such an honor,” he reflects. “I knew ‘of’ Falstaff but did not really know ‘about’ him until reading this play. And to learn that he was probably Queen Elizabeth I’s favorite Shakespearean character adds some pressure bringing him to life.” In fact, Falstaff may be one of the earliest examples of fan service. Her Majesty loved the character so much he shows up in multiple plays and even receives his own spin off in The Merry Wives of Windsor. On the character himself, Field explains, “I see Falstaff as being full of contradiction. I’m not sure I can think of a more lovable yet morally corrupt character in literature. Falstaff is a seedy, serial liar and a thief who spends most of his time in a tavern. Yet his size, his wit, and his self-deprecating humor make him a big ol’ teddy bear that you just want to hug.” And with Field as his player, audiences can count on being as entertained by Falstaff’s antics as Her Majesty was all those years ago.

Ray describes the play in connection with modern shows as he says, “A Game of Thrones-esque political thriller smashed together with a bawdy comedy reminiscent of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Plus, some of the most beautiful poetry in the English language, plenty of laughs, and a finale filled with real sword fights with real swords.” In bringing Shakespeare’s history play to Grayson, Ray hopes “people will appreciate how exciting Shakespeare can be. Shakespeare has written some of the best political thrillers of all time.”

The troupe consists of students, parents, teachers, veterans, and all professions, and for three evenings they’ll transform into some of history’s most infamous figures. Come and see some of Shakespeare’s most intriguing and enduring characters as they battle it out for control of England both on the battlefield and in the tavern in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part I. As always, the show is free and located at the Grayson Ampavilion in Grayson City Park. Bring a chair or blanket and snacks, and make yourselves comfortable.

See you July 22nd through 24th at 6:30!

More information at graysonshakes.org.

Shakespeare Returns Continued from page 18


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THE little BOOK SPOT! Continued from page 10 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. “We are going to focus on diversity – in ability, culture, languages, race, and ethnicity,” Nury shared. “I sincerely believe that everyone is important, and everyone needs to be represented in books. We all need to model literacy at all times. Literacy is aligned to success, high school graduation, self-esteem, and so much more!” Currently, books are offered in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, French, and Traditional Chinese.

Crawford has many plans for this facility, including monthly author visits, puppet shows, and other literacy-based activities. She’d also love to do an annual book celebration/festival. THE little BOOK SPOT is currently seeking volunteers to assist in getting these programs going. There will be no online access for these books because Crawford hopes to bring people in the community back together in person again. Educational games, board games, and other trinkets that celebrate literacy will be in place to help encourage this sense of togetherness as well.

THE little BOOK SPOT currently has no community partners or sponsors, as it’s just getting started, but Crawford has high hopes it will garnish the support of community members who love books and believe in helping communities thrive via literacy and education.

More information at https://thelittlebookspot.godaddysites.com/.

responders to reach downtown Darien, and tourists and locals will simply pick out other destinations more easily accessed. Within a few years, that slow-building Darien charm and reputation for Southern hospitality may be all but again forgotten.

When the entire St. Simons Island causeway and ALL of its several bridges were replaced during the mid-to-late 1980s, the old roads and bridges were fully in place until the new routes were completed. Similarly, when larger cargo ships required a taller Sidney Lanier Bridge to access the port of Brunswick, the U.S. 17 bridge connecting Brunswick to the Jekyll Island causeway and points south remained fully in place until the new bridge (no longer a draw bridge) was ready for duty.

Our GDOT seldom makes judgment errors of this size, but this is a doozy. Commissioner, please head back to the drawing board on this project. The people of Darien didn’t even ask for this bridge, and it certainly isn’t fair to destroy their downtown and years of work to develop tourism to replace the now failing outlet mall along I-95. Asking these folks to lose that bridge for three years is like asking them each to walk the plank. That is simply a bridge too far. There has GOT to be a better GDOT way.

Crane owns the full-service communications firm, CSI Crane. More information at www.CSICrane.com a sudden brain hemorrhage, without ever having an opportunity to say goodbye.

Our brother Brian left the stage and this world early as well in April of 2014. Our family had not spoken with Brian for a few weeks, as he was dealing with his own demons and not returning phone calls. And again, no opportunity was given or received to say goodbye.

Mom never fully recovered from Brian’s departure. Besides family, one of Mom’s pleasures and methods of relaxation had long been smoking, and after fifty years of nicotine, she was really challenged to say goodbye to cigarettes. A couple of near-death hospital stays and dire warnings from her team of physicians finally did inspire her to put the Salems aside, but the damage to her lungs and health was already done.

For most of the last decade, Mom has suffered a cascading series of health setbacks: sepsis, Covid-19, pneumonia, smoldering myeloma, COPD, and eventually acute leukemia. She weathered each of these and continued to fight. She wanted more time with her children, grandchildren, husband, friends, and family. And though it wasn’t always easy, or an existence offering the highest quality of life, with an oxygen supply tether or in tow, she would soldier on.

During her final month, her failing body could not manufacture its own red blood cells and platelets, even with oxygen being pumped into her nostrils and lungs. This meant blood transfusions every other day. The transfusion logistics were quite wearing on her now little less than 100-pound-body, and she soon decided this new blood was only delaying the inevitable, and home hospice would soon follow.

Without those multiple weekly transfusions, Mom’s decline was rapid and came with some pain. Our family surrounded her, and in her last week, there were hours spent holding her hand, lying next to her in bed, sharing memories, and trying to bring her comfort. On our last visit, two days before she went on to a place of peace and no pain, she was squeezing my hand and smiling, her eyes filled with recognition, but her mouth no longer able to fully form words or speech...Buh...

She fell asleep that night before I left, so I again leaned down kissing her on the cheek and forehead and then whispering into her ear, “See you in a little while on the other side. Say hi to Brian for me.” She had been out for at least an hour, but the corners of her mouth still turned up in the slightest smile. Just in the nick of time, I may have finally learned a proper way to say goodbye. See you soon, Shirl. We miss you.

Bill Crane owns the full-service communications firm, CSI Crane. More information at www.CSICrane.com

balance in a challenging environment. This advanced degree of “grace under pressure” allows former service members to push through when a project doesn’t go according to plan, find a solution, and lead a team to success. These are just a few of the core skills veterans bring to their jobs outside of military service. (BPT)

More information at Military.Microsoft.com

A Bridge Too Far Continued from page 11

Military Matters Continued from page 19

Belated Celebration Continued from page 13 rapid succession: RSV, Noro and Rotaviruses, Hand Foot and Mouth disease, and others, as their little immune systems were built out, atop a world and regimen of masks and toddlers becoming potential transmission machines. It took pulling them fully out of daycare to restore them to good health.

Jackman and his leading lady, Sutton Foster, began Broadway previews in the spring of 2022, to rave reviews, when Foster was stricken by Covid within days of the show opening. While audiences remained masked, Broadway re-opened, and after Foster recovered, the invulnerable Wolverine would also face what would be his first case of Covid.

Planning again for life to move on, we locked and loaded our trip for the weekend of June 18-20, 2022. We would celebrate the 6th wedding anniversary of the Carsons, Father’s Day which will perennially overlap their anniversary weekend, introduce the Mites to the Big Apple – and sample bits of celebrations of both Pride Month and Juneteenth.

Our grand trip did finally come together, a luxurious stay at the InterContinental Barclay Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, visits to Central Park and its famed Zoo, as well as a carriage ride, incredible Italian cuisine at Carmine’s just steps off-Broadway, and family dining at Ted’s Montana Grill and Bill’s Burger Bar. Olivia would join us back in Georgia and Alabama for an also delayed family wedding (along with the Carsons), and news of our beloved Shirl/Grammy, and her final day would reach us on our second day in the city. Thankfully we had all surrounded her in the weeks and days prior, and while she was still able to receive and reciprocate, we had shared our love and memories.

But for this moment, I will simply revel in and enjoy this related, belated celebration trifecta – wedding anniversary, Father’s Day, and two national holiday celebrations – on a splurge budget, in part made possible by several years of staycations. It’s great to be back out there, will also take extra steps to make sure you both have what you need to succeed.

“Everyone who works here is here because they love it,” said Dr. Cat. “They love and care about the animals because that’s what’s in their hearts.”

As many people know, Dr. Cat has a special place in her heart for Great Danes and she is currently the president of Southern Style Great Dane Rescue, an organization dedicated to helping surrendered Great Danes get the medical care they need and get loving forever homes. Great Danes are an exceptional breed that require a special level of care. The Southern Style Great Dane Rescue, along with other similar organizations, is dedicated to finding the right homes to ensure they will join a great family that will provide a safe and loving environment for these unique dogs.

So, whether you have just adopted a new pup or want to know how to best care for all six of your cats, your search is over. Dr. Cat and the team at American Heritage Animal Hospital are here to help. Give them a call today to learn how you can set up your appointment and give your furry family members the outstanding care you know they deserve.

More information at www.americanheritageah.com

and when we did catch The Music Man, Mr. Jackman was again out with a second and milder case of Covid, and just as you would expect, the show went on, quite impressively at that. We hope this summer also brings to you and yours a more vibrant return of normalcy, visitations, and vacations. We are all looooonnng overdue. Safe travels all.

Bill Crane owns the full-service communications firm, CSI Crane. More information at www.CSICrane.com

Catching Up with Dr. Cat Continued from page 18

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