5 minute read

Supermom Raises Autistic Son While Battling

Own Invisible Disease

By Traci Sanders

No one would argue that raising two kids is not an easy task. But raising two kids under the age of five, who are only one year apart – one of whom is Autistic – adds an extra challenge.

This was Jennifer Willen’s exact situation by November of 2020. Her son Jacob was born in November of 2018 and was diagnosed with Autism on his second birthday. “There were a few signs here and there that helped us obtain early intervention,” Jennifer shared. “A big one was that Jacob didn’t respond to his name or make eye contact with us. He also used to line his toys up and obsessed over certain topics like the solar system, letters, and numbers.”

Jennifer stressed that it’s crucial to speak to your child’s pediatrician and ask for a referral for evaluation if any of these nontypical behaviors are present. “The sooner they get the therapy, the better,” she explained.

Just over a year after her son was born, Jennifer gave birth to her daughter Adeline and decided to step back from a job she loved in journalism to be home with her babies. She soon found her groove with her kids, but longed to be back in the corporate workspace. Unfortunately, just a few months into her work as a freelancer this time, she began experiencing excruciating back pain, numbness, and tingling. At first, she thought it was a pinched nerve and tried to ignore it. But the pain grew stronger, and she soon found herself exhausted by even minimal activity.

“This was very bothersome to me because I’ve always been a go getter and someone who’s always moving,” Jennifer said.

She soon started noticing her cognitive function and response time being delayed. When it began affecting her work, she finally gave in and went to the doctor. Her general practitioner urged her to head straight to the emergency room to get an MRI because she was failing basic balance tests. The MRI showed multiple lesions on the brain and spine, a major indication of Multiple Sclerosis. After visiting with a neurologist, Jennifer received the official diagnosis of MS in March 2021.

Her symptoms quickly progressed to temporary paralysis (also known as freezing of gait) and blurry vision. “It was so hard because I no longer felt in control of my body,” Jennifer said. “I couldn’t play with my kids like I wanted to. We used to go on family hikes and other adventures, and that all came to a halt.”

Recently Jennifer experienced a yearning to be productive again and use her creative talents to contribute to her family finances and the marketplace, while being back home with her kids. She started a crafting business – creating decorative door signs and wedding/baby shower décor. Tapping into her contacts from her journalism days, Jennifer even landed Lindsay Lohan as a recent client.

Sacred Private Home Care

Jennifer wants people to know that raising a child with Autism, even if you’re managing a chronic disease of your own, can be done. It just takes time and a lot of research. “I’ve become obsessed with learning everything I can about Autism and MS,” Jennifer said. “There’s a long wait list for things like private orthopedic therapy, speech therapy, and other services that my son needs, which can be frustrating.”

Thankfully, Jennifer’s son has a high-functioning variety of Autism, which has been managed through local resources and a strong community of support. MS Lifeline and several Facebook groups have been invaluable resources for Jennifer and her family.

If there’s one thing Jennifer wants to educate people about when it comes to MS is that the disease is not a one-size-fits-all. It can look very different from person to person. “Not everyone with MS ends up in a wheelchair for life, but that doesn’t mean we’re not suffering or that we don’t have a disability,” she said. “In fact, it’s called ‘the invisible disease’ for good reason.”

Jennifer wished she had not waited so long to seek help for her symptoms. “It’s so important to listen to your body and pay attention to symptoms that aren’t quite right,” she added. “I also didn’t practice adequate self-care. I pushed my body too hard too often.”

Jennifer also stressed that it’s very important to find a doctor who listens to your concerns. She went through three different doctors before finding the one that was right for her.

For now, Jennifer has slowed down and is taking life one day at a time, enjoying her children and her crafting business. She has also become an advocate for MS and Autism and even did a walk for MS recently.

More information at https://www.facebook.com/ SimplySouthernCraftsCompany?mibextid=LQQJ4d.

Ryan’s Remarks

Continued from page 7 an environment of mutual respect and reliability. When we act with integrity, we demonstrate our commitment to our values and principles, even when faced with challenges or temptations. This unwavering dedication inspires trust in others, forming a solid foundation for lasting connections.

Trust, the delicate thread that weaves our relationships together, is success’s lifeblood. Trusting relationships are built on integrity, honesty, and authenticity. When we trust one another, we can collaborate more effectively, embrace vulnerability, and achieve greater heights. Trust empowers us to take risks, knowing we have a support network that believes in us and our aspirations.

In a world often marked by skepticism and cynicism, it is vital to remember that the HAIT words hold immense power. They are not mere buzzwords, but guiding principles that can transform lives and communities. By embodying these virtues, we can foster deeper connections, nurture genuine relationships, and create a ripple effect that resonates far beyond our immediate circles.

Continued from page 5 every individual a tailored, detailed home care plan, the staff at Sacred Private Home Care is always willing to advise anyone on what their loved one needs.

“Offering advice to families is what we are here for, and the most asked question every family should know when beginning this process is which service is right for them and their needs,” said Shae. “We are here to help provide our families with the peace of mind they deserve in a quality and comfortable environment.”

If you or someone you know needs in-home health care, you have found your solution with Sacred Private Home Care. Give them a call today at (678) 829-7750 to learn how they can help you thrive at home.

More information at www.sphcllc.com

When we cultivate such values, we create a positive and nurturing ecosystem where success becomes inevitable. Let us strive to exemplify these values not only in our personal lives, but also in our professional endeavors. Let us lift each other, celebrate each other’s victories, and champion the power of these virtues in all our interactions.

Remember, every action we take, no matter how small, has the potential to make a difference. Let us create a world where success is not measured solely by material gain, but by the positive impact we make on the lives of those around us. Together, let us forge a community that stands tall on the pillars of these critical ideas in this article.

These are some thoughts I wanted to share with our fantastic community. Thank you for supporting us and all the small business partners who make a difference in our lives daily. They all operate in a manner built on trust. Finally, and as always, thank you for continuing with me on the journey of my town, your town, OUR TOWN!

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