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Ryan’s Remarks

By Dr. Ryan T. Sauers

I am writing this column for March 2023, and I would be grateful if you could consider a few things that began occurring over three years ago. February 25, 2020: CDC Says COVID-19 is Heading Toward Pandemic Status; March 6, 2020: 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive; March 11, 2020: WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic; March 13, 2020: President Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency (https://www. ajmc.com/view/a-timeline-of-covid19-developments-in-2020).

Wow. Okay, I will stop there. It is difficult for me, and I am sure for you, to read this and see that these events were over three years ago. That said, it seems they were both yesterday and a lifetime ago. This time will be etched into our minds forever. On a personal note, I finished my doctoral studies during the pandemic, defended my dissertation, and obtained my doctorate in leadership in late 2022. I was determined to stay focused on things I could control and to “control the controllables.”

In early March 2020, I first heard the term “pivot” from a friend regarding changes needed in business to be successful. I have since heard the term pivot thousands of times. However, it is funny that this study area is part of my dissertation. We likely all experienced the pandemic in different ways. However, it is fair to say, we have all gone through a once-in-a-lifetime experience together. It has been tough, strange, weird, etc., to have so many things (even those trickle-down effect items) in a constant state of change. Some might say… exhausting!

We are approaching the spring season and warmer weather. This means longer daylight hours and more fun. I predict we will all have a great spring and summer of 2023. Also, I may not know you directly, but your feedback and encouragement to me (directly or indirectly) are greatly appreciated. Your support helps me remain optimistic and encouraging in writing these columns, magazines, speaking, radio, TV, podcast shows, etc. Iron (indeed) sharpens iron.

Let me encourage us all to take a moment and reflect on the past three years so we can appreciate where we are now. It has been Tough. Unprecedented. Frustrating. Confusing. Overwhelming. Unknown, etc. Quite frankly, no words are good enough to encompass or describe how

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