3 minute read

Finding Wellness with Dr. Chris’ Natural Remedies

By Kristen Eleveld

We can all relate to the discomfort we have when something just feels off in our bodies. Maybe you are suffering from an injury that won’t seem to heal, or maybe you keep getting headaches you can’t explain. Whatever you’re dealing with, you can look to the team at Dr. Chris’ Natural Remedies in Snellville to help you not only find health-care, but experience true healing and wellness.

“We’ve come to understand that most of the ailments and chronic diseases that plague people’s health are due to an imbalance in the body,” said Dr. Kerith Powell, who is part of the team at Dr. Chris’ Natural Remedies.

The rest of the team includes Sunshyne Purnell, Rekei Master; Dr. Chris Greene, Nutrition Response Testing; Dr. Ronda Ward, Traditional Naturopath; and Dr. Legend Bourne, Exercise Specialist.

“You deserve to be treated by a doctor who sees your pain as a sign that something is wrong and not just an inconvenience,” Dr. Powell said.

While chiropractors are traditionally associated with treating pain in the neck and back, Dr. Powell and the other team members are committed to treating more than just your pain. They take a holistic approach that doesn’t just include your symptoms; they also work with you to understand your lifestyle and nutrition so they can give you the best next steps for better healing.

In order to offer their patients the very best care for total body healing, Dr. Powell and his colleagues make use of both ancient and modern means to provide the treatment that each patient needs. This approach means that each person is viewed as an individual, and not just one of many people who pass through the office each day. Treatment plans will often include elements like examining patients’ diet and exercise, water intake levels, and sleep. Once the chiropractors understand more about the patient, they can employ healing methods like Reiki, Chinese Medicine, Iridology, Nutrition Response Testing, chiropractic, therapeutic activities, cryotherapy, custom orthotics, Vibe Plate, NES and ZYTO.

In fact, Dr. Powell has also observed that the ZYTO scan, which is a non-invasive test, has risen in popularity and practice over the last several years. Because this technology can give you vital information about your body through a simple scan of your palm, many healthcare providers are turning to this option as a way of learning the ailments of their patients without having to put them through extensive testing and bloodwork.

“The human body is one of the most complex and fascinating things in the universe,” said Dr. Powell. “We love researching it, healing it, and finding new ways to improve it.”

The providers at Dr. Chris’ Natural Remedies are so committed to increasing their knowledge of healing and wellness that they created their own ZYTO biosurvey, which means their patients can take advantage of the technology available without having to seek out additional care.

The level of care rises still further at this practice as they have worked to provide a wide variety of wellness options. Services like

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Holiday Matters Continued from page 9 get the idea. Be creative and ask for help! • Don’t overwhelm yourself and your family with holiday activities. Pick a few that are manageable and let the others go. And even with the hustle and bustle of the season, remember to make self-care a priority. • With gift giving, it’s the thought that counts. Don’t feel like you have to spend a small fortune. A small thoughtful gift or handmade gift can be just as personal and meaningful than an expensive one. • Don’t compare your holiday to the holiday of others. The season is not meant to be a competition. • Be more thankful for the things you accomplish instead of sad about the things that you don’t get to on your list. You can look

forward to the ones you didn’t get to for next year. • Always keep in mind the perfect holiday doesn’t exist. There are always things that are out of our control. • If loved ones can’t make it to your holiday celebration, keep in mind the holidays are a relatively short period of time within a year, and there are another 300+ days in the year giving us plenty of other opportunities to spend time with loved ones. Plan something for later when the timing is better and everyone can be more relaxed.

At the end of the holiday, take some time to reflect. What went well? What didn’t go as well? Were there any surprises? And make notes for a head start on next year.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!

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