Wandoan local tourism action plan draft 25 1 16

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Wandoan & District Local Tourism Action Plan Western Downs Local Tourism Action Plans DRAFT: January 2016



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3


VISITOR MARKET REVIEW........................................................................................................... 4


PRODUCT AND EXPERIENCE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 8


SWOT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 10




ACTION PLAN .............................................................................................................................. 12


APPENDIX – WANDOAN PRODUCT AND EXPERIENCE AUDIT ............................................. 22


1. INTRODUCTION This Local Tourism Action Plan has been prepared on the basis of an independent market analysis and review, and the priority projects and tourism development concepts identified by the Wandoan and district community within the timeframe of the Western Downs Tourism Investment Project. Project development and identification has been guided and led by the Wandoan and District Local Tourism Action Plan Reference Group. Purpose of the Local Tourism Action Plan The purpose of the Western Downs Tourism Investment Project is to support economic development by undertaking local tourism planning and tourism related infrastructure development within the Western Downs region. The key objective of the overall program is to deliver tourism related projects, activities and initiatives that support and enhance tourism and economic development in the Western Downs region. The Draft Action Plan includes:   

A Tourism Market Review and supporting analysis Tourism Project Proposals which capture projects, activities and initiatives nominated by the Wandoan and district community A prioritised listing of tourism projects, activities and initiatives that were developed within the available timeframe that are considered eligible for funding under the Western Downs Tourism Investment Project.

The Local Tourism Action Plan is intended to complement existing strategic planning initiatives at local and regional levels and be used as a reference document for both community and Council to guide the delivery of future tourism initiatives. Projects within the Prioritised Tourism Action Plan will be assessed by the WDRC/ Australia Pacific LNG Tourism Investment Reference Group and considered for funding and implementation over the three year project term.


The majority of visitors to Western Downs are day visitors (53%).

2. VISITOR MARKET REVIEW The Western Downs Regional Council area received approximately 725,340 visitors in 2015 (approximately 14% of the visitors to the Southern Queensland Country (SQC) tourism 1 region ). Visitation to Western Downs has grown by approximately 2.3% per year since 2010 higher than the 1.8% per year for Southern Queensland Country as a whole.

The Domestic Overnight market accounted for approximately 45% of all visits to the region. International visitors represent a small 1% of overall visits. Western Downs Visitor Market Mix, June 2015 Int., 1%

Figure 1: Western Downs Visitor Numbers, June 2015 780,000 760,000 740,000 720,000 700,000 680,000 660,000 640,000 620,000 600,000 580,000

Dom. O/N, 45%

Day, 53% ↑2.3% p.a.






2015 Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015

Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015

Visitors to Western Downs spent approximately 1.4 million nights in 2015 (17% of total visitor nights to SQC), and has grown by 16.3% p.a. since 2010. The average length of stay for domestic overnight visitors was 3.4 nights, while international visitors stayed for an average of 28.3 nights in region. Figure 2: Western Downs Visitor Nights, June 2015

Purpose of Visit The main purpose of visit to Western Downs was for holiday purposes (33%) followed closely by business (32%) and then visiting friends and relatives (VFR) (24%) and other (11%). Figure 4: Main Purpose of Visit to Western Downs, June 2015

1,600,000 1,400,000

Other, 11%

1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000

Holiday, 33%


600,000 400,000

Bus , 32%

200,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015


Unless otherwise indicated, all visitor data relating to the Western Downs Region and its constituent parts is sourced from Tourism Research Australia’s International Visitor Survey and National Visitor Survey for the Year Ending June 2015. To aid data reliability, all data is based on three-year rolling averages, rather than annual visitor data.

VFR, 24%

Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015


Since 2010, the business market has seen the highest increase in visitation, increasing on average by 21.8% p.a. During the same time period, the holiday market has decreased by 4.1% p.a. This performance follows the overall Southern Queensland Country trend since 2010 where the business market has grown by approximately 14.3% p.a. while holiday, VFR and other markets have remained steady. Analysis shows that visiting for business purposes is more dominant in Western Downs than in Southern Queensland Country as a whole – where holiday was the main purpose of visit (29%), followed by VFR (26%) and Business (19%). Age Profile of Visitors to Western Downs The majority of visitors to Western Downs were over the age of 55 years (28%). Strong growth in the 40-44 age bracket also took place since 2010.

Travel Party Domestic overnight visitors mainly travelled alone to Western Downs (32%). Other significant travel party types included adult couples, family groups with children, friends or relatives without children, and business associates travelling without spouses (Figure 6). Figure 6: Major Travel Party Types to Western Down, June 2015s Sporting/community group Business associates without spouse Business associates with spouse Friends/relatives without children Friends/relatives with children Family group (w/ children) Adult couple Alone 0%

Figure 5: Western Downs Visitor Age Profile, June 2015





Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015

55+ 50-54

Accommodation Used by Visitors


Over half (54%) of domestic visitors stayed in private accommodation (such as friends and relatives’ houses), while 20% stayed in hotels and 19% stayed in other commercial accommodation.

40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24

Visitor Activities

15-19 0%




Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015

Origin of Western Downs Visitors The majority of domestic overnight visitors to Western Downs were from South East Queensland: Brisbane (32%), Darling Downs (29%), Sunshine Coast (10%) and the Gold Coast (5%). 85% of visitors are from Queensland and 15% from interstate.

Visiting friends and relatives was the most popular activity amongst domestic overnight visitors to Western Downs, followed by eating out, going to a pub/club, and sightseeing. Popular activities included; bushwalking, fishing, visiting national/state parks, picnics/BBQs and exercise.


Figure 7: Main Visitor Activities in Western Downs, June 2015

Western Downs Visitor Profile Summary  Approximately 725,340 visitors  Visitation has grown by 2.3%p.a. since 2010

Exercise Picnics or BBQs

 Approximately 1.4 million visitor nights  Nights have grown by 16.3%p.a. since 2010

Visit national /state parks Fishing Shopping

 Domestic day visitors accounted for the largest proportion of all visitors (53%)

Bushwalking Sightseeing Pubs, clubs, etc

 Older age groups formed the majority of the region’s visitors

Eat out / dine VFR 0%




 The majority of domestic overnight visitors travelled alone (32%)


Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015

 Approximately 54% of domestic overnight visitors stayed in private accommodation (e.g. with friends and relatives). Figure 8: Visitation and Expenditure by Local Government Area in the Southern Qld Country Tourism Region, 2013

Domestic Overnight % holiday % VFR % other Average Stay (nights) Spend per Night Domestic Overnight Spend International Spend per Night International Spend Domestic day trip Spend per Trip Day Spend Total Visitor spend


South Burnett

Southern Downs

Western Downs




704,600 21% 51% 28% 2.8

174,300 36% 39% 25% 3.1

317,600 51% 36% 13% 2.4

298,400 35% 29% 36% 3.0

121,400 34% n/a n/a 2.3

68,300 54% n/a n/a 2.8

201,900 33% 23% 44% 3.5

$105.50 $205M

$82.60 $45.2M

$124.30 $94.5M

$91.40 $81.8M

$88.10 $24.4M

$76.50 $14.4M

$85.00 $59.9M

22,100 $51.30 $26.2M

3,000 $25.10 $1M

8,700 $35.40 $9.9M

7,900 $38.20 $7.1M

2,500 $29.70 $1.6M

2,200 $46.00 $3.9M

7,000 $31.70 $5.2M








$120.90 $229.1M $460.4M

$83.50 $29M $75.3M

$75.50 $37.9M $142.3M

$90.30 $40.6M $129.5M

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

Source: Tourism Research Australia Local Government Profiles 2013 6

Visitor Expenditure Based on data derived from the National and International Visitor Surveys, the visitor economy currently approximately $152.6 million of direct visitor spend into the Western Downs region. This is based on domestic day, domestic overnight and international visitors 2 spending an average of $87.50, $94.30 and $43.60 per night/trip in Western Downs. This estimated spend generated from visitors to the region supports approximately 2,600 direct jobs, and has a flow on effect of $228.9 million supporting approximately 2,300 indirect jobs

The ability to analyse and interpret national survey data at district level is limited, but it is possible to identify some trend information. In the Year Ending June 2015, approximately 82,740 people visited the Miles/ Wandoan districts, making up approximately 11.5% of all visitors to Western Downs. Visitors to the Miles/ Wandoan districts have on average, increased by approximately 15.9% p.a since 2010. However, statistics indicate that annual visitor numbers have been declining since 2013. Visitors to Miles/ Wandoan spent a total of approximately 358,420 visitor nights in the area.

Wandoan and District Visitor Statistics Due to small sample sizes and statistical areas within the tourism survey data, the Wandoan and Miles Districts have been analysed together.

Approximately 68% of the market was Domestic overnight visitors, with on average length of stay of approximately 5 nights.

Figure 9: Visitation to Western Downs Districts 2010-2015 500,000 ↓0.7%p.a.

450,000 400,000

Town Visitation

350,000 300,000 250,000


200,000 150,000 ↑15.9%p.a .

100,000 50,000


2010 Chinchilla





2014 Tara

2015 Jandowae/Dalby

Source: Tourism Research Australia; IVS, DVS, year ending June 2015


Spend per night estimates are based on Tourism in Local Government Areas 2013 factsheets released by TRA for Western Downs, with CPI included to estimate 2015 average spends. 7

3. PRODUCT AND EXPERIENCE REVIEW This section of the Local Tourism Action Plan provides a summary review of the area’s key tourism products and experiences. A full audit in tabular format will be added into the appendix in section 7 prior to completion of the action plan.

As Wandoan is a small community, a wide range of attractions and experiences are not expected by visitors, however it still needs to provide reasons or incentives for visitors to stop. These can be practical (rest break) or active - in the sense of something to see or do.

Visitor accommodation options as a whole are appropriate to current and anticipated visitor demand.

Wandoan has assets which can be attractors for visitors - Juandah Heritage Site, murals, the windmill, local stories and heritage sites with targeted investment these can be refreshed and brought to life - providing improved incentives for visitors to stop. Overall look and feel is an area where additional investment would be beneficial.

The key consideration for Wandoan and district from an accommodation perspective is servicing its core visitor market – the touring/drive/caravan sector. As such, Waterloo Plain Environmental Park is important - providing a well signposted and promoted site with suitable facilities has an important role to play.

The iconic grain silos are already synonymous with Wandoan and using their façade as a canvas for a large-scale mural provides an interesting development opportunity/ talking point. Similarly, building visitor interest through developing murals which tell the story of Wandoan has potential to be a unique attractor as well as generator of positive PR.


Additional development of local driving routes (iconic spots) can also play a role in providing options which incentivise visitors to spend more time in the region.

Visitor Accommodation

Wandoan’s location directly on the Leichhardt Highway is central to its tourism potential. Wandoan is Western Downs’ northern gateway.


Located on a busy touring route, Wandoan’s tourism potential largely rests in its ability to attract travellers to choose to stop, whether for a quick rest stop or overnight.

Wandoan already has success with its Polocrosse and Race Day events. For a small community, these events are exceptionally well attended.

Maximising the potential of this location should be a priority for investment.

Ensuring that the community and businesses are aware of the events and the opportunities available is important in terms of maximising impact. Similarly, as part of a regional program, targeted marketing support can play an essential role in building event awareness.

Visitor Attractions and Experiences Tourism thrives on providing reasons to visit, whether for business, holiday or other specific purposes. In other words - the experiences which persuade visitors to choose Wandoan over other similar destinations. Stopping distances between areas on the Leichhardt mean that travellers do not have to stop at Wandoan.

Visitor Servicing Wandoan VIC performs an important visitor servicing role - it is located in a highly visible highway-side location which offers the potential for it to perform an effective gateway function. However, limited volunteering resources mean that the centre is not open for


as wide a range of hours as would be ideal. Investment to improve the visibility/ connectivity of the centre and provide an out of hours information facility would boost its impact. Alongside the VIC, information boards and signposting also have important roles to play in aiding visitor orientation and awareness. Targeted investment can improve on existing provision.

In terms of look and feel, Wandoan and district would benefit from targeted investment to improve;  Gateway visibility and appearance  ‘Beautification’ - tree planting  Investment in Waterloo Plains Park to upgrade from a visitor perspective  Mural development on building façades.

Key Visitor Market Sectors Infrastructure The architecture, design, and general look and feel of a place play a large part in how visitors perceive and use a destination. Many components contribute to this all important sense of place. Streetscape, tidiness, a safe environment, lighting, gateways, public art, building design/local vernacular all play contributing roles in contributing to building a unique look and feel.

Wandoan and district’s key visitor markets largely reflect the target markets at a regional level, but its northern location on the Leichhardt Highway has also has an impact. The key target visitor market is;  Drive holiday touring visitors (Queensland and interstate).


4. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths


 Location on the Leichhardt Highway – a major touring route  Juandah Historical Site  Cultural Hall facility – events venue  Iconic Windmill visible from the Highway  Relaxed country setting  Sports events - races, polocrosse  Waterloo Plains Park facilities  Known for murals  Strong range of accommodation available in the area including motels and camping opportunities,

 Signposting/ gateway welcome not as clear as it could be  Seasonal visitor patterns (weather)  Limited volunteer resources mean the VIC can only provide a service at certain times  The area can improve its RV-friendliness parking, signing, facilities at Waterloo Plain Environmental Park etc  Interpretative information telling the story of Wandoan is limited  Public realm and general look & feel of the destination is a little tired in parts.



 Building RV and touring friendly status – Waterloo Plain Environmental Park promotion and upgrading  Marketing support to capitalise on Wandoan events  Build on the murals concept to provide a talking point/ positive PR / reason to visit. The grain silos offer the potential for development as a landmark talking point/attractor  Taking advantage of the location on a key inland Queensland Driving route – ensure Wandoan is profiled via the drive route partnership  Build the look and feel of Wandoan public realm to build visitor appeal (planting for shade, interpretative information etc)  Building community awareness of tourism and events - to consider opening hours, likely visitor demand (related to events)  Developing attractive gateway signing and welcome as a means of raising visitor awareness  Upgrade VIC facilities to provide 24hr information  Improve signposting and interpretative information at Juandah Historical site

 Perception of area tied to gas and resources  Lack of awareness – visitors passing on by  Economic uncertainty leading to decreases in services and population  Failure to work in partnership within the region will mean benefits are not fully capitalised upon.



Tourism District

Elements to consider in positioning include;  Wandoan is the northern gateway to the region, and has a key role to play in providing a welcoming first impression of the region.

prosperity and liveability, where visitor expenditure supports Wandoan and district’s businesses and communities. As the Region’s northern gateway, Wandoan will provide an enticing and high quality welcome to the Western Downs.

 Located directly on Leichhardt Highway – a key touring route.

Community, industry and regional partners working together to;

 Making it easy for visitors – raising awareness and making it easy for visitors to choose Wandoan as a destination to stop at.

 Attract increased number of visitors from its key target visitor market – touring visitors  Build a positive identity for Wandoan among the community, visitors and stakeholders  Raise the standards of the town in order to provide a high quality and welcoming gateway experience to the Western Downs region.

 Telling and presenting Wandoan’s untold stories to visitors.





Maximise tourism’s contribution to future

Delivery Roles and Responsibilities To be confirmed to discussion with Wandoan and district community and Western Downs Regional Council.


6. ACTION PLAN Table 1 shows a summary of proposed projects and their alignment against Southern Queensland Country Destination Tourism Plan themes.

Summary Table 1: Alignment of Project Proposals with Southern Queensland Country DTP Themes

Preserve the Region’s Nature and Culture APLNG-Eligible Projects Wandoan Visitor Information Upgrade Wandoan Town Entry Signage Project Murals In & Around Wandoan - Silos

Southern Queensland Country DTP Themes Target a Deliver Quality Building Offer Iconic Balanced Service and Strong Experiences Portfolio of Innovation Partnerships Markets

   

  

Murals In & Around Wandoan - Pocket  Park Regional APLNG-Eligible Projects Impacting on Wandoan and District 100 Tourism Messages Project CBD Wi-Fi Project Community Radio Signage – Western Downs Greater Western Downs Tourism Marketing Project Community Radio Studios Tara and Wandoan Greater Western Downs Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) - proposal to

  

 

Growing Investment and Access

 12

establish a sustainable tourism network/ partnership Project Ideas Identified via Community Consultation Tree project along highway, as detailed in Wandoan Visitor & Recreation Precinct  Concept Masterplan - Nov 2008 Waterloo Plains Environmental Park Installation of fire pit & beautification Wandoan main street beautification Development and delivery of future mural projects: a) Jimmy Fruit Fly building b) School tennis court hitting wall c) Toilet block in O'Sullivan Park d) Back of Bowls Club e) Refurbishment of Town Water Tank mural Marketing to support impact of Wandoan Sporting events including Polocrosse Build appeal of Juandah Heritage site via upgraded information and interpretation

  


APLNG-Eligible Projects The following projects were identified by the Wandoan and District Community and via regionally identified/developed initiatives. The projects have been ranked in priority order by the Wandoan and District Project Reference Group.

Project Description

Wandoan Visitor Information Upgrade Project The project seeks to implement a comprehensive signposting scheme to improve attractiveness and visibility of Wandoan. The project focuses on beautification and marketing enhancement in terms of physical appearance of the town to;  Entice travellers to stop, by providing a point of difference.  This project links in with the Town Entry Signage Project, to build an iconic identity through consistent design strategies and physical eye appeal of signage and information throughout our district.

Lead & Support Delivery Organisations WDRC/ Wandoan Community Commerce and Industry Inc/ WDRC/ Danthonia Designs

Timing Installation by March 2017

KPI / Target Project Output  Improve visitor orientation and information relay, through delivery of co-ordinated signposting at Wandoan Visitor Information Centre, Jundah Heritage Site & Waterloo Plains Environmental Park

Local Reference Group Priority Project Ranking


The project includes the design, building & installation of:  2 x Map & Information signs (located at Juandah Heritage Site & Waterloo Plains Environmental Park)  1 x Interactive LED display board, map and information sign (located at Wandoan Visitor Information Centre). Murals In & Around Wandoan – Silos Develop and deliver new high quality murals on the iconic silos in Wandoan which tell the unique story and history of the town.

Wandoan Community Commerce and Industry Inc

Installation by June 2017

 Improved visitor experience in Wandoan, enriched with local history and humorous commentary



 Positive public relations and media attention for Wandoan and Western Downs  Preservation of Wandoan’s nature and culture in murals.

Successful implementation of the murals will seek to;  Improve visual appeal of the town, providing a boost to community and business confidence  Provide a new visitor attraction for Wandoan, for people of all ages  Generate positive public relations and media attention for Wandoan  Draw upon local knowledge & memories, and relay them in a timeless piece, linked together as a collection of memories, humorous and commendatory stories. The project will include: 1. Concept canvases from potential artists 2. Community consultation on concepts & designs submitted by artists. These designs will be hung in the Wandoan Library for public viewing 3. Painting of murals on 2 silos by artist/s - including community viewing/school educational tours/reviews/local media coverage The project may also lead to the following for Wandoan, and the Western Downs:  Becoming a sister city to Northam, Western Australia with iconic artistic similarities  Linking in with the 2017 First Coat - Art & Music Festival in Toowoomba, as a satellite mural  Creation of an iconic art scene that will draw tourists and visitors of different demographics to our region.

Murals In & Around Wandoan - Pocket Park Develop and deliver new high quality murals on identified locations in Wandoan which tell the unique story and history of the town.

Wandoan Community Commerce and Industry Inc/ Wandoan Reference Group/ Kontraband Studios/ B&M Redgen

Installation by July 2016

 Improved visitor experience in Wandoan, enriched with local history and humorous commentary



Successful implementation of the murals will seek to;  Improve visual appeal of the town, providing a boost to community and business confidence  Provide a new visitor attraction for Wandoan, for people of all ages  Generate positive public relations and media attention for Wandoan  Draw upon local knowledge & memories, and relay them in a timeless piece, linked together as a collection of memories, humorous and commendatory stories. An interactive display panel will be installed in front of the mural to explain the meaning behind the artwork/mural and to provide an emotive connection between visitors and the town of Wandoan. The aim is include the project in the 2016 First Coat - Art & Music Festival, as a satellite mural. The project will include: 1. Concept canvases from potential artists 2. Community consultation on concepts & designs submitted by artists. These designs will be hung in the Wandoan Library for public viewing 3. Painting of murals by artist/s - including community viewing/school educational tours/reviews/local media coverage 4. Hosting a community event in line with the mural being painted, to get community involvement and help with media coverage.

Wandoan Town Entry Signage Project The project seeks to boost the visual appearance of the Wandoan and Guluguba town entrances through visually dynamic signposting.

WDRC/ Wandoan Community Commerce and Industry Inc/ WDRC/ Dept of Main Roads/ Delivery Team & Danthonia Designs

Installation by March 2017

 Development of a visual identity through signposting that entices the drive through visitor market to stop, explore and



The desired signage will be unique to the district and provides a point of difference to showcase individuality, promote community culture and to display a sense of pride and ownership to the visiting public.

ultimately spend time and money within our communities, providing economic stimulus through the tourism market

The signage is designed to provide an emotive response to travellers and a sense of connection to the community they are visiting, it is a first impression, an introduction and a welcome to our community. For travellers this emotional connection promotes an opportunity to stop, explore and ultimately spend time and money within our communities. Project to include:  2 x Main large signs, Northern point, Southern point,  2 x small sign Eastern point, Western point  2 x small signs into Guluguba  (Main feature signs are a collage of materials and etchings representing a story of Wandoan and District).

Community Radio Studios Tara and Wandoan Provide radio studios in Tara and Wandoan to:  Enhance local tourist information content on air  Provide local and up to date community and charity event information  Provide tourists with updates during/ and or after emergency events (i.e. road closures)  Where required, utilise the facilities and volunteers to provide tourist information services  Provide an additional tourist attraction in these towns.

4ddd Community Radio/ WDRC/ community groups/ local chambers


 Improve the tourism experience by providing up to date community, tourism and event information


Studios to be located in:  Tara in the new Visitor Information building (project driven by Tara Futures Group) 17

Wandoan – unused dressing room in Wandoan Cultural Centre.

Community Radio Signage – Western Downs To provide road sign signage to promote tourism in the Western Downs by providing the radio frequencies for drivers into the towns.

4ddd Community Radio/ WDRC/ community groups/ local chambers


4ddd Community Radio/ WDRC/ community groups/ local chambers


 Provision of signage


 Enhanced tourism information by community radio


 Delivery of one year marketing program – 10 % growth in visitor numbers


To provide signage on each major road into, Dalby, Tara, Wandoan, Meandarra and Moonie with the radio frequencies of community radio in each area.

100 Tourism Messages Project Creation of 100 x 30 seconds tourism messages promoting the benefits of tourism and special tourist attractions (and destinations) in the Western Downs region. These messages will be played throughout the day on 4ddd Community Radio in Dalby, Tara, Wandoan, Meandarra and Moonie and online at www.radio4ddd.com.au Greater Western Downs Tourism Marketing Project The application of an amount to be determined of current APLNG WDRC committed funds to collect and market Western Downs tourism attractions, opportunities, events, arts and culture, natural history, indigenous and postsettlement history, local produce and cuisine, industry including multifaceted agribusiness and energy extraction and production, heroes, stories and pathways (tourism product) by:  Creating a Western Downs tourism identity as a tourism region  Identifying and collecting existing Western Downs

Western Downs Chambers of Commerce/ WDTIP Reference Groups, WDRC/ APLNG



 

tourism products Packaging Western Downs tourism products Collaboratively and regionally marketing Western Downs tourism including by way of a website, tourism App and coordinated tourism signage and by electronic and print media

Establish and implement a tourism research program to inform marketing campaigns and activity. The research plan will be development alongside detailed marketing planning and will include  Regional Visitor survey to gain an accurate understanding of customer motivations, origins and activities  Build a customer database (including via the VICs) to be utilised for marketing and research purposes  Business survey to build understanding of business perspectives on customer behaviour/ motivations This Project will operate for a period of one (1) year during the process of establishment of a Western Downs Local Tourism Organisation*. The 6 WDTIP Tourism District Reference Groups anticipate that this work be performed by a dedicated full-time tourism officer expert in publicity engaged by WDRC for the purpose. It is anticipated that this person will then move into the Western Downs local Tourism Organisation upon establishment after membership of a Western Downs local Tourism Organisation establishment steering committee. CBD Wi-Fi Project A program to provide free public Wi-Fi in the CBD areas of Chinchilla, Dalby, Jandowae, Miles, Tara & Wandoan.

Western Downs Regional Council


 Provision of free public wi-fi in CBDs



Greater Western Downs Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) - proposal to establish a sustainable tourism network/ partnership The establishment of a regional Western Downs tourism development business unit either as:  A Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) operating per SQCT guidelines;  An independent self-sustaining not for profit entity; or  A business unit of WDRC. Its purpose being:  To create a Western Downs tourism identity as a tourism region for each community to create a Town Brand as part of Greater Western Downs  To identify and/or collect Western Downs tourism attractions, opportunities, events, arts and culture, natural history, indigenous and postsettlement history, local produce and cuisine, industry including multifaceted agribusiness and energy extraction and production, heroes, stories and pathways (tourism product)  To develop a detailed Business Plan for operation of the business unit  Employment of qualified tourism staff, for example, a full-time tourism marketing and publicity, an admin assistant, a researcher to collect our tourism product  Engage/contract photography and videography production, graphic design and IT website and App design specialisation  To package Western Downs tourism products  To collaboratively market Western Downs tourism

WDRC, APLNG, WD Chambers of Commerce, WDTIP Reference Groups


 Establish Steering Committee  Establish tourism identity and grow Western Downs visitor numbers  Development of a business plan for design and operation of a dedicated Western Downs tourism business unit  Collation and identification of Western Downs tourism opportunities and events log  Package and market Western Downs tourism events and attractions





including by way of a website, tourism App and coordinated tourism signage To asses and determine, coordinate development, seek funding and assist to deliver completion of identified Western Downs tourism projects To create and place coordinated tourism signage (which may have been created per the regional Marketing Project Plan).

Project Proposals The following project proposals were identified by the Wandoan and District Community and via regionally identified/developed initiatives: Lead & Support Timing KPI / Target Project Output Delivery Organisations Project Ideas Identified via Community Consultation (which have not yet been developed as projects or proposals) Tree project along highway, as detailed in Wandoan Visitor & Recreation Precinct Concept TBC Masterplan - Nov 2008 Waterloo Plains Environmental Park - Installation of TBC fire pit & beautification Project Description

Wandoan main street beautification Development and delivery of future mural projects: a) Jimmy Fruit Fly building b) School tennis court hitting wall c) Toilet block in O'Sullivan Park d) Back of Bowls Club e) Refurbishment of Town Water Tank mural Marketing to support impact of Wandoan Sporting events including Polocrosse Build appeal of Juandah Heritage site via upgraded information and interpretation






A full experience and product audit is currently being prepared.


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