Bridging the Gap
Del Paso Heights- pg
Shape Genera6on
3 spaces
Color Explora6on
Word play: Amorphous
3d Cubic Explora6on
Abstrac6on Chaos and Order
Parasite Project
Del Paso Heights Analysis Site plan
AA Sec6on
Del Paso Heights is a a community Within the Sacramento area in northern California (USA) that presents one of the highest level of poverty South Eleva6on .This project is meant to develop Awareness of local environment as well as an intent to Re-dynamise / improve the city with innovaGve soluGons
I Propose A Hybrid urban space.
A learning center/ commercial facility and a residenGal building (18 units – 1 brd- 2brd and studios) and an Plaza in between
Residen6al Eleva6on
North Eleva6on commercial Learning center
Interior learning center
3 Spaces The objecGve of this project was to design 3 inter-connected spaces that fulfill Each a pre determined funcGon. We where required to choose a poet , then Design a library influenced by the poet work. Also, I was required to design a gallery for an arGst of my choice. My effort had to represent the parGcular style of an architecture firm. I chose MAD architects because of the natural elements implied in the architecture that inspires me.
PerspecGve view- South west facing
PerspecGve north facing Plan secGon
Bridging The Gap “Bridging the gap� is a project given to us student at Cosumnes River College In Sacramento California, as creaGve exercise for encouraging researches and analyGc thinking. The objecGve was to create a bridge that convey experiences Between the two point of connecGon. Analysis
South elevaGon
IniGal idea Developed idea
Shape Genera6on “Its all about the creaGve process”
Word Play Create a model that represent the word “Amorphous” Researches: Shape, material…
Cubic Explora6on Explore possibiliGes using Cubes, textures and composiGon
Chaos/Order Chaos represented
Parasite Project Using foam cups, hot glue and wire, me And Classmates created a installaGon In our college facility
Order represented
Abstrac6on Project Represent an abstracGve idea of what a building could be
Color Explora6on Explore possibiliGes through analogous , complimentary
Personal exploraGon Those project are a personal and reect the vivid interest I have for art, illustraGon and graphism. IniGally, I hand draw some subject then use Photoshop to render (digital painGng).
Fruits observa6on drawing